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Title Myit masin n bung ai num sha shan nau a lam (The sisters who do not cooperate) with English translation
Description Translation (Gun Mai)
Long long ago, there was a rural village near Mali and Nmai rivers confluence. In the village, there were two siblings girls namely Hkawn Nan and Lu Mai together with their parents. One day, their father was passed away. Because the father was passed away, their mother, his wife kept crying because of sorrow. Because she kept crying for quite a while, the woman's eyes were hurt. Because their mother's eyes were hurt and staying in the room, the two siblings girls had been finding the medicine for their mother. No matter how much they made efforts to treat their mother, the eyes of their mother were not cured. Because their mother's eyes were not cured, they felt depressed. So, they announced to every village that "If there is anyone who can cure the eyes of our mother, we will marry the person." When they announced so, one day, a man who carried a medicine bag came to them. The man came to them and said that "Hi two girls, you said that you will marry me if I can cure the eyes of your mother. Will you really marry me?" The elder sister, Hkawn Nan promised that "Yes, we will marry the person who can cure the eyes of our mother. We will definitely marry the person." So, the man cured the eyes of their mother. Then, the elder sister, Hkawn Nan was interested in the man who cured their mother. Thus, she worried that her younger sister would marry him. So, she said that "Dear man, according to our culture, the elder sister should marry first. Therefore, I will be the one who will cook the rice for you." "OK, if you want, I am OK with either of you," said the man. The man continued that "But, I will tell you first about where I came from and how kind of person I am. I am not a human. I am a prince of the dragon king from the Mali Nmai rivers confluence." After the man said so, Hkawn Nan was scared then. Because the man said he was a dragon, she got scared. So, she told her younger sister, Lu Mai that "My younger sister Lu Mai, since I am older and mature, I will take care and look after our mother at home. You marry this man." The younger sister did not deny it as she just thanked the man for curing their mother so she just followed the man without any complaint. She followed the man and when they got on the river bank, the man said to Lu Mai that "Dear Lu Mai, please blink your eyes seven times." So, after she blinked her eyes seven times, they were already standing in a very magnificent palace. Then, they married there and lived very happily. They also got a baby. After quite a while, Lu Mai missed her elder sister and mother and wanted to meet with them. Thus, she was just staring like something was wrong. So, her husband asked that "Dear wife, you live happily in this such perfect house but you look something wrong. Don't you dare to be my wife anymore?" "No, it is not that I don't dare to be your wife. I feel unhappy because I want to meet with my mother and my elder sister, who are living at home," said the wife. So, the husband permitted his wife to go and meet with her mother and elder sister. Thus, Lu Mai carried a basket of gold and her baby and returned her mother and sister. When she got home, the mother and the elder sister were very happy. The elder sister thought that because her younger sister became a dragon's wife, the younger sister might not be a human anymore. But, the younger sister and her baby were real humans and also carried a gold basket. So, the elder sister was amazed a lot. Also happy a lot. Then, the younger