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Title Gin shi shang hte jabu yang (Ginshin Shang and Jabu Yang) with English translation
Description Translation (Htoi San)
Now I am going to tell a story about 'Ginshin Shang' and 'Jabu Yang.' A long time ago, a type of animal called 'Ginshi Shang' and 'Jabu Yang' stayed in a thicket. 'Ginshi Shang' and 'Jabu Yang' were very close friends. Jabu Yang was an animal with a lot of fermented golden walnuts. The animal 'Ginshin Shang' was like a rat with stripes on its body. It was shining beautifully. One day, they met each other. Jabu Yang told Ginshi Shang. "My friend, Ginshi Shang," said Jabu Yang, "people are celebrating the Manau festival. Let's go and see the Jinghpaw People's dance." Ginshi Shang replied, "I am a small animal, and my legs are not tall. So how could I pass through it?" Then Jabu Yang responded, "No worries, my friend, I will carry you and cross it. Let's go to the festival." So Ginshi Shang agreed, "If you really carry me through, I will go." Then they both went to the Manau Festival. When they reached the Manau Festival celebration, Jabu Yang searched for golden walnuts. Ginshi Shang stayed environs of the Manau estate to see the dancing of Manau dance. When the Manau Festival finished, Ginshi Shang looked for Jabu Yang and asked, "My friend, shall we go back? The festival is over." Jabu Yang replied, "I want to sleep very much. Let's rest and go back later." So Ginshi Shang waited for his friend. He asked his friend when they could go back, but Jabu Yang did not bring him back home. Therefore Ginshin Shang questioned his friend for a little while again. Even so, Jabu Yang could not get up like before. Then Ginshi Shang was disappointed, "Let it be. I will go back on my way, which I know and I can." Afterward, Ginshi Shang returned home. He got to the stream bank where they crossed it on the way back. He found out that he could not pass through it by himself. So he pretended to be dead. An old lady, who went to the Manau Festival, saw Ginshin Shang and admired him so much. As she had many grandchildren, she wanted to please them, and she picked up Ginshin Shang. As Ginshi Shang was still alive, he came out winding at the bottom of the basket after crossing the stream. He went into the forest, and the old lady thought Ginshi Shang was inside the basket. So she happily brought him to her grandchildren. When she got to her grandchildren, she called them, "My grandchildren, I got something for you. Come and see in my basket; I brought a present for you." Her grandchildren ran joyfully back from their playing. When they looked into their granny's basket, there was nothing inside there. There was only a betel tobacco box that the granny held all the time. Her grandchildren complained to her, "Granny, there is nothing inside your basket beside your betel tobacco box, and your basket has a hole." "You children," said the granny, "don't lie to me. You can't lie to the old people." Then the grandmother checked her basket where she put it. But she looked into the basket and found there was nothing. She was so angry as there was a hole in the bamboo basket. So she brought it to the downstairs of their house where the group of 'Golden Words' tree and said, "This little creature! You lied to me." Then she beat the basket onto the tree. There was a beehive on the tree, and a barking deer was sleeping under that tree. The bees were startled and scattered everywhere. As a result, they stung that barking deer. The barking deer slept soundly, and he was so startled as the bees stung him. Then he ran scattered. At that time, a squirrel was on the Lahpai fruit tree happily eating the Laphai fruits. The deer ran beside that tree where the Squirrel was eating the fruits, which shook the tree root. Consequently, the fruit from the Squirrel's hand dropped onto the jungle fowls' family while their mother chicken was searching for food for their babies, and one of their babies