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Title Nawhpwi ma Ja Doi (The princess Ja Doi) with English translation
Description Translation (Htoi Awng)
A long time ago, there was a princess called Nawhpwi Ma Jadoi. There was also an orphan boy who used to go fishing along the river. He often met the princess on the other side of the Mali river while he went fishing. They often had a conversation and sang songs together. Their friendship was getting stronger day after day. After some time, they fell in love. But, he was penniless. He stayed in the forest and didn't have any other clothes to change. One day, the king announced that he would have a competition to find his daughter's destiny. The competition day had arrived. The orphan really wanted to join in that competition. Since he lived with his grandma, he requested her to permit him to go there. The grandma said, "My grandson! No one will welcome the poor like us. We should not go there." But he said, "I will go there." His grandmother warned him, "Don't go there, my sweetie. No one will welcome us." Since he always hunted for birds, he had lots of feathers. Then, he made cloth with those feathers. So, the dress was colourful and unique. It was much more beautiful than the other dresses. On that day, the princess was excited to find her destiny. The king let a parrot be an usher at the competition. The parrot was standing at the door and uttering, "The special guest has not arrived yet." Although the kings of the other countries and the rich men came, the parrot said they were not special guests. Meanwhile, the orphan came there too by wearing his feather dress. But he felt so small and just stood near the door. And he looked around the competition without going in. The king was listening to the parrot's words. When the parrot saw the orphan boy, it said, "The special guest has arrived. He is standing at the door." Then, the king wondered who was there and told his guards to check him. The special guest was the orphan. The king told his guards to escort him to the palace. The king started the competition. Men who wanted to be the princess's consort had to shoot the node in the middle of the dry bamboo in the competition. Many strong men tried to shoot that, but they couldn't hit the target. Some candidates, whom the king expected to be his son-in-law, could not hit the point as well. The orphan wanted to try too. So, he shot the target. Luckily, he hit the target just on the first try. Then, the king let his daughter marry the orphan. Three strong men whom the king wanted to be his son-in-law could not hit the node. But the orphan boy could hit it, so the king gave his daughter and her consort half of the palace and some treasures. The princess also loved the orphan. One day, the orphan was thinking about his family. And he said to his wife, "We can't be wealthy if we keep using the things your father gave us. We can't always rely on your father. I want to earn some money. So, you stay here. Be loyal and wait for me till the day I come back to you." The princess promised him that she would wait for him. Then, he started his journey. Before he went on his journey, the princess weaved a bag for him for almost three days. He took the bag which his wife weaved for him and started his journey. The three men who couldn't hit the target at the competition were silently following behind the orphan. Since they had failed in the competition, they got a grudge against the orphan. They still wanted to get the princess. So, they followed behind the orphan. They worked where the orphan worked. They were searching for the idea of how to take the princess from the orphan. One man went to the princess first and told a lie to her. He said, "My princess! Your husband was being stuck under the ground and died. But don't worry. We buried him." But, the princess did not believe him at all. She said, "No way. He will leave a word