
33701 search results (45 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (19)
Abadi (3)
Abanyom (2)
Abau (6)
Abkhaz (2)
Abu (3)
Abui (38)
Aceh (109)
Adabe (1)
Adang (5)
Adi (17)
Adi, Galo (18)
Adnyamathanha (2)
Adonara (27)
Adyghe (2)
Adzera (31)
Aekyom (11)
Agarabi (1)
Agob (855)
Agta, Casiguran Dumagat (1)
Agta, Central Cagayan (5)
Agta, Dupaninan (68)
Ahtena (79)
Ahwai (1)
Aiklep (1)
Aimele (1)
Aiome (2)
Aiton (8)
Ajië (3)
Ak (5)
Akei (6)
Akrukay (2)
Alamblak (1)
Alekano (3)
Alor (5)
Alta, Northern (1)
Alyawarr (17)
Amaimon (2)
Amanab (2)
Amarasi (206)
Amba (retired) (2)
Ambae, East (55)
Ambae, West (28)
Ambrym, North (13)
Ambrym, Southeast (16)
Ambulas (4)
Amele (4)
Amharic (2)
Ami (3)
Andra-Hus (4)
Aneityum (48)
Angal (2)
Angal Enen (2)
Angal Heneng (2)
Angor (2)
Angoram (11)
Anindilyakwa (138)
Anmatyerre (3)
Anor (2)
Ansus (2)
Ap Ma (5)
Apali (3)
Apma (67)
Arabana (270)
Arabic, Standard (2)
Araki (3)
Arammba (2)
Aranda, Lower Southern (63)
Arandai (3)
Arapesh, Bumbita (6)
Are (3)
Aribwatsa (10)
Aribwaung (9)
Arifama-Miniafia (2)
Arop-Sissano (2)
Arosi (25)
Arrarnta, Western (2)
Arrernte, Eastern (193)
Aruamu (2)
Askopan (2)
Asmat, Central (197)
Assamese (4)
Asumboa (2)
Atemble (33)
Au (2)
Aulua (39)
Auslan (78)
Austral (2)
Avatime (5)
Avava (14)
Awa (39)
Awyi (4)
Axamb (19)
Ayerrerenge (2)
Babatana (29)
Badui (69)
Baeggu (9)
Baelelea (11)
Baetora (47)
Bahinemo (400)
Bai, Southern (9)
Baikeno (7)
Bajau, Indonesian (7)
Baki (13)
Bali (228)
Baluan-Pam (106)
Banam Bay (7)
Banaro (3)
Banggai (2)
Bangka (2)
Banjar (12)
Bannoni (13)
Barai (8)
Bariai (2)
Baruga (2)
Bata (4)
Batak Karo (22)
Batak Simalungun (3)
Batak Toba (3)
Bau (4)
Bauro (7)
Bauwaki (3)
Bavarian (2)
Beami (9)
Bena (2)
Bengali (11)
Benyadu' (3)
Bete-Bendi (2)
Biak (10)
Bidyara (20)
Biem (2)
Bierebo (2)
Bieria (4)
Bilakura (4)
Bilba (16)
Bilua (30)
Bima (14)
Binahari (2)
Binandere (4)
Bine (10)
Binumarien (2)
Bislama (731)
Bisu (4)
Biwat (21)
Blablanga (22)
Blafe (12)
Bo-Ung (374)
Boikin (5)
Bola (3)
Bongu (34)
Borong (3)
Bosmun (3)
Brokpake (32)
Buang, Mangga (2)
Bugawac (5)
Bughotu (24)
Buhutu (2)
Bulgarian (3)
Buli (retired) (2)
Buna (2)
Bunak (10)
Bungain (2)
Burarra (107)
Burmese (155)
Buru (retired) (4)
Burum-Mindik (8)
Bwaidoka (2)
Bwanabwana (4)
Cakfem-Mushere (2)
Cebuano (30)
Cemuhî (2)
Chambri (3)
Chamorro (78)
Changriwa (3)
Cheke Holo (31)
Cheq Wong (16)
Chin, Lautu (6)
Chin, Mro (47)
Chinese (7)
Chinese, Hakka (3)
Chinese, Mandarin (536)
Chinese, Min Nan (26)
Chinese, Yue (161)
Chuvash (149)
Cinda-Regi-Tiyal (5)
Czech (2)
Daga (3)
Dakaka (45)
Dani, Western (7)
Danish (2)
Dano (2)
Darang Deng (7)
Dargwa (5)
Darling (2)
Dawawa (3)
Dedua (4)
Degexit'an (11)
Dehu (25)
Dela-Oenale (114)
Dengka (2)
Dera (10)
Desiya (21)
Dhangu (3)
Dhao (3)
Dhuwal (2)
Dima (2)
Dixon Reef (2)
Djambarrpuyngu (2)
Djeebbana (28)
Djinang (42)
Djinba (5)
Djingili (2)
Dobu (16)
Doga (2)
Dom (2)
Domu (2)
Doromu-Koki (2)
Duguri (2)
Duna (23)
Dusun Malang (5)
Dusun, Central (18)
Dutch (5)
Duwet (12)
Efate, North (87)
Efate, South (636)
Efik (3)
Efutop (2)
Ekajuk (3)
Ekari (26)
Emae (21)
Embaloh (10)
Enga (231)
English (6994)
Ese (4)
Eskayan (26)
Estonian (2)
Eton (57)
Ewage-Notu (3)
Faita (71)
Faiwol (2)
Fas (74)
Fataleka (4)
Fataluku (10)
Fijian (129)
Filipino (70)
Finnish (2)
Foi (81)
Fore (14)
French (123)
Frisian, Northern (2)
Futuna, East (3)
Futuna-Aniwa (27)
Gadaba, Bodo (23)
Gadsup (2)
Gaelic, Scottish (2)
Gal (15)
Galela (3)
Galoli (3)
Gamilaraay (2)
Ganda (2)
Ganggalida (3)
Ganglau (2)
Gangulu (2)
Gants (26)
Gao (8)
Gapapaiwa (2)
Garig-Ilgar (17)
Garrwa (20)
Garus (4)
Gata' (10)
Gayo (14)
Gedaged (3)
Gela (12)
Georgian (2)
German, Standard (10)
Ghale, Kutang (13)
Ghanongga (64)
Ghari (5)
Ghayavi (58)
Gobasi (3)
Gogodala (5)
Greek (3)
Greek, Ancient (2)
Gudanji (22)
Gugadj (10)
Gugubera (12)
Gungabula (29)
Guntai (84)
Gunwinggu (200)
Gunya (12)
Gupapuyngu (2)
Gurdjar (3)
Guriaso (60)
Gurindji Kriol (2045)
Gurinji (827)
Guwamu (4)
Gwak (3)
Habun (2)
Hakö (6)
Halia (8)
Hanga Hundi (2)
Hano (188)
Hatam (2)
Hausa (3)
Hawaiian (2)
Helambu Sherpa (207)
Helong (14)
Heyo (36)
Hindi (2)
Hindustani, Fijian (17)
Hmong Daw (3)
Hmong Njua (3)
Hoava (2)
Hula (12)
Huli (2)
Hungarian (3)
Hyam (2)
Iaai (4)
Iatmul (21)
Iban (83)
Ibatan (81)
Ibu (2)
Icelandic (3)
Idaté (7)
Idi (266)
Ifo (3)
Igbo (2)
Ilocano (136)
Indo-Portuguese (18)
Indonesian (675)
Ipili (3)
Isaka (2)
Italian (293)
Itawit (4)
Iwaidja (13)
Iwal (2)
Iwam, Sepik (7)
Iyo (4)
Japanese (185)
Jaru (2)
Javanese (27)
Jilim (291)
Jingpho (2895)
Juwal (2)
Kabardian (3)
Kadara (2)
Kafoa (7)
Kagate (147)
Kahua (6)
Kaiep (4)
Kairiru (4)
Kairui-Midiki (3)
Kaki Ae (10)
Kala Lagaw Ya (10)
Kalam (75)
Kalanga (2)
Kalasha (27)
Kamano (2)
Kambaata (125)
Kambera (2)
Kamu (67)
Kanasi (3)
Kanga (193)
Kanum, Bädi (6)
Kanum, Ngkâlmpw (23)
Kanum, Smärky (21)
Kanum, Sota (8)
Kap (7)
Kapingamarangi (3)
Karnai (4)
Karuwali (10)
Kaur (7)
Kayan, Baram (10)
Kaytetye (3)
Ke'o (13)
Keapara (4)
Kelon (18)
Kemak (16)
Kendayan (12)
Kerewo (3)
Kewa, East (3)
Kewa, West (2)
Khamti (33)
Khamyang (48)
Khehek (10)
Khmer, Central (2)
Khwe (2)
Kilivila (31)
Kilmeri (3)
Kimaragang (49)
Kinalakna (2)
Kiowa (3)
Kiribati (12)
Kis (2)
Kiwai, Northeast (79)
Kiwai, Southern (10)
Kodi (4)
Koiali, Mountain (7)
Koiari, Grass (16)
Koitabu (23)
Kok-Nar (6)
Kokota (28)
Komba (2)
Kopar (9)
Korean (4)
Koro (retired) (2)
Koromira (3)
Kosena (2)
Kosraean (2)
Kovai (2)
Kpasam (2)
Kriol (948)
Kua-nsi (4)
Kuanua (75)
Kube (5)
Kubo (2)
Kui (2)
Kukatja (7)
Kulon-Pazeh (12)
Kulung (2)
Kuman (15)
Kumukio (2)
Kunbarlang (28)
Kunggari (13)
Kungkari (6)
Kuni (5)
Kuni-Boazi (2)
Kunimaipa (2)
Kunjen (2)
Kuri (3)
Kurti (6)
Kusaghe (2)
Kuthant (7)
Kwaio (3)
Kwamera (46)
Kwanga (2)
Kwara'ae (21)
Kwoma (73)
Kyenele (3)
Kâte (11)
Labu (9)
Laghu (10)
Lakon (3)
Lala (3)
Lamaholot (7)
Lamenu (5)
Lamma (9)
Lamu-Lamu (4)
Langam (30)
Lanima (2)
Lao (4)
Laragia (43)
Larevat (5)
Latvian (4)
Lau (141)
Lauan (7)
Lavukaleve (8)
Lawunuia (4)
Lehali (2)
Leipon (5)
Lele (51)
Lelepa (146)
Lenakel (29)
Lengo (4)
Letemboi (29)
Lewo (35)
Li'o (32)
Lihir (3)
Likum (3)
Lithuanian (2)
Litzlitz (16)
Lo-Toga (8)
Lole (7)
Loloda (3)
Longgu (4)
Loniu (5)
Lonwolwol (10)
Lote (2)
Lou (7)
Loun (2)
Lovono (2)
Lungga (36)
Ma'anyan (7)
Macedonian (2)
Madngele (23)
Madura (4)
Mae (32)
Maewo, Central (42)
Mafea (70)
Magori (6)
Mah Meri (19)
Mai Brat (7)
Maia (6)
Maiani (4)
Mailu (9)
Maisin (7)
Maiwa (3)
Makasae (9)
Makasar (4)
Makian, West (35)
Maklew (12)
Makuv'a (7)
Mala (4)
Malagasy (2)
Malango (3)
Malas (6)
Malay (94)
Malay, Ambonese (2)
Malay, Central (159)
Malay, Kedah (2)
Malay, Kupang (36)
Malay, North Moluccan (48)
Malay, Papuan (31)
Malay, Standard (4)
Malayalam (2)
Maldivian (5)
Male (39)
Maleu-Kilenge (2)
Mali (131)
Malo (48)
Malol (6)
Malua Bay (12)
Mambae (30)
Manam (10)
Manambu (2)
Manangkari (19)
Manem (14)
Mangala (9)
Mangareva (5)
Mangerr (2)
Manggarai (5)
Manikion (5)
Manombai (5)
Maori (13)
Mape (3)
Maragus (10)
Marangis (2)
Maranunggu (40)
Marathi (2)
Margany (11)
Margu (12)
Mari (13)
Maria (2)
Maridjabin (8)
Marimanindji (5)
Marind (41)
Maring (38)
Maringarr (41)
Marino (32)
Marithiel (23)
Marovo (8)
Marquesan, North (28)
Marshallese (6)
Marti Ke (7)
Martu Wangka (33)
Maskelynes (12)
Matukar (198)
Maung (71)
Mawak (4)
Maya, Yucatec (5)
Mayaguduna (2)
Mayi-Kulan (2)
Mayi-Thakurti (2)
Mbula (3)
Mbula-Bwazza (9)
Meche (23)
Mekeo (16)
Mekmek (4)
Mele-Fila (16)
Melpa (19)
Mengen (4)
Mian (60)
Migabac (2)
Misima-Paneati (9)
Modang (7)
Modole (3)
Moi (retired) (9)
Mokerang (12)
Molima (3)
Momare (2)
Mondropolon (5)
Mongol (5)
Moni (4)
Mono (retired) (5)
Mor (retired) (2)
Morisyen (35)
Morori (70)
Moskona (2)
Mota (19)
Motu (145)
Motu, Hiri (107)
Mpotovoro (2)
Mpur (5)
Mudburra (56)
Muduapa (2)
Mullukmulluk (42)
Multiple languages (71)
Mum (8)
Muna (20)
Mundari (11)
Murik (5)
Murrinh-Patha (124)
Murupi (4)
Musak (64)
Musar (4)
Musom (13)
Mussau-Emira (3)
Mutu (2)
Mwaghavul (3)
Mwerlap (9)
Mwotlap (3)
Naasioi (14)
Nabak (3)
Nafi (11)
Nafri (2)
Naga, Makuri (3)
Naga, Sumi (262)
Naga, Tase (169)
Naga, Wancho (25)
Naha'ai (27)
Nahavaq (409)
Nakara (20)
Nali (7)
Nalögo (19)
Nama (70)
Namakura (129)
Namat (5)
Nambo (64)
Namia (2)
Nangikurrunggurr (29)
Nanubae (4)
Napoletano-Calabrese (7)
Nasal (28)
Nasarian (18)
Natügu (76)
Nauna (4)
Nauruan (5)
Navajo (3)
Nde-Nsele-Nta (4)
Nehan (4)
Neme (2)
Nen (106)
Nend (4)
Nengone (4)
Nepali (47)
Neve'ei (17)
Ngaanyatjarra (112)
Ngad'a (2)
Ngaing (4)
Ngala (3)
Ngalkbun (55)
Ngalum (2)
Ngamini (6)
Ngarinyin (2)
Ngarluma (2)
Ngawun (6)
Nias (2)
Nii (39)
Ninde (34)
Ningera (2)
Ninggerum (3)
Nisu, Southern (6)
Niue (3)
Nkem-Nkum (3)
No linguistic content (2021)
Nobonob (7)
Nokuku (7)
Nomu (2)
Norwegian (3)
Notsi (4)
Nukumanu (2)
Numbami (6)
Nupe-Nupe-Tako (2)
Nyangumarta (5)
Nyindrou (10)
Nyiyaparli (6)
Nyunga (8)
Obanliku (7)
Oirata (2)
Oksapmin (35)
Olkol (2)
Olo (3)
One, Molmo (12)
Onjob (3)
Ono (3)
Ontong Java (5)
Oriya (7)
Ormu (2)
Oroha (3)
Orokolo (13)
Otank (2)
Ouma (2)
Owa (4)
Paama (31)
Pagu (3)
Pak-Tong (6)
Paku (8)
Palauan (4)
Paluan (2)
Panim (6)
Panytyima (9)
Papapana (2)
Papua New Guinean Sign Language (PNGSL) (73)
Pare (13)
Pashto, Northern (2)
Pasi (4)
Pawaia (2)
Paynamar (49)
Penchal (7)
Petats (18)
Phake (4)
Phola (645)
Phuthi (2)
Pijin (650)
Pintiini (21)
Pintupi-Luritja (28)
Pirriya (5)
Pitjantjatjara (161)
Pitta Pitta (38)
Piu (10)
Pohnpeian (6)
Polish (2)
Pom (3)
Ponam (2)
Port Sandwich (9)
Puare (8)
Puinave (3)
Pukapuka (6)
Pulabu (9)
Pumi, Southern (6)
Punthamara (2)
Purari (13)
Putukwam (14)
Qaqet (2)
Rajbanshi (5)
Rakahanga-Manihiki (33)
Ramoaaina (8)
Rangpuri (9)
Rao (5)
Rapa (3)
Rapa Nui (25)
Rapoisi (3)
Rarotongan (181)
Rawa (4)
Rawo (7)
Rembarunga (8)
Rennell-Bellona (10)
Repanbitip (2)
Rerau (8)
Rerep (15)
Ringgou (9)
Ririo (12)
Romanian (3)
Romansch (2)
Roon (2)
Rotokas (8)
Rotuman (5)
Roviana (36)
Rumu (2)
Russian (150)
Sa (15)
Sa'a (4)
Sabu (147)
Saek (42)
Safaliba (13)
Sahu (9)
Sakao (15)
Saliba (14)
Sam (2)
Samo (10)
Samoan (129)
Sanskrit (5)
Saposa (3)
Sarasira (11)
Sasak (9)
Savosavo (5)
Saweru (5)
Sawi (2)
Seimat (2)
Seke (2)
Semai (5)
Sene (2)
Sepen (4)
Sera (2)
Serbian (2)
Sewa Bay (3)
She (3)
Sialum (3)
Siane (4)
Siar-Lak (4)
Sibe (4)
Sicilian (4)
Sie (40)
Sihan (4)
Sika (3)
Sikaiana (11)
Sileibi (28)
Siliput (8)
Simbo (7)
Sinasina (2)
Sinaugoro (16)
Singpho (15)
Sio (6)
Siwai (29)
Skou (2)
Sobei (3)
Solos (4)
Som (67)
Sora (7)
Sori-Harengan (9)
Sorsoganon, Southern (10)
Spanish (14)
Suau (10)
Sudest (6)
Suki (2)
Sukurum (14)
Sulka (5)
Sumbawa (2)
Sunda (12)
Surjapuri (2)
Sursurunga (3)
Swedish (2)
Tabaru (2)
Tabriak (3)
Tagalog (28)
Tahitian (16)
Taiap (84)
Taikat (3)
Tairora, North (3)
Talise (6)
Tami (38)
Tamil (3)
Tanahmerah (2)
Tangoa (17)
Tanna, North (12)
Tanna, Southwest (14)
Tapei (5)
Taroko (4)
Taupota (2)
Tawala (6)
Teiwa (3)
Telefol (7)
Telugu (2)
Teop (19)
Terei (29)
Termanu (51)
Ternate (3)
Tetun (60)
Thai (9)
Thai, Northern (3)
Tibetan (51)
Tidore (3)
Tii (4)
Tikopia (12)
Tinputz (2)
Titan (331)
Tiwi (20)
To'abaita (143)
Toaripi (9)
Tobati (3)
Tobelo (7)
Tobo (3)
Tok Pisin (2127)
Tolomako (6)
Tombulu (7)
Tomoip (2)
Tongan (16)
Tonsawang (14)
Tonsea (14)
Torau (28)
Torres Strait Creole (2)
Torricelli (19)
Touo (10)
Toura (2)
Triqui, Chicahuaxtla (2)
Triqui, Copala (2)
Triqui, San Martín Itunyoso (2)
Tsum (78)
Tuamotuan (6)
Tukudede (4)
Tulu-Bohuai (8)
Tumleo (7)
Turkish (2)
Turung (26)
Tutong (65)
Uab Meto (299)
Uare (4)
Ubir (6)
Ugong (52)
Uisai (5)
Ujir (6)
Ukrainian (2)
Ulau-Suain (5)
Ulithian (3)
Umanakaina (4)
Umbugarla (24)
Una (11)
Undetermined language (423)
Unserdeutsch (3)
Unua (19)
Ura (retired) (18)
Urat (3)
Urdu (4)
Uri (39)
Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin (43)
Uruava (7)
Usarufa (2)
Uvean, West (3)
V'ënen Taut (20)
Vaeakau-Taumako (12)
Valman (3)
Vanimo (8)
Vao (21)
Varisi (8)
Vietnamese (6)
Vurës (41)
Waboda (3)
Wadjiginy (4)
Wagaya (27)
Wahgi (6)
Waima (5)
Waioli (3)
Wala (2)
Wallisian (7)
Walmajarri (20)
Wambaya (68)
Wamin (15)
Wampar (76)
Wampur (11)
Wanambre (4)
Wandamen (98)
Wanggamala (12)
Wangkayutyuru (16)
Wanman (3)
Wantoat (4)
Wanyi (9)
Warapu (49)
Waris (3)
Warkay-Bipim (2)
Warlmanpa (115)
Warlpiri (166)
Warluwara (29)
Waropen (2)
Warumungu (7)
Warungu (146)
Warwar Feni (2)
Wasembo (233)
Waskia (7)
Watubela (2)
Watut, Middle (10)
Watut, South (14)
Wedau (12)
Wejewa (49)
Welsh (2)
Whitesands (52)
Wiarumus (2)
Wik-Mungkan (3)
Wiru (208)
Wogamusin (2)
Wogeo (2)
Woi (3)
Wolani (2)
Wom (3)
Wulna (42)
Wutung (32)
Wuvulu-Aua (17)
Wára (24)
Xaragure (4)
Xhosa (3)
Xârâcùù (6)
Yabem (6)
Yaben (4)
Yagaria (7)
Yagwoia (158)
Yanyuwa (7)
Yapese (6)
Yareba (2)
Yau (49)
Yaul (5)
Yawa (2)
Yei (11)
Yele (9)
Yelmek (187)
Yendang (3)
Yerakai (2)
Yimas (15)
Yindjilandji (16)
Yir Yoront (14)
Yonggom (10)
Yopno (2)
Yotti (2)
Yugur, West (5)
Yuracare (7)
Zabana (7)
Zazao (17)
Zhuang, Guibian (3)
Zimakani (2)
Zulu (3)
Äiwoo (70)
Ömie (25)
Afghanistan (2)
American Samoa (5)
Australia (6644)
Austria (2)
Azerbaijan (3)
Bangladesh (32)
Benin (1)
Bhutan (32)
Bolivia (7)
Botswana (2)
Brunei (65)
Bulgaria (3)
Cambodia (4)
Cameroon (19)
Chad (4)
Chile (25)
China (939)
Congo (2)
Cook Islands (173)
Czech Republic (2)
Côte d'Ivoire (1)
Denmark (2)
East Timor (118)
Egypt (1)
Estonia (2)
Ethiopia (142)
Fiji (705)
Finland (2)
France (2)
French Polynesia (58)
Georgia (3)
Germany (4)
Ghana (20)
Greece (3)
Greenland (1)
Guam (2)
Hong Kong (2)
Hungary (3)
Iceland (3)
India (622)
Indonesia (3452)
Iran (1)
Italy (303)
Japan (190)
Kenya (36)
Kiribati (15)
Korea, North (2)
Korea, South (3)
Laos (43)
Latvia (4)
Lebanon (2)
Libya (1)
Lithuania (2)
Macedonia (2)
Madagascar (2)
Malaysia (238)
Maldives (5)
Marshall Islands (9)
Mauritius (35)
Mexico (6)
Micronesia (24)
Myanmar (3241)
Nauru (5)
Nepal (530)
Netherlands (2)
New Caledonia (79)
New Zealand (77)
Niger (1)
Nigeria (121)
Niue (3)
Northern Mariana Islands (31)
Norway (3)
Pakistan (27)
Palau (5)
Palestinian West Bank and Gaza (1)
Papua New Guinea (9028)
Philippines (342)
Poland (2)
Romania (2)
Russian Federation (156)
Samoa (139)
Singapore (32)
Slovakia (2)
Solomon Islands (2031)
South Africa (7)
Spain (2)
Sri Lanka (18)
Sudan (195)
Sweden (2)
Switzerland (3)
Taiwan (36)
Thailand (71)
Togo (1)
Tonga (87)
Tuvalu (1)
Uganda (2)
United Kingdom (4)
United States (204)
Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
Embergah Te Abo (1)
Alexander Adelaar (33)
Raymond Agber (1)
Brigitte Agnew (4)
Barry Alpher (13)
Jing An (6)
Gregory Anderson (41)
I Wayan Arka (70)
Mary Ayres (20)
Louise Baird (39)
Keira Ballantyne (1)
Chris Ballard (3)
Russell Barlow (46)
Danielle Barth (209)
Wolfgang Barth (42)
Linda Barwick (322)
Prafulla Basumatary (23)
Bristone Bayeso (1)
Jill Beckman (69)
James Bednall (136)
Bettina Beer (1)
Neil Bell (38)
Roger Bell (1)
Andrea Berez (90)
Sandrine Bessis (51)
Rosey Billington (224)
Steven Bird (1)
Barry Blake (19)
Roger Blench (37)
Ian Blue (4)
Robert Blust (10)
Krishna Boro (15)
Claire Bowern (2)
David Bradley (55)
Joel Bradshaw (5)
Eva Brandl (10)
Gavan Breen (566)
Seino Van Breugel (1)
Tim Brickell (21)
Amanda Brotchie (12)
Reuben Brown (74)
Mitchell Browne (112)
Buba (1)
John Burton (46)
Henri Campagnolo (1)
Ian Campbell (3)
Lauren Campbell (14)
Amy Cao (157)
Arthur Capell (1275)
Margaret Carew (136)
Mae Carroll (265)
J. K. (Jack) Chambers (3)
Kate Charlwood (1)
Simon Christie (9)
Sandra Chung (65)
Claudia Cialone (14)
Ross Clark (5)
John M Clifton (8)
Adrian Clynes (65)
Susan Cochrane (73)
Antonio Comin (27)
Ann Cooreman (8)
Miriam Corris (36)
Fanny Cottet (3)
Peter Crowe (151)
Terry Crowley (58)
Melissa Crowther (12)
Kirsten Culhane (18)
Mary Dalrymple (1)
Damulak (1)
Don Daniels (1279)
Virginia Dawson (26)
Simon Devylder (70)
Thomas Diaz (36)
Greg Dickson (1)
Daniela Diedrich (8)
Laura Dimock (392)
Samantha Disbray (1342)
Rikker Dockum (32)
Christian Doehler (2)
Mark Donohue (5)
Tara Douglas (25)
Wilf Douglas (11)
Andrey Drinfeld (18)
Marie France Duhamel (134)