sister also frankly told about her experience that she was very happy in the dragon palace. The elder sister was jealous of her younger sister and she wanted to be in the palace again. She brought her younger sister to the forest to pick fruits. They went to the forest and got to a tree that fruited many fruits. The elder sister said to her younger sister that "Climb to the tree and pick the fruits." So, the younger sister left her baby at the trunk of the tree. Then, she climbed the tree and dropped very beautiful fruits at her elder sister. But, the elder sister kept saying that the fruits weren't ripe and not good enough. And, she asked her younger sister to climb a higher and small branch and pick the fruits there. So, as soon as the younger sister climbed on the small branch, the elder sister pinched the baby of the younger sister on the ground so the baby cried. And, the elder sister yelled that "There is a tiger, a tiger!". Thus, the younger thought that her baby was pulled by the tiger and was shocked, so she fell from the tree and died. Then, the elder sister carried the baby of her younger sister and also carried the gold basket. and then, she went to the dragon palace. The two sibling sisters were very alike. The faces and the body shapes of both sisters were very alike even almost impossible to differentiate that who was the elder sister and who was the younger sister. Thus, even though the elder sister carried the bay and came back to the palace, the husband, dragon just thought she was his wife and they lived happily. There was a woman who looked after the baby. The woman carried the baby and used to bring the baby to the garden that is located outside. There was a bird who used to call "My baby, my baby!" on a tree in the garden. When the bird was calling so, the woman heard the voice but she did not see any person and just saw a bird. So, she was amazed. So, she asked the bird that "Hey bird, why are you calling like that? The baby who I am looking after is the baby of the dragon in the palace. Why you said your baby?" But, the bird kept calling like that every morning. So, the woman asked again that "Hey bird, The baby who I am looking after is the baby of the dragon in the palace. Why are you calling as you baby?" So, the bird said that "This is my baby. My elder sister did to me like that like that. So, I became a bird." "So, why don't you tell to your husband?" asked the woman. Because Lu Mai was very good, she answered that "Woman, let it be. Don't tell about this anyone in this palace. It is OK that if my elder sister is living happily here. Let it be. I am enough that if I can meet my baby like this when you bring the baby here." Every morning, the bird also used to talk even before the people woke up. So, Hkawn Nan asked her husband that "We married and have been living for 3 years. Do you really love m?" "I really love you. Love you forever," answered her husband. "If you really love me, please do one thing for me," said Hkawn Nan. "Not only one thing. I will do whatever you said," said the husband. "Please kill the bird that used to talk in the early morning on the tree," said Hkawn Nan again. Hkawn Nan knew that the bird was her younger sister because the more she listened to the voice of the bird, she was aware more that it was the voice of her younger sister, Lu Mai. So, she knew that her younger sister became a bird and followed her. So, she asked her husband to kill the bird. Then, when the husband was pointing to shoot the bird with the arrow, the woman who was looking after the baby said that "Dear prince, you cannot kill the bird. The bird is your wife, Lu Mai who married you." "Woman, what