for me if he dies. I don't believe you." His lie to the princess was not successful. A few days later, another man came to the princess to tell a lie to her again. He said, "Your husband really passed away. We do not lie to you. You don't need to worry." He told the same lie again. The princess said, "It's impossible. We loved each other so much. There is no way he didn't leave a word for me if he actually died." The man didn't know what to say. He failed to lie to her too. Then, the third man went to the princess to tell a lie. He stole the bag which the princess made for the orphan. He was always watching at the orphan boy and the place where he put his bag. The third man said, "Your husband died. I took his bag to show you. Don't worry too much. I buried your husband very well. He asked me to give this bag to you." Then, the princess had to believe what the man said. All of her dreams disappeared. She felt ashamed and couldn't show her face to her father because she chose this orphan boy and rejected the men her father chose for her. So, she suicided. Before she committed suicide, she told her servants to burn her dead body and check the place where they buried her ash after seven days. After that, she suicided. Seven days later, the servants went to check there. They saw a tobacco plant was growing. People picked up those special leaves and ate them. Then, they were addicted to the leaves. The more they ate the leaves, the more they became addicted to them. Many weeks later, the opium was growing where the princess's dead body lay down. Later, that plant got burgeons that had pleasant smell. People came to smell the opium. Then, they became addicted to opium. They did not know that it was a kind of drug. They often went there to get the smell and the taste of tobacco and opium. Gradually, they became drug addicts. Tobacco plants and opium were growing higher and higher. Many years later, the orphan boy came back to the princess. In fact, he did not die. When he got home, he didn't see his wife and looked for her everywhere. People told him that his wife had died. He was sorrowful and felt ashamed of himself. He thought, "I am just the orphan. I killed a princess like her." Then, he went into the jungle. He did not eat any food for a long time and died in the jungle. No one cared about the orphan. There was no one who would bury him. Many days later, a small tree grew from the orphan's bone. It was a tea plant. It had got a sweet-bitter taste. When some villagers went into the jungle, they found the tea plant. They were thirsty, so they picked up some leaves and chewed them. It became tea. The princess's dead body was burnt near the Mali river. The smoke which came out was forming as a cloud in the sky above the river. The orphan had died secretly in the jungle. Later, people wanted to farm there. So, they burnt that place. Then, the tea plant which was growing on the orphan boy's dead body was also on fire. The smoke was going up to the sky above the Mali Hka (river). And the two clouds formed as one in the sky. When people saw that amazing event, they thought, "They seem to know each other in the past. Finally, they met in the sky." Then, the three men who wanted to marry the princess said that the clouds were the princess and the orphan boy. In winter, we can always see the two clouds above the Mali river. They are very close to each other. This is the end of the story about Nawhpwi Ma Jadoi.