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Title Nyan rawng di brangtai (Nang Bya and the nine bullies) with English translation
Description Transcription (Keita Kurabe)
Moi shawng de kahtawng langai mi hta e la jahu sha ni nga ma a da. Dai la jahu sha ni gyi galoi mu mashang ni he dang lu dang sha, adup abyen, shing rai hrai nga nga a da. Dai katawng e gaida kasha hum mi mu nga a da law. Shing rai, dai la jahu sha ni gaw dai gaida kasha he gaw galoi rai tim dang sha nga a da. Ningmang rai daw nga a da. Shing rang nge he, lani mi hta e aten mu na mat rai jang nge he, ndai lagat si si, lagat si myin wa rai di shaloi, ndai la jahu sha ni gaw ndai gaida kasha he e, "Oi, ihteng gaw e lagat fun de e hamhaw ham sha na law." "Gaida kasha e, nang n han i,'' nga jang nge he, gaida kasha mu "E, ngai mung han mayu a," nga jang nge he, kaja wa dai la jahu sha ni gaw dai mang kasha he mung woi sa. Shing rang gaw maham ham. La jahu sha ni gaw htaw lagat fun ndung de hrai hkrai maham ham. Shing rang gaw gaida kasha lagat fun ndung de maham ham na shara mu n lu rai mat da. Shing rang nge he ndai gaida kasha gaw le ga lam de he shi a maham ham tawn da da law. Shing rang gaw ya fang jafawt maham bai sa jawm yu di shaloi lagat fun ndung de gaw hto la jahu sha ni a maham ni gaw jahyi lu nga tawng. Le ga de na gaida kasha a maham hta gyi u gaw wa mi bai lu tawng da e. Rai jang nge he, "Ehn, ndai gaw rai sa,"' nga jang nge he, ndai la jahu sha ni gaw gaya hrum na bai tai wa. Rai jang nge he dai kahtawng na myit su salang ni bai shaga la rang nge he "E, salang ni e jeyang ya marit le." "Ndai gaida kasha a maham hta e u gaw he lu da wa." "Jahyi lu a law'' nga a. "Yen nau ni a maham htaw fun ndung e dai hteng gaw jahyi lu da wa." "Shi a jahyi raw la ng fun ndung de noi shachya la law,'' nga ng dai amu dai bai jeyang ya na hu. shaloi he ndai mareng na kahtawng na myit su salang ni he bai shaga rang, dai amu jeyang na nga bai mashang zup sa. Shaloi gaw mareng na kahtawng buga na myit su salang ni mung dai la jahu sha ni he hrit ng dai ni fang de ma lawm mat. Shing rang gaw gaida kasha gaw salang kadai n chyeng shaga mat sa. Shing rai jang he shi gaw htaw Mang Bya ngu di wa he bai saw ada. Shing rang gaw fang shani gaw dai amu jeyang na hu rai reng sa. Amu jeyang wa rang he ndai la jahu sha ni hte e shani saw da di myit su salang ni gaw "La jahu sha ni galaw di amu gaw jaw a," nga a. "Ndai gaida kasha galaw di amu gaw n jaw," ngu dai hu hrai dara. Shing rang nge he ndai la gaida kasha mung kadai he n chyeng shaga da da jaw e gyi Mang Bya ngu da wa he bai shaga da di hte Mang Bya mung jafawt jau jau n du sa. Wo shana de jan pyi yau rang nge he shaloi he dai Mang Bya ngu da wa bai du. Shaloi he ndai la jahu sha ni a salang ni the la jahu sha ni gaw, "E, gaida kasha a salang Mang Bya e, nang ya du hra hra ndai amu jeyang di de n du de." "Nang gaw nang the ndai gaida kasha gaw sum sa sum sa sum sa." "N tara sa." "Nan yen gyi gara hu amu ndai n mai dang," dahu. Shaloi ndai Mang Bya gaw "E, myit su ni e, ngai dai fawt jau jau sa wa sa." "Rai tim le mali ha zaibru jang wa sharaw (wan) hru taw nga, aga ga ga ga ga ga." "Tsamri rang he htingga ran hte e ha ja jaw jang," "ya pyi shani ka-ang lai, rai jang he shaloi he dai ten ha mung hru mat" "dai zaibru jang mung wan krawp mat sa." "E, shaloi he ngai nde lai sa wa da law," nga ng Mang Bya wa gaw tawngban ga tsun na da. Shaloi he dai la jahu sha ni hte salang ni gaw yawng ma hra mani ya da. "Ganing rang zaibru jang sharaw hru di ganang nang yu wa." "Htingga hte ha ja di nga daw htingga gaw abaw aba he rai daw." "Ha, ganing rai ha ja na rai," nga ada. Shaloi Mang Bya wa tsun a da. "E, la jahu sha ni hte myit su salang ni e jahyi gaw hto fun ndung de galoi mung n lung daw." "U gaw si he sha, ga de galoi n yu yu daw." "Ganing rai hto jahyi gaw lagat fun ndung e noi nga," "u gaw gaw le ga maham hta chya si nga a daw." "Dai gaw gara hu n mai byin di amu." "Shingra tara he nan nihteng gaw shut sa, n teng sa, anya sa," nga tsun kau dat di hte maren dai amu dai hta e ndai mang bya wa woi di ndai gaida kasha wa amu dang mat dada law.