a stupid! My wife is still sleeping in the house," the prince said. The woman told again that "Dear prince, if you don't believe it, you can ask well the bird." So, when the prince asked, the bird, Lu Mai who was sitting on the tree told from the beginning to the end. The dragon got angry also sorrowful. So, he transformed Lu Mai from a bird to a human with dragon medicine. And also, he transformed the elder sister, Hkawn Nan from a human to a bird with the dragon medicine. Then, they lived happily. It was happened like that because of greed.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Moi da ndai mali nmai zup makau kaw e nam kahtawng langai mi nga ai da. Dai kaw e hkawnan ngu ai hte lumai ngu ai shannau hte e shan nu wa ni nga ai da. Rai yang lani mi na aten hta gaw ndai kawa gaw si mat wa ai da. Kawa si mat wa ai shaloi e ndai kanu gaw shi madu wa si mat ai majaw grai yawn nna she hkrap chyu hkrap, hkrap chyu hkrap da. Aten na na wa dai hku yawn hkrap chyu hkrap rai majaw she, shi gaw nau hkrap na she shi a myi machyi mat ai da. Myi pri si nau pru na myi machyi mat na re jang she myi machyi na she grai shani shana gawk kaw sha machyi rawng mat re jang gaw shan nau gaw atsi grai tam tsi sai da, kade tam tsi tim kanu na myi gaw nmai hkraw ai da. Nmai hkraw re jang she shan nau gaw myit htum na she aw mare kahtawng shagu de e ndau shana hkawm mat wa ai da, shannau gaw an nau na kanu hpe e an nau a kanu a myi hpe e tsi ya, tsi shamai ya ai wa kaw gaw an nau num wa mat na ga ai law ngu na ndau sai da. Ndau re yang gaw lani mi hta gaw ndai atsi htingpa gun ai la kasha langai mi gaw pru wa ai da. Pru wa na she e kanam yen e nan nau tsun ai, nan nau a kanu a myit tsi shamai ya jang gaw nan nau ah gu kaw wa na da aw, teng sha wa na i ngu na san ai shaloi she ndai kana hkawn nan gaw e law an nau nu a myi sha shamai ya lu ai wa kaw gaw an nau numwa na ga ai, teng sha wa na ga ai ngu na ga sadi jaw sai da. Re yang gaw kaja wa dai la sha gaw kanu a myi hpe e tsi shamai ya sai da. Reng gaw dai kana hkawn nan gaw ndai tsi tsi ya ai lasha wa hpe shi gaw grai yu ra si wa sai da. Dai majaw shi gaw kanau hpe la kau na tsang na she shi gaw tsun sai da, ah gu e anhte na htung hku nga yang gaw kana she shawng numwa ai baw re dai majaw ah gu nang hpe shat shadu jaw na gaw ngai ang ai re ngu na dai hku tsun re jang, e le nang sha kam yang mi gaw nan nau kadai retim mai ai goi ngu na she dai hku na tsun sai da. Dai shaloi she dai lasha wa gaw retim mung ya ngai gara kaw na pru wa ai, ngai gara kaw na kaning re masha re ngu hpe nan nau hpe naw tsun dan na ngu na tsun ai da. Dai she ngai gaw masha nre gaw, ngai gaw oh mali hka mazup kaw na mali hka kata na baren, du baren hkawhkam kasha re gaw ngu na tsun dan jang she dai hkawn nan wa gaw bai hkrit wa sai da. Oh dai baren re ngu jang grai hkrit wa sai da, dai majaw shi gaw bai myit hten wa na she kanau lumai hpe tsun ai da, e kanau e ngai gaw kaba sai, myitsu sai re majaw nta kaw e nu hpe e yu gawn lajang na nga na, nang ndai agu kaw gaw nang mahtang wa u ngu na kanau hpe tsun ai da. Re yang gaw kanau gaw kanu hpe e myi tsi shamai ya sai hpe e chyeju dum ai myit hte she kam ai nkam ai mung n tsun ai da, akatsi sha nga na dai tsi tsi ya ai la wa hpang de hkan mat wa sai da. Hkan mat wa yang gaw ndai mali hka kau gaw e du ai shaloi gaw ndai lasha wa gaw tsun ai da, lumai hpe e kanam lu mai e nang myi 7 lang gyip dat u ngu jang she kaja wa 7 lang grip dat yang gaw grai hkyik hkam ai hkawhkam htingnu kaw e tsap taw nga la ai da. Re na shan 2 gaw dai kaw e dinghku ni de sha re na grai pyaw na nga ai da. Ma mung langai mi lu hkra re na nga ai da, re yang she ndai lumai gaw dan re nga na wa