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Title Jahkrai ma 2 a lam (The orphan and the dragon's jade) with English translation
Description Translation (Gun Mai)
A long time ago in a village, there were two boys who lost their parents since they were young. Since they both lost their parents, they went to a rich man to do a hireling to look after cattle. Even though the two boys were still young, they were mature and decent. They both worked blamelessly in their jobs. They worked hireling to look after the cattle in the rich man for quite a while so they survived. They still could not do other kinds of jobs so they just watch the cattle for survival. After they worked there for 7, 8 years, they had grown up and more mature. They also got more knowledge. They also could distinguish between good and bad. So, they both discussed that "Because it has been for quite a long time that we have been working to look after the cattle, let's stop hireling to watch the cattle," and they looked for other jobs. Although they looked for other jobs and found, it was still only a hireling job again. They lived in another rich man and worked for farms and gardens, and they lived there quite a while again. Even though they have been working there for quite a while, it was only to feed themselves and had no significant benefit for them. So, "We should not end up like this. Let's do trades," discussed the two men and they started trading. When they did trading, because they did not have capital and just borrowed from others, they lost again and again. It was like only making profits for others and there was no benefit for them. They felt depressed and said that "Let's separate between us and find a job and work individually. But, let's meet one day." Then, they went separately to find a job and worked. They also had names. One is Brang Awng and one is Brang Dut. Brang Awng had little knowledge regarding sawing work. When he was working for the jobs whatever he had, one day, a rich man came to him and said that "Hi orphaned boy, you help me today." "Yes, OK. What job do you have?" said Brang Awng. "A Lagat tree that located in the Numshang valley is blocking the road. Please go and cut the tree," said the rich man. So, Brang Awng said, "Yes, OK." Brang Awng sharpened his ax and went to Numshang valley to cut the tree. When he saw the tree, the tree had some hollows. But, he was about to cut. At that time, a dragon spoke out from the hollow. "Hi Orphaned boy, please save me. I have tired of living in this hollow of this Lagat tree's root. I don't want to live here anymore. I entered and lived here when I was young but now I cannot go out because my body is bigger than the hole. Please save me. Please enlarge the hole for me to be able to come out," said the dragon. Then, the orphaned boy enlarged the hole with his ax for the dragon to come out. Before the dragon came out, the dragon said that "Don't be afraid of me when I come out. If you are afraid of me, you can turn your back to me." So, the orphaned boy turned his back to the dragon. At that time, the dragon transformed into a black snake with red eyes and left from the hole. When the dragon crawled and left, the orphaned boy was told that "The orphaned boy, because you saved me, I will give you a valuable present that can give you whatever you want. Please wait here." And, the dragon went into the river. Soon after, a small snake carried a jade with his mouth and came to the orphaned boy. "This is a gift for you for your gratitude. If you want anything, ask this jade," said the snake. "Thank you very much," said the orphaned boy and accepted the gift with two hands. From that day, the orphaned boy could eat whatever he wanted to eat if he asked the jade. If he