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Ndai nawhpwi ma jadoi ngu ai wa gaw sut du hkawhkam kasha mungdaw mungdan up ai hkawhkam kasha langai mi re da. Lani mi na ten hta gaw ndai jahkrai ma langai mi gaw ndai hka de nga hkwi hkawm ai ten ladaw hta e shi gaw ndai hka shin taw nga yang ndai nawhpwi ma jadoi wa gaw hkahkam nang shayi re majaw shi gaw ndai hka de jahkrai ma wa hte galoi mung hka kaw e mali hka oh ra hkran de hkrum hkat ai kaw shan gaw dingyang mahkawn hte e shada mahkawn hkawn na shaga hkat ai lam ni law law shan gaw ndai hkrum zup na lam law law nga lai wa ai hpang e gaw lani mi na ten hta gaw da shan ndai shada hku hkau mat wa. Shada tsawra myit grau nna lani hte lani grau jat wa ai aten lang lang nga wa ai hpang gaw ndai jahkrai ma gaw nawhpwi ma jadoi hpe ra grai tsawra ai grai tsawra yim bu hpun palawng kahti galai hpun na mung n lu, jahkrai re nga nam de hkrai sha rawng re yang. Lani mi na aten ladaw hta nawhpwi ma jadoi gaw shi gaw hkawhkam mungting na dai hkawhkam wa a shayi sha a lat langai sha re majaw shi gaw ndai shi kahkri hpe shi kasha hpe dinghku de ya na matu e shi gaw ndai kahkri hpe e yaw na matu kahkri lata poi galaw ai da. ahkri lata poi galaw re shaloi ndai jahkrai ma wa gaw shi gaw dai kahkri lata poi galaw ai poi lamang shara de grai sa mayu di na kaning re kun nga na shi gaw shi gaw sa mayu du mayu di na kawoi dwi hte sha nga ai re majaw kawoi dwi e a hkang hpyi re yang, E shu e nan an woi dwi ni zawn re hpe gaw aw kadai n hkap la na re, matsat shabat bu hpun palawng gaw nlu ai hte rai matsat shabat re sa ai gaw nmai na re. Manang ni matsat na re ngu na tsun re yang she ndai jahkrai ma gaw e sa nan sa na re law ngu kawoi dwi gaw nang sa na nga jang tim bu hpun palawng n lu ai manang ni matsat na ra ai, ngu re yang dai hku tsun yang ndai jahkrai ma wa gaw shi gaw bu hpun palawng n lu ai re nga u sha gap ai. U sha gap ai, u sha gap rai, u hkrai gap ai, u gap ai u mun ni law law hpe shi gaw u mun sha magap na bu hpun palawng shatai na chyoi hpun ai da. Dai chyoi hpun re na u mun law law a u mun re nga yang u mun shi na nsam wa grai lak lai ai bu hpun palawng kaga hta pyi tsawm mat ai shi nsam gaw u mun hpan hkum hkra re hte hpun da ai chyoi da ai re nga grai tsawm ai. Dai poi shani gaw hkawhkam nang shayi jan gaw la nga sai da, hkawhkam shayi sha gaw la nga shi hpe ma la nga re, dai shani manam tau ai kaw gaw da ndai hkaikye u hpe manam tau ai kaw bang da ai da. Hkaikye u e manam tau ai kaw bang da she, hkaikye gaw masha kade sa tim e jinghku kaja n du shi ai, jinghku kaja ndu shi ai, jinghku kaja hpang de ngu, grai ngan re lauban ni sa, hkawhkam kaga mungdan na hkawhkam ni sa timmung ndai gaw jinghku kaja nre hkrai ngu. Jahkrai ma gaw gaya di na shi gaw sa gaw sa na labu n lu ai palawng nlu ai re nga ndai shi na u mun hte sha bu hpun shatai na sa wa ai re nga manang hte n bung ai majaw shi gaw gaya na oh shang wa ai chyinghka lam kaw e mau na dung na shi gaw gaya let makoi yu taw nga ai da. Makoi yu nga re ten hta ndai hkawhkam wa gaw dai hkaikye u a ga hpe madat ai da. Hkaikye gaw manam kaja gaw ya du sai chyinghka lam kaw sha naw re ai ngu tsun yang she ndai hkaikye u gaw shi gaw dai hku hkrai tsun da, kaning re manam kaja kun sa yu yu u ngu tsun. Dai jahkrai ma matsan mayen anya shala san re jahkrai ma sha re da. Jahkrai ma rai re yang dai jahkrai ma rai re yang lani mi gaw ndai dai shaloi gaw hkawhkam wa gaw woi wa sai da. U a ga madat na dai hkaikye hpe woi wa re ten ladaw hta e kaning re i nga yang ndai hkawhkam wa gaw kahkri e gara hku lata ai i, kahkri lata poi dama lata poi gara hku galaw ai i nga yang e ndai kawa marung marang san re, ninghkri re san re dai hpe she e ndai gap shangun ai da. Gap shangun byin ai byin ai ni e gap shangun yang she ndai kawa ninghkri hkrai re kaw na kaang kaw na lapran kaw na lami sha gap shangun ai. Re yang gaw dai kaw kei la wa ja ni hkrai grai law ni sa re dai la wa ja ni gaw grai gap ai da. Grai gap, grai gap grai gap re yang lani mi na ten hta gaw dai kade gap tim kadai mung nding ai rai, dai poi shani gaw shingjawng na matu shanhte ndai dama lata ai re nga shingjawng na matu sa re yang she sa gap yang she ndai yawng la 10 hkawhkam kaba wa grai htang tawn da ai ni shawng gap ai da. N hkra re yang she hpang jahtum ndai jahkrai ma wa ngai chyawm me gap yu ga ngu na jahkrai ma wa dai kahkri lata poi hta e shi ndai oh ra kawa ninghkri kaang kaw na