Ros Dunlop (63)
Mark Durie (98)
Tom Dutton (298)
Wayne Dye (395)
Domenyk Eades (9)
Robert Early (26)
Shiho Ebihara (4)
Owen Edwards (158)
Niall Edwards-FitzSimons (84)
Gertrude Elai (34)
A.P. Elkin (88)
George Elliott (1)
Thomas Ennever (147)
Joseph Errington (15)
DeAndre Espree-Conaway (8)
Bethwyn Evans (1)
Nicholas Evans (330)
Ellen Facey (17)
Cathy Falk (7)
Sebastian Fedden (32)
Rick Feinberg (3)
Hugh de Ferranti (159)
Hans Fischer (62)
Janet Fletcher (19)
William Foley (43)
Linda Ford (20)
Diana Forker (5)
Zygmunt Frajzyngier (65)
Ian Frazer (374)
Cameron Fruit (3)
Steven Gagau (4)
Kristina Gallego (150)
Paul Gardissart (13)
Don Gardner (27)
Emily Gasser (108)
Volker Gast (1)
Lauren Gawne (285)
Paul Geraghty (510)
John Giacon (1)
Benjamin Gimba (1)
Sonja Gipper (7)
Marie Bembie Girado (13)
David Goldsworthy (701)
Henry Goronwy (1)
George Grace (1)
Andrew Gray (1)
James Gray (8)
Ian Green (187)
Tina Gregor (200)
Murray Groves (36)
Valerie Guerin (143)
Brian Hadfield (20)
James Hafford (12)
Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway (51)
Jeremy Hammond (38)
Wei Han (39)
Marcus Hansley (2)
Anne-Marie Hari (20)
John Harris (78)
Salome Harris (5)
Mark Harvey (376)
Yasunori Hayashi (2)
Michael Heppell (83)
Luise Hercus (1)
Stephen Hill (6)
Anglican History (8)
Gabrielle Hodge (10)
Monika Hoehlig (10)
Darja Hoenigman (72)
David Holm (3)
Gary Holton (87)
Susanne Holzknecht (160)
Fiona Honeyman (43)
Tom Honeyman (39)
Brian Harvey Hodgson Hooker (2)
Christina Hornéy (47)
Rolf Hotz (7)
Huade Huang (4)
Joyce Hudson (15)
Grace Hull (2)
Celeste Humphris (41)
Qandeel Hussain (27)
Catherine 英倩蕾 Ingram (1)
Jackse (1)
Kari James (2)
Dorothy Jauncey (35)
Gerd Jendraschek (16)
John Jensen (2)
James Martin Johansson (1)
Wesley Kuhron Jones (260)
Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka (2)
Gray Kaltapau (21)
Eri Kashima (47)
Jodie Kell (68)
Piers Kelly (62)
Tim Kemp (1)
Kierien (1)
Yukinori Kimoto (3)
Stuart Kirsch (8)
Norikazu Kogura (1)
Markos Koumoulas (15)
Ana Krajinovic (166)
Inge Kral (123)
Daniel Krausse (76)
Paul Kroeger (48)
Nicole Kruspe (35)
Don Kulick (82)
Keita Kurabe (2895)
Randy LaPolla (1)
Wolfgang Laade (1)
Roderic Lacey (106)
Sebastien Lacrampe (53)
Renée Lambert-Brétière (75)
Mary Laughren (1)
Ralph Lawton (14)
Don Laycock (133)
Jerry Wayne Leach (1)
Jenny Lee (12)
E. Leroux (1)
Shubo Li (57)
Ying-che Li (12)
Ismael Lieberherr (1)
Piet Lincoln (3)
Kate L. Lindsey (1016)
Lamont Lindstrom (24)
Naijing Liu (101)
David Lloyd (181)
Robyn Loughnane (35)
Joseph Lovestrand (6)
David Luders (56)
Jonathon Lum (5)
John Lynch (1)
Bob MacLennan (2)
Neil Maclean (36)
Carol Magnusson (1)
Alex Maikarfi (1)
Catriona Malau (42)
John Mansfield (57)
Allan Marett (25)
Anna Margetts (31)
Alexandra Marley (89)
Doug Marmion (28)
Marieke Martin (3)
Graham McDonald (9)
Lynne McDonald (27)
Bradley McDonnell (192)
Debra McDougall (96)
Ken McElhanon (57)
James McElvenny (23)
Andrew McIntyre (15)
Bonnie McLean (11)
Felicity Meakins (2057)
Sabrina C. Meier (1)
Weijian Meng (42)
Julia Colleen Miller (2)
Jadran Mimica (158)
Emil Mittag (1)
Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi (36)
Kylie Moloney (28)
Kate E Mooney (38)
Megan Morais (150)
Stephen Morey (341)
Ulrike Mosel (46)
Claire Moyse-Faurie (12)
Mijke Mulder (60)
Keira Mullan (48)
John Muniru (4)
Solomons Museum (229)
Kate Naitoro (14)
David Nash (3)
Nazarudin Nazarudin (5)
Mother Tongue Centre Nepal (78)
John Newman (5)
Sally Akevai Nicholas (170)
Hiroki Nomoto (17)
Rachel Nordlinger (224)
Åshild Næss (6)
Kazuko Obata (12)
Aslak Vaag Olesen (36)
Bruno Olsson (38)
Catalina Torres Orjuela (9)
Adam Paliwala (40)
Bill Palmer (61)
Mary Patterson (5)
Andrew Pawley (86)
Elizabeth Pearce (8)
Dalan Mehuli Perangin-Angin (24)
Manuel David Gonzalez Perez (670)
Anthony Phillips (4)
Roslyn Poignant (10)
Mark Post (2)
Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi (12)
Colin Price (1)
Kilu von Prince (78)
Evelyn Ramsay (1)
Md Mostafa Rashel (18)
Marie Reay (58)
Lauren Reed (168)
Kenneth Rehg (1)
Nicholas Reid (24)
Sonja Riesberg (72)
Jean-Claude Rivierre (1)
Laura Robinson (80)
Calvin Roesler (136)
Marta Rohatynskyj (24)
Lila San Roque (31)
Malcolm Ross (99)
Mike Rueck (25)
Alan Rumsey (293)
Philipp Rönchen (60)
Leonard Sam (11)
Giordana Santosuosso (53)
Hannah Sarvasy (48)
Samuel Saul (1)
Yusuf Sawaki (3)
Catherine Scanlon (29)
Andrea C. Schalley (2)
Meinrad Scheller (29)
Anne van Schie (9)
Cindy Schneider (62)
Dineke Schokkin (339)
Theodore Schwartz (543)
Albert Schütz (73)
Ari Sherris (13)
Vong Tsuh Shi (44)
Aviva MPI Shimelman (243)
Richard Shing (42)
Asako Shiohara (9)
Aung Si (20)
Jeff Siegel (106)
Jane Simpson (62)
Ruth Singer (41)
Sixtus (1)
Hedvig Skirgård (74)
Rebekah Slade (4)
Rebekha Slade (31)
Olaf Smedal (2)
Geoff Smith (92)
Ian Russell Smith (18)
Nannah Soji (1)
Hilário de Sousa (8)
Wolfgang Sperlich (29)
Natasha Stacey (7)
Tonya Stebbins (130)
Chester Street (25)
Laurence Stubbs (14)
S.P. Symonds (1)
Thersia Tamelan (113)
Tamisha Tan (88)
Apay Tang (4)
Allen Tanko (1)
Ian Tedder (27)
Amos Teo (264)
Tote Tepano (22)
Nick Thieberger (575)
Martin Thomas (1)
Johnny Tjia (5)
Robert Tonkinson (58)
Matthew Toulmin (19)
Yvonne Treis (140)
Darrell Tryon (14)
Atsuko Utsumi (15)
VKS (140)
Various Various (17)
Tonjes Veenstra (35)
Eline Visser (1)
Radu Voica (610)
Bert Voorhoeve (205)
Israel Wade (1)
Omonor Wade (1)
Alan Walker (45)
Mary Walworth (4)
Xiyao Wang (4)
Pema Wangdi (32)
Michael Webb (110)
Tom Webb (39)
James Weiner (79)
Geoffrey White (26)
Made Wijaya (Michael White) (210)
Sasha Wilmoth (197)
Aidan Wilson (18)
Stephen (S.A.) Wurm (212)
Yanti (351)
Asako Shiohara, Yanti (5)
Zachariah Yoder (35)
Kamaludin Yusra (1)
Muhammad Zakaria (6)
John Zgraggen (377)
Yarjis Xueqing Zhong (5)
myfany turpin (216)
zacha (1)
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
WSDS1-241014_IBL_CI_M06 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2017-04-06 View
WSDS1-241014_IBL_CI_M05 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2017-04-06 View
WSDS1-241014_IBL_MS_F55 tribal fight (headhunters) Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2017-04-06 View
WSDS1-251015_IBL_MS_M62_1 giant story Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-251014_IBL_DS_F32 catching python Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2017-04-06 View
WSDS1-080815_DIM_CI_M16 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-080815_DIM_CI_M17_3 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-100815_DIM_CI_F14 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-140815_DIM_CI_M01 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-140815_DIM_CI_F16 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-140815_DIM_CI_M29 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-160815_BIR_CI_F35 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-160815_BIR_CI_M46 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-190815_DIM_DS_F14_2 fights between Wärubi and Suki Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2017-04-06 View
WSDS1-020915_DIM_MS_F33 finding deer Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-070915_DIM_CI_F12 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-070915_DIM_DS_M44 chased by a pig Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-160915_BIM_CI_F21 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-210915_BIM_CI_F22_2 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-230915_BIM_DS_F31 finding a deer Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-250915_BIM_DS_F31 disturbed by a pig Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-250915_BIM_CI_F25 coconut interview Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 5 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-010915_DIM_WL_M39 word list Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-030915_DIM_WL_M15 word list Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-210915_BIM_WL_F25 word list Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
WSDS1-210915_BIM_WL_M14 word list Dineke Schokkin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
LRB1-ABK3 Alor Book 3 Louise Baird Kafoa|Alor Malay|English Indonesia 40 2016-04-11 View
LRB1-NB1 Kafoa Notebook 1 Louise Baird Kafoa|Alor Malay|English Indonesia 192 2016-04-11 View
LRB2-NB2 Keo Notebook 2 Louise Baird Keo|Indonesian|English Indonesia 65 2020-05-22 View
LRB2-NB6 Keo Notebook 6 Louise Baird Keo|Indonesian|English Indonesia 119 2016-06-28 View
LRB3-NB5 Klon Notebook 5 Louise Baird Klon|Alor Malay|English Indonesia 146 2016-08-22 View
LRB3-NB10 Klon Notebook 10 Louise Baird Klon|Alor Malay|English Indonesia 324 2016-08-22 View
LRB3-NB11 Klon Notebook 11 Louise Baird Klon|Alor Malay|English Indonesia 308 2016-08-22 View
LRB3-NB16 Klon Notebook 16 Louise Baird Klon|Alor Malay|English Indonesia 180 2016-08-22 View
DGB1-2010_002 Life Story of Thomas Taleu Kreno Danielle Barth Papua New Guinea 8 2017-08-01 View
DGB1-2011_003 Dador mythology in Tok Pisin Danielle Barth Papua New Guinea 4 2017-08-01 View
DGB1-2011_005 Cava Preparation Danielle Barth Papua New Guinea 33 2017-08-01 View
AJS-2015Adults2 Andama, Adama Ayishetus' Mother Ari Sherris Safaliba (saf) Ghana 2 2024-02-29 View
AJS-2015Adults3 Andama, Adama Ayishetus' Father Ari Sherris Safaliba (saf) Ghana 2 2024-02-29 View
ASMPI-Nasar005 Custom: Bad luck Aviva MPI Shimelman Nasarian Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Avava005 Custom: A healing/killing stone Aviva MPI Shimelman Avava Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Novol001 Story: A woman who runs away to the bush Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Novol003 Custom: Making kava Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Novol007 Custom: Pulling a pig’s tooth Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Novol013 Story: The origin of fire Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Novol015 Song: Apbonbo Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Novol020 Songs (3): Songs accompanying tamtam: 1. Cutting of a tamtam. 2. Ambatalepme -- standing up a tamtam. 3. Andawre – a dance the evening before a pig hunt Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Ninde001 Story: Five brothers Aviva MPI Shimelman Ninde Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Ninde004 Story: An earthquake Aviva MPI Shimelman Ninde Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Ninde006 Custom: Pigs Aviva MPI Shimelman Ninde Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Ninde009 Daily life: coconuts Aviva MPI Shimelman Ninde Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Ninde014 Story: A tabu stone Aviva MPI Shimelman Ninde Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Ninde020 Crafts: Natangora — roofing and other uses Aviva MPI Shimelman Ninde Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Nahav002 Story: Temesmalo -- Story of Nakamal Nimburi Aviva MPI Shimelman Nahavaq Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Diver001 History: A group that kills everyone in Lambarap Aviva MPI Shimelman Avava Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Bangaa001 History: The Church Aviva MPI Shimelman Avava Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Tesmbol003 Story/Song: A woman who dresses as a man and is killed Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Nevat002 Custom: The stages of life Aviva MPI Shimelman Letemboi Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Nevat004 Song Aviva MPI Shimelman Letemboi Vanuatu 2 2018-02-15 View
ASMPI-Nombot009 Song — sung at the 5/10 days of a dead ceremony Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Nombot010 Story/song: Abkubonbong - Flower Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Nombot011 Story: A pig Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
ASMPI-Nombot016 Story: Five brothers who make a garden and look for meat Aviva MPI Shimelman Nombotkote Vanuatu 2 2018-02-16 View
FC1-003 Birds of paradise Fanny Cottet Indonesia 6 2016-05-09 View
SUY1-140129 Stories Lauren Gawne Kagate Nepal 19 2016-06-04 View
VKS-149_26 Aulua III Malakula Charpentier VKS Vanuatu 14 2016-05-17 View
SI1-001 Croc Story Aung Si Australia 3 2017-01-19 View
AC2-VEPI13B Also additional letter to Rev. Gunn (source of the queries), possibly not by same writer. Arthur Capell English East Timor Fiji Indonesia Kiribati Marshall Islands New Caledonia New Zealand Papua New Guinea Philippines Solomon Islands Vanuatu 25 2016-04-12 View
ASMPI-Novol019 Customs (3): Hunting, funeral rites, fighting Aviva MPI Shimelman Vanuatu 2 2018-01-10 View
LSR2-2002Skotiau2A Recording made in Skotiau village, Mnanki language Lila San Roque Mnanki (likely a variety of Manem [jet]) Papua New Guinea 2 2017-05-02 View
LSR2-2002Skotiau2B Recording made in Skotiau village, Mnanki language Lila San Roque Mnanki (likely a variety of Manem [jet]) Papua New Guinea 2 2017-05-02 View
LSR2-2002Skotiau3A Recording made in Skotiau village, Mnanki language Lila San Roque Mnanki (likely a variety of Manem [jet]) Papua New Guinea 2 2021-09-26 View
LSR2-2002Skotiau5B Recording made in Skotiau village, New Year celebrations Lila San Roque Mnanki (likely a variety of Manem [jet]) Papua New Guinea 2 2017-05-02 View
FC1-005 Long Island Yusuf Sawaki Indonesia 3 2016-05-09 View
FC1-006 Tete Manim Yusuf Sawaki Indonesia 3 2016-05-09 View
DK1-004 Sanae stories, flutes, songs and conversations Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 10 2022-02-11 View
DK1-009 BAP 2B, April Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 8 2022-02-11 View
DK1-016 Sopak Tape 1 Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 10 2022-02-11 View
DK1-019 Gerak Tape 1 Time 1 Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 10 2022-02-11 View
DK1-030 Clan stories, Sake Kros Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 10 2022-02-11 View
DK1-031 Morning in haus boi Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 8 2022-02-11 View
DK1-032 About killing kanderes, story about Kawi Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 10 2022-02-11 View
DK1-033 Penis cutting and other assorted stories Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 10 2022-02-11 View
DK1-047 Morning in men's house after tambaram night Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 6 2022-02-11 View
DK1-050 Wandi on Kem being bitten by pig, death of Kem's kid, Dreams Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 8 2022-02-11 View
DK1-053 Sake-Erapo kros Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 6 2022-07-06 View
DK1-054 In men's house, July, Marame, Tambong, Pias story Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 10 2022-02-11 View
DK1-072 Reia, Krooni Mapis stories/ initiation Tape 3 Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 8 2022-02-11 View
DK1-074 Kwanga Tape 3, Copy Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 8 2022-02-11 View
DK1-076 Video interviews mangai, wake, Angana. Sair Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 8 2022-02-11 View
DK1-082 Kanaon Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 8 2022-02-11 View
DK1-056 Reia's joke tirade about school Don Kulick Tayap Papua New Guinea 8 2022-02-11 View
SocCog-mjk09 Matukar_Panau_Tukan Pain_Badim_Sul Pain Mager Danielle Barth Papua New Guinea 43 2019-04-10 View
LSR3-2005Duna14 Duna recordings, Kopiago region Lila San Roque Duna (Yuna) Papua New Guinea 4 2017-05-02 View
LD1-HiMD0108 Lembinwen Laura Dimock Nahavaq Vanuatu 2 2016-04-12 View
DWU-34T8 34 T8 Susna Paulus (Miniyama) Lake Manda (Night) David Lloyd Enga Papua New Guinea 4 2019-07-09 View
DWU-38T14T15 38 T14 Yone Yama – (Kepe) & (Alune), Wapenmanda 1986 male kepe night; T15 Theresia Tepen – (Kai) & (Kala) Amala Female family day 1989 David Lloyd Enga Papua New Guinea 4 2019-08-30 View
DWU-41K30 41 K30 Kapulik (Sambeoko) David Lloyd Enga Papua New Guinea 2 2019-08-30 View
