Item details
Item ID
Title 2/2/62(1) N938
Description BBC topical tape Aboriginal Music #1 'The Setting' Master One - Aboriginal Music - Recording sheet ABC inside. Duration 29:10. Standby on tape after 4 seconds; Item contains instrumental music.
Origination date 1974-07-30
Origination date free form
Archive link Item not owned by Paradisec
A.P. Elkin
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Language as given English
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Region / village Sydney
Originating university University of Sydney
Operator Frank Davey
Data Categories instrumental music
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles A.P. Elkin : recorder
DOI 10.4225/72/56FA18631D4BE
Cite as A.P. Elkin (collector), A.P. Elkin (recorder), 1974. 2/2/62(1) N938. MPEG/VND.WAV. P130_19-621 at
Content Files (2)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
P130_19-621-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 27.1 MB 00:29:35.950
P130_19-621-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 978 MB 00:29:39.990
2 files -- 1010 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID P130_19
Collection title Recordings by Professor A P Elkin
Description These tapes are held in the University of Sydney Archives. Boxes 134-139. P.130 Personal Archives of Professor A P Elkin Series 19 Audio tapes This is not a comprehensive item list as not all the tapes had descriptions of what was on them. Therefore their item number is omitted from the list. 1 to 31 Miscellaneous audio tapes Boxes 134-135 (Assessed 2010-10-24)

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Data access conditions Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Data access narrative Items are held by University of Sydney Archives[Updated August 2018]: Most Items in this collection are accessible only with community permission. This permission can be requested by contacting the University of Sydney Archives, where the tapes are held. Items 1-3, 33-36, 47 & 50 are Openly accessible here in PARADISEC. Please 'Sign Up' as a registered user of the PARADISEC catalog to access Items.
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