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Translation (Rita Seng Mai)
Once upon a time, there was an orphan girl in a village. Both of her parents were dead. She didn't have any siblings. She didn't have any relatives too. One of the neighbours felt pity for her and raised her in their house. She didn't have anyone to call 'Mom'. She didn't have anyone to call 'Dad' either. She grew up that way. The family who raised her sent her to school. She was stupid and couldn't learn lessons well. She didn't have any parents to teach her. After attending school for three years, she passed the elementary level. She was deep in thought, "If I just stay like that, it is not good for me." So, she went to the big village to look for a job. She was just over ten years old. When she lived with the neighbour family, she had to do lots of household chores. She tried hard to finish all the chores every day. When she was about eight years old, (In the past, we pounded the rice grains with a mortar and a pestle.) she had to pound the grains as soon as the family woke her up. She had to pound corn as well. Once the sun shone, she must finish pounding the rice grains and corn. After that, she had to carry water. The family said, "We send you to school. Everything you learn at school will do good to you. You will use all the skills you learn at school in the future. So, now you will need to clean the pigsties and chicken coops." In the morning, she needed to pound the grains. After that, she needed to clean the chicken coops. After that, she had to clean the pigsties. The family said, "You need to wash the pigs. Also, you need to sweep the chicken coops clean." She listened to them and did everything they asked because she wanted to be loved. She did everything without complaining. When she was about fourteen years old, she thought about getting out of the house and working. Then, she received the daily wage. She earned 1 penny as her daily wage. Everyone wanted to bully her because she was an orphan. So the employee gave her just 1 penny. She saved the wages she earned. The next day, she lied to the family and went to work again. The man, the head of the family, said, "Kid, if you want to do something, tell me. Ask me anything you want to know." But she didn't tell him. Instead, she told his wife and asked for permission. Her aunt didn't allow her to work. At night, she sat the homeowner couple in front of her and asked for permission. She said, "Can you allow me to go to the town where many people are working, just for one or two months? I want to work there." They asked her, "How much have you saved?" She had worked for 20 days and got 20 pence. She showed them how much she had. The house lady said, "Because you get these 20 pence, you want to work. Right?" The girl said, "No. I want to pay both of you back. You raise me and treat me well. You have protected and supported me for these many years. So I want to show my gratitude to you. That's why I want to work." She explained it to them. The house owner, the man, said, "Do you already have any friends there?" She said, "Yes. I have contacted them." He said, "If you have arranged it, go and work there. If you face any hardships, you can come back anytime. We are always here. You can come back." He told her like that. His wife wanted to keep those 20 pence. Then he said to his wife, "The girl has to travel far. Don窶冲 take those 20 pence from her." She wanted to take that money from the girl. The girl gave a bow to both of them and gave 5 pence. She kept 15 pence and went to her friends to go to the town. The next day, she and her friends went to the town to work. They looked for jobs there. Soon, they got jobs. All of them worked at the same workplace. The girl, who didn't have parents and hadn't learned properly, was the best and most efficient worker. So her boss liked her. She had been working there for many months. (What should I say? What is that skill? It's like a witchcraft.) The boss taught her witchcraft. The girl prayed by herself, "I