Translation (Keita Kurabe)
Long ago, there were nine boys living in a village. Those nine boys were always oppressing and beating people, living in such a manner. In that village, there was also one orphan. Thus, the nine boys always oppressed him. It was always like that. Then, one day when time had passed, when the banyan tree fruits ripened, the nine boys told the orphan, "Hey, we are going to set traps by the banyan tree." "Orphan boy, aren't you coming with us?" The orphan said, "Yes, I want to come too." Truly, the nine boys took him with them. In this way, they set traps. The nine boys set traps only on banyan trees. Then, the orphan had no place left to set a trap on the banyan tree. So, he only set his trap on the ground below. The next morning, when they went to check the traps again, a deer was caught in the traps of the nine boys on top of the banyan tree. On the ground below, in the orphan's trap, there was a hornbill caught. The nice boys said, "Yes, this is how it is." The nine boys faced humiliation. Then, they called the elders of the village and said, "Now, teachers, please judge this." "The orphan's trap caught a hornbill." "A deer was caught." "Our trap, right up there on the tree, caught a deer." "He took his deer and hung it on the tree." They let them judge this matter. The wise elders of the village were called again to judge this matter. People gathered once more. At that time, the wise adults of the village, fearing the nine boys, all sided with them. Thus, the orphan became unable to call any adults. At that time, he called a person named Mang Bya. Then it was decided that the matter would be judged the next day. Then the nine boys and the adults they called said "What the nine boys did was right." They argued, "What the orphan did was not right." Since the orphan could not call anyone, he called Mang Bya, but Mang Bya did not come early in the morning. Finally, at dusk, when even the sun had set, the person named Mang Bya arrived. At that time, the adults and the nine boys said, "Hey, Mang Bya, the teacher of the orphan, you have not come to judge this trial until now." "You and this orphan have lost! Lost! Lost!" "You are not right!" "The two of you can never win this trial!" Then Mang Bya said, "Yes, I left home early this morning." "But the sandy area of the Irrawaddy River is burning in a wildfire. Oh no!" "I scooped water with a basket and poured it." "It was only in the afternoon that the water finally filled up." "The sandy area was completely burned." "Yes, only then did I manage to come here!" Mang Bya apologized. At that time, all the nine boys and adults laughed. "How the sandy area caught fire?" "If you say you watered with a basket, doesn't the basket have holes?" "How can you scoop water with it?" At that time, Mang Bya said, "Yes, boys and teachers, deer never climb trees." "U gaw only eats fruits and never comes down to the ground." "How could the deer up there be caught in the banyan tree?" "And How could U gaw bird be dead in the trap below?" "This is something that could never happen." "It goes against the laws of nature." At the same time, in this trial, the orphan led by Mang Bya won the case.
Origination date 2016-01-26
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
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Dialect Gauri
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
N. Gam Bawk : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/598c8893ac136
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), N. Gam Bawk (speaker), 2016. Nyan rawng di brangtai (Nang Bya and the nine bullies) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-1855 at
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KK1-1855-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 70.3 KB
KK1-1855-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 7.05 MB 00:07:43.47
KK1-1855-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 255 MB 00:07:43.24
3 files -- 262 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,564 translations are currently available (March 6, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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