ai shaloi gaw kanu hte kana hpe e marit ai, hkrum mayu ai myit ni rawng wa ai da. Dai majaw shi gaw mau mau re na lama ni ra ai zawn chyu rai taw ai da, dai shaloi madu wa gaw san ai da, e kanu e nang ndai ram anhte a nta kaw e ndai ram hpa mung ra nrawng pyaw pyaw re na nga ai wa nang hpe yu yang lama mi ra ai zawn chyu re nga ai le, nang ndai nta na dinghku kanu tai ai n gwi wa ai re i, ngu na dai hku ni san yang she nre law, ngai ndai nta na dinghku kanu tai ai n gwi ai nre ai, ngai hto nta na nye nu yen ashawng hpe e hkrum mayu ai majaw ngai na myit hta galoi mung n pyaw ai re law ngu jang she, madu wa gaw e dai hku nga yang gaw wa jahkrum mu ngu na she ahkang jaw dat ai da. Re jang gaw dai lumai gaw ja shingoi sha gun kasha hpe sha ba lang re na she e kanu yen kana kaw wa sai da. Wa yang she kanu yen kana gaw grai hkap kabu ai da, kana na myit gaw e kanau gaw baren jan she tai mat ai re majaw gaw shinggyin masha gaw ntai nga na sai ngu na kana myit hta gaw dai hku myit da ai da. Retim kanau gaw ma mung ma mung shinggyin masha raw rai, shinggyin masha ma ba re na she, ja shingnoi she gun hkra bai wa re jang she e grai hkap mau mat ai da. Kabu mung grai kabu ai da, re yang kanau gaw shi hpe e ndai baren hkawhkam htingnu kaw nga yang shi kade ram nga pyaw ai lam ni hpe e kana hpe e asan sha atsawm sha tsun dan jang she,
Kana gaw bai myit magaw wa sai da, dai de shi she bai nga mayu sai da, dan re na she shi gaw myit bai magaw wa na kanau hpe e nam de e namsi sa di sha ga ngu na woi sa mat ai da. Woi sa mat yang she hpun, kaja wa namsi grai si ai hpun langai mi kaw e sa du sai da, dai shaloi e kanau hpe she kana gaw hto ra hpun ndung kaw na namsi wa di la su ngu na tsun jang kanau gaw shi kasha hpe gaw namsi hpun pawt n hpang kaw yu shadun kau da re na she namsi grai grai tsawm ai myin ai ni kana hpe di jahkrat ya ya re da. Retim mung n myin ai law, ntsawm ai law sha a nga nga she, kana gaw bai tsun sai da, hto hpung n dung kaji dik ai kaw na dai wa di la u, dai wa jaw rit ngu na tsun jang kaja wa kanau mung hkrat si she ntsang re na hpun kaji dik ai ningdung kaw na hpun namsi dai hpe e wa di dat ai hte she kana gaw le hpun pawt kaw na kanau a kasha hpe she mahti jahkrap dat na she e sharaw loh, sharaw loh, ngu na she marawn dat ai hte she kanau gaw e nye kasha hpe sharaw hta hpai mat wa sam sai nga na she kajawng na she dai hpun kaw na di hkrat mat wa na she di hkrat si mat ai da. Dai shaloi she kana gaw kanau a kasha sha hta ba re na she kanau na ja shingnoi sha gun re na ndai baren nta de wa sai da. Wa yang gaw shan nau gaw grai bung ai re da. Ndai myi man hkum hkrang yawng bung ai re da, gara kanau re mi re gara gaw kana re mi re nchye yu hkra bung ai da. Dai majaw kana wa she ma ba na bai wa ai retim mung madu wa ohra baren lawa gaw madu jan re shadu na she dai hku sha pyaw pyaw re na bai nga sai da. Dai hku nga re she dai shanhte nta kaw gaw ndai ma woi ya ai dinggai langai mi nga ai da. Dai dinggai gaw ma ba nna she dai shanhte a nta shinggan kaw na nampan sun kaw e ma hpe sa woi chyai chyai re da, re yang she dai nampan sun makau kaw tu ai ndai hpun kaw she hpun lakung kaw e ngai sha e, ngai sha e nga na u langai mi gaw sa shaga ga re da. Sa shaga jang she dinggai dai gaw e ya kadai wa sa shaga ai kun ngu na yu yu yang gaw masha gaw nmu, dai hpun kaw she u langai mi dung ai gaw bai mu re yang gaw bai mau sai da. U nang gaw hpa na mi ndai ngai woi ai kasha gaw ndai hkawhkam htingnu na baren kasha she re mi na kasha nga gaw ngu na she, jahpawt shagu ngai sha e , ngai sha e nga na hkap shaga ga re jang she dinggai dai gaw mau re na san sai da, u dai hpe san re she u e nang gaw hpa na ndai ngai woi ai ma gaw ndai