was dead as the fruit was dropped onto it. The mother was so angry due to her baby's death; therefore, she scratched and scratched until a stone came out. She scratched so hard until the stone turned around and hit the back of a crab, waiting to consume a caterpillar devouring rubbish at the river. The crab's back got scratches. The crab was so annoyed, "Who did it to me? I will clip him with my pincers." The wild boar came to drink the water at the stream, and he coincidentally drank near the crab. The crab thought, "Whatever it is, this wild boar is the one who beat me on my back." Thus he vigorously clipped the boar's snout. The wild boar was shocked and felt irritated, and then he turned up with his snout. So all the water was dirty. An old man came to that place. He was at the lower part of the stream to fetch water. The old man thought, "Today, the sun is shining brightly. There is no rain. Why is the water so dirty? What is happening in the upper part?" When he went up to the upper part of the stream, he found the wild boar was rooting with his snout. The old man asked the wild boar, "Why are you rooting the water with your snout so much which people need to fetch and drink? Why are you doing that? You are such a bad trait." The wild boar replied, "Old man, you don't know anything." "The crab which stays in a hole clipped me so that I am displeased and rooting the water with my snout," the wild boar answered. Then the old man asked the crab, "Why did you clip the pig's nose? The pig was just drinking the water by himself." "Why did you clip his nose?" Then the crab responded. "Even I am in pain. The mother of jungle fowls scratched me with the stone. So the scratches are still on my back. If you don't believe me, you can see them by yourself." "In that case, I have to check with the mother of wild chickens." Then the old man went to the mother and asked her, "Why did you scratch the stone and throw it?" The mother said, "It is because of the Squirrel. He dropped the Lahpai fruit while he was eating himself. It made one of my babies die. Look! Do you see my baby? That's why I am aggrieved and scratch the ground." After that, he questioned the Squirrel, "Squirrel, why didn't you eat properly and turn upside down? Then you let the fruit fall and hurl it down." "It is not that I didn't eat properly and hurl it down," the Squirrel replied. "This is because of the barking deer. While I was eating the fruit, that deer shook the tree where I was sitting. Therefore the fruit dropped." In consequence, the old man questioned the barking deer. He searched the barking deer and asked, "Why did you shake the tree while the squirrel was consuming the fruit?" The barking deer replied, "It is because of the bee. While I was sleeping, it stung me." Then it was a bee's turn. "Bee, why did you sting the barking deer while he was sleeping peacefully." "This is due to the old woman. She beat her basket," the bee replied. "Hey old woman, why did you beat the tree with your basket where the beehive was hanging?" asked her. "This is because of Ginshi Shang. He lied to me. I thought he was dead, so I picked him up. I was so angry because he lied to me." Then he asked Ginshi Shang. The old man interrogated, "Ginshi Shang, why did you lie to the old woman?" Ginshi Shang answered, "This is because of Jabu Yang. I couldn't cross the river. Then he carried me on his back to pass it for going to the Manau Festival. He didn't carry me back when it was time to go home." "He just left me alone like this. So I went back home by my method. Whatever it took, I went home with my knowledge." "It can be because of Jabu Yang," thought the old man and went to Jabu Yang. The old man and Ginshi Shang went together to the Manau Festival. When they got there, the old man asked, "Where is the place? Where is Jabu Yang sleeping? Tell me. Show me." Ginshi Shang showed, "Over there. Just over there." They called, "Jabu Yang! Jabu Yang!" Then Jabu Yang