DWU-BO17 CTL – BO 17 Traditional Stories from Madang David Lloyd Tok Pisin Papua New Guinea 4 2019-07-11 View
DWU-MA04 Ma 4 - Typed. Traditional Stories from Madang David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 4 2019-08-06 View
DWU-MA05 Ma 5 - Typed. Tradional Stories from Madang. David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 4 2019-08-06 View
DWU-LEER12 Pidgin 1/2 Leer - Conversation for Listening David Lloyd Pidgin Papua New Guinea 4 2019-08-06 View
DWU-LEER1112 Pidgin 11/12 Leer - Conversation for Listening David Lloyd Pidgin Papua New Guinea 4 2019-08-06 View
DWU-KUMAN2 Vocabulary from Kuman 2, Simbu David Lloyd Kuman Papua New Guinea 4 2019-08-01 View
DWU-S22 Smalley 22 - Language Lessons David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 4 2020-10-19 View
DWU-S30 Smalley 30 - Language Lessons David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 2 2020-10-19 View
DWU-KUMAM Vocabulary from Kuman, Simbu David Lloyd tok pisin Papua New Guinea 4 2020-10-14 View
DWU-LEER910 New Guinea Pidgin unit 9&10 David Lloyd Pidgin Papua New Guinea 4 2019-08-06 View
DWU-MUSIK1 Musik/Leichte David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 4 2019-08-07 View
SUY1-160325 Consent recordings Lauren Gawne Nepal 6 2016-07-05 View
DD1-344 They Brought the Good News Don Daniels Mand Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-351 Saberai and Anyaberai Don Daniels Mand Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-360 VG Revised Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-361 VG Revised Pidgin Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-363 Carpentry Story Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-365 AG JG Ningai Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-374 KA Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-381 TP Kurumbakari Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-384 BD Jungle Things Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-387 Jungle Things 03: Baude and Gaidua Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-389 Jungle Things 05: Gedi Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-390 Jungle Things 06: Arau Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-393 Jungle Things 09: Kwavhav Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-399 Jungle Things 15: Kwab Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-403 Jungle Things 19: Kuraka Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 8 2018-06-13 View
DD1-406 Jungle Things 22: Mxdais Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-407 Jungle Things 23: Kemoro Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-413 Jungle Things 29: Kaura and Dasuai Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-416 Jungle Things 32: Kabu Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-419 Jungle Things 35: Kodwam Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-423 Jungle Things 39: Buvusi and Anai Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 8 2018-06-13 View
DD1-432 WD YT Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-438 WD YT AT Elicitation 1 Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 4 2018-06-13 View
DD1-464 AM MkK MtK Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-467 Village Customs Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2019-03-22 View
DD1-469 Making Bilums Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-471 KK TM Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-479 Chicken and Cassowary Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-485 Sago Story Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-492 SS PB Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-494 SW Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-499 Fire Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-501 A Man Scratches his Balls Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 4 2018-06-13 View
DD1-506 Spider Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 10 2018-06-13 View
DD1-507 Fighting Man Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-512 Cheese (Sa) Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 4 2018-06-13 View
DD1-516 BK Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-517 Dawn Bird Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-531 Tree Bark Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-535 My Father Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-547 A Fish Turns Into a Woman Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 5 2018-06-13 View
DD1-548 RK Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-550 AY BK JA Permission 2 Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-554 DE Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-555 Missionaries Came Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 4 2018-06-13 View
DD1-556 Koru Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 4 2018-06-13 View
DD1-568 Church Songs 2 Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2018-06-13 View
DD1-579 Sirva 3 notebook Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 1 2018-06-13 View
DD1-580 Bongu 1 notebook Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 1 2018-06-13 View
DD1-582 Soq 1 notebook Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 1 2018-06-13 View
TG1-JEL20150830 More songs Tina Gregor Indonesia 6 2020-05-25 View
TG1-JEL20150902 Performance by local musicians Tina Gregor Indonesia 14 2020-07-31 View
SI1-016 Emu hunting Aung Si Australia 3 2017-01-19 View
SUY1-160411 Hidden Object tasks Lauren Gawne SYW Nepal 32 2016-07-05 View
SN1-ETauRongo20160414HSBWordStress Tauraki Raea Rongo: Word stress reading list Sally Akevai Nicholas New Zealand 0 2016-06-03 View
SN1-EDS1PiriMaerearai20150529HSB Piri Marearai reads "the sentences" Sally Akevai Nicholas Cook Islands New Zealand 2 2017-11-29 View
ZF1-KAMBA_1_22_90 ZF1-KAMBA-1_22_90 Zygmunt Frajzyngier Kenya 2 2018-03-23 View
SUY1-160419 Consent: Jethi, Dhudi, Dolma. Eathquake Interview: Dhudi, Dolma Lauren Gawne Kagate Nepal 12 2020-10-13 View
SUY1-160420 Earthquake Interviews, local history, life stories in Dhungare Lauren Gawne Nepal 41 2020-10-13 View
SUY1-160427 Earthquake Interview, Schooling, 20 questions game, Secret Language Lauren Gawne Kagate Nepal 25 2016-07-05 View
EF1-014 1979 Tape #1 Ellen Facey Nguna Vanuatu 4 2017-07-25 View
EF1-015 1979 Tape #2 Ellen Facey Nguna Vanuatu 2 2017-07-25 View
EF1-016 1979 Tape #3 Ellen Facey Nguna Vanuatu 4 2017-07-25 View
SUY1-160506 Ilam Yolmo - songs, oral histories Lauren Gawne Yolmo Nepal 38 2016-07-05 View
SUY1-160507 Ilam Yolmo - oral histories and attitudes Lauren Gawne Yolmo Nepal 15 2016-07-05 View
TANI-SILI1_2 TANI-SILI1_2 Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi India 4 2018-07-03 View
LG1-160519 Earthquake Interview: Nanda Bahadur and Aiti Maya Lama, Sita Tamang and Dali Maya Lama Lauren Gawne Nepal 12 2016-07-05 View
TANI-SILI7_8 TANI-SILI7_8 Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi India 2 2018-07-03 View
LG1-160524 Earthquake Interviews: Ganesh Kauri Lama, Aitiman Lama and Asa Lama Lauren Gawne Nepal 12 2016-07-05 View
TANI-LARE19_20 TANI-LARE19_20 Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi India 4 2022-02-24 View
SN1-ENWSPiriMaerearai20150529HSB Piri Marearai: The North Wind and the Sun Sally Akevai Nicholas New Zealand 2 2016-06-03 View
SN1-ETauRongo20160414HSBNWS Tauraki Raea Rongo: The North Wind and the Sun Sally Akevai Nicholas New Zealand 2 2016-06-03 View
DWU-MISSION3 Mission history pre-war David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 2 2019-08-06 View
PAMBU-DOC614 Dictionary and grammar of the Duke of York Island Language Kylie Moloney Duke of York Island Language Papua New Guinea 4 2023-01-26 View
PAMBU-DOC43 Records of the Melanesian Mission, New Hebrides, 1857-1968 Kylie Moloney Mota, Tegua, oga; Loh, Maewo, Aoba Solomon Islands Vanuatu 12 2023-01-26 View
LB2-VT9414_SH Eremo di Calomini 7/8/92 'Romolo e Remo' by Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico company, complete (short version) Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2024-01-24 View
LB2-VT9415 Metra (LU) 9/8/94 'Re Filippo d’Egitto' by Piazza al Serchio company, st 1-111, 1 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2024-03-14 View
LB2-VT9418 Viano (MS) 14/8/94 'Re Filippo d’Egitto', compagnia Piazza al Serchio 2 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2024-02-20 View
DWU-F24 Traditional Stories from Madang David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 4 2019-07-25 View
GS02-Manu Manu the bird narrated by PK Giordana Santosuosso Solomon Islands 2 2017-10-31 View
GS02-Youth When I was a young girl narrated by EI Giordana Santosuosso Solomon Islands 2 2017-10-31 View
GS02-Language Our language narrated by LR Giordana Santosuosso Solomon Islands 2 2017-10-31 View
GS02-Migration From Foueda to Ferafaalu narrated by JR Giordana Santosuosso Solomon Islands 2 2017-10-31 View
GS02-ElectionDreams Having dreams for the 2014 elections narrated by FP Giordana Santosuosso Solomon Islands 2 2017-10-31 View
GS02-Copra2 Making copra narrated by RW Giordana Santosuosso Solomon Islands 2 2017-10-31 View
TS1-N160 N160 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N165 N165 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 6 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N168 N168 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 4 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N169 N169 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 8 2018-01-12 View
TS1-N172 N172 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N175 N175 Theodore Schwartz Loniu Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N177 N177 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N179 N179 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N188 N188 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N190 N190 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N212 N212 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B003 B003 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 4 2016-07-20 View
TS1-B007 B007 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B009 B009 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B015 B015 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B017 B017 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B018 B018 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B020 B020 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B023 B023 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B025 B025 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B030 B030 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B036 B036 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B043 B043 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B044 B044 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B045 B045 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B047 B047 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B056 B056 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B059 B059 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B066 B066 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B068 B068 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B069 B069 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B071 B071 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 4 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B072 B072 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B080 B080 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 6 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B082 B082 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B086 B086 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B088 B088 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B106 B106 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-B111 B111 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F019 F019 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F032 F032 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F041 F041 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F052 F052 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F058 F058 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F059 F059 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F060 F060 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F065 F065 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F066 F066 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F067 F067 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F070 F070 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F075 F075 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F077 F077 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F078 F078 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F082 F082 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F090 F090 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F099 F099 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F104 F104 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-F105 F105 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
MR1-049 Petats, Haku (wordlists) Malcolm Ross Petats, Haku Papua New Guinea 12 2017-07-12 View
LB2-AT9203 Gragnanella 12/7/92 Maggio 'I Vichinghi' compagnia Val Dolo audio tape 1 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2016-04-04 View
MR1-007 Morobe Malcolm Ross Papua New Guinea 10 2017-08-22 View
LB2-VT9801 Antisciana 5/7/98 Maggio 'Tristano il figlio della contessa di Giuliano Bertagni' compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico video tape 1 of 3 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 5 2024-03-14 View
LB2-AT9311 Gragnanella 11/7/93 Maggio 'Romolo e Remo' compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 2 of 2. Linda Barwick Italian Italy 2 2016-04-04 View
LB2-DT9601 Varliano 4/8/96 Maggio 'Le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' compagnia di Piazza al Serchio DA tape 1 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 4 2024-03-10 View
LB2-AT9605 Motrone 10/8/1996 Maggio 'Santa Flavia' by compagnia di Partigliano audio tape 1 of 1 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2016-04-04 View
LB2-AT9608 Ugliancaldo 16/8/96 Maggio 'le sventure di Tristano e Isotta' compagnia Piazza al Serchio audio tape 1 of 3 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2016-04-04 View
LB2-AT9612 Varliano 18/8/96 Maggio 'La regina della Dacia' compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 2 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2016-04-04 View
LB2-DT9508 Ugliancaldo 16/8/1995 Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone' compagnia Piazza al Serchio DA tape 1 of 1 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 4 2016-04-04 View
LB2-DT9510 Piazza al Serchio 20/8/95 Maggio 'Sant'Uliva' compagnia Acqua Bianca DA tape 2 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2016-04-04 View
LB2-AT9509 Metra 11/8/95 Maggio 'Re Riccardo Cuor di Leone' compagnia Piazza al Serchio audio tape 1 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2016-04-04 View
LB2-AT9514 Canti del Maggio 1956-1957 from Giuseppe Rossi, tape 2 of 2 Linda Barwick Italy 4 2024-01-24 View
LB2-AT9515 Molinello 4/11/95 Maggio singing by Pedri family Linda Barwick Italian Italy 4 2018-07-10 View
LB2-DT9401 Gragnanella 1/1/94 'Sacra rappresentazione della Nativitá e della strage degli innocenti' compagnia Gragnanella DA tape 1 of 1 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2016-04-04 View
LB2-AT9404 Piazza al Serchio 3/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio audio tape 3 of 3 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 4 2017-11-14 View
LB2-AT9403 Piazza al Serchio 3/7/94 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio audio tape 2 of 3 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 4 2017-11-14 View