wanted to wear good clothes, he just needed to ask the jade and he got it. Then, he also asked about a very beautiful and magnificent house and lived there. The boy said to himself that "Now, I have such everything. It is boring to live alone. I should find a spouse," and he asked two gentlemen from the village to go to the palace to ask to marry a princess. When they asked to marry the princess, the princess accepted and the parents of the princess also permitted their daughter to marry. But, when the boy's gentelmen went again to ensure to marry the princess, this time, the parents of the princess said that "If the man is truly to marry my daughter, bring a bucket of gold." Then, the orphaned man said that "If they ask for a bride, I will give as much as they ask." So, he asked for the gold from the jade and gave the parents, and then he married the princess. After they married, they lived happily. They did not need to worry about anything. They could get everything easily whatever they want. So, the wife got amazed. "This man doesn't do anything well but he provides me well and gets easily whatever. How that happens," the wife said herself. Then, she asked her husband that "Why do you get easily whatever?" "No matter how I get it. I won't tell you," said the husband. But, the wife said that "Please just tell me. I won't take from you," and she kept asking. So, the man thought that "Since she is already my wife now, she might not has dishonesty," and then, he showed the jade to his wife. After the man showed, the princess told her father about that. After the father knew, the father forcibly grabbed the jade from the man. After the king forcibly grabbed the jade, he also brought his son-in-law, orphaned man to their house, the palace. Then, the rich man (the storyteller changed here from the king to the rich man) made him a slave. They forcibly asked to do a lot of works; collecting firewoods and fetching water. The tich man also took a shower every day and asked his son-in-law to bring water for him. When he was forcibly asked to do a lot of works there, his friend, Brang Dut who was carrying a bottle gourd with water came up to him. He was very happy and told his friend all about him; how he got rich, how he became a slave. Brang Dut was very pity of him to hear and he comforted his friend that "Friend Brang Awng, no worry. Let's figure out this slowly." Brang Dut continued that "It is very good that your father-in-law wants to take a shower every day. I am even afraid that your father-in-law will not take shower." Then, Brang Dut put and mixed the water of his bottle gourd into the bucket that Brang Awng's father-in-law used to take shower. The rich man took a shower with the mixed water. After the man took shower, many swells that were like burning with fire appeared across the whole body of the rich man. So, the rich man asked his son-in-law that "Son-in-law, do you know who can heal the disease that happens to me? Can you go and find the person who can heal this?" The son-in-law called and brought his friend, Brang Dut. When Brang Dut got the rich man's house, "Hi Rich man, are you sick?" "Yes, I don't know what is happening in my body like this. If you can heal this, please heal me," said the rich man. Then, Brang Dut showed fortune calculation and said that "It seems you forcibly grabbed a valuable property of another person. Give it back to the owner otherwise, you won't be healed as long as you don't give back." "Yes, I will give it back when my disease is healed," said the rich man. "No, impossible. As long as you don't give it back, you won't be healed no matter how much I treat you. After you just give it back, I will be able to heal you," threatened Brang Dut. So, the rich man gave the jade back to the orphaned man. From that day, Brang Awng got back his jade. And, he brought his children (they already had two children) and left together with his friend, Brang Dut. He abandoned his wife who had dishonesty and asked her father to forcely grabbed his jade. Since he got back his jade, he lived richly as before and married again with another decent woman. He also arranged for his friend, Brang Dut to marry a very good girl. Then, they lived happily with their respective family.