lami dai e gap yang jahkrai ma wa gaw kalang sha gap yang wat hpyak re hkra mat ai hku re nga. Dai hkra mat re hpang e gaw ndai jahkrai ma wa gaw shi gaw ndai hkra ai hpang gaw shi kasha gaw shan gaw hka shin sa ai hkan ne mu hkat ai re majaw grai myit jahkrai ma wa grai myit shang sha taw nga ai rai re jang shi kawa gaw shi tsun da ai gasi hte maren ndai hkra ai wa e jaw sha na nga ndau shabra da sai re majaw shi gaw hkra ai hte gaw kalang ta shi gaw jaw sha kau na hku nga. Re yang she oh ra kawa lata tawn da ai grak grak ngan re grai n gun ja dum ai grai byin dum ai la marai 3 gaw n hkra na hku re nga. Nhkra jang dai jahkrai kasha nre wa she hkra jang jaw sha kau rai ,jaw sha kau ai hpang gaw shan e gaw hkawhkam wang daw mi ma garan ya re na ndai dinghku sharawt la na matu sut gan ma garan ya di na shan e ndai hku na dinghku de sha shangun wa sai da. Shayi sha ma grai ra grai ra re dinghku de. Jahkrai kasha gaw shi gaw lani mi na aten hta e shi gaw gria myit yu sai da. Myit yu re yang jahkrai kasha gaw e na nu ni na wa ni jaw ai tsa ni jaw ai hte sa gaw n dai hku na gara hku nga timmung an gaw ndai hku nga yang gaw lusu na lam nnga ai. Manang lahkam dep na mayu ni e sha kam nmai, dai majaw ngai gaw ja gumhpraw tam hkawm mat wa sa na, ja gumhpraw tam hkawm na nang naw nga ta u. Hpa mi rai rai hpa mi byin byin hpa mi byin yang byin, ngai sha nwa yang nang nye sadi dung let la nga ngu na ndai shi a madu jan ngu na hkawhkam nang shayi e htet da ai da. Hkawhkam nang shayi nawhpwi ma ja doi ngu hpe htet tawn da re shan gaw ndai ga sadi tawn da ai re nga hkawm mat wa sai da. Shi hkawm mat wa na re shaloi re n hkawm shi yang madu jan gaw ndai shana tup 3 ya da da ai da. Da da na ndai madu wa e n hpye da shangun dat ai da. Dai da n hpye madu jan shagun dat ai da n hpye sha hpye re na wa lung mat wa re yang hkawm mat wa re yang dai mi shanhte gap shingjawng ai kaw na n gun ja dum ai dai la 3 ni mung lagu hkan nang ai da. Lagu hkan nang re shanhte gaw hkawhkam nang shayi e nlu la sai re nga shanhte gaw ndai manawn kau mayu na hku nga, manawn kau mayu re yang la ndai hpe gaw ndai jahkrai ma hpe gaw grak grak ngan re anhte la wangan re n gun ja ai pyi kawa ndai kaw n lu gap shading hkra na anhte n lu la sai re majaw anhte ndai hkawhkam nang shayi hpe jahkrai ma lata kaw na lu la hkra anhte gaw gara hku tim nyan daw ra sai ngu na shanhte gaw dai hku yaw shada na dai jahkrai ma wa hkawhkam nang shayi nawhpwi ma jadoi a shi madu a hkawm ai shara de shanhte gaw lagu hkan nang ai. Hkan nang na she bungli galaw ai shara rau wa galaw lani mi na ten gaw ndai ni gaw shi e manawn masham myit kataw shangun na matu nyan daw matu ai re nga yu wa sai da. Langai mi shawng yu wa na nawhpwi ma jadoi hkawhkam nang shayi e gaw ndai hku ngu wa masu na hku re nga. E e hkawhkam nang shayi nawhpyi ma jadoi e dai na madu wa jahkrai ma wa mung hto matsan mayen re na dan re na si mat sai law aw, ga kaput na si mat sai. Hpa myit n kaji ra ai, anhte a tsawm di na makoi mayang dat ya sai dan re si mat sai re lu ai ngu tsun. Re yang she ndai hkawhkam nang shayi wa gaw nkam ai da. E nrai na re, nrai na re shi gaw si na lam nnga ai, si yang ngai hpe lama ma sha gaw shi ga htet na re. Ngu tsun re yang she hkawhkam nang shayi wa gaw dai hku ngu tsun dat yang hto ra la ni gaw shanhte gaw ga htet na mung hkawhkam nang shayi e oh ra wa gara hku htet na re n chye rai re yang gaw shi gaw hpa tsun dan na re mung n chye shanhte gaw gara hku masu tim n lu masu. Hpang e kalang bai yu wa re yang she shaloi gaw kalang bai yu wa di na bai wa masu sai langai mi bai. Ndai lang gaw kaja sha nan si mat sai re kaja sah nan si mat sai re anhte n masu ai hkrak sha si mat sai. Nang ma hpa myit hkum kaji. Myit hkum kahtet ngu na bai wa masu. Dai shaloi mung hkawhkam nang shayi nawhpwi ma jadoi gaw e nrai na re. Si yang shi lam ma ga sha gaw htet dat na re an 2 dai ram sha tsawra hkat ai wa shiga gaw htet na re ngu. Ga htet na re nga