won't be able to learn that skill. I shouldn't learn it." She kept praying because she didn't want to learn it. Later, she moved to a new workplace. She knew that she shouldn't learn witchcraft, so she moved to a new place. She worked at a place run by an old couple. The couple liked her skill. They treated her like their granddaughter. They trusted her in any situation. Then, she thought to herself, "I don't even know when my parents passed away. The persons who raised me are my uncle and aunt. Here, I have the old couples who treat me like their own daughter. I should work hard and be well-behaved. I gave 5 pence to my aunt and uncle. I have earned a lot now. (It seems like she earned a lot of money.) I will buy a longyi for both my uncle and my aunt. I will send them the presents." Her friends were preparing to go back to the village. Then the old couple told her, "Don't go back there. Live here with us. We will adopt you as our daughter." She was deep in thought again. She said, "I will be your daughter. However, I am a daughter of my aunt and uncle too. I am already their daughter, and I will always be their daughter. I will be your daughter too. I will be the daughter of all four of you. So, teach me and correct me if I am wrong." When she bought the presents together with the old lady, the old lady asked her, "Who are these presents for?" The girl said, "My friends will go back to our village tomorrow. But you told me not to go back, so I won't. So, these presents are for my uncle and aunt. I just want to send them some gifts. Can I?" The lady said, "Of course. Send them the presents." Then, the girl sent the presents to her aunt and uncle through her friends. In the past, money was valuable. She sent them one kyat each. Her aunt and uncle received the presents she sent. They were so happy to receive it. They said, "We thought she already forgets us. The girl we have raised still remembers us. She still loves us." They asked her friends, "How is she now? How well is she now?" The friends said, "She is doing well. The house she works for now only has the old couple. She is treated like their own daughter. She misses both of you. She can't come back to the village because they don't let her go back. So, she just sent the presents." They gave them the presents. Her aunt and uncle received the presents and the money she had sent. In the past, you could buy a lot with just 1 kyat. They said, "She gave us 1 kyat. Before she went there, she gave us 5 pence. Now, she gave us 1 kyat. We have got a lot of money." The girl lived with the old couple and worked there. Then, she became a beautiful adult. There were some boys who adored her. They came to ask for her hand in marriage. In marriage, there should be the parents. But she didn't know anything about her parents. The old couple, who were her adopted parents, didn't know anything as well. The girl said, "Mom and Dad, if there is someone who loves me, I will marry him. I have four parents. You should decide how to do it." Her adoptive parents asked, "What shall we do?" She said, "I have my uncle and aunt who raised me. Let's go to the village together. And to the person who asks for my hand in marriage, let's tell him about me." Her parents agreed to what she said. Three of them went to the village where her uncle and aunt lived. Her uncle and aunt welcomed them warmly. They welcomed her adoptive parents warmly as well. They treated them well. At night, they ate dinner together. And the adoptive parents told her uncle and aunt about the boy who asked her hand to get married. They told them about him. When her aunt and uncle heard about it, they said, "She didn't have parents. But, we don't have any children, and we raised her. Now, she lives with you and you don't have any children. Today, we are her parents. So, let's arrange the pre-marriage ritual for her according to our tradition. Let's organize the pre-marriage ceremony. We are responsible for her." Four of them took responsibility for her and stood in as her parents. When the Dama, the groom's family, g ave the bridewealth, they didn't take anything for themselves. As they were already old and didn't have any money, they used all the bridewealth for her pre-marriage ceremony. They arranged the pre-marriage ceremony for her and made her feel proud among others. They allowed her to marry the boy. The girl worked hard when she lived together with her parents-in-law. So, her parents-in-law adored her. They praised her highly and gave their blessings to the newlyweds. The newlywed started their family happily and peacefully. This is the end of the story.
