Item details
Item ID
Title Field Notebooks and other assorted documents
Description * Various documents of an administrative nature related to Radu Voica's fieldwork trips
* Censuses (all 2008)
* Field Notebooks
* Transcriptions and kinship notes

mostly from 2007 and 2008
Origination date 2008-01-01
Origination date free form 2007 and 2008
Archive link
Radu Voica
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Language as given
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Region / village
Originating university University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies
Operator Radu Voica
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Image
Discourse type
DOI 10.26278/Q84W-SW78
Cite as Radu Voica (collector), 2008. Field Notebooks and other assorted documents. PDF. RV1-Scans at
Content Files (26)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
RV1-Scans-Application.pdf application/pdf 185 KB
RV1-Scans-Census_Hovukoilo.pdf application/pdf 84.5 KB
RV1-Scans-Census_Kolosori.pdf application/pdf 1000 KB
RV1-Scans-Census_Popoheo_Fona.pdf application/pdf 1.35 MB
RV1-Scans-Census_Popoheo_Hotai.pdf application/pdf 1.32 MB
RV1-Scans-Census_Popoheo_Paka_1.pdf application/pdf 1.08 MB
RV1-Scans-Census_Popoheo_paka_2_and_Ghighigrai.pdf application/pdf 871 KB
RV1-Scans-Certificates.pdf application/pdf 520 KB
RV1-Scans-Charges_for_Residence_Permit.pdf application/pdf 224 KB
RV1-Scans-Community_Token.pdf application/pdf 38.6 KB
RV1-Scans-Consent_and_Receipts.pdf application/pdf 534 KB
RV1-Scans-Field_Notebook_1.pdf application/pdf 5.43 MB
RV1-Scans-Field_Notebook_2.pdf application/pdf 5.9 MB
RV1-Scans-Field_Notebook_3.pdf application/pdf 7.17 MB
RV1-Scans-Kinship_Nason.pdf application/pdf 126 KB
RV1-Scans-Local_recommendations.pdf application/pdf 103 KB
RV1-Scans-Loose_Sheets_01.pdf application/pdf 58.8 KB
RV1-Scans-Loose_Sheets_02.pdf application/pdf 284 KB
RV1-Scans-map_task_Matchers.pdf application/pdf 887 KB
RV1-Scans-Mark_Legata_Notes.pdf application/pdf 1.22 MB
RV1-Scans-Permits.pdf application/pdf 239 KB
RV1-Scans-Receipts_01.pdf application/pdf 263 KB
RV1-Scans-Receipts_02.pdf application/pdf 130 KB
RV1-Scans-Stick_Man_Stimuli.pdf application/pdf 598 KB
RV1-Scans-Transcriptions_Hughu_01.pdf application/pdf 3.5 MB
25 files -- 33 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 26

Collection Information
Collection ID RV1
Collection title Blablanga (Solomon Islands)
Description Audio recordings of Blablanga (also known as Blanga) spoken in the Soloman Islands. Includes word lists, elicited sentences, discussion of culture, history (both personal and general), discussion of daily life and tasks, directions, colours, stories, poems, riddles, explanation of traditional dace, song and conversation. Also recorded are a range of elicitation tasks including the pear story, map tasks, Bowerman's topological relations pictures, frog story, Johnston's 1989 Austronesian elicitation questionnaire, MPI containment task, MPI caused positions clips, mouse story and MPI walnut game.
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Access Information
Edit access Amanda Harris
Aidan Wilson
Radu Voica
View/Download access
Data access conditions Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Data access narrative restricted, no access except with depositor's permission
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