jang oh ra wa gaw shi e gara hku htet na re nga n chye re jang gaw shi gaw tsun na tsun dan na mung masu dan na lam mung n nga ai rai nga gara hku n mai masu re na dai shaloi mung shan 2 masu ai lam wa n rawng dang mat ai hku re nga. Shanhte 3 na hpang jahtum dai langai mi sha ngam ai. Dai wa bai wa masu. Dai wa gaw gara hku bai wa masu i nga ndai jahkrai ma wa lam tawn da ai mi ndai nawhpwi ma jadoi ngu ai hkawhkam nang shayi wa da 3 ya tup da na galaw da ai jinghpaw n hpye ndai shagun dat ai. Ndai wa jahkrai ma wa gara kaw lam, gara kaw tawn ngu dai hkrai lagu yu di na she dai wa lagu lang di na wa masu sai da. Ndai lang chyawm me gaw kaja nan si mat sai re. Nang gaw shi na arung arai pyi ngai la yu wa ai nang hpa myit hkum kaji sa. Nang hpe e hpa mi re nga tim mung anhte na dingla wa e makoi mayam da sai. Shi mung anhte hpe ngai nnga mat tim ndai n hpye sha gaw nta de naw hkawhkam nang shayi e nawhpwi ma jadoi e naw jaw ya rit nga na shagun dat ai re ngu da. Re jang gaw dai shaloi gaw kam ra mat sai hku nga. Hkawhkam nang shayi mung shi da jaw dat ai nhpye nan du yu wa re jang shi gaw grai kam kaning n chye di na kam mat shi gaw shi myit ai lam n mai byin mat. Shi yaw shada da ai lam mung ndu mat re shi gaw kawa hpe mung kawa a man hta mung shi gaw ndai hpa nre ndai kawa yaw ya ai kahkri dama grai grai tsawm ai grai n gun ja ai ni e mung shi ndang kau ai rai. Dai jahkrai ma bu hpun palawng pyi n kap ai e shi bai lata la ai bai rai, kawa ni e hkawhkam mungdan kata na hkawhkam kasha mungshawa e gaya na shi gaw shi hkrai sat si mat ai da. Shi hkrai sat si rai re nsi shi ai shaloi gaw shi ndai hku ngu htet da na hku re nga, shi gaw e nanhte ngai hpe nat na sa hkai kau ai shaloi sa lup kau ai ten hta e 7 ya ngu na ten hta ngai e nat ai shara nye lup ai shara kaw sa yu yu mu yaw ngu htet da ai da. Dai htet da ia hpang shi gaw sat si mat. Shi hkrai sat si re hpang shi gaw ndai shi gaw sa nat kau i, sa nat kau na me e shanhte gaw ndai hkawhkam nang shayi htet da ai hte maren 7 ya nga hpang sa yu re yang ndai sa yu ai, shi e nat ai shara dai yang kaw du jang she ndai sinda ngu na yang kaw gaw chyu sinda ngu na yang kaw ndai hkayam malut malut lap tu wa ai da. Malut lap tu wa re yang she dai wa laklai ai namlap tu wa jang gaw sa mahti maya dat, re yang gaw ndai ya kap wa na hku re nga. Shani shagu sa nan nga re na she e byin wa ai da. Shani shagu sa na zawn nga majaw shi gaw sa magang myu n li lap ndai gaw lap, lama mi namlap ngu na sa di maya re yang yin kap wa magang dai shara de sa nga na she shi gaw mare masha ni gaw. Re yang she hpang shani bai sa yu yang bai tu wa ai gaw ndai hkrang kaw she hkawhkam nang shayi a numhkrang kaw e ndai kani tu wa ai da. Kani ngu ai ndai tu wa re yang ndai dai wa she sa shi na pu wa ten hta kaja manam pyaw, kaja manam hku nga. Manam ai hteng she hpyi ndai, dai n manam yang gaw baw machyi ai zawn nga na shi gaw ndai yin ya kap ai a kumla san re ni pru wa na hku re nga. Lani hte lani gaw ndai sa tsan sa hkai, sa tsan sa yu di yang dai kani pu sama a majaw gaw, dai shaloi gaw kani ngu nchye hku nga, manam ai sha chye na, manam pyaw ai ndai sama wa grai hkrak ai rai re yang sa di manam dat, sa di sha dat re jang ndai shi gaw grai nga na shi namchyim hpe chye na mat ai hku nga, namchyim hpe chye na re hpang gaw yin ya kap mat wa re yang. De hpang gaw dai malut lap ni, kani lap ni mung kaba mat wa sa. Re yang e ndai jahkrai ma wa bai yu wa sai. Yu wa, kaja nga yang jahkrai ma gaw nsi ai. Yu wa re yang e madu jan hkawhkam nang shayi nawhpwi jadoi ngu ai hpe bai tam yu. De wa tam yu she na dinggai jan dan re dan re na si mat sai law ngu tsun yang shi gaw yawn ai hte, myit n pyaw ai hte gaya ai hte re na ya ngai gaw jahkrai kasha rai. Hkawhkam nang shayi langai mi ting hpe la nna ndan di kau na sat kau ai ndai nye mara re sai ngu na shi gaw yawn ai hte myit ndik ai hte re na nam mali de wam hkawm mat wa ai da. Nam mali de hto grai tsan ai de shi