Transcription (Lu Awng)
Moi shawng de mare langai mi kaw e num kasha jahkrai ma langai mi nga ai da. Kanu ni kawa ni yawng si mat sai da. Kahpu mung n lu ai kanau ni mung n lu ai shi gaw ga yung ni mung n lu ai da. Dai wa masha ni a nta kaw e shi hpe matsan dum na masha ni a nta kaw woi tawn da ma ai da. Ma dai gaw masha ni kanu shaga tim mung kanu shaga na re nchye kanu mung n lu kawa shaga tim mung kawa shaga na re mung n chye dai hku na nga kaba wa ai shaloi gaw um shi hpe dai nta madu ni gaw jawng bang ai da. Jawng bang re she shi gaw laika ni grai anya ai da lu kadai kanu kadai kawa n sharing ya ai re majaw laika mung grai anya ai da. Masum ning lung yang she shi gaw jawng kaji awng mat wa ai da. Shi grai myit yu ai da dai num kasha um ngai ndai hku sha nga nga yang gaw ndai hkan ni ndai hku sha nga nga yang gaw nmai na re law ngu she shi gaw le mare kaba de masha ni bungli ra ai nga ai de shi tam hkawm mat wa ai da. Bungli ra ai shi a asak shi jan rai jang gaw shi dai nta kaw nga ai shaloi shi hpe e grai shangu ai da. Shi shangu ai nta madu ni shangu ai ni yaw shi lu galaw hkra shakut ai da. Asak sanit matsat ning du wa yang moi gaw mam htu sha ai mum htu nta madu ni jasu dat ai hte rawn gaw shi mam htu ai da. Hkainu ni htu re na myi mu wa ai hte gaw dai mam htu ngut wa sai da yaw hkainu mung htu ngut ra sai da. Myi mu wa ai hte gaw hkaja rai na she ya nang hpe jawng sha lung da ai re nang chye la ai hpaji gaw anhte chye na nre dai majaw nang sharing da ai hpaji nang she jai sha na re ai majaw ya nang ndai u lawng ni wa lawng ni hte seng ai yawng nang galaw ra ai jahpawt myi mu san re wa ai hte gaw shi mam htu ngut ai hte rau gaw shi ndai u lawng jasan jaseng ai lam galaw ai da wa lawng hpe jasan jaseng ai lam galaw ai da. E wa hpe mung hka shin ra ya ai ngu da. U hpe mung u lawng ye ra ai ngu tsun ai da. E ma dai gaw shangu ai nta madu ni shangu ai ga madat yang she ma dai hpe dai nta madu ni gaw tsawra na hpe ra ai majaw le galaw sai da galaw galaw galaw galaw galaw galaw re she shi asak shi mali ning daram du wa ai hte gaw shi dai nta kaw na pru mayu ai myit rawng wa ai da. Re gaw masha ni hte le bungli sa galaw hkawm re gaw ndai hpabaw ta e shani gumhpraw le i shani gumhpraw le naysa wa le shani gumhpraw lu ai da shi gaw kade lu a ta nga yang mu mi mu mi lu ai da. Shi hpe gaw jahkrai re ai majaw kadai mung sa tsaw na kadai mung nkam ai re majaw dai hku jaw ai da. Dai hku kahkyin da kahkyin da kahkyin da kahkyin da re na she hpang jahpawt nta madu ni hpe ahkan hpyi na bai nyan sai da. Nta madu ni hpe ahkan hpyi na bai nyan re she nta madu wa gaw ma e nang hpa hpa galaw mayu yang gaw nan wadi hpe san u yaw tsun u yaw ngu na tsun ai da. Rai jang gaw dai kawa di kaw gaw ntsun ai sha she dai kanu tung ngu na hpe she tsun sai da. Tsun yang she nhkraw ai da nhkraw re she dai hpang ye gaw shang lahkawng dung nga ai shana shara kaw she shana e shang hpe e ndai nawku ai le i dimyawm nawku na she ahkan hpyi ai da. Ngai hpe e ngai hpe mare kaba de masha ni bungli galaw hkawm ai shara de shata langai lahkawng sha pi dat dat marit ngai dai kaw bungli sa galaw mayu ai ngu na tsun ai da. Rai jang gaw ya nang tam lu ai gumhpraw kade rai sai ta ngu tsun ai da. Um dai shaloi gaw shi gaw ndai nhtoi hkun ya sa galaw sai majaw mu mi mu re ai mu hkun lu ai da. Dai hpe ma madun ai da. Madun re she nta madu jan gaw nang ndai mu hkun lu ai majaw ndai bungli sa mayu ai rai nga ai ngu tsun ai da. Nre law ngai mung nan