returned, "Yes, where am I now?" Ginshi Shang said, "What? We are at the Manau Dance place. You lied to me to bring me to the Manau Festival." Then the old man said to Jabu Yang. "Hey Jabu Yang, because of your dishonesty, we all are in trouble. Many animals are in trouble. I came to fetch the water, but you did like this, so I have to consider and look into it." "Why did you lie to Ginshi Shang that you carried him? Then you didn't carry him." Jabu Yang said, "Grandpa, I am so sorry. It is because I was drunk." "I told him to go back later, but he went back." "Whatever it says, the problem starts from you." Therefore the old man chased Jabu Yang away to the other side of Mali River until it was far away. "Jabu Yang, never come back to our place." The old man expelled Jabu Yang. From that time onwards, we never saw Jabu Yang in the east part until now.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Ya ngai hkai dan na maumwi gaw ginshi shang hte jabu yang na lam re. Moi kalang mi hta shalawng langai mi kaw e ginshi shang ngu ai dusat hpan mi hte jabu yang ngu ai dusat hpan mi nga ai da. Dai ginshi shang hte jabu yang gaw grai hkau ai manang re da. Jabu yang ngu ai wa gaw tsa jabu ni hpe grai lu ai dusat amyu re. Ginshin shang ngu ai bai re yang gaw a yu zawn re na hkum hta ka ka re na grai tsawm ai grai kabrim tsawm ai wa re, dai zawn re dusat amyu re. Lani mi na n htoi hta e ginshi shang hte jabu yang gaw hkrum ma ai da. Jabu yang gaw ginshi shang hpe tsun ai da. E e hkau ginshi shang e masha ni pyi manau poi galaw ma ai, jinghpaw ni manau nau ai de sa yu ga le ngu tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw ginshi shang gaw ngai gaw kaji hpang hte ngai gaw dusat kaji ai baw she re gaw ngai lagaw n galu ai gaw dai majaw kaning di nrap ai ngu tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw jabu yang gaw hpa nra ai ngai ba sharap na, poi de du hkra sha sa ga ngu na tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw jabu yang mung ginshi shang de mai ai le nang ngai hpe teng sha ba sharap yang gaw sa ga ngu na shan yen 2 sa mat wa ai da. Manau poi kaw du ai shaloi gaw jabu yang gaw jabu tam lu hkawm mat wa ai da. Ginshi shang chyawm me gaw manau nau ai hpe shi yu na matu shi gaw manau wang grup yin hta e galoi mung nga nga ai da. Manau poi ngut mat ai shaloi gaw ginshi shang gaw jabu yang hpe tam la na hkau e an yen 2 bai wa sa ga, poi mung ngut mat sai ngu na tsun ai shaloi gaw jabu yang gaw ngai grai naw yup mayu ai law, naw hkring ga, hkring she wa ga ngu na tsun ai da. Ginshi shang mung bai la ai da shabu yang hpe jabu yang galoi woi wa na kun ngu bai tsun tim bai n woi wa re shaloi gaw ginshi shang gaw jahkring mi rai yang bai wa tsun sai da. Retim jabu yang gaw mi na zawn sha nga n rawt hkraw jang she shi gaw ginshi shang gaw myit htum mat na she yau sai ngai chye ai hku nye ladat hte ngai wa mat na ngu na she ginshi shang gaw wa mat ai da. Wa mat na shi gaw dai mi shan yen 2 rap mat wa ai dai hka makau kaw du ai shaloi gaw gara hku mung shi hka rap na nmai byin mat ai hpe chye mat ai majaw shi gaw dai kaw makau kaw si masu su taw nga ai da. Dai shaloi gaw dai manau poi de sa ai gumgai gaw dai ginshi shang hpe mu ai shaloi grai yu ra mat na she shi kashu ma ni grai law ai majaw ma ni hpe dai ginshi shang la wa na wa shalen na ngu na she ginshi shang hpe hta gun mat wa ai da. Ginshi shang mung hkrung ai baw rai re majaw shi gaw hka lu rap ai hte gaw shingnoi htumpa hku gawan na shi gaw pru mat wa ai da. Nam de pru mat wa gumgai gaw ginshi shang rawng ai shadu na she grai kabu gara hte shi kashu ni kaw la mat wa ai da. Kashu ni kaw du re shaloi gaw ngai shu ni e a dwi lama mi gun wa ai a dwi a shingnoi kaw wa yu mu nanhte matu kumhpa lama mi la wa ai ngu tsun ai da. Dai shaloi shi kashu ni mung grai kabu na she gasup nga ai shara kaw na kagat wa na she kawoi dwi a shingnoi kaw wa yu ai shaloi gaw hpa mung n rawng taw nga ai da. Kawoi dwi galoi mung lang hkawm ai ya man yep dai sha rawng taw nga