Item details
Item ID
Title Tracks recorded on Minidisc in March 2001
Description This item contains 11 recordings, each with the initial label SDM01-20010101- followed by a hyphen and three digit serial number:
-001, A story of two goats trying to cross a bridge and agreeing to pass each other peacefully, (transcribed and translated as SDM01-20010101-001.odf) told by Yehom Buragohain at Guwahati on 22nd March 2001
-002. A discussion of questions and exclamations in Tai Phake, by Yehom Buragohain, recorded at Guwahati, 23rd March 2001
-003. Explanation of the meaning of some words, by Ee Ngyan Kheit (ဢ︀ီၺ︀ꩫ︀်ၵ︀ျိတ︀်). This text was transcribed and translated as SDM01-20010101-003.odf. It was recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001
-004. A discussion of the Lik Hong Khon (လ︀ိက︀်ꩭွင︀်ၵ︀ွꩫ︀်), ‘book of calling back the spirit’, with Ee Ngyan Kheit, Aije Let Hailowng and Ngi Khaing, recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001
-005. About questions in the Tai Phake language, by Ai Chanta, recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001
-006. About questions in the Tai Phake language, by Ai Chanta, recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001
-007. About questions in the Tai Phake language, by Ai Chanta, recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001
-008. Talking with children, recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001
-009. A story of Chau Mahosatha and the King of Mithila, a story of Mahosatha and the raising of cattle (analysed and translated as SDM01-20010101-009), told by Ee Ngyan Kheit (ဢ︀ီၺ︀ꩫ︀်ၵ︀ျိတ︀်), recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001
-010. Reading the Lik Pha Mau (လ︀ိက︀်ၸ︀ႃမ︀ွ်), told by Ee Ngyan Kheit (ဢ︀ီၺ︀ꩫ︀်ၵ︀ျိတ︀်), recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001
-011. Reading the Lik Pha Mau (လ︀ိက︀်ၸ︀ႃမ︀ွ်), told by Ee Ngyan Kheit (ဢ︀ီၺ︀ꩫ︀်ၵ︀ျိတ︀်), recorded at Namphakey village (မ︀ꩫ︀်ၸ︀ႃက︀ေ︀တ︀ၞ်), 28th March 2001.
Origination date 2001-03-28
Origination date free form March 2001
Archive link
Stephen Morey
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Phake
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village Namphakey Village, Dibrugarh District, Assam
Originating university La Trobe University
Operator Stephen Morey
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Stephen Morey : researcher
DOI 10.4225/72/56FBF0A681D1A
Cite as Stephen Morey (collector), Stephen Morey (researcher), 2001. Tracks recorded on Minidisc in March 2001. MPEG/VND.WAV. SDM01-20010101 at
Content Files (22)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
SDM01-20010101-001.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.09 MB 00:01:11.524
SDM01-20010101-001.wav audio/vnd.wav 12.3 MB 00:01:11.621
SDM01-20010101-002.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.19 MB 00:01:17.805
SDM01-20010101-002.wav audio/vnd.wav 13.4 MB 00:01:17.915
SDM01-20010101-003.mp3 audio/mpeg 9.86 MB 00:10:46.436
SDM01-20010101-003.wav audio/vnd.wav 109 MB 00:10:47.860
SDM01-20010101-004.mp3 audio/mpeg 7.54 MB 00:08:13.788
SDM01-20010101-004.wav audio/vnd.wav 83.5 MB 00:08:14.851
SDM01-20010101-005.mp3 audio/mpeg 644 KB 00:00:41.186
SDM01-20010101-005.wav audio/vnd.wav 7.18 MB 00:00:41.226
SDM01-20010101-006.mp3 audio/mpeg 4.67 MB 00:05:06.137
SDM01-20010101-006.wav audio/vnd.wav 51.9 MB 00:05:06.781
SDM01-20010101-007.mp3 audio/mpeg 509 KB 00:00:32.533
SDM01-20010101-007.wav audio/vnd.wav 5.72 MB 00:00:32.542
SDM01-20010101-008.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.82 MB 00:01:58.983
SDM01-20010101-008.wav audio/vnd.wav 20.3 MB 00:01:59.188
SDM01-20010101-009.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.59 MB 00:02:49.388
SDM01-20010101-009.wav audio/vnd.wav 28.8 MB 00:02:49.715
SDM01-20010101-010.mp3 audio/mpeg 4.72 MB 00:05:09.161
SDM01-20010101-010.wav audio/vnd.wav 52.4 MB 00:05:09.824
SDM01-20010101-011.mp3 audio/mpeg 26.4 MB 00:28:47.720
SDM01-20010101-011.wav audio/vnd.wav 292 MB 00:28:51.630
22 files -- 737 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 22

Collection Information
Collection ID SDM01
Collection title Tai Phake (India)
Description Recordings in the Turung communities of Assam (India). Audio recordings of Phake (India), includes stories, songs, discussion, prayers, history and phonetic discussion.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Stephen Morey
Maria Karidakis
View/Download access Maria Karidakis
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative
RO-Crate Metadata

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