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Title Nyan daw chye ai chahkyawn (Tricky wolf) with English translation
Description Translation (Rita Seng Mai)
The story I'm going to tell is about a fox that was tricky and devious. Once upon a time, many animals lived happily in a dense forest. Animals such as lions, tigers, foxes and birds lived near each other. They were good neighbours. Other animals said to the lion, "Mighty lion, you are our king. So, you can order us what to do. We will offer you some meal every day." When they went hunting for some animals, they put more effort to get them. When they got the preys, they offer the meat to the lion first. They ate the leftover of the lion. They enthroned the lion because he was the strongest and bravest animal. There were many times he could catch lots of animals. One day, a camel strayed away from its owner and arrived at the forest. The tiger and the fox saw it. Then, they told the lion about it. They said, "Our Mighty Lord, a camel has wandered here. Let's kill and eat it." The lion said, "Don't! She has wandered round this forest that I rule. Then, she is our guest. Don't do any harmful action to her." The camel searched for some food and spent her days happily in the forest. No animal dared to attack her. One fine day, the lion had been sick. He couldn't go hunting. Then, the other animals searched food for him and offered him. They had to eat only his leftover. After doing that for many days, the lion was lazy to go hunting. He had only few meat to eat. The other animals didn't want to find food for the lion as well. Meanwhile, the fox thought of an idea of how to kill the camel. He wanted to eat the camel. Since they didn't hunt for two or three days, the lion didn't get anything to eat and was starving. The fox said, "My Lord, we are very sorry that we couldn't find food for you. You don't eat for almost three days. You must be starving. I'll bring the camel to you." The lion refused, "Don't bring her here. Since I let her live freely, it won't be good if I eat her." The fox said, "No, my Lord. I can make her say that she will be willingly to be eaten." Then, the lion was in silence and didn't say anything. The fox immediately knew that the lion had allowed him to bring the camel. He went to the camel. Before he went to the camel, he prearranged with the raven and the tiger. He told them, "Now, I'll go to the camel and bring her to the lion. You two have to help me." Then, the fox called the camel and took her to the lion. When they arrived there, the raven said, "My Lord, we feel very sorry that we couldn't find food for you these days. So, eat me." The fox said, "No, you are just a small bird. Our king might not be full." Then, the tiger said, "Eat me, my Lord." The fox stopped him and said, "You have helped our king a lot when we went hunting together. How could our king eat you? He will feel bad." At that time, the camel stepped forward and said, "My Lord, you let me stay in this forest peacefully since I arrived here. You didn't attack me. I am really thankful for that. Other animals don't dare to attack because you protect me. I am very grateful. I want to pay my gratitude to you. So, you can eat me." As soon as she said that, the tiger and the fox immediately attacked her and killed her right there. The lion ate the camel meat first, and the tiger, the fox and the raven ate the rest. They regained their strength after eating. They could go hunting again.