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Moi da ndai kahtawng langai mi kaw e kaji kaw na kanu kawa nlu mat ai la sha 2 nga ai da. Shan 2 yen kanu kawa nlu mat sai re majaw ndai lusu wa kaw e nga rem nchyang sa shang ai da. Shan 2 gaw asak gaw naw kaji ai raitim mung e myit gaw grai let ai myit grai su ai, bungli galaw timmung grai kang ka ai la sha yen re ai da. Dan re na ndai sahte wa kaw e n chang sa shang re yang she nga rem n chang sa shang re yang gaw dai kaw grai na hkra nga rem nchyang chyang na kan bau ai da. Kaga bungli gaw shan 2 n dang galaw ai re majaw nga rem n chyang chyang na kan bau ai da. Dai kaw e 7, 8 ning ram nga rem n chyang chyang ai shaloi gaw shan 2 mung tsawm ra mi bai kaba wa re yang gaw myit mung grau na su wa sai da. Machye machyang mung grau na nga wa, kaja ai hte n kaja ai hpe chye gin hka wa re aten re sai da. Shaloi shan 2 gaw e an 2 gaw aw nga rem nna chyang sha ai aten grai na sai majaw nga rem n chyang sha gaw n galaw sa ka law ngu na jawm bawng la na she e kaga bungli tam galaw mat wa ai da. Kaga bungli tam galaw mat wa ai nga timmung nchyang sha bai sa shang ai da. Kaga sahte langai mi a nta kaw bai yi sun hkauna ni galaw ya, nampan sun ni lajang ya re na dai kaw bai tsawmra na hkra bai sa nga sai da. Retim dai kaw mung tsawra na hkra nga timmung shan na matu gaw shat lu sha ai sha rai taw nga ai, kaga lak lai ai hku na shan 2 hpa akyu bai n hkam sha re jang she e an 2 gaw ndai hku sha gaw n nga saka, hpaga she ga wa yu sa ka ngu na bai bawng la re na she hpaga bai ga sai da. Hpa ga bai ga yang mung shan 2 gaw arang nlu ai re majaw masha ni kaw na arang sha hkoi la na galaw yang gaw hpaga mung bai ga sum kau, ga sum kau chyu re da. Dai ni hpe e amyet tam jaw ai sha tai mat, shan 2 na matu gaw hpa akyu bai nnga sai da. Dan bai re jang shan 2 gaw myit htum na she e an 2 gaw kadai mung kadai chye ai hku she bai bungli tam galaw mat yu saka law, re timmung an 2 lani mi gaw bai hkrum ga i ngu na she dai hku bawng la re na kadai mung kadai chye ai hku de bai bungli tam galaw mat wa re shaloi gaw ndai shan 2 na mying mung nga malu ai, brang awng hte brang dut nga re shan 2 na mying gaw, re yang she ndai bang awng nga wa gaw zingret ret ai hpaji loi mi chye da ai da. Dan re jang she shi mung hpa hkrup hpa galaw, re na bungli tam galaw hkawm nga re ahkying aten hta e lani mi ndai sahte langai mi gaw shi kaw sa wa re na she e jahkrai ma e nang dai ni ngai hpe naw garum la rit ngu ai da. Re jang she, e le mai ai le hpa baw bungli nga ai kun ngu yang she, le ra numshang hkyet kaw na lagat hpun oh ra wa lam lai yang grai dut dang la ai law oh ra naw sa kran ya rit ngu jang she, mai ai law ngu na she ningwa sha garang hpai re na lagat hpun dai kran na ngu na sa yu da, sa yu yang she lagat hpun pawt dai wa loi mi hpungkraw rai taw nga da. Retim shi gaw kran sa na ngu na kran na hkyen yang she dai hpungkraw kaw na she baren langai mi shaga pru wa ai da. E rai sa law, jahkrai ma e ngai hpe naw hkye la rit lo, ndai lagat hpun pawt hpungkraw kaw e ngai rawng jin mat sai law, ngai n kam rawng nga ni ai law, ngai naw kaji yang shang rawng mat ai re wa, ya gaw ngai gaw kaba wa ndai ahku gaw kaji wa na ngai shinggan de pru chyai hkawm na ngu kade myit timmung nlu pru ai re law, ngai hpe naw hkye