ah tung yan wadi hpe e chyeju mung htang mayu ai ngai ndai ram law hkra e sha wa lu wa na nang a kata kaw nan ye mahkawp maga ai hkam la sai re majaw ngai mung nan hpe chyeju htang mayu ai dai majaw ngai gumhpraw lu ai shara de sa mayu ai ngu tsun ai da. Rai jang she dai kawa di ngu na wa gaw grai dai hku nga jang mung nang manang lu matut da sai i ngu tsun ai da. Matut da lu sai ngu na tsun ai da. Rai gaw nang manang lu matut da jang gaw sa yu su e dai de n hkrat jang gaw bai wa yaw ma gaw wadi yan e an ni wa an n nu tung nga ai re majaw bai wa rit yaw ngu na sha htet dat ai da. Htet dat yang gaw dai gumhpraw mu hkun dai gaw madu jan gaw dai gumhpraw mu hkun dai hpe ra ai da. Rai madu wa gaw e ma sum tsan manang ni hte hkawm na she re dai mu hkun hkum la ra ngu na tsun ai da. Gumhpraw mu hkun rai yang gaw shi mung myen hku nga yang gaw (chihkukadaw ) ai le i dai hku dingyawm nawku kau da na she mu mangai jaw kau da ai da. Rai na she mu mangai jaw kau da na she mun shi mangai hpe gun na shi manang ni hpang de sa mat wa ai da. Manang ni hte rau hpang shani gaw shi gaw ndai mare kaba de bungli tam sa mat wa bungli tam sa mat wa re ai shaloi she shanhte bungli lu ai da. Bungli lu re na she bungli sa galaw ai shara kaw wa she ndai kanu n lu mat sai kawa n lu mat sai masha ni nta kaw sha nga kaba na hpaji tam la laika sharing la re ai num kasha ndai wa she grau kyet taw nga ai da e grau kyet taw rai jang she ndai kaw she bungli madu ni gaw shi hpe grai tsawra sai da. Dai re gaw dai kaw e bungli madung na dai kaw bungli galaw galaw galaw galaw rai yang she ndai hpa ngu na i ya ya tsun yang gaw ndai hpabaw hpaji ngu na tsun na ta ndai myen ni na payawga hpaji wa le i ndai hpaji ndai hpe she sharing sharing ya ma ai da. Shaloi jang she shi gaw akyu hpyi ai da. E ndai hpaji gaw ngai gara hku na n sharing la lu na re ngu na shi akyu hpyi ai da. Akyu hpyi yang she hpang ye gaw shara langai htawt sai da shanhte shara langai bai htawt rai yang she um shara langai htawt jang she ndai zawn re lam ni gaw nmai galaw ai lam ni hpe dai dinggai langai hte dingla langai sha nga ai gaw dai sa nga ang sai da shi gaw dai shara kaw mung shi hpe grai tsawra ai. Dai shara kaw gaw shi hpe e nta madu kasha hku na tawn da na hpa hta mung hpahta mung shi hpe grai kam ma ai da. Rai jang she shi gaw shi lam hpe shi myit ru ai shaloi gaw ngai nye kanu kawa ngu ai gara nhtoi hta n nga mat wa ai re gara shani hta n nga mat ai re pi ngai n chye ai ya number langai ngai hpe e bau maka ai nye wadi yan nu tung mung naw nga ai ya ndai kaw mung nye kanu kawa tai ra ai yan nga re re wa ngai ngai gaw myit n su yang gaw n mai na re ya ngai lu tam ai mu hkun hpe e mu mangai hpe ngai e atung yan wadi hpe jaw kau tawn kau ai ya ngai ndai kaw lu tam ai shi tsawm ra gumhpraw loi mi tsawm ra mi lu tam mat wa na hku rai nga rai jang gaw ndai kaw gaw ngai wa wadi na matu labu mari nu tung na matu mung labu mari rai na she kumhpa naw shagun dat na re ngu na tsun ai da. Manang ni gaw wa sa na dai buga de dai dum nta de dai shara de wa sa na wa yang she shi gaw shi nga lawm ai nta madu yan gaw shi hpe n hkraw ai da. Hkum wa an hte rau nga ga an nang hpe kasha shatai la na ngu na tsun ai da. Dai ma gaw bai myit ru ai shaloi gaw ngai na kaw na nan a kasha mung ngai tai na re ngai htaw de nye tung yang wadi mung nga ai dai yan a kasha mung tai lai wa sai re majaw dai yan a kasha mung ngai tai ya ai dai majaw nanhte kanu kawa tai ya ai marai mali a kasha ngai tai na re dai majaw nanhte ra ai lam mung e ra ai kaw sharing shaga na ngai hpe e sharing la mi ngu tsun ai da. Ya ndai ndai kumhpa sa mari ai shaloi gaw ndai kumhpa kadai hpe shagun na ngu na ma ngu na tsun ai da. Htaw de ya manang ni hpawt ni gaw nta buga de wa ga nga ma ai rai tim mung nan nu yan wa chyawm mi gaw nga hpe hkum wa nga jang gaw ngai n wa na nwa na dai re majaw ndai kumhpa ndai hpe nu tung yan wadi hpe e kumhpa sha pi shagun dat na mai na i ngu she mai ai kumhpa sha gaw shagun u ngu na she dai kaw e dai wa ai manang ni hpe kumhpa shagun dat ai da. Kumhpa shagun dat re