LB2-AT9405 Petrognano 5/7/94 old maggio tunes and other fisarmonica by Ugo Bartolomei audio tape 1 of 1 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 4 2017-11-10 View
LB2-AT9408 Piazza Bassa 12/7/94 Cantastorie songs and maggio melodies sung by Andrea Bertei and Ugo Bartolomei Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2018-07-10 View
LB2-AT9413 San Pellegrino in Alpe 31/7/94 Maggio 'Romolo e Remo' compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 1 of 1 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2016-04-04 View
LB2-AT9422 Costabona (RE) 15/8/94 Maggio 'Spartaco' compagnia di Costabona audio tape 2 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 4 2017-12-14 View
LB2-AT9424 Ugliancaldo 16/8/1994 Maggio 'Re Filippo d'Egitto' compagnia Piazza al Serchio audio tape 2 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2017-12-15 View
LB2-AT9428 Varliano 21/8/94 Maggio 'Re Alfonso d'Estonia' compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 1 of 2 Linda Barwick Italian Italy 6 2018-01-11 View
RLB1-Benjaminsingsing01 Benjaminsingsing01 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
RLB1-Benjaminsingsing02 Benjaminsingsing02 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
RLB1-Hilary01 Hilary01 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Hilary02 Hilary02 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Freynol04 Freynol04 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Gesla01 Gesla01 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Delma01 Delma01 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Gesla04 Gesla04 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Suksama02 Suksama02 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Betty05 Betty05 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Betty11 Betty11 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Taitus01 Taitus01 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Daniel04 Daniel04 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
RLB1-Gutok01 Gutok01 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-09-03 View
DL1-094 Ririo 1 Don Laycock Ririo Solomon Islands 5 2016-04-04 View
AC2-FIJ003 Questionnaire for various semantic domains Arthur Capell Fiji 102 2016-07-06 View
AC2-FIJ009 Fijian kinship terms, house parts, totemism, calendar Arthur Capell Fiji 210 2016-07-06 View
AC2-FIJ011 Methods and materials for recording Papuan and New Guinea Languages (Also applicable to Oceania in general) Arthur Capell Fiji 150 2016-07-06 View
AC2-FIJ015 Kadavu; Naceva vocab, Nabukelvu vocab and Tavuki (Cakaudrove) snakes Arthur Capell Fiji 134 2016-07-06 View
AC2-FIJ024 Rā vocabulary Arthur Capell Fiji 58 2016-07-06 View
LB2-DT0004 Gorfigliano 7/8/00 Maggio 'La Pia e Nello della Pietra' compagnia Gorfigliano DT tape 2 of 2. Linda Barwick Italy 4 2024-04-01 View
LB2-DT0005 Gramolazzo 12/8/00 'Bambini di Gramolazzo' and Casatico 13/8/00 Maggio 'La principessa ribelle' Linda Barwick Italy 10 2024-05-16 View
LB2-AT9801 Antisciana 5/7/98 Maggio 'Tristano il figlio della contessa' di Giuliano Bertagni, compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico audio tape 1 of 2 Linda Barwick Italy 6 2024-02-02 View
LB2-AT9804 Viano 12/7/98 Maggio ' La guerra di Troia' compagnia di Gorfigliano audio tape 2 of 2 Linda Barwick Italy 4 2024-03-19 View
AC2-FIJ010 Chiefly genealogies (Brewster) 'A I tovo vakaviti (Setuviki M. Koto) Note on diff. between Kaluu-vu and Vu Arthur Capell Fiji 156 2016-04-05 View
LL1-006A land problems [DEBATE/DECISION-MAKING MEETINGS] Lamont Lindstrom Vanuatu 4 2016-04-05 View
LL1-006B land problems [DEBATE/DECISION-MAKING MEETINGS] Lamont Lindstrom Vanuatu 4 2016-04-05 View
RLB1-Betty13 Betty13 Renée Lambert-Brétière Kwoma Papua New Guinea 2 2016-12-08 View
MR1-079 Vokeo (= Wogeo), Biem (= Bam) (wordlists) Malcolm Ross Vokeo, Biem Papua New Guinea 11 2017-07-12 View
MR1-091 Kaimanga (1) & (2) (= Mangap-Mbula: wordlist) Malcolm Ross Kaiamanga Papua New Guinea 11 2018-04-24 View
MR1-073 Olo Malol (Salaw) Malcolm Ross Olo, Malol Papua New Guinea 10 2017-07-12 View
MR1-078 Medebur (wordlist) Malcolm Ross Medebur Papua New Guinea 9 2017-07-12 View
NC1-015 no information Lynne McDonald Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands 12 2016-05-31 View
NC1-018 Tey-demonstration + old dances Lynne McDonald Papua New Guinea 12 2016-05-31 View
NC1-019b Kehesu Synod Farewell party Lynne McDonald Solomon Islands 10 2016-05-31 View
NC1-020b Gizo 1965 farewell ??? Lynne McDonald Solomon Islands 14 2017-04-27 View
SAW4-005 Language Journal 27 Jan 1952 - 2 Oct 1952 Stephen (S.A.) Wurm 116 2016-04-05 View
RB3-Bwatiye_wordlists_Kwaine Bwatiye wordlists Kwaine Roger Blench Bwatiye Nigeria 93 2016-04-05 View
RB3-Mushere Mushere Roger Blench Mushere Nigeria 49 2016-04-05 View
RB3-Dera Dera Buba Dera Nigeria 32 2016-04-05 View
RB3-Kwalla Kwalla Damulak Kwalla Nigeria 30 2016-04-05 View
RB3-Miship Miship Jackse Miship Nigeria 18 2016-04-05 View
JM4-20110719CMDB 20110719 Cosmo Mollinjin and Dominic Berida John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 16 2016-11-01 View
SocCog-103 Family Problems Yurakaré Alex and Mercy Sonja Gipper Yurakaré, Yurujure Bolivia 30 2023-08-21 View
SocCog-104 Family Problems Yurakaré Gerónimo and Julia Sonja Gipper Yurakaré, Yurujure Bolivia 33 2023-08-21 View
SocCog-106 Family Problems Yurakaré Benancio and Celia Sonja Gipper Yurakaré, Yurujure Bolivia 33 2023-08-21 View
SocCog-105 Family Problems Yurakaré Elizabet and Gladis Sonja Gipper Yurakaré, Yurujure Bolivia 33 2023-08-21 View
DD1-328 Kursav 1 notebook Don Daniels Kursav Papua New Guinea 1 2018-06-13 View
DD1-329 Kursav 2 notebook Don Daniels Kursav Papua New Guinea 1 2018-06-13 View
DD1-330 Sirva 1 notebook Don Daniels Sirva Papua New Guinea 1 2018-06-13 View
RB5-Maya_wordlists_Yotti Maya wordlists Yotti (Adamawa) Zachariah Yoder Yotti Nigeria 0 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Maya_wordlists Maya wordlists Zachariah Yoder Bali, Kpasham, Yendang, Yotti Nigeria 3 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Bendi_Obe_Mgbene_Irayam Bantu Bendi Obe Mgbenege_Irayam Mike Rueck Mgbenege Nigeria 18 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Bendi_Obe_Ukwortung_Ak Bantu Bendi Obe Ukwortung_Akpeng Mike Rueck Ukwortung Nigeria 34 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Bendi_Obanliku_Bebi_Beeg Bantu Bendi Obanliku Wordlists Obanliku Bebi_Beegbong Mike Rueck Bebi Nigeria 16 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Bendi_Obanliku_Bishiri Bantu Bendi Obanliku Wordlists Obanliku Bishiri-Shikpeche Mike Rueck Bishi Nigeria 76 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Coastal_Bagyeli_Kwasio Bantu Coastal_Bantu Bagyeli & Kwasio Roger Blench Bagyeli, Kwasio Cameroon 34 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Coastal_Bakoko Bantu Coastal_Bantu Bakoko Roger Blench Bakoko Cameroon 2 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Coastal_Mpongo Bantu Coastal_Bantu Mpongo Roger Blench Mpongo Cameroon 0 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Ekoid_Bakor_Nkum Bantu Ekoid Bakor Nkum Zachariah Yoder Nkum Nigeria 80 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Ekoid_Bakor_wordlists Bantu Ekoid Bakor_wordlists Zachariah Yoder Efutop, Nde, Nselle, Nta, Abanyom Nigeria 3 2016-04-05 View
SUY1-140204 Elicitation: Tones Lauren Gawne Nepal 8 2017-10-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Jarawa_Jar_Doori_Gwama Bantu Jarawa Jar Doori - Gwamadaji Zachariah Yoder Jar Duguri Nigeria 42 2017-09-20 View
RB5-Bantu_Jarawa_MbulaBwazza_WLs Bantu Jarawa Mbula-Bwazza_wordlists Zachariah Yoder Bwazza Nigeria 100 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Jarawan_MbulaBwa_Bakopi1 Bantu Jarawan Mbula-Bwazza Bakopi 1 Zachariah Yoder Bakopi, Mbula Nigeria 10 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Jarawan_MbulaBwa_Gwamba Bantu Jarawan Mbula-Bwazza Gwamba Zachariah Yoder Gwamba Nigeria 54 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Jarawan_MbulaBwa_Kulung Bantu Jarawan Mbula-Bwazza Kulung 21June2007 Zachariah Yoder Kulung Nigeria 54 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Jarawan_MbulaBwa_Kulung2 Bantu Jarawan Mbula-Bwazza Kulung 23May2007 Zachariah Yoder Kulung Nigeria 28 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Jarawan_MbulaBwa_Libbo Bantu Jarawan Mbula-Bwazza Libbo Zachariah Yoder Libbo Nigeria 86 2016-04-05 View
RB5-Bantu_Jarawan_MbulaBwa_Tambo2 Bantu Jarawan Mbula-Bwazza Tambo 23June2007 Zachariah Yoder Tambo (Begel) Nigeria 122 2016-04-05 View
SAW4-010 Language Journal 23 Mar 1965-24 May 1966 Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Papua New Guinea 210 2016-04-05 View
NT3-nafakoron Nafakoron ni aliat, 1923 Nick Thieberger Vanuatu 60 2023-07-19 View
GB02-012 Bidjara vocabulary, elicitation sentences and discussion Gavan Breen Bidjara Australia 17 2016-04-05 View
GB02-015 Bidjara vocabulary and elicitation sentences 6 Gavan Breen Bidjara Australia 7 2016-04-05 View
BJM01-003 Narrative entitled Jambu embak kulak Bradley McDonnell Besemah Indonesia 3 2021-09-24 View
BJM01-006 Narrative entitled Radin Panjang Bradley McDonnell Besemah Indonesia 3 2020-07-03 View
BJM01-009 Conversation under a downriver house Bradley McDonnell Besemah Indonesia 2 2020-08-26 View
BJM01-011 Conversation between three women about farming, weddings, and durian Bradley McDonnell Besemah Indonesia 3 2021-10-01 View
BJM01-012 Narrative entitled Anak Raje Tige Berading Bradley McDonnell Besemah Indonesia 3 2020-07-03 View
BJM01-022 Narrative entitled Si Keluntung Bradley McDonnell Besemah Indonesia 3 2020-07-03 View
BJM01-024 Narrative entitled Cingcik Kundang Ngaghi Ghuan Bradley McDonnell Besemah Indonesia 3 2020-07-03 View
GB03-010 Kunggari vocabulary and elicitation sentences 3 Gavan Breen Australia 11 2016-04-05 View
GB03-011 Kunggari vocabulary and elicitation sentences 4 Gavan Breen Australia 23 2016-04-05 View
GB05-001 Wadjingu vocabulary, elicitation sentences and grammatical notes Gavan Breen Wadjingu Australia 11 2016-04-05 View
GB07-001 Guwamu vocabulary and notes Gavan Breen Australia 5 2016-04-05 View
GB08-010 Margany elicitation sentences and discussion Gavan Breen Australia 13 2016-04-05 View
GB09-001 Gunya vocabulary Gavan Breen Australia 9 2016-04-05 View
GB09-004 Gunya elicitation sentences, vocabulary and discussion 3 Gavan Breen Australia 45 2016-04-05 View
GB09-007 Gunya elicitation sentences, vocabulary and discussion 4 Gavan Breen Australia 29 2016-04-05 View
GB10-002 Pitta Pitta vocabulary, glossed sentences and notes Gavan Breen Australia 11 2016-04-05 View
GB10-004 Pitta Pitta grammar notes Gavan Breen Australia 17 2016-04-05 View
GB10-007 Pitta Pitta vocabulary, discussion and elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Australia 125 2019-05-15 View
GB10-009 Pitta Pitta vocabulary, discussion and elicitation sentences 2 Gavan Breen Australia 83 2016-04-05 View
GB10-010 Pitta Pitta elicitation sentences and discussion Gavan Breen Australia 29 2016-04-05 View
GB10-012 Pitta Pitta vocabulary, discussion and sentences Gavan Breen Australia 89 2016-04-05 View
GB11-002 Wangkamanha vocabulary and sentences Gavan Breen Wangkamanha Australia 5 2016-04-22 View
GB12-001 Ngulupulu vocabulary and elicitation sentences (with some Mithaka) Gavan Breen Ngulupulu, Mithaka Australia 15 2016-04-22 View
GB13-007 Wangka-Yutjuru sentences and notes 2 Gavan Breen Wangka-Yutjuru Australia 13 2016-04-22 View
GB13-015 Wangka-Yutjuru vocabulary, sentences and notes Gavan Breen Wangka-Yutjuru Australia 63 2016-05-06 View
GB14-004 Gugadj vocabulary, sentences and stories 2 Gavan Breen Australia 137 2016-04-05 View
GB14-005 Gugadj vocabulary, sentences and stories 3 Gavan Breen Australia 181 2016-04-05 View
GB15-004 Kuthant vocabulary and elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Australia 13 2016-04-05 View
GB15-005 Kuthant sentences Gavan Breen Australia 23 2016-04-05 View
GB17-002 Kok-Nar vocabulary, sentences and songs Gavan Breen Australia 101 2016-04-05 View
GB17-005 Kok-Nar elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Australia 5 2016-04-05 View
GB18-005 Garrwa vocabulary, sentences and stories Gavan Breen Australia 85 2016-04-05 View
GB19-001 Wanyi vocabulary Gavan Breen Australia 2 2016-04-05 View
GB19-007 Wanyi vocabulary 2 Gavan Breen Australia 15 2016-04-05 View
GB19-009 Wanyi vocabulary 4 Gavan Breen Australia 2 2016-04-05 View
GB20-002 Kungkari vocabulary, sentences and songs Gavan Breen Australia 45 2016-04-05 View
GB01-002 Gungabula vocabulary and elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Australia 87 2016-04-05 View
GB01-003 Gungabula vocabulary 2 Gavan Breen Australia 5 2016-04-05 View
GB01-012 Gungabula elicitation sentences, vocabulary and discussion 2 Gavan Breen Australia 21 2016-04-05 View
GB01-017 Gungabula vocabulary 3 Gavan Breen Australia 19 2016-04-05 View
GB01-020 Gungabula text with gloss and notes, and vocabulary Gavan Breen Australia 67 2016-04-05 View
GB01-024 Gungabula notes, vocabulary and elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Australia 23 2016-04-06 View
GB25-001 Kokiny elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Kokiny Australia 2 2016-04-22 View
GB26-003 Ngawun vocabulary and sentences 2 Gavan Breen Australia 37 2016-04-06 View
GB26-004 Ngawun notes Gavan Breen Australia 9 2016-04-06 View
GB32-001 Warluwara vocabulary and sentences Gavan Breen Australia 75 2016-04-06 View
GB32-002 Warluwara vocabulary and elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Australia 23 2016-04-06 View
GB32-004 Warluwara vocabulary and elicitation sentences 3 Gavan Breen Australia 9 2016-04-06 View
GB32-007 Warluwara vocabulary, sentences and discussion Gavan Breen Australia 77 2016-04-06 View
GB32-019 Warluwara vocabulary and elicitation sentences 6 Gavan Breen Australia 29 2016-04-06 View
GB32-020 Warluwara text and notes Gavan Breen Australia 5 2016-04-06 View
GB32-026 Warluwara vocabulary 3 Gavan Breen Australia 2 2016-04-06 View
GB32-029 Warluwara vocabulary and sentences 5 Gavan Breen Australia 17 2021-04-02 View
GB33-001 Wagaya vocabulary and sentences Gavan Breen Australia 69 2016-04-06 View
GB33-003 Wagaya vocabulary, sentences and notes Gavan Breen Australia 67 2016-04-06 View
GB33-011 Wagaya vocabulary, sentences and notes 2 Gavan Breen Australia 155 2016-04-06 View
GB33-017 Wagaya vocabulary, glossed sentences and grammatical notes Gavan Breen Australia 25 2016-04-06 View
GB34-007 Yindjilandji vocabulary and elicitation sentences 2 Gavan Breen Australia 0 2021-06-22 View
GB35-002 Ngamini vocabulary, elicitation sentences and notes Gavan Breen Australia 12 2016-04-06 View
GB35-003 Ngamini vocabulary, elicitation sentences and notes 2 Gavan Breen Australia 69 2016-04-06 View
GB35-004 Discussion of language names Gavan Breen Australia 2 2016-04-06 View
GB36-001 Mithaka vocabulary Gavan Breen Mithaka Australia 2 2016-04-27 View
GB36-002 Mithaka vocabulary and grammatical notes Gavan Breen Mithaka Australia 69 2016-04-27 View
GB36-006 Mithaka vocabulary and elicitation sentences 3 Gavan Breen Mithaka Australia 18 2016-04-27 View
GB37-001 Araynebinh vocabulary and sentences Gavan Breen Araynebinh (Yaruwinga) Australia 42 2016-04-27 View
GB38-008 Eastern Arrernte sentences and discussion 5 Gavan Breen Australia 75 2016-04-06 View
GB38-009 Eastern Arrernte sentences and discussion Gavan Breen Australia 99 2016-04-06 View
GB38-029 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary, unglossed sentences and discussion 3 Gavan Breen Australia 63 2016-04-06 View
GB38-030 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary, unglossed sentences and discussion 4 Gavan Breen Australia 69 2016-04-06 View
GB38-031 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary, unglossed sentences and discussion 5 Gavan Breen Australia 45 2016-04-06 View
GB38-045 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary and notes 6 Gavan Breen Australia 21 2016-04-06 View