la rit law ngai pru wa na ahku loi mi naw ah chye baw kaba ya rit ngu na tsun ai da. Dai shaloi dai jahkrai ma gaw kaja wa baren pru wa na hku a chye baw kaba da ya sai da. Dai shaloi baren gaw shi pru na shaloi shi tsun ai da, ya ngai pru wa ai shaloi nang hkum hkrit yaw, nang hkrit yang gaw shingdu de gayin mat u ngu na tsun yang she, kaja wa jahkrai ma gaw shingdu de gayin mat ai lapran she ndai baren gaw lapu achyang re myi gaw ahkyeng ngan re na re lapu langai mi tai nna dai hku kaw na gayen pru mat wa ai da. Gayen pru mat wa na jahkrai ma hpe tsun kau da ai da, jahkrai ma e nang ngai hpe hkye la sai re majaw gaw nang hpe ngai grai manu dan ai nang hpa mung lu ma ai kumhpa kaja nang hpe ngai jaw na re. Nang ndai kaw la nga yaw ngu shi gaw hka kaba de hpung e hprang e nga na gumhtawn shang mat wa ai da. Jahkring mi na re yang she lapu kaji langai mi gaw lungseng sha makrang lang re na jahkrai ma kaw lung wa ai da. Ndai gaw nang hpe e chyeju dum ai chyeju dum kumhpa re yaw, nang hpa ra yang ndai lungseng kaw e hpyi u ngu na tsun ai da. Kaja wa dai hku jahkrai ma gaw chyeju kaba sai law ngu na she 2 ta hte hkap la ai da, re na dai shani kaw nna jahkrai ma gaw hpa shi lu sha mayu yang mung ndai lungseng hpe tsun dat jang lu sha ai da. Hpun palawng ni mung tsawm tsawm htap htap hpun mayu yang mung dai lungseng hpe hpyi dat jang mai lu ai da. Re na shi gaw nta mung grai hkyik hkam tsawm ai nta mung hpyi la re na she e shi gaw nga sai da. Nga re yang she e ngai ndai daram wa hpa mung lu wa sai gaw, ngai hkrai sha nga yang gaw lagawn la ai law, nye ningrum ningtai langai mi gaw tam la na re ngu na she dai mare na salang 2 hpe shi gaw oh hkawhkam shayi sha sa hpyi shangun ai da. Hkawhkam shayi sha sa hpyi shangun yang kaja wa dai hkawhkam shayi sha mung hkraw ai da, kanu yen kawa mung hkraw re na she sa hpyi da ai da. Re yang gaw hpang e kaja wa la shateng sa na ngu na she gaw jaw teng na kun ngu na she kalang bai ga sa san, shateng ai shaloi gaw ndai hkawhkam kasha na kanu kawa ni gaw kaja wa la na re yang gaw ja dang mi sa bang mu ngu ai da. Ja dang mi sa bang ngu na tsun dat re jang she, jahkrai ma gaw e hpu ja gaw kade hpyi yang kade jaw na re ngu na she shi na lungseng kaw hpyi la re na she hpu ja ni mung sa bang shatup re na hkungran la sai da. Hkungran la re na shan 2 gaw pyaw pyaw re na nga sai da. Dai she hpa mung ndaw ntsang re na hpa ra yang mung hpa lu, dai hku re na nga jang she dai num dai gaw mau wa sai da. La ndai gaw shi grak re na hpa mung n galaw ai wa mi ya ngai hpe ndai daram pyaw hkra woi nga ai gaw hpa mung n yak n hkak re na lu wa wa re gaw kaning re kun ngu na she san ai da. San na nang hpa majaw nding re na n yak n hkak sha re na lu wa wa re rai nga na san yang, jahkrai ma gaw kaning re na lu ai mi rai yang rai law ngai nang hpe ntsun dan na law, ngu ai da, re jang she madu jan gaw e she tsun dan rit law ngai n la kau ya law ngu na san chyu san, akrawk nga jang she dai jahkrai ma gaw chye shi mung nye madu jan she re sai gaw, hpa nra na re law myit magaw ni gaw nchye rawng na re ngu na lungseng dai la madun kau ai da. La madun kau jang gaw dai hkawhkam kasha dai gaw kawa hpe bai tsun dan ai da. Kawa hpe tsun dan jang she dai kawa gaw ndai lungseng hpe kashun la kau ya sai da. Kashun la kau ya re na she dai jahkrai ma hpe mung shanhte hkawhkam mayu nta de shaga la na she dai sahte wa gaw kahkri wa hpe she mayam shatai ai da. Oh zingri zingrat yam she yam sha, hpun ni hta shangun da, hka ja shangun, bungli ni hte galaw shangun re na she shi gaw shani shagu hka shin na hka ni mung kahkri wa hpe ja shangun dai hku re na she e zingri zingrat re hkrum sha na nga taw nga re yang she mi na shi manang brang dut gaw ndai tsin tau ba sha hpai re na she gale pru wa ra ai da. Shi gaw grai kabu re