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Ya ngai hkai na maumwi gabaw gaw nyan daw chye ai chyahkyawn nga gabaw re. Moi shawng de e da ndai maling langai mi kaw e dusat ni nga ai da. Dai dusat ni gaw hkanghkyi ni, u hka ni, sharaw ni, chyahkyawn ni re na nga ai da. Shanhte gaw dai maling kaw nga na she shada da mung grai hku hkau mat re na nga ai re da. Ndan re na nga re ten hta she ndai shanhte gaw tsun ai da. Hkanghkyi gaw dusat ni na nang gaw anhte ni na hkawhkam re nga ndai. Dai re majaw gaw anhte hpe e nang ra ai hku shangun sha u, anhte mung dang di dang dep ai daram anhte mung lusha ni gaw tam jaw na re ngu tsun ai da. Ndai sharaw ni chyahkyawn ni tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw shanhte gaw aw shan shachyut re shaloi hkan retim mung shanhte gaw ndai hkanghkyi hte rau sa ai ten hkan e retim mung shanhte grau n gun dat nna dai hku na jawm shachyut re na hku re nga. Jawm shachyut re na she hkanghkyi shawng sha ai da, shan ni lu sai kaw na gaw hkanghkyi shawng sha re na she hkanghkyi sha n ma ai ni hpe gaw ndai u hka ni bai sha i, sharaw ni chyahkyawn ni shanhte bai sha re na dai hku na nga ai da. Hkrak nga yang e n gun grau jan ai gaw hkanghkyi re majaw i ndan shan shachyut ai retim mung oh ra ni ba mat tim hkanghkyi gaw oh ra ni n lu rim ai shan tim hkanghkyi gaw lu rim re ten mung law law re da. Dai hku na nga re nga she lani mi hta gaw ndai gawla u langai mi wa she oh shanhte hpaga ni lai ai dai kaw na dam pru wa ai re sam ai da. Gawla u langai mi wa she shanhte nga ai shara de dam pru wa ai da. Dam pru wa re na she ndai sharaw ni chyahkyawn ni hkap mu na she ndai hkanghkyi hpe tsun dan ai da. E anhte a hkawhkam wa e nang anhte kaw e gawla u langai dam sa wa nga ai. Ndai wa hpe e sat sha kau ga i ngu na dai hku na tsun ai da. Dai shaloi she ndai hkanghkyi gaw e dai gawla u hpe hkum sat sha ning re na ngai nga ai maling de sa wa ai dam sa wa ai dusat gaw ngai na manang re nga ai. Shi kam ai hku na tam lu tam sha u ga, hpa hkum galaw shi hpe hpa kadai hpa hkum sharu shatsang ngu na shi hpe tsun ai da. Shi hpe tsun re shaloi gaw kaja wa nan ndai gawla u ndai mung lani hte lani re na shi dai hku na nga na tam lu tam sha na nga taw nga ai da. Kadai mung shi hpe sa gawa ai lam mung nnga re na grai pyaw na na taw nga ai da. Dai she ndai hkanghkyi gaw i lani mi kaw na gaw shi hkum nau n pyaw ai da. Hkum nau n pyaw re na she shi gaw ndai lusha tam ai de gawng kya wa ai da, dan re na she oh ra ni sharaw ni chyahkyawn ni u hka ni shanhte mai byin ai hku na tam wa ai dai ni hpe sha sha re na nga ai da, retim mung shi sha ai gaw kalang mi gaw i oh ra ni bai lusha rai dai hku na nga ai da. Retim mung hpang e grau na grau na re jang hkanghkyi ndai gaw lusha tam na matu mung shi mung n kam rawt mat sai da, Nkam rawt re na she oh ra ni sha na matu mung shi pyi n lu sha sai kaw na gaw i oh ra ni mung n lu sha sai. Oh ra ni gaw lusha tam bai lagawn da hkanghkyi na matu mung shanhte n tam wa ya re majaw gaw oh ra ni mung dai hku na nga taw nga ai da. Nga taw nga sai da shanhte gaw shanhte na chyahkyawn na bawnu gaw hpa baw i nga yang ndai gawla u hpe e myi yu ju nna dai wa hpe sha mayu na she shanhte mung lusha ntam sa dai hku na sha nga taw nga ai da. Shaloi jang she shanhte lusha ntam sha 2, 3 ya re jang gaw ndai hkanghkyi mung i hpa nan nan nsha bang yang gaw grai kaw si na. Dai shaloi she e ndai chyahkyawn gaw tsun ai da, hkanghkyi hpe e anhte hkawhkam wa e nang gaw lusha mung n sha re yang gaw ya anhte mung nang e lusha n lu tam jaw mat sai da. Nang e lusha kadai n tam jaw nang mung grai kaw si sai, dai re majaw gaw ndai gawla u hpe e woi wa na yaw ngu tsun ai da. Shaloi jang e she e hkum di shi kam ai hku na nga taw nga ga, dai shi hpe e sha kau yang gaw n kaja na re ngu na tsun ai da. Shaloi