GB38-050 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary and notes 8 Gavan Breen Australia 9 2016-04-06 View
GB38-069 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary, elicitation sentences and discussion 3 Gavan Breen Australia 81 2016-04-06 View
GB38-072 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary, elicitation sentences and discussion 6 Gavan Breen Australia 135 2016-04-06 View
GB38-075 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary, unglossed sentences and discussion 9 Gavan Breen Australia 339 2016-04-06 View
GB38-078 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary and discussion 3 Gavan Breen Australia 24 2016-04-06 View
GB38-082 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary and discussion 5 Gavan Breen Australia 120 2016-04-06 View
GB38-092 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary and discussion 13 Gavan Breen Australia 126 2016-04-06 View
GB38-093 Eastern Arrernte vocabulary, unglossed sentences and discussion 11 Gavan Breen Australia 231 2016-04-06 View
GB38-097 Eastern Arrernte text glossed sentences and story 2 Gavan Breen Australia 9 2016-04-06 View
GB39-004 Alyawarr unglossed sentences Gavan Breen Australia 120 2016-04-06 View
GB39-006 Alyawarr vocabulary and glossed sentences Gavan Breen Australia 15 2016-04-06 View
GB39-013 Alyawarr vocabulary and notes on kinship terms Gavan Breen Australia 66 2016-04-06 View
GB40-001 Aliwambinja vocabulary and elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Aliwambinja Australia 27 2016-05-19 View
GB41-003 Antekerrepenh glossed and unglossed sentences Gavan Breen Antekerrepenh Australia 27 2016-04-06 View
GB41-006 Antekerrepenh elicitation and glossed sentences Gavan Breen Antekerrepenh Australia 51 2016-04-06 View
GB41-007 Antekerrepenh elicitation and glossed sentences Gavan Breen Antekerrepenh Australia 129 2016-04-06 View
GB41-014 Antekerrepenh vocabulary Gavan Breen Antekerrepenh Australia 4 2016-04-06 View
GB41-016 Antekerrepenh vocabulary and elicitation sentences 5 Gavan Breen Antekerrepenh Australia 90 2016-04-06 View
GB41-025 Antekerrepenh vocabulary and sentences 3 Gavan Breen Antekerrepenh Australia 135 2016-04-06 View
GB41-028 Antekerrepenh glossed sentences and songs Gavan Breen Antekerrepenh Australia 12 2016-04-06 View
GB41-031 Antekerrepenh elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Antekerrepenh Australia 9 2016-04-06 View
GB42-009 Wuna glossed sentences and notes on affixes 6 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-010 Wuna glossed sentences and notes on affixes 7 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-017 Wuna glossed sentences and notes on grammar 5 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-018 Wuna glossed sentences and notes on grammar 6 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-019 Wuna glossed sentences and notes on grammar 7 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-020 Wuna glossed sentences and notes on grammar 8 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-022 Wuna vocabulary, glossed sentences and notes on morphology Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 56 2016-05-19 View
GB42-025 Wuna vocabulary and notes on morphology 3 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-030 Wuna vocabulary and notes on morphology 8 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-031 Wuna vocabulary and notes on morphology 9 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-034 Wuna vocabulary and notes on morphology 12 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-039 Wuna vocabulary and notes on morphology 17 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB42-042 Wuna vocabulary and notes on morphology 20 Gavan Breen Wuna Australia 1 2016-05-19 View
GB43-001 Umbugarla vocabulary and sentences Gavan Breen Australia 432 2016-04-06 View
GB43-003 Umbugarla vocabulary, Wuna grammar Gavan Breen Australia 126 2016-04-06 View
GB43-007 Umbugarla elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Australia 1 2016-04-06 View
GB43-010 Reference list for Umbugarla fieldwork tapes Gavan Breen Australia 1 2016-04-06 View
GB43-015 Umbugarla vocabulary and notes on grammar 5 Gavan Breen Australia 9 2016-04-06 View
GB43-026 Umbugarla vocabulary and notes on grammar 16 Gavan Breen Australia 2 2016-04-06 View
GB44-002 Western Arrernte vocabulary, sentences and discussion Gavan Breen Western Arrernte Australia 218 2016-04-06 View
GB44-007 Western Arrernte glossed and unglossed sentences, and notes on grammar Gavan Breen Western Arrernte Australia 6 2016-04-06 View
GB44-008 Western Arrernte vocabulary and unglossed sentences Gavan Breen Western Arrernte Australia 6 2016-04-06 View
GB44-011 Western Arrernte vocabulary Gavan Breen Western Arrernte Australia 16 2016-04-06 View
GB44-012 Western Arrernte elicitation and glossed sentences, and discussion Gavan Breen Western Arrernte Australia 80 2016-04-06 View
GB44-015 Western Arrernte vocabulary, elicitation sentences and discussion on kinship terms Gavan Breen Western Arrernte Australia 10 2016-04-06 View
GB44-021 Western Arrernte glossed sentences text and story 2 Gavan Breen Western Arrernte Australia 6 2016-04-06 View
GB45-003 Pertame sentences and notes Gavan Breen Southern Arrente Australia 104 2016-05-19 View
GB46-003 Lower Arrernte vocabulary and notes on kinship terms Gavan Breen Lower Arrente Australia 8 2016-05-19 View
GB46-004 Lower Arrernte glossed and unglossed sentences, and notes about grammar Gavan Breen Lower Arrente Australia 18 2016-05-19 View
GB46-008 Lower Arrernte vocabulary, sentences and notes on grammar Gavan Breen Lower Arrente Australia 82 2016-05-19 View
GB46-017 Lower Arrernte vocabulary and unglossed sentences 2 Gavan Breen Lower Arrente Australia 8 2016-05-19 View
GB47-003 Anmatyerre vocabulary and notes on kinship terms Gavan Breen Anmatyerre Australia 12 2016-04-06 View
GB25-002 Kokiny vocabulary and elicitation sentences Gavan Breen Kokiny Australia 7 2016-04-22 View
DD1-342 Mand FLEx file Don Daniels Mand Papua New Guinea 1 2018-06-13 View
PK2-04 Eskaya manuscripts from Cadapdapan, Bohol Piers Kelly Philippines 7 2016-12-09 View
JL3-131014 Songs, Lexicon, Grammatical Materials, Texts, Verbal Consent Jenny Lee Ranmo Papua New Guinea 24 2016-04-06 View
JL3-131024 Verbal Consent Jenny Lee Ranmo Papua New Guinea 2 2016-04-06 View
KN1-WORDJS01 Wordlist speaker JS, part one Kate Naitoro Solomon Islands 2 2016-04-06 View
KN1-STORYMO02 Kastom story told by MO Kate Naitoro Solomon Islands 2 2016-09-08 View
KN1-WORDJS03 Natural objects wordlist with JS and EN, part one Kate Naitoro Solomon Islands 2 2016-04-06 View
JM4-20110808SLPM 20110808 Samuel Longmair and Peter Mardigan John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 3 2019-04-25 View
JM4-20110816PBKM 20110816 Phillip Berida and Keith Mardigan John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 5 2019-04-29 View
JM4-20110821GMMK 20110821 Gabriel Mardigan and Michael Kundair John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 73 2019-04-25 View
JM4-20110830SBCK 20110830 Steven Burrunjuck and Clarence Karui John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 69 2019-04-25 View
JM4-20120124RW 20120124 Rusty Woditj John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 5 2019-04-25 View
JM4-20120602PtPDMWL 20120609 Patrick Pupuli, Daniel Mardigan and Wayne Longmair John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 5 2019-04-25 View
JM4-20120620DPKM 20120620 Desmond Pupuli and Keith Mardigan John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 0 2019-04-29 View
JM4-20120630LPBP 20120630 Luke Parmbuk and Bradley Parmbuk John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 4 2019-03-06 View
JM4-20130102PH 20130102 Phonology elicitation John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 78 2016-11-01 View
JH1-hymns Kiwai Wasare Buka John Harris Papua New Guinea 34 2019-01-26 View
DN1-002 Australian Linguistics Institute 1992 workshop David Nash Australia 6 2023-07-13 View
SINM-77_6 77-6 Rennell and Bellona Culture - Traditional Stories, Songs and Chants Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-10-09 View
SINM-77_8 77-8 Rennell and Bellona Culture - Traditional Stories, Songs and Chants Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-10-09 View
SINM-ADD1 KOO - Talise Vocabulary, South Guadacanal Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-10-09 View
SINM-ADD12 6/10 Vocabulary - Laghu, Santa Isabel Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-10-10 View
SINM-ADD3 Nembao, Utupua Solomons Museum Nembao Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-14 View
SINM-ADD4 Asumboa, Utupua Solomons Museum Asumboa Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-14 View
SINM-ADD8 2/10 Vocabulary - Laghu, Santa Isabel Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-10-10 View
SINM-C_76_8 Discussion on stone adze Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2016-04-07 View
SINM-C_76_9 Custom of Ambu Village Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2016-04-07 View
SINM-EM005 Emily Mamuli recorded by Piet Lincoln. Translating a Tetau text and identifying material culture items Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-14 View
SINM-OTP103 Custom songs of Sikanikasi and Totoiasi Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-05-31 View
SINM-OTP104 Laperouse Story of Vanikolo Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-05-31 View
SINM-OTP126 Kwaio, Malaita Province - Word List Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-05 View
SINM-OTP131 Official opening of Western school cultural arts & crafts at Gizo Primary school Hall Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-05 View
SINM-OTP132 Interview with students and teachers of the arts & crafts Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-05 View
SINM-OTP135 Lele cardinal vowels, Around town, Anesaia Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-05 View
SINM-OTP141 Good Tikopian, Gilbertese song Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-06 View
SINM-OTP142 Gilberts & Tikopian Eve; Good Tikopian Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-07 View
SINM-OTP149 Custom Dance - Ulawa Island, Makira Ulawa Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-06 View
SINM-OTP161 MASOLA told by Paramount Chief of Tonohu No 5 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-07 View
SINM-OTP162 Asipa Tonohu, Baragebu, Kingmele No 6 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-07 View
SINM-OTP166 ASIPA of Gaomai village Shortlands, Reki[x], Wage, Masina No. 10 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-07 View
SINM-OTP168 ASIPA of Gaomai village Shortlands No 12 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-07 View
SINM-OTP173 Custom story from Ontong Java and Bellona group singing & dancing during Museum Festival 2/8/1975 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP21 Tom Ekington Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP25 Story of stones. Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP35 Panpipes, harp and songs of Lathalu Village, Malaita Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP39 Stories from Parangomao Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP4 Tagisasa tree women from Bellona Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP42 Youth Union Tape 5 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP43 Kai (Rose) araiatanga o Samoa nukumaeva; Sa Nukumaeva 1/4/79. Ararafanga Tape 6. Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP47 Official opening of Natagera custom house -Santa Ana Island, Makira-Ulawa Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP48 Official opening of Natagera custom house -Santa Ana Island, Makira-Ulawa Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP5 East Kola'a Ridge, Honiara Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-14 View
SINM-OTP53 Vocabulary - Pileni, Reef Islands, Temotu Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-14 View
SINM-OTP57 Custom story and Marriage custom in South Guadacanal Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-14 View
SINM-OTP65 Custom Story -Nggela MLCK School Programme Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-08-14 View
SINM-OTP89 Social anthropological studies Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-10-03 View
SINM-OTP92 Interview on material culture UNESCO C/76/26 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-10-03 View
SINM-TALA01 Traditional Songs and Stories - Sikaiana, Malaita Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-10-10 View
SINM-TALA05 Traditional Songs and Stories - Sikaiana, Malaita Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-10-10 View
SINM-TR1 Traditional Songs and Chanting Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-10-10 View
SINM-TR2 Traditional Songs and Chanting Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-10-10 View
KO1-005 Texts 21 - 27 Kazuko Obata Solomon Islands 4 2016-04-07 View
KO1-010 Texts 67-68 Kazuko Obata Solomon Islands 2 2016-04-07 View
GAC1-20 Cantarmaggio - Gruppo La Questua Antonio Comin Italian (various dialects) Australia 23 2016-04-07 View
GAC1-24 Canti per il solstizio invernale - Gruppo La Questua Antonio Comin Italian (various dialects) Australia 1 2016-04-07 View
LB2-VT9208 Gragnanella 19/7/92 Maggio 'Eronte' performed by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio, video tape 2 of 3 Linda Barwick Italy 5 2024-02-12 View
LB2-VT9209 Gragnanella 19/7/92, Maggio 'Eronte' performed by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio, video tape 3 of 3 Linda Barwick Italy 5 2024-02-12 View
KO1-011 Texts 69-72 Kazuko Obata Solomon Islands 2 2016-04-07 View
RB5-Plateau_Gora Plateau Gora Mike Rueck Gora Nigeria 52 2019-10-30 View
RB5-Plateau_Ninkyob Plateau Ninkyob Roger Blench Ninkyob Nigeria 10 2016-04-07 View
RB5-Plateau_KurminDangana Plateau KurminDangana John Muniru Kurmin Dangana Nigeria 50 2016-04-07 View
AA4-011 Traditional story Alexander Adelaar Indonesia 2 2024-03-13 View
AA4-009 Cerita iman Kura' duan iman Kijak Alexander Adelaar Indonesia 2 2016-07-11 View
AA4-008 Hi Ramanis Alexander Adelaar Indonesia 2 2016-07-11 View
AA4-007 Kura' duan Kuyuk Alexander Adelaar Belangin Indonesia 2 2017-09-08 View
AA4-006 Si Pasungan, Gajah Mada, Wawei mawine jari tamako Alexander Adelaar Indonesia 2 2017-09-08 View
DH2-002 Buloto text read by Huang Ziyi in Baise (2) David Holm Northern Zhuang China 2 2016-07-06 View
NT4-endis Endis Kalsarap Nick Thieberger Vanuatu 4 2024-02-01 View
AW1-20120227 Tiwi recordings, Feb 27, 2012 Aidan Wilson Traditional Tiwi Australia 4 2019-10-02 View
AW1-20120308 Tiwi recordings, Mar 8, 2012 Aidan Wilson Traditional Tiwi Australia 4 2019-10-02 View
AW1-20120417 Tiwi recordings, Apr 17, 2012 Aidan Wilson Tiwi Australia 2 2019-10-02 View
SINM-OTP177 ASIPA of Gaomai village Shortlands No 12 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
PK2-11 Eskaya genealogies Piers Kelly Spanish Philippines 4 2017-06-05 View
PK2-18 Audio recording of Eskayan language classes in Biabas on 19 March, 2006. Piers Kelly Eskayan Philippines 4 2016-12-09 View
AC1-202A Boy and Coconut Story: Nguna, Pele (Part 1 continued on tape 202B) Arthur Capell Nguna, Pele Vanuatu 12 2018-04-05 View
AC1-202B Boy and Coconut Story: (cont. from tape 202A) Pele, Emau; Trilingual text: Nguna, Pele, Emau (Part 1, cont.on tape 202C) Arthur Capell Pele, Emau, Nguna Vanuatu 11 2018-04-05 View
AC1-209 Keiwa, Min (Wantoat), Marathi, Jugoslav, Telugu, Transcripts of News Broadcasts - Urdu, Turkish, unidentified Indian (?) language, Korean Arthur Capell Keiwa, Min (Wantoat), Marathi, Jugoslav, Telugu, Urdu, Turkish, unidentified Indian (?) language, Korean India Papua New Guinea 13 2023-03-14 View