na she shi manang wa hpe e shi lam ma hkra tsun dan sai da, shi kaning re na lu su sahte yu ai ya kaning re na ya kaning re na mayam bai tai mat ai yawng tsun dan jang she, ndai shi manang brang dut wa gaw grai na matsan dum re na she, retim shi manang hpe shi shalan ga tsun ai da, e hkau brang awng e hpa nra ai law, gau ngoi bai sharai la gaw law ngu na shi hpe e shalan ga tsun ai da. Re na she brang dut gaw bai tsun ai da, hkau brang awng e ndai na ningtsa wa shani shagu ndai hka shin kam ai ndai grai kaja sai, hka n kam shin mat na she tsang ra nga ai ngu na she ndai sahte wa hka shin shin re hka yam bu kaw she ndai brang dut gaw shi a tau ba kaw na ntsin she hka yam bu kaw e ru gayau bang kau da ya ai da. Lagu gayau bang kau da ya ndai hka hpe she ndai sahte wa gaw hka shin sai da, hka htawk shin dat yang she shi hkum kaw gaw wan kaba kau ai zawn re na she hpawk hpawk re na bawng hkrai bawng, bawng hkrai bawng re na she kang kahtet machyi wa sai da. Re yang she sahte wa gaw kahkri jahkrai ma hpe she e ngai hkri wa e ya ndai ngai na ngai kaw byin ai gaw kadai wa chye tsi ai kun law, ndai chye tsi ai masha naw tam hkawm wa yu su law ngu na tsun re yang she, kahkri wa gaw shi manang brang dut hpe sa shaga wa ai da. Sa shaga wa yang she ndai brnag dut gaw sahte wa hpe tsun ai da, e sahte wa e nang hkum n pyaw nga nni ngu na wa shaga dat yang she, e law ndai nye hkum kaw ning re na byin ai gaw hpa wa re kun na, nang chye tsi yang gaw naw tsi ya rit law ngu na tsun re jang she, brang dut gaw shaba bai wawt masu su sai da, shaba wawt masu re na she e sanhte wa e nang gaw masha ni na rai hkyik hkam ai rai lama ma nang kashun la kau yu ang ai ngu na tsun jang she nang dai ya kau u, dai ya kau jang she e tsi tsi mai na re, dai nre yang gaw tsi kade tsi tim mung nmai na re ngu na dai hku tsun jang she, sahte wa gaw e law e law, ndai ngai na machyi ai ndai mai jang gaw ya kau na re ngu na bai tsun ai da. Brang dut gaw e kanang na mai na nang dai sha n ya kau yang gaw tsi kade tsi tim nmai ai gaw, nang dai ya kau jang she e ngai nang hpe tsi tsi ya yang mai na re nga ai ngu jang, dai hku ngu na jahkrit jang kaja sha jahkrai ma hpe lungseng dai bai shaw jaw kau ai da. Shaw jaw kau na she dai shani kaw na gaw ndai brang awng gaw ndai katsa wa kashun la kau ai lungseng hpe bai lu la sai re majaw, shi a kasha shi gaw kasha ma 2 lu sai, re yang she kasha hpe sha woi shi a manang brang dut hte re na e wa mat ai da. Dai shi hpe e dan re na myit magaw nna kawa hpe lungseng kashun la kau shangun ai ndai madu jan hpe gaw shi kabai kau da ai da. Re na she shi mung ndai lungseng lu la sai re majaw gaw mi na zawn re na bai grai lu hkra re na nga re na bai shi mung grai myit su ai num langai bai la, re na she shi manang brang dut hpe mung grai myitsu ai num bai la ya re na, shan 2 gaw grai pyaw ai dinghku hpra hpra de re na grai pyaw hkra bai jawm nga mat ma ai da.
Origination date 2017-03-08
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
S. Hkawn Shawng : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/598c851e6a41c
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), S. Hkawn Shawng (speaker), 2017. Jahkrai ma 2 a lam (The orphan and the dragon's jade) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-1652 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-1652-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 48 KB
KK1-1652-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 11.5 MB 00:12:33.946
KK1-1652-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 414 MB 00:12:33.918
3 files -- 426 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,564 translations are currently available (March 6, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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