she ndai chyahkyawn gaw nre ai ngai shi kaw na ngai hpe sha rit ngu na tsun wa hkra ngai shi hpe chye galaw ai, chye tsun ai ngu na tsun ai da. Shaloi jang gaw ndai hkanghkyi gaw a katsi ngu mat sai da, a katsi ngu jang gaw n dai chyahkyawn gaw hkanghkyi hkraw sai ngu ai hku na she shi gaw ndai sa sai da. Ndai gawla u kaw mung sa sai da. U hka ni hte e sharaw kaw mung sa tsun da ai da. Ya ndai gawla u hpe e sha hkang hkyi sha na matu ngai dai hku dai hku tsun na re yaw ngu na nan nu dai hku na tsun lawm mi ngu na dai hku tsun ai da. E dai hku na tsun re yang gaw ndai chyahkyawn gaw woi wa sai da, e gawla u e anhte a hkawhkam wa hkanghkyi gaw lusha n sha ai mung grai na sai. Gara hku di na kun shi kaw naw wa yu ga ngu na dai hku na woi wa re she shi makau kaw du yang she u hka gaw bai ngu sai da. U hka gaw e hkawhkam hkanghkyi e nang lusha mung n lu tam sha mat, nang sha na matu gaw ngai mung n lu tam ya re re majaw gaw nang ngai hpe she sha rit ngu na dai hku tsun ai da. Shing ngu jang she ndai chyahkyawn gaw na hkum gaw kachyi sha law ai goi, nang e sha yang gaw hpa lachyum n pru ai gaw hkru mung n hkru ai gaw ngu na dai hku tsun ai da. Dai hku tsun re yang she ndai sharaw bai tsun ai da. E e hkawhkam hkanghkyi e ngai re sai ngai hpe she sha rit ngu tsun ai da. Shaloi jang chyahkyawn bai tsun kau ai da, hkanghkyi pyi hpa n ngu yang she nang gaw mi moi kaw na nang gaw hkanghkyi anhte a hkawhkam hkanghkyi hpe lusha ni grai tam jaw sai lusha ni grai tam garum sai. Dai re majaw gaw nang e gaw anhte a ndai hkawhkam wa gaw hkum gwi sha u ga le ngu na tsun ai da. Hkum gwi sha u ga le ngu na tsun re yang she kaja wa nan gawla u gaw sit sa wa na she e e chyeju madu hkanghkyi e ngai ndai kaw e dam pru wa re kaw na ya du hkra asak hkrung lu ai gaw ngai grai chye ju dum ai. Ngai hpe e dusa wa ai hte n sha kau ai ngai ning re na nga lu ai gaw grai chyeju dum sai. Kaga dusat ni n sha kau ai mung chyeju dum sai ngu tsun da. Shing rai na ngai hpe she sha rit ngai she chyeju htang na n ngai ngu na she chyahkyawn ni sharaw ni u hka ni hpe dai hku tsun ai da. Nanhte gaw hpa n rai ngai she chyeju htang lu hkra di na ngu na dai hku tsun ai hte kabu gara hkanghkyi pyi hpa n nga shi yang she ndai chyahkyawn ni sharaw ni ndai gawla u hpe e i htim kamu nna gawa sat nna dai hku na sha ai da. Shaloi hkanghkyi hpe mung lusha shangun re na hkanghkyi sha ngam ai hte a ngaw angam gaw i shanhte gaw nra du hkra re na bai sha kau re na ndai hku na gawla u hpe e lu sat sha hkra chyahkyawn gaw bawnu shachyai nna shanhte yawng hkra hpe lusha ntam sha nna kawsi kyet nna kya taw nga ai ni ndai gawla u hpe e lusha ai marang e shanhte yawng bai n gun rawng bai shabran la lu rai ma ai da.
Origination date 2017-03-28
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
Maji King Nang : speaker
DOI 10.26278/5fa17172e0d64
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), Maji King Nang (speaker), 2017. Nyan daw chye ai chahkyawn (Tricky wolf) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-1902 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-1902-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 39.4 KB
KK1-1902-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 7.76 MB 00:08:27.331
KK1-1902-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 279 MB 00:08:27.310
3 files -- 286 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,548 translations are currently available (February 25, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Keita Kurabe
View/Download access Keita Kurabe
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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