AC1-401 Central American Indian languages Arthur Capell Trique, Maya, Nazataco Mexico 12 2023-05-01 View
AC1-409A Futuna, New Hebrides; Ekari, Palau Arthur Capell Futuna, New Hebrides; Ekari, Palau Palau Vanuatu 12 2016-11-07 View
AC1-411 Oriya, Lowolwol Arthur Capell Oriya, Lowolwol Vanuatu 13 2018-04-05 View
AC1-414 Thai Preé, Thai Nak??n sii Thommárat, Kahmu? Arthur Capell Thai Preé, Thai Nak??n sii Thommárat, Kahmu? Thailand 3 2016-11-01 View
AC1-416 Prodigal Son in Efate Dialects Arthur Capell Nafsan Vanuatu 18 2018-04-05 View
AC1-433 Malaita Island (north and south), Guadalcanal Island Arthur Capell Solomon Islands 14 2023-07-15 View
AC1-MISC8 Arosi (stretched) & Forrest River (stretched) Arthur Capell Arosi Australia Solomon Islands 16 2023-07-20 View
AC1-ST12 Fijian Arthur Capell Fijian Fiji 12 2018-04-05 View
AC2-FNBPNGEH102 Kamano grammatical notes, wordlist and texts Arthur Capell Kamano Papua New Guinea 11 2016-03-17 View
AC2-FNBPNGEH106 Hofaya grammatical notes Arthur Capell Hofaya Papua New Guinea 4 2017-08-30 View
AC2-IJBINUF101 Biak Noemfoorsch Woordenbook by J. L. and F. J. F van Hasselt Arthur Capell Biak-Nufor Indonesia 157 2016-03-17 View
AC2-IJEKAG102 Untitled language notes (probably Ekagi language) Arthur Capell Ekagi (Ekari) Indonesia 2 2016-03-17 View
AC2-IJEKAG104 Kapauku Phonemes by Marion Doble Arthur Capell Kapauku (Ekari) Indonesia 8 2016-03-17 View
AC2-IJEKAG106 Letter from Marion Doble about work II Arthur Capell Ekari Indonesia 1 2016-03-17 View
AC2-IJMONI102 A Tentative Statement on Moni Morphology by Gordon F. Larson and Mildred O. Larson Arthur Capell Moni Indonesia 23 2016-03-17 View
AC2-IJMONI103 Preliminary Studies in the Moni Language by Gordon F. Larson and Mildred O. Larson Arthur Capell Moni Indonesia 27 2016-03-17 View
AC2-IJWDAN101 Dani texts Arthur Capell Western Dani Indonesia 2 2016-03-17 View
AC2-IJWDAN102 Dani lexical notes Arthur Capell Western Dani Indonesia 1 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INALOR101 Comparative vocabulary in Dutch - Alor - Koe'ish Arthur Capell Alor, Koeish (Kui), Dutch Indonesia 9 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INALOR104 Alor grammatical notes Arthur Capell Alor Indonesia 3 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INALOR202 Alor wordlist and phrases Arthur Capell Alor Indonesia 6 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INCEL103 Notes on Spraakunst van le Banggai Arthur Capell Banggai Indonesia 2 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INCOMPV102 Indonesian Vocabularies II Arthur Capell German, Batta (Batten), Sunda Ordinary, Sunda Ceremonial, Java ordinary, Java ceremonial Indonesia 1 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INFLOR104 Manggarai grammatical notes Arthur Capell Manggarai Indonesia 10 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INFLOR108 Solor sentences Arthur Capell Solor Indonesia 2 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INHALM101 Buli comaparative word list Arthur Capell Buli, UA, English Indonesia 3 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INHALM201 Notes on Bugis Arthur Capell Bugis Indonesia 4 2016-03-17 View
AC2-INIJAK102 Korte Woordenlijst van de Taal der Aroe- en Keij- Eilanden, compiled by H.C. van Eijbergen Arthur Capell Dutch, Malay, Wokam, Ujir (Aro Is), Eli Ellat (Banda), Oorsprak (Kai Is) Indonesia 14 2023-12-31 View
AC2-INLSCV101 Untitled Word list with camparison with languages from Lesser Sunda chain Arthur Capell Unidentified, but with reference to various Lesser Sunda Languages Indonesia 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-INLSND101 Iets over de taal van Dao. By J. C. G. Jonkes Arthur Capell Ndao Indonesia 5 2016-03-18 View
AC2-INLSND102 Dao Story text Arthur Capell Dao Indonesia 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-INPANT102 Draft of Some Notes on the Languages of Pantar by James J. Fox Arthur Capell Languages from Pantar Island (Oirata, Makasai, Blagar, Balungada, Deing, Mauta, Bunaq) Indonesia 15 2016-03-29 View
AC2-INSAWU106 Sawu grammatical patterns Arthur Capell Sawu, Li Hawu Indonesia 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-INSBAT101 German-Batta wordlist Arthur Capell Batak language and dialects Indonesia 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-INSTH103 Bunak Vocabulary and Analysis Arthur Capell Bunak Indonesia 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-MELGRAM103 The Melanesian Languages: A Summary (draft) by A. Capell Arthur Capell Melanesian languages Fiji New Caledonia Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Vanuatu 10 2016-03-29 View
AC2-MNETH101 Capell's notes on W. H. R. Rivers's 'Social Organisation' Arthur Capell 19 2016-04-07 View
AC2-MNETH103 Notes on Banks Island social organisation Arthur Capell Merlav, Mota Vanuatu 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-MNETH104 Notes on systems of Kinship in Melanesian Society Arthur Capell Fiji New Caledonia Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Vanuatu 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-MNETH110 Atchin Twenty Years Ago by John W. Layard Arthur Capell Atchin Vanuatu 12 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBBAN107 Banoni Kinship terms Arthur Capell Banoni Papua New Guinea 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBBAN108 Contrastive phoneme patterns for Benoni, Uruavo and Torau Arthur Capell Benoni, Uruavo, Torau Papua New Guinea 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBBUI102 Buin tense and number markers Arthur Capell Buin Papua New Guinea 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBBUI103 Buin notes Arthur Capell Buin Papua New Guinea 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBBUI105 Grammatical notes on Buin II Arthur Capell Buin Papua New Guinea 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBCVOC101 Pronouns and tense markers in Rugara, Nasioi and Motuna Arthur Capell Rugara (Buin), Nasioi, Motuna (Siwai), Bagui (Baitsi) Papua New Guinea 6 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBCVOC102 Comparative vocabularies of some Bougainville languages I Arthur Capell Nasioi (Naasioi), Rugara (Buin), Motuna (Siwai), Sibbe (Nagovisi), Baitsi Papua New Guinea 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBCVOC201 Languages of the Bougainville District by Jerry Allen and Conrad Hurd Arthur Capell Languages of Bougainville Papua New Guinea 59 2018-04-24 View
AC2-NSBCVOC203 Letter from A. H. Boyce about Roviana Arthur Capell Roviana Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBHAH102 Map of Northern Bouganvile and Buka Arthur Capell Papua New Guinea 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBHALHK101 Hako wordlists and texts Arthur Capell Hako Papua New Guinea 20 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBKON101 Grammar and Vocabulary of the Konua Language Arthur Capell Konua Papua New Guinea 138 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBNAS102 Nasioi (Kieta) and Rotokas revised melanesian wordlist Arthur Capell Nasioi (Naasioi), Rotokas Papua New Guinea 10 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBNAS106 Notes on kinship terms and verb types in Nasioi Arthur Capell Nasioi (Naasioi) Papua New Guinea 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBNEH101 Nehan Survey wordlist Arthur Capell Nehan Papua New Guinea 10 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBPETA104 Petats - English Vocabulary I Arthur Capell Petats Papua New Guinea 17 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBPETM101 Matsungan (Petats) revised Melanesian wordlist Arthur Capell Petats Papua New Guinea 14 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBPIV102 Nagarige survey wordlist II Arthur Capell Nagarige (Piva, Lawunuia) Papua New Guinea 10 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBSIW106 Revised English-Siwai revised Melanesian Wordlist and texts Arthur Capell Siwai (Motuna) Papua New Guinea 10 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBSIW205 Siwai research notes II Arthur Capell Siwai Papua New Guinea 12 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBTEO106 Teop words and phrases Arthur Capell Teop Papua New Guinea 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-NSBURU102 Grammatical and lexical notes on Uruava and Torau Arthur Capell Uruava, Torau Papua New Guinea 17 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OFNB108 Maprik notes and vocabulary Arthur Capell Ambulas Papua New Guinea 25 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLGS103 Polynesian Linguistics by A. Leverd Arthur Capell Multiple languages Solomon Islands Vanuatu 12 2018-02-14 View
AC2-OLVOC106 Kei Islands - Timor Laut comparative vocabularies Arthur Capell Kei Islands, Timor Laut Indonesia 10 2016-04-01 View
AC2-OLVOC111 Comparative vocabularies of languages from PNG Arthur Capell Barim, Kaimanga (Mbula), Tuam (Mutu), Malei (Hote), Aramot Papua New Guinea 9 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC114 Ponape grammatical notes Arthur Capell Ponape (Pohnpeian) Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands 7 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC204 Notes on Tubetube Arthur Capell Tubetube (Bwanabwana) Papua New Guinea 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC207 Gilbertese Numerals Arthur Capell Gilbertese (Kiribati) Fiji Solomon Islands Tuvalu Vanuatu 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC208 Tangoa vocabulary Arthur Capell Tangoa Vanuatu 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC209 Wedau verbal prefixes Arthur Capell Wedau Papua New Guinea 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC212 Notes on Micronesian pronouns Arthur Capell Ebon (Marshallese), Kusaie (Kosraean), Ponape, Gilbertese, Makassar, Bugis Indonesia Kiribati Marshall Islands Micronesia 2 2016-04-13 View
AC2-OLVOC222 Sunda verbs Arthur Capell Sunda Indonesia 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC223 Makassan and Bugis wordlists Arthur Capell Makassan, Bugis Indonesia 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC226 Uvea vocabulary Arthur Capell Uvea (Wallisian) New Caledonia Wallis and Futuna 8 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC229 Sulka - Mengen - Tumuip - Dutch comparative vocabulary Arthur Capell Mengen, Tumuip (Tomoip), Sulka Papua New Guinea 6 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC237 Namau etymology of numbers and a list greetings Arthur Capell Namau (Purari) Papua New Guinea 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC239 Nias phonetics and verbs Arthur Capell Nias Indonesia 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC301 Tikopia Vocabulary Arthur Capell Tikopia Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC302 Pileni Vocabulary Arthur Capell Pileni Solomon Islands 6 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC310 Bugotu vocabulary and short text Arthur Capell Bugotu (Bughotu) Solomon Islands 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC312 Mono language conjugation and vocabulary Arthur Capell Mono Solomon Islands 4 2019-10-14 View
AC2-OLVOC314 Notes on Tagalog verbs Arthur Capell Tagalog Philippines 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC317 Notes on Pileni Arthur Capell Pilenian (Pileni) Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC318 Notes Sikayana Grammar Arthur Capell Sikayana (Sikaiana) Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC322 Barriai Grammar Arthur Capell Barriai (Bariai) Papua New Guinea 9 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC323 Tale of Lolopuepue in Omba language Arthur Capell Omba (East Ambae) Vanuatu 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC328 Short vocabulary of the language from South Pentecost island Arthur Capell Sa Vanuatu 1 2016-04-01 View
AC2-OLVOC502 Comparative Vocabularies in Petats and Lontis Arthur Capell Petats, Lontis Papua New Guinea 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC602 Comparative vocabulary of some Central Province Papuan languages Arthur Capell Maisin, Domara (Mailu), Koiari, Binandere, Ambasi (Binandere) Papua New Guinea 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC610 Nias notes and vocabulary Arthur Capell Nias Indonesia 10 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC613 Zulu Grammar Terminology Arthur Capell Zulu South Africa 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC615 Words and phrases in some Austronesian languages Arthur Capell Motu, Maewo, Pangkunu (Rerep), Flores, Bugi (Bugis), Suau Indonesia Papua New Guinea Vanuatu 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-OLVOC708 Wetar Arthur Capell Wetar Indonesia 6 2016-07-06 View
AC2-OLVOC711 Text in Sumbawa Arthur Capell Sumbawa Indonesia 2 2016-07-06 View
AC2-OLVOC713 Solor-Dutch word list with some phrases and grammatical notes. Arthur Capell Solor Indonesia 9 2016-07-06 View
AC2-PNGMBCV101 Milne Bay languages: Collected by Andrew Pawley and Wiliiam Tomasetti, 1969-70, from students at various high schools in Milne Bay District Arthur Capell Milne Bay languages Papua New Guinea 4 2018-04-26 View
AC2-PNGMBCV105 Section D 1-13 Milne Bay languages: Collected by Andrew Pawley and Wiliiam Tomasetti, 1969-70, from students at various high schools in Milne Bay District Arthur Capell Suau, Daui, Sariba, Logea Papua New Guinea 13 2017-04-30 View
AC2-PNGMBSEY103 Introduction to Rossel Island: An Ethnoglogical study by W. E. Armstrong Arthur Capell Papua New Guinea 17 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIARO105 Kinship terms connected to Arosi Arthur Capell Arosi Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIARO108 Arosi vocabulary notes Arthur Capell Arosi Solomon Islands 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBAUR101 Bauro wordlist and phrases Arthur Capell Bauro Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBIL102 Letter from George B. Milner about Bilua Arthur Capell Bilua Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBIL108 Letter from A. Bensley about translating into Bilua Arthur Capell Bilua Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBIL202 A grammar of the Bilua language Arthur Capell Bilua Solomon Islands 14 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBUG104 Bugotu anthropology and language notes by G. Bogese III Arthur Capell Bugotu (Bughotu) Solomon Islands 52 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBUG106 Bugotu anthropology and language notes by G. Bogese V Arthur Capell Bugotu (Bughotu) Solomon Islands 43 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBUG110 Bugotu anthropology and language notes by G. Bogese IX Arthur Capell Bugotu (Bughotu) Solomon Islands 22 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBUG111 Letter from George Bogese about Bugotu phonology and previous studies Arthur Capell Bugotu (Bughotu) Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SICOMPV101 North-West and West Solomon Comparative vocabularies I Arthur Capell Tabataba, Babatana, Roviana, Banieta, Bilua, Alu Solomon Islands 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SICOMPV104 Comparative word lists based on J. H. L. Waterhouse Arthur Capell Vella Lavella, Tabataba, Mono, Baniata, Roviana Solomon Islands 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SICOMPV203 Set of comparative vocabularies compiled by Capell Arthur Capell Choiseul, Vagua-Varisi-Babatana-Ririo, Sisiga (Sengga)-Kuboro (LXmaumbi), Kubokota-Luga (Lungga)-Sibo (Simbo)-Du Ke (Nluke), Riviana-Ugela (Ughele)-Kusaige (Kusaghe)-Itoava, Marovo-Bareka-Vangunu, Ysabel, Kia-Kilokaka-Maringe, Gao-Bugolu-Gela, Dai-Malu Solomon Islands 17 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SICOMPV304 Vocabulary list of Solomon Islands languages. Unknown compiler. Arthur Capell Arosi, Wanoni, Malu'u, Sanane, Koio, Areare, Kwara'ae, Lau (Taga), Langalanga, Ulawa Solomon Islands 3 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SICOMPV305 Comparative vocabulary of 4 Solomon Islands languages. Compiler unknown. Arthur Capell Gela, Bugota, Kia and Maringge Solomon Islands 9 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIGELA101 A Grammar of the Language of Florida, British Solomon Islands by W. G. Ivens Arthur Capell Gela (Nggela) Solomon Islands 37 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIHOAV101 Hoava revised Melanesian wordlist and texts Arthur Capell Hoava Solomon Islands 6 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIKUSA101 Kusaghe Revised Melanesian wordlist Arthur Capell Kusage (Kusaghe) Solomon Islands 6 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIKWAI201 Rethinking Mana: The Kwaio Case by Roger M. Keesing Arthur Capell Kwaio Solomon Islands 53 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIKWAR101 Biblical texts in Kwara'ae Arthur Capell Kwara'ae Solomon Islands 11 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIKWAR102 Letter from Philip Harvey including Kwara'ae language material Arthur Capell Kwara'ae Solomon Islands 21 2016-04-04 View
