Collection details
Collection ID KK1
Title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,437 translations are currently available (November 23, 2024). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
Archive link
Keita Kurabe
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
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Region / village
DOI 10.4225/72/59888e8ab2122
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), 2013. Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw. Collection KK1 at [Open Access].
Access information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access details
Items in Collection (2491)

Item Title Actions
0794 Matsan ma hte hkawhkam (The snail girl) with English translation View
0795 Chyinraw ja sha ai yan la a lam (The lucky fish) with English translation View
0796 Lup hka (The origin of the ditch of graves) with English translation View
0797 Jinghpaw nta hte Myen hpara bung ai lam (The Kachin house and the Burmese pagoda) with English translation View
0798 Jinghpaw lup hte miwa singgoi bung ai lam (The similarity between Chinese cradles basket and Kachin graves) with English translation View
0800 Nhkum ni nat dama lu ai lam (The Nhkum people who got spirits as their wife-takers) View
0801 Shinggyim la hte sanam num (The hunter and the witch) with English translation View
0802 Kanu taukawk byin mat ai lam (Mother who turned into a tortoise) with English translation View
0803 Lagu lagut ai wa a lam (The thief) with English translation View
0804 Lapu kaja kaw na n kaja byin wa ai lam (Why snakes became bad) View

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