baren hkawhkam htingnu na hkawhkam kasha she re me, na kasha nga na shaga ga re gaw ngu yang she dai u dai wa gaw tsun dan sai da. Ndai gaw nye kasha she re, ngai dai hku dai hku re na nye kana ngai hpe dai hku re na ngai gaw u tai mat ai re ngu na tsun ai da. Re yang gaw nang dai lam ndai na madu wa hpe hpa na ntsun dan ai rai ngu yang she, lumai gaw shi gaw grai myit kaja ai wa re nga she e a dwi e re sanu ga, ya ndai lam ni nang ndai baren htingnu na ni hpe e kadai hpe ma hkum tsun dan, nye shawng shi pyaw pyaw re na nga lu jang re sai, re sanu ga nang ndai nye kasha hpe ndai nampan sun kaw e woi sa sa re kaw e ngai nye kasha hte lu hkrum la la re jang re sai ngu na she dai hku tsun ai da. Re yang gaw dai u dai gaw jahpawt shagu shanhte na nta makau kaw e jahpawt nta masha ni pyi yup n rawt yang ma shaga ga re da. Re jang she kana hkawn nan gaw madu wa baren la wa hpe she e nang ya an 2 dinghku de sha ai 3 ning re sai wa nang ngai hpe kaja wa gaw tsawra ai i ngu na san yang she kaja wa tsawra ai law, prat tup tsawra ai law ngu na tsun jang she, dai hkawn nan gaw nyan na she dai hku re yang gaw nang ngai hpe tsawra ai teng yang gaw ngai tsun ai lama mi galaw ya rit ngu yang she, baren la wa mung e lama mi sha nre ai, nang tsun ai hpa mung ngai galaw ya na ngu jang she e dai hku re yang gaw ya ohra jahpawt e jau jau nta makau na hpun kaw e shaga ga re u ndai hpe e sat kau ya u ngu ai da, naw gyam sat kau u ngu ai da, dai hkawn nna gaw u dai gaw kanau re hpe e shi gaw chye ai da. Hpa majaw nga yang dai u dai shaga ai nsen wa kana madat magang kanau lumai na nsen re taw nga ai da, dai majaw kana gaw aw ndai nye kanau gaw nam u tai nna she hkan nang nga ai ngu hpe shi chye ai majaw she madu wa hpe ndai u ndai hpe gyam sat kau shangun ai da. Gyam sat na matu ndai baren la wa gaw shi na kungli ni hpe e shachyen na gap hkyen ai hte she ndai ma woi ai dinggai wa gaw tsun ai da, e e hkawhkam kasha e nang dai u hpe nmai sat kau ai, dai u gaw moi nang hte hkungran poi shang yu ai na madu jan lu mai nan re ai ngu tsun jang she dai baren la wa gaw a dwi nang gaw hpa baw mana wa ai i nye madu jan mi oh n hku kaw naw yup taw nga ai me ngu na she dai hku ngu re yang gaw, e e hkawhkam kasha e nang nkam yang gaw dai u hpe atsawm sha san yu u ngu jang she kaja wa san yang she dai lu mai gaw u tai nna hpun kaw dung nga ai dai wa gaw madu wa hpe e n pawt n dung yawng atsawm sha tsun dan ai da. Tsun dan jang she dai baren la wa gaw na pawt na yawn na she e ndai shi a baren tsi hte she ndai u tai mat ai madu jan lu mai hpe gaw baren tsi hte e masha bai shatai la, ohra kana jan hpe gaw dai hpe mung baren tsi hte ndai kana hpe mahtang u shatai kau re na shan 2 gaw pyaw pyaw re na bai nga mat ma ai da. Law hpa ai myit a majaw dai hku na byin mat ai re nga ai.
Origination date 2017-03-08
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
S. Hkawn Shawng : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/598c852b4a1ea
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), S. Hkawn Shawng (speaker), 2017. Myit masin n bung ai num sha shan nau a lam (The sisters who do not cooperate) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-1655 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-1655-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 44.5 KB
KK1-1655-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 11.7 MB 00:12:50.403
KK1-1655-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 423 MB 00:12:50.383
3 files -- 435 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,584 translations are currently available (March 19, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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