ai da. Dai shaloi gaw a dwi hpa mung n rawng ai wa mi, a dwi na shingnoi kaw gaw a dwi nang gun hkawm hkawm re ya man yep sha rawng ai gaw shingnoi mung hku hku taw nga ai ngu tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw ma nanhte ni a dwi hpe hkum masu su re mu, asak kaba ai ni hpe gaw n mai masu ai re lu ngu na she dinggai wa gaw shi tawn da ai shingnoi hpe shi bai wa yu ai da. Shingnoi de wa yu ai shaloi gaw kaja nan hpa mung n rawng taw nga ai da. Shingnoi mung hku hku mat ai majaw shi gaw grai pawt mayu na she shi e masu ai ngu na she grai pawt mayu ai majaw she shingnoi dai hpe la sa na she le shan dwi ni a nta lawu kaw tu ai jaga hpun sumwum kaw she shingnoi she kinhtaw mung ngai e masu ai ngu na bung bung ngu na sa a bung dat ai da. Dai shaloi gaw dai kaw lagat mung noi na hku re nga, lagat noi n pu kaw she jahkyi mung yup ai da. Dai wa she lagat ni gaw kajawng na she bra wa ai wa she dai makau kaw e jahkyi e she na dat ai da. Jahkyi mung grai yup pyaw nga ai kaw lagat na dat ai majaw grai kajawng na she shi mung a gying kagat dumbre mat wa ai wa mi she kadu hka langai mi lahpai si ntsa kaw lahpai si sha na grai pyaw taw nga, lahpai dai kadu hka nga ai makau hku kagat lai wa ai she dai lahpai ru a shun kau dat ai majaw kadu hka mung shi hpai taw nga ai dai lahpai si hpe hkrat mat wa na she n pu kaw u gan hkan nu ni a hpre sha taw nga ai, u gan hkan nu ni kasha ni hpe shat tam jaw ahpre jaw taw nga ai kaw hkrat wa na she u ga kasha langai mi bai si mat ai da. U gan kanu mung shi kasha si mat ai re nga grai pawt na she a hpre hkrai a hpre re nga she dai n lung din langai mi lu a hpre shapraw na hku nga. Nlung din a ja wa a hpre dat ai hte dai nlung din wa chyai mat wa ai mi she hka shi kaw e maza hkap sha taw nga ai shingtai sumbra hkap sha taw nga ai jahkan a shingma kaw wa hkrat hkra na hku nga. Dan na jahkan a shingma kaw hkang hkang mat ai da. Jahkan gaw grai pawt na she sa wa ai majaw ngai matep na law ngu na ngai e dai hku galaw ai kadai re kun ngu na she wa du langai wa mi she dai hka su la na nga na she hka shi de sa wa ai she jahkan a makau kaw sa lu na hku nga. Jahkan mung gara hku mi nga nga nye shingma kaw gayep ya ai gaw ndai wa re sai ngu na she dai wa du a (maw) kaw she a gying a ja wa matep dat ya ai da. Dai shaloi gaw wa du mung kajawng ai hte pawt mayu ai hte re na kanaw ai she hka ting yawng kanu kau ai da. Dai shaloi gaw dingla langai mi gaw sa wa ai da. E dai gaw loi lawu yang kaw ja da. Dai shaloi dai ni na hka ndai gaw jan mung dai ram she ja, marang mung n htu re wa mi hpa na hka hkanu ai kun? ntsa de hpa baw byin ai kun? hka hku de lung mat wa re shaloi gaw hka hku kaw wa mi she wa du wa kanaw taw nga ai wa mu ai da. Dai shaloi gaw dingla wa gaw tsun sai da, wa du nang gaw hpa baw re na masha ni hka ja lu ra ai she re yang me dai ram ram kanaw taw nga ai gaw hpa majaw kanaw taw nga ai ngu tsun jang she nang gaw grai maka n kap ai wa she re nga ai ndai ngu tsun jang, wa du gaw dingla nang hpa n chye ai law. Le kaw rawng ai jahkan nye matep dat ai majaw ngai grai pawt mayu na ngai kanaw taw ai re ngu jang she jahkan e bai dai hku nga jahkan ra na hku re nga ngu na she, jahkan nang gaw hpa baw majaw wa du hpe (manaw) matep ya ai rai ngu jang she wa du shi na shi hka she sa lu ai. Hpa baw majaw nang wa du hpe wa manaw matep ya ai rai ngu tsun she, jahkan gaw tsun sai da. Ngai pyi naw machyi taw nga yang me ngai e pyi u gan kanu n lung din a hpre bun ai majaw nye shingma kaw pyi ya du hkra hkang hkang mat sai, nang n kam yang yu yu le ngu tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw dai hku nga gaw u gan kanu kaw sa yu ai baw re ngu na she u gan kanu nang gaw hpa baw majaw n lung din a hpre bun ai ngu jang. U gan kanu gaw kadu hka she re gaw shi na shi sha taw nga ai lahpai si jahkrat bun na nye kasha langai mi a pyet sat kau ya ai, oh yu nye kasha mu ai nre i dan re majaw ngai pawt mayu na ahpre ai re ngu tsun da. Dai shaloi gaw kadu hka hpe bai tsun sai da dingla wa gaw