AC2-SIKWAR105 Kwara'ae language Swadesh list Arthur Capell Kwara'ae Solomon Islands 4 2016-04-04 View
AC2-SILONG102 A Grammar of the Language of Longgu, Guadalcanal, British Solomon Islands by W. G. Ivens Arthur Capell Longgu Solomon Islands 22 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIMARO102 Marovo revised Melanesian wordlist and texts Arthur Capell Marovo Solomon Islands 10 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SINMALA103 Malu-u and Namau grammatical notes Arthur Capell Malu-u (To'abaita), Namau (Purari), Panoueti, Vogul, Lahune, Chia, Canton, Hwa, Miao Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIRSCP101 Reef Islands Language Prayer book Arthur Capell Reef Islands (Ayiwo) Solomon Islands 28 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SISAA104 Grammatical notes on Sa'a Arthur Capell Sa'a Solomon Islands 1 2016-04-04 View
AC2-SISCRC101 The San Cristoval Heo by C. E. Fox Arthur Capell Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SISCRC102 Further notes on the Heo of the Solomon Islands by C. E. Fox Arthur Capell Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SISIM102 Mandegusu grammatical notes Arthur Capell Mandegusu (Simbo) Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SITIK102 The Sociology of 'magic' in Tikopia Arthur Capell Tikopia Solomon Islands 21 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SITIK104 Tikopia text Arthur Capell Tikopia Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIVAGMB101 Mbarake (Vangunu) revised Melanesian wordlist and texts Arthur Capell Vangunu Solomon Islands 10 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIVATU102 Vaturanga Sawdesh list Arthur Capell Vaturanga (Ghari) Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-TETNAN105 Lovaia vocabulary Arthur Capell Lovaia (Maku'a) East Timor 4 2016-04-06 View
AC2-TGAL101 Galoli: A language of Portuguese Timor Arthur Capell Galoli East Timor 2 2016-04-06 View
AC2-TTET101 Tetun phrases Arthur Capell Tetun East Timor 2 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VAMBRYM1B1 Correspondence from author and referees (copies). 1) A Capell. Dr Capell's report on thesis by W.F. Paton Arthur Capell No linguistic content Vanuatu 3 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VAMBRYM1B3 Correspondence from author and referees (copies). 3) Dr Harland Kerr to W.F. Paton with critical comments on thesis. Arthur Capell No linguistic content Vanuatu 2 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VAMBRYM21 Notes on the Sulul dialect of Ambrym. Arthur Capell Lonwolwol, Sulul dialect Vanuatu 3 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VANEIT301 A Re-study of the Language of Aneityum Arthur Capell Aneityum Vanuatu 81 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VANEIT303 Miscellaneous research notes Arthur Capell Aneityum? Vanuatu 3 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VANEIT308 Boy and Coconut story in Aneityum Arthur Capell Aneityum Vanuatu 4 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VAOBA110 Revised Melanesian word list, Omba-Waluriki. Arthur Capell Omba-Waluriki Vanuatu 4 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VAOBA111 Omba-Waluriki sentences, texts. Arthur Capell Omba-Waluriki Vanuatu 5 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VAOBA112 Vocabulary, Omba (Waluriki), plus unused English sentence/story material. Arthur Capell Omba (Waluriki) Vanuatu 7 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VAOBA13 2 letter to Capell from Paul E. Grant, Apostolic Church Mission Wallaha, Aoba. Arthur Capell Ambae West, English Vanuatu 2 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VAUL111 Various stories collected in Aulua Arthur Capell Aulua Vanuatu 4 2016-04-06 View
AC2-VAXA104 Ahmab sentences Arthur Capell Ahamb (Axamb) Vanuatu 3 2020-07-11 View
AC2-VAXA105 A story in Ahamb Arthur Capell Ahamb (Axamb) Vanuatu 2 2020-07-11 View
AC2-VAXA108 Axamb phrases and texts Arthur Capell Axamb Vanuatu 9 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VAXA109 Kuliviu phonetics Arthur Capell Kuliviu (Maskelynes) Vanuatu 6 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VBANMT101 Mota sentences Arthur Capell Mota Vanuatu 5 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VBANMT102 Mota- Tegel word list Arthur Capell Mota, Tegel (Lehali) Vanuatu 2 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VBANMT105 Mota language Bible text Arthur Capell Mota Vanuatu 2 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VCGS203 The Languages of the New Hebrides: Internal and External Relationships by D. T. Tryon Arthur Capell New Hebrides languages Vanuatu 26 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VCGS301 Some consonant changes in New Hebrides languages Arthur Capell New Hebrides languages Vanuatu 1 2018-04-18 View
AC2-VCOMVO202 Bible texts in several Vanuatu languages Arthur Capell Nafsan Vanuatu 1 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VCOMVO203 Some word lists from the Southern New Hebrides by John Lynch Arthur Capell Nihvaal (Southwest Tanna), Southwest Tanna, Kwamera, Whitesands, North Tanna Vanuatu 30 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VCOMVO302 Malekula island languages comparative vocabularies Arthur Capell Ahmab (Axamb), Aulua, Unua, Big Nambas Vanuatu 4 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VEFAT24 Efate vocabulary (chiefly Erakor). Arthur Capell Efate Vanuatu 11 2016-04-06 View
AC2-VEFAT402 Efatese Grammar and dictionary Arthur Capell 1920s or 1930s Vanuatu 6 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VEMAE12 Vocabulary, Emae (Polynesian section). Arthur Capell Emae-English Vanuatu 5 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VEPI202 Sketch map of Epi Island language areas Arthur Capell Lamenu (Lewo), Maluba, Tasiko, Bieri (Bieria), Mari, Baki, Bierebo Vanuatu 1 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VEPI203 Proto MN - Tasiko - Baki affix table Arthur Capell Tasiko (Lewo), Baki Vanuatu 1 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VERO1 Word-building and compunding in Eromanga (incomplete). Arthur Capell Erromanga Vanuatu 2 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VERO2 Draft. On the development of the verbal system in Sie, Erromango. Arthur Capell Erromango Sie Vanuatu 27 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VERO202A Letter from John Lynch (Uni PNG) replying to letters from Capell. Arthur Capell Erromangan Vanuatu 1 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VES102 Vocabulary of language of Sakau, E. Santo, N.H. Arthur Capell Sakau Vanuatu 10 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VES103 Letter to Capell from K.R. Anderson, Hog Harbour, Santo. Arthur Capell Sakao, English Vanuatu 9 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VES105A Revised Melanesian word list. Big Bay [Tolomako language]. Together with 'Story from Big Bay, North Santo in English-Tolomako'. Arthur Capell Big Bay Vanuatu 9 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VES107 Letter to Capell from Rev C. Williamson of Sutherland (formerly of Tangoa Training Inst.). Arthur Capell Tangoa, English Vanuatu 2 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VES109 Letter to Capell from M.A. Williams of the Tangoa Training Inst, re collecting words and stories and mentions informants responsible for folios 5(a)-(b) and 6, above. Arthur Capell Tangoa, English Vanuatu 2 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VES22B Revised Melanesian word list: Araki, S. Santo. Arthur Capell Araki,English Vanuatu 5 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VES22C 71 sentences and an untitled story in Araki from informant Varisipiti. Arthur Capell Akari Vanuatu 7 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VES303 Santo Island comparative vocabularies Arthur Capell Nogugu (Nokuku), Tasiriki (Akei), Tangoa, Malo, Sakau (Sakao) Vanuatu 6 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VES307 An introduction to Sakau Arthur Capell Sakau (Sakao) Vanuatu 2 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VES43 Letter to Capell from Hugh Prenter, Presbyterian Mission, Hog Harbour, E. Santo. Arthur Capell Hog Harbour (or Sakau), Big Bay, Shark Bay, Leira Vanuatu 2 2021-10-20 View
AC2-VES48 Part of letter sent to Capell, probably by H.A. Williams. Arthur Capell Araki, English Vanuatu 1 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VES502 Occurrence of feminine prefix in Santo Arthur Capell Tasmalum, Santo Vanuatu 1 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VES505 Tangoa texts in English Arthur Capell Tangoa Vanuatu 32 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VETH101 Responses to Rev William Gunn's queries from Rev. T Wall Leggatt re Malekula ethnography Arthur Capell Malekula Vanuatu 9 2016-04-07 View
AC2-VETH103 Responses to Rev William Gunns questions 'Regarding Natives of New Hebrides' Arthur Capell Tanno, Santo Vanuatu 7 2016-04-07 View
AC2-VETH106 Responses to Rev William Gunn's queries from W . N. Murray Arthur Capell No linguistic content, English Vanuatu 3 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VETHN102 Atchin Twenty Years Ago by John W. Layard Arthur Capell Atchin Vanuatu 12 2016-03-21 View
AC2-VETHN103 Notes on the Regulations of Marriage in Ambrym Arthur Capell Balap, Paama Vanuatu 14 2016-04-07 View
AC2-VETHN105 Letter from Ralph Grant about the Guga people Arthur Capell Guga Vanuatu 1 2016-04-07 View
AC2-VETHN201 Verwandschaft und Freundschaft Analytische Bermerkungen zur Sozial Struktur der Melanesier von Sud-West Malekula Arthur Capell Malekula Vanuatu 56 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VFA109 The Position of Women in Futuna and Aniwa (Extract) Arthur Capell Futuna-Aniwa Vanuatu 2 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VFN11 English-Eromangan vocabulary. Arthur Capell Eromangan Vanuatu 8 2016-03-21 View
AC2-VFN12D Black notebook. Original material in unknown hand (probably a missionary), augmented later by Capell. Arthur Capell Philippines 25 2016-03-21 View
AC2-VFN13C Black note book. East Santo-English. Arthur Capell East Santo Vanuatu 16 2016-03-21 View
AC2-VFN15 Spirax note book, N.H. III. Arthur Capell Efate South, Efate North Vanuatu 87 2018-02-14 View
SUY1-141022 Narratives and conversation Sangbu Syuba Lauren Gawne Nepal 18 2016-06-04 View
SUY1-141026 Elicitation: months, days, years, villages and clans Lauren Gawne Nepal 2 2016-06-04 View
AH1-007 Conversation drills 6 Anne-Marie Hari Nepal 4 2016-04-07 View
AH1-009 Songs 1 Anne-Marie Hari Nepal 4 2016-04-07 View
AH1-017 Texts 10 Anne-Marie Hari Nepal 2 2016-04-07 View
AH1-018 Texts 11 Anne-Marie Hari Nepal 4 2016-04-07 View
IG3-008 Marri Ngarr 17/06/91 Ian Green Australia 24 2024-02-14 View
IG3-017 Marri Ngarr 03/06/92 (1) Ian Green Australia 6 2019-01-09 View
IG3-029 Marri Ngarr 29/10/93 Ian Green Australia 8 2019-01-10 View
EAG1-S2 Session 2 Emily Gasser Indonesia 6 2016-04-07 View
EAG1-S5 Session 5 Emily Gasser Indonesia 3 2016-04-07 View
EAG1-S16 Session 16 Emily Gasser Indonesia 5 2016-04-07 View
EAG1-S22 Session 22 Emily Gasser Indonesia 4 2016-04-07 View
EAG1-S24 Session 24 Emily Gasser Indonesia 2 2016-04-07 View
EAG1-S25 Session 25 Emily Gasser Indonesia 2 2016-04-07 View
EAG1-S30 Session 30 Emily Gasser Indonesia 5 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S31 Session 31 Emily Gasser Indonesia 3 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S34 Session 34 Emily Gasser Indonesia 2 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S40 Session 40 Emily Gasser Indonesia 2 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S48 Session 48 Emily Gasser Indonesia 4 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S52 Session 52 Emily Gasser Indonesia 6 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S60 Session 60 Emily Gasser Indonesia 3 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S64 Session 64 Emily Gasser Indonesia 3 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S72 Session 72 Emily Gasser Indonesia 2 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S73 Session 73 Emily Gasser Indonesia 2 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-S77 Session 77 Emily Gasser Indonesia 6 2016-04-08 View
EAG1-notes11 Field Notebooks 2011 Emily Gasser Indonesia 4 2020-11-03 View
TH3-001 Wordlist Tom Honeyman Momu Papua New Guinea 0 2016-12-16 View
TH2-002 Yarin's Ugumos Tom Honeyman Momu Papua New Guinea 0 2016-12-16 View
TH2-005 Story of Denis' Mother's Death Tom Honeyman Momu Papua New Guinea 0 2016-12-16 View
TH2-006 Denis' Ugumos and Ancestors Tom Honeyman Momu Papua New Guinea 0 2016-12-16 View
TH2-009 Story of a Fight Tom Honeyman Momu Papua New Guinea 0 2016-12-16 View
DT1-001 (1) LIFU June 1965 Darrell Tryon Lifu New Caledonia 14 2022-03-16 View
DT1-285 Palalau Faka'Uvea Darrell Tryon Wallis (Uvea) Wallis and Futuna 10 2018-05-02 View
DT1-459 Bislama 1982 Aneityum/Tanna Darrell Tryon Vanuatu 12 2020-05-12 View
DT1-631 1991 Fieldworkers Workshop: Birds (8) Darrell Tryon Vanuatu 8 2018-10-03 View
PK2-28 Nida Salingay reading Bisayan Diklaradu Piers Kelly Cebuano Philippines 3 2021-05-24 View
PK2-36 Church service in Taytay Piers Kelly Eskayan Philippines 5 2021-05-24 View
PK2-38 Alberta Galambao leading anthems and prayers Piers Kelly Philippines 3 2016-12-09 View
PK2-44 Transliterating the Castañares Manuscript Piers Kelly Philippines 6 2016-08-23 View
LB2-VT9202 Piazza al Serchio 5/7/92, Maggio 'Eronte' performed by compagnia di Piazza al Serchio, video tape 2 of 3 Linda Barwick Italy 7 2024-02-12 View
LB2-VT9204 Gragnanella 12/7/92, 'I vichingi' Compagnia Val Dolo tape 1 of 3 Linda Barwick Italy 5 2024-02-06 View
LB2-VT9218 Migliano 9/8/92, compagnia Gragnanella-Filicaia-Casatico, 'Licia la schiava di Roma', tape 2 of 3 Linda Barwick Italy 5 2024-02-12 View
WD1-P32 filming-get-sagostem Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-P54 orthography4 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-P73 textwork3 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-P7C textworkC Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 0 2016-04-02 View
WD1-P7D textworkD Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 0 2016-04-02 View
WD1-P7E textworkE Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 0 2016-04-02 View
