Item details
Item ID
Title Episode 11: Deveni Temu, Roge and Gulea Kila on True Echoes C62 Seligmann Hula Collection
Description This episode explores some of the earliest sound recordings made by ethnographic expeditions. The recordings are of songs that were sung in Hula village in the Rigo district of Central Province of British New Guinea - now known as Papua New Guinea. These songs were recorded on wax cylinder by Charles Gabriel Seligmann during the 1904 Daniels Ethnographical Expedition to British New Guinea and are now held in the collection of the British Library. We at PARADISEC are collaborating with the British Library and the Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies on a research project funded by the Leverhulme Trust. The project, called True Echoes, is working to reconnect living communities with these old recordings, to understand what they mean to people today, and what they tell us about the past and the present in Papua New Guinea.

PARADISEC undertook participatory research with Deveni Temu, Roge and Gulea Kila who are Hula speakers in the Rigo District, Central Province and are part the PNG diaspora community in Canberra, ACT and Sydney, NSW.

Discussions continued from Episode 10 about early recordings made by Charles Gabriel Seligmann during the Daniels Ethnographical Expedition to British New Guinea in 1904. Deveni Temu, a Hula speaker from Canberra, ACT is a retired librarian who worked in PNG, New Caledonia and Australia brings his perspective to the history and context of the recordings. Roge and Gulea Kila share musical responses to the 1904 recordings; a re-enactment of a Leku Leku song, and a stunning Ate Ate song of lament. All three guests express the value of archival recordings for descendants, connecting the past with contemporary relevance and contributing to cultural continuity.

(AH & SG, True Echoes Project, September 2022)
Origination date 2022-09-01
Origination date free form
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Jodie Kell
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Language as given
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Region / village Hula, Rigo District, Central Province, PNG
Originating university University of Sydney
Operator Steven Gagau
Data Categories
Data Types
Discourse type
Roles Amanda Harris : interviewer
Jodie Kell : recorder
Steven Gagau : interviewer
Deveni Temu : speaker
Roge Kila : speaker
Roge Kila : singer
Gulea Kila : speaker
Gulea Kila : singer
DOI 10.26278/HMTN-FF43
Cite as Jodie Kell (collector), Amanda Harris (interviewer), Jodie Kell (recorder), Steven Gagau (interviewer), Deveni Temu (speaker), Roge Kila (speaker, singer), Gulea Kila (speaker, singer), 2022. Episode 11: Deveni Temu, Roge and Gulea Kila on True Echoes C62 Seligmann Hula Collection. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV/PLAIN. TCT1-11 at
Content Files (11)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
TCT1-11-AteAteUte.eaf application/eaf+xml 8.34 KB
TCT1-11-AteAteUte.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.7 MB 00:01:51.159
TCT1-11-AteAteUte.wav audio/vnd.wav 61.3 MB 00:01:51.144
TCT1-11-episode.eaf application/eaf+xml 268 KB
TCT1-11-episode.mp3 audio/mpeg 32.5 MB 00:35:27.30
TCT1-11-episode.txt text/plain 20.9 KB
TCT1-11-episode.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.14 GB 00:35:27.0
TCT1-11-interview01.mp3 audio/mpeg 48.3 MB 00:52:42.30
TCT1-11-interview01.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.7 GB 00:52:42.0
TCT1-11-interview02.mp3 audio/mpeg 91 MB 01:39:24.20
TCT1-11-interview02.wav audio/vnd.wav 3.2 GB
11 files -- 6.27 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 11

Collection Information
Collection ID TCT1
Collection title Toksave - Culture Talks: PARADISEC podcast
Description Toksave: Culture Talks is a PARADISEC Podcast production by co-presenters and staffers Jodie Kell, a musicologist/audio engineer and Steven Gagau, research assistant/archivist. There are episodes with a series of interviews with people who have found personal and cultural connections with collections in the archive.
Music and Language are central to identity in Indigenous communities and the return of legacy research recordings can be an emotional and exciting rediscovery of the past, contributing to the continuation of cultural practices. This is where the archived records of the past have life breathed back into them once again!
The ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language is acknowledged for their support of the PARADISEC Podcast.
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Ward
Jodie Kell
Steven Gagau
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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