kadu hka nang gaw hpa baw majaw sha mung atsawm n sha kadau kadap rai na dan re namsi jahkrat bun ai rai ngu tsun, ngai namsi atsawm nsha na jahkrat bun ai nre, ngu na she kadu hka mung bai tsun sai da. Jahkyi she re ngai namsi sha nga yang ngai dung ai hpun ashun dat na nye namsi hkrat mat ai she re ngu tsun jang she dai shaloi jahkyi e bai tsun sai da. Jahkyi e bai hkan tam jahkyi nang gaw hpa baw majaw kadu hka nang gaw namsi sha nga yang hpun a shun dat ai rai ngu bai tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw shi mung lagat she re gaw ngai yup taw nga yang nye na dat ai ngu bai tsun dat ai da. Dai shaloi gaw lagat kaw bai du mat wa, lagat nang gaw hpa baw majaw jahkyi a pyaw sha rai yup taw nga ai hpe wa me na dat ai gaw hpa baw majaw rai ngu tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw gumgai she re goi, shingnoi sa a gung ai ngu bai tsun sai da. Dinggai kaw bai sa, dinggai nang gaw hpa majaw lagat hpe shingnoi sa hpu bun ai rai ngu tsun ai da. Ginshi shang she re gaw si masu su taw nga na ngai si kaja ja re sam ai ngu na hta gun mat wa ngai e masu na ngai grai pawt mayu taw nga ai re lu ngu bai tsun sai da. Dai shaloi gaw ginshi shang e bai san sai da. Ding la wa gaw ginshi shang nang gaw hpa majaw gumgai hpe masu ai rai ngu she, jabu yang she re gaw ngai hka n lu rap ai ngu yang ngai manau poi sa ga nga na shi ba sharap nga na wa ten du jang gaw ngai e ba mung n ba sharap. Dan re ngai e hkrai tawn da na ngai mung nye ladat hte ngai wa mat, kaning mi re yang rai ngu na ngai ngai chye ai hku ngai wa mat ai re nga le. Dai shaloi gaw aw dai hku nga jabu yang re na re ngu na she jabu yang kaw sa mat wa ai da. Dan na she aw dai manau poi nga ai dai shara de she dingla wa gaw ginshi shang hte shan 2 sa mat wa re shaloi gaw dai gara shara kaw rai, jabu yang yup nga ai shara naw sa tsun dan yu naw madun dan yu ngu she oh ra kaw re ngu na she oh ra kaw re ngu na sa madun ai da. Jabu yang, jabu yang ngu sa tsun ai hku nga, oi ngu na she ya ngai gara kaw du nga sa ta ngu na hku re nga. Ginshi shang gaw tsun sai da, hpa baw mi an yen 2 manau nau ai shara kaw re nga le, nang ngai e manau poi woi sa na nga na masu da ai ngu tsun she dingla wa gaw tsun sai da. E jabu yang nang masu ai majaw grai jam jau mat sai, ya dusat dumyeng amyu myu grai jam jau mat sai, ya ngai mung hka ja sa na ngu sa wa yang nang dan re byin na ya ngai sagawn hkrai sagawn mat wa ai re. Nang gaw hpa majaw ginshi shang hpe ba sharap na ngu tsun masu na hpa na n ba sharap ai dai hku na re rai ngu she, e dwi la e grai tawngban sai lo ngai tsa nang mat ai majaw re. Shi e ngai tsun sai hkring wa ga ngu yang shi wa mat ai gaw ngu tsun ai da. Hpa mi nga nga ndai manghkang gaw jabu yang nang kaw na hpang ai re ngu na ndai mali hka oh ra maga tsan ai maga de du hkra gawt kau ai da. Jabu yang anhte nta galoi mung hkum sa nga sanu ngu na gawt kau ai da. Shachyut kau ai da, dai majaw dai ni du hkra anhte sinpraw hkran de gaw jabu yang hpe nmu ga mat ai da.

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Origination date 2017-04-11
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
Tsiyu Ja Ra : speaker
DOI 10.26278/5fa173d38f310
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), Tsiyu Ja Ra (speaker), 2017. Gin shi shang hte jabu yang (Ginshin Shang and Jabu Yang) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-2045 at
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KK1-2045-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 57.5 KB
KK1-2045-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 10.1 MB 00:10:57.562
KK1-2045-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 361 MB 00:10:57.530
3 files -- 371 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,564 translations are currently available (March 6, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Keita Kurabe
View/Download access Keita Kurabe
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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