WD1-P84 watersystem4 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-P89 watersystem9 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-P8D watersystemD Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 0 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PA2 ArtCraft2 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PA3 ArtCraft3 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PA4 ArtCraft4 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PA9 ArtCraft9 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PB1 Canoes1 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PBF CanoesF Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PBG CanoesG Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PC8 ChildPlay8 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PD1 Cooking1 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PD8 Cooking8 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PDA CookingA Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PDB CookingB Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PE5 Fishing5 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PEB FishingB Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PF4 Food4 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PF7 Food7 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PFC FoodC Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PG7 Funeral7 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PG9 Funeral9 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PH2 Houses2 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PH6 Houses6 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PJ4 Hunting4 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PK1 Leaders1 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PL4 topoInalu Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PL8 Bahinemo clansall Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PLF west border Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PM2 Pandanus2 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PM5 Pandanus5 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PM6 Pandanus6 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PN3 SagoWash3 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PP3 SagoGel3 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PPB SagoGelB Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PQ4 Bread4 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PR3 Church3 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PR5 Church5 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PS1 School1 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PS3 School3 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PS8 School8 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PS9 School9 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PSD SchoolD Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PTA TerrainA Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PU2 Waterfront2 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PU6 Waterfront6 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PV3 Animal-wildlife3 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PV5 Animal-wildlife5 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PV8 Animal-wildlife8 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PVE Animal-wildlifeE Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PVG Animal-wildlifeG Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PW1 Women_act1 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PW2 womenwork2 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PX4 Sewing4 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PX5 Sewing5 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PZ3 Waguclans3 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PZ4 Waguclans4 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PZ8 Waguclans8 Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WD1-PZA WaguclansA Wayne Dye Bahinemo Papua New Guinea 1 2016-04-02 View
WF1-WFCD04 Kopar Stories Stephen Hill Kopar Papua New Guinea 2 2022-01-27 View
WF1-WFCD06 Wangun paradigms and wordlists Stephen Hill Wangun Papua New Guinea 4 2022-01-27 View
WF1-WFCD11 Angoram Language Moim Dialect 3-4 Don Laycock Angoram (Moim dialect) Papua New Guinea 4 2022-01-27 View
WF1-WFCD13 Angoram Language Moim Dialect 7-8 Don Laycock Angoram (Moim dialect) Papua New Guinea 4 2022-01-27 View
WF1-WFCD17 Y2 William Foley Yimas Papua New Guinea 4 2016-04-02 View
WF1-WFCD20 Y5, Y6, Y7 William Foley Yimas Papua New Guinea 6 2016-04-02 View
YCL1-004 Min Nan (Chaozhou) in Bangkok 2 Ying-che Li Min Nan Thailand 4 2016-04-02 View
YT1-006D20070718 Food prepation IV Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-016D20050521 Phonology IV Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-022D20051227 Daambooyya I Drinks and Drinking Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-023D20051227 Daambooyya I Drinks and Drinking Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-028D20021003 Mathewos and Aberra 1 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-030D20021004 Mathewos and Aberra 2 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-033D20021005 Mathewos and Aberra 3 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-045D20040403 Phonology I Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-050D20030528 Maa'uta Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-059D20030604 Xinquta + Su'mma Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-062D20030609 Shalata Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-066D20030804 Shalata Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-077D20030817 Ooso shalata Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-082D20030817 Ooso shalata Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-086D20031024 School book texts Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-095D20030530 Heessa Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-096D20030530 Heessa Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-098D20030530 Heessa Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-103D20030714 Enset 1 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-106D20030716 Enset 1 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-110D20030813 Enset 3 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-112D20050206 Ballishshata Daambooyya III Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-130D20030609 M&F 4 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-134D20030713 M&F 5 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
YT1-136D20030917 M&F 6 Yvonne Treis Kambaata Ethiopia 2 2018-09-06 View
JW1-030 Tape 30 James Weiner Foi Papua New Guinea 5 2022-06-18 View
RN1-003017 Field tape 3.17 Rachel Nordlinger Wambaya Australia 4 2016-04-03 View
RN1-005002 Field tape 5.2 Rachel Nordlinger Australia 4 2016-04-03 View
JW1-034 Tape 34 James Weiner Papua New Guinea 5 2022-06-18 View
JW1-035 Tape 35 James Weiner Papua New Guinea 5 2022-06-18 View
MFD7-004 Elicitation and conversation - Kin terms Marie France Duhamel Atchin Vanuatu 2 2016-04-03 View
MFD7-005 Elicitation - Numbers Marie France Duhamel Atchin Vanuatu 2 2016-04-03 View
JC1-KA03 Gardens John M Clifton Papua New Guinea 4 2017-03-06 View
JC1-KA06 Cuscus John M Clifton Papua New Guinea 4 2017-03-06 View
JC1-KA08 My Life John M Clifton Papua New Guinea 4 2017-03-06 View
SH1-010 Tape 10 Salome Harris Australia 2 2016-04-03 View
MR1-012 Konomala Mamusi Uvol Tomoip Malcolm Ross Konomala, Mamusi, Uvol, Tomoip Papua New Guinea 12 2017-07-12 View
MR1-013 Tubetube (wordlist) Malcolm Ross Tubetube Papua New Guinea 11 2017-07-12 View
MR1-014 Are Malcolm Ross Are Papua New Guinea 11 2017-07-12 View
MR1-017 Wedau (wordlist) Malcolm Ross Wedau Papua New Guinea 11 2017-07-12 View
MR1-027 Roro (wordlist) Malcolm Ross Roro Papua New Guinea 11 2017-07-12 View
MR1-037 Duke of York Malcolm Ross Duke of York Papua New Guinea 9 2017-07-12 View
MR1-046 Barok Malcolm Ross Barok Papua New Guinea 11 2017-07-12 View
MR1-050 Roviana (story) Malcolm Ross Petats, Haku-Lontis, Roviana Solomon Islands 8 2017-07-12 View
MR1-062 Waskia discourse Malcolm Ross Waskia Papua New Guinea 8 2017-07-12 View
AN1-003 Åiwoo recordings 3 Åshild Næss Solomon Islands 4 2016-04-03 View
AN1-005 Åiwoo recordings 5 Åshild Næss Solomon Islands 2 2016-04-03 View
JW1-054 Tape 54 James Weiner Papua New Guinea 3 2022-06-18 View
MR1-067 Malol, Ali (wordlists) Malcolm Ross Malol, Ali Papua New Guinea 11 2017-07-12 View
MR1-068 Malol sentences (1) Malcolm Ross Malol Papua New Guinea 10 2018-04-23 View
MR1-070 Ali sentences Malcolm Ross Ali Papua New Guinea 8 2017-07-12 View
MR1-080 Kaiep Malcolm Ross Keip Papua New Guinea 8 2018-04-24 View
MR1-082 Manam (1) & (2) (wordlist) Malcolm Ross Manam Papua New Guinea 11 2018-04-24 View
MR1-088 Kilenge Malcolm Ross Kilenge Papua New Guinea 11 2017-07-12 View
BRX1-2010020501 A narration of personal experience in a picnic party Prafulla Basumatary India 2 2016-04-03 View
BRX1-2010030401 A folk song Prafulla Basumatary India 2 2016-04-03 View
BRX1-2010030403 A narrative of Bodo Culture and History Prafulla Basumatary India 2 2016-04-03 View
IWLP12-booklet Tokples Stories Steven Bird Papua New Guinea 1 2017-03-06 View
LR1-052506 photographs from Santa Clara, Santa Ana, Cagayan Laura Robinson Philippines 5 2016-04-03 View
LR1-061206 photographs & video of Labin Agta in town festival Laura Robinson Philippines 13 2016-04-03 View
LR1-081406 photographs from Santa Clara, Santa Ana, Cagayan Laura Robinson Philippines 5 2016-04-03 View
LR1-081506 photographs from Santa Clara, Santa Ana, Cagayan Laura Robinson Philippines 4 2016-04-03 View
LR1-101606 video of a pig butchering Laura Robinson Philippines 1 2016-04-03 View
ISJHWS3-20100329JVC Whitesands police Jeremy Hammond Whitesands (Narak) Vanuatu 11 2016-04-03 View
ISJHWS3-20100502LU Elder women speaking Jeremy Hammond Whitesands (Narak) Vanuatu 4 2016-04-03 View
BLA1-004 Several texts using picture stimulus Brigitte Agnew Australia 2 2021-11-30 View
TS1-A004 Bunai Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 6 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A008 Bunai Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A014 Pere village Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A019 Pere Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A020 Pere Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A026 Pere Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 3 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A040 Pere Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A052 Baluan Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A059 Bunai Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A067 Usiai Theodore Schwartz Usiai Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A068 Bunai Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A077 Bunai Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A084 Lungat Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-A098 Baluan Theodore Schwartz Baluan Papua New Guinea 4 2016-07-13 View
TS1-N001 Gahom Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-N006 N006 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N021 N021 Theodore Schwartz Usiai Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N023 N023 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N025 N025 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N027 N027 Theodore Schwartz Sori Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N029 N029 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N037 N037 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N043 N043 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 4 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N044 N044 Theodore Schwartz Pencal Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N046 N046 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N049 N049 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N051 N051 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-07-13 View
TS1-N058 N058 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-11-07 View
TS1-N067 N067 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 6 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N070 Baluan Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 4 2017-07-07 View
TS1-N073 Mbunai Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 4 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N082 N082 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N084 N084 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N085 N085 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N086 N086 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N092 N092 Theodore Schwartz Puchow Papua New Guinea 4 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N097 N097 Theodore Schwartz Lindrow Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N098 N098 Theodore Schwartz Pitilu Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N099 N099 Theodore Schwartz Kuruti Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N113 N113 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N115 N115 Theodore Schwartz Usiai Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N116 N116 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 0 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N123 N123 Theodore Schwartz Jowan Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-03 View
TS1-N139 N139 Theodore Schwartz Ponam, Titan Pere Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N140 N140 Theodore Schwartz Ponam Papua New Guinea 4 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N141 N141 Theodore Schwartz Harengan Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N142 N142 Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 2 2016-11-02 View
TS1-N148a N148a Theodore Schwartz Papua New Guinea 6 2016-11-17 View
LB2-VT9225 Varliano 23/8/92, Maggio 'Eronte', Compagnia Piazza al Serchio, tape 3 of 3 Linda Barwick Italy 5 2024-02-12 View
AC2-VMAEWO101 Maewo word list and sentences I Arthur Capell Central Maewo Vanuatu 9 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VMAK12 Tongoa New Hebrides. An anthropometric listing of Tongoan people by weight, height etcetera. Arthur Capell No linguistic content, English Vanuatu 1 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VMAK19 Vocabulary: Makura. Arthur Capell Namakura Vanuatu 5 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VMAK201 Letter from Nancy H. Clark about Tongoa Island Languages I Arthur Capell Namakura Vanuatu 1 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VMAK202 Letter from Nancy H. Clark about Tongoa Island Languages II Arthur Capell Namakura Vanuatu 3 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VMAL104 Vanuatu languages comparative vocabularies III Arthur Capell Ngunese, Baki, Bierian, Aulua, Pangkumu (Rerep), Uripiv Vanuatu 4 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VMAL105 Vanuatu languages comparative vocabularies IV Arthur Capell Port Stanley (Litzlitz), Winiv, Laravat, Neviar, Wuli Vanuatu 4 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VMAL302 Story of Nevinbuambeau, translated narrative. Arthur Capell Undetermined language, English Vanuatu 2 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VMAL305 Narrative, untranslated. Researcher unknown. Arthur Capell Litzlitz, Undetermined language Vanuatu 2 2018-02-14 View
AC2-VMALO104 Notes on West Malo Arthur Capell Malo Vanuatu 1 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VMCOMG101 Grammatical categories in the New Hebrides: A Preliminary Study of Linguistic Psychology in Malekula by. A Capell Arthur Capell Achin Vanuatu 15 2016-04-07 View
AC2-VMCOMG103 Malekula comparative grammar (draft) by A. Capell Arthur Capell Malekula Vanuatu 19 2016-04-07 View
AC2-VMCOMG104 The Comparative Phonetics of Malekula (draft) by A. Capell Arthur Capell Malekula, Lagalag Vanuatu 5 2016-04-07 View
AC2-VMELE102 Mele Notes by Ross Clark Arthur Capell Mele Vanuatu 29 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VNEFAT105 Supplementary grammatical materials on Nguna Arthur Capell Nguna (North Efate), Fila-Mele Vanuatu 5 2016-03-19 View
AC2-VNEFAT12 Nguna Phonetic Check List Arthur Capell Nguna Vanuatu 3 2016-03-19 View
Show 10 Show 50 Show 100 Show 1000