gaw wam hkawm mat wa re ten hta e nam mali kaw e shat kawsi hkam na nga hkawm re shaloi shat nau kawsi lai na shi gaw n nga mat ai da si mat ai da. Si mat re shaloi me e ndai hkawhkam nang shayi hpe gaw ndai mali hka kau kaw nat ai rai re yang ndai jahkrai ma wa gaw nam mali kaw si mat. Re jang she ndai jahkrai ma wa hpe gaw kadai mung ndai sa yu gawn kajang ai lam n nga ai. Shi a n rut nra kaw na ndai si mat ai tsam mat ai n rut nra kaw na tu wa ai gaw n hpa i nga yang ndai gaw hpahka re wa na hku nga. Hpaka lap bai tu re yang ndai hto yi sa ai yi wa dinggai dingla ni namhkawm sa ai ni mu nna she ndai hka lu mayu na sa di maya dat yang hka hka nga na she bai dwi dwi bai nga re, hka hka dwi dwi nga jang ndai grai namchyim amyu mi nga na hku re nga. Dai di maya di hpahka tai mat ai da. Hpahka tai re yang dai gaw hpahka ngu ai bai byin pru wa. Hpahka tai re hpang ndai hkawhkam nang shayi sha hpe gaw mali hka makau kaw nat ai rai, ndai shi gaw jau jau nat ai wanhkut hte i shi gaw lung mat wa , lung mat wa rai ndai wan hkut gaw i mali hka ntsa kaw wam taw nga ai da. Ndai hkawhkam nang shayi e mali hka makau kaw nat ai rai, ndai jahkrai ma hpe gaw namkaw kadai mung nnat ai rai dai hku tsam mat wa ai re na shi shi tsam na tsam si mat re ten hta dai hpahka lap ni tu wa ai hpang gaw ndai gaw maling kaba re mat sai i. Re yang gaw dai kaw yi hkyen, yi hkyen re yang ndai yi bai nat ai shaloi dai shi na mi tsam si nga ai shi a tsawp tsam mat ai lamu ga dai tete dai nga ai ang ang nga ai yang kaw na hpe gaw shi gaw ndai wanhkut dai wa she shanhte yi nat ai ni maram yu yang dai wanhkut wa lung mat wa ai da. Lung mat wa rai ndai mali hka ntsa de sha hkrang ai da. Wanhkut dai ma hkrang rai ohra maga de na wanhkut mung dai de maga na sha mi na hku sha mara na she ndai la taw nga ai hku na she lai rai ndai maga na dai hku ntsa de lung mat na shan 2 dai kaw matut rai wa matut hkat di na ndai shanhte gaw ndai shanhte hkawhkam mungdaw na shawa masha ni gaw myit yu na hku nga. Ga ndai summwi wanhkut ndai yen gaw grai moi shawng de lai sai ten grai hkau chyap chye hkat ai zawn re na mi la hkat na wa hkrum hkat ai gaw ngu tsun yang dai shaloi she ndai hkawhkam nang shayi sha e kashun ai la 3 tsun wa ai da. Dai gaw dai hku re ngu na shan gaw ndai gaw ndai maga na gaw hkawhkam nang shayi nawhpwi ma jadoi ngu re. Nang maga na gaw jahkrai ma wa re ngu na me e dai hte 3 shanhte hkawhkam nang shayi e kashun ai i, la 3 gaw dai maumwi hpe e shanhte gaw kalang bai dai hkawhkam nang shayi hte ndai jahkrai ma wa a lam hpe shanhte wa tsun dan ai da. Wa tsun dan she dai ya du hkra anhte jinghpaw wunpawng sha ni gaw ndai ya n shungta re jang la mu ai ndai mali hka shingna nga summwi i shana re yang ndai summwi mali hka ntsa kaw 2 yep re na run re dai nshung ta re jang galoi mung byin ai. Dai maumwi gaw nawhpwi ma jadoi a maumwi gaw dai kaw htum sai hku re.
Origination date 2017-03-11
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Keita Kurabe
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Language as given Jinghpaw
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Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
L. Naw Hkawng : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/598c87d37c364
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), L. Naw Hkawng (speaker), 2017. Nawhpwi ma Ja Doi (The princess Ja Doi) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-1811 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-1811-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 77.3 KB
KK1-1811-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 17.8 MB 00:19:26.309
KK1-1811-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 641 MB 00:19:26.289
3 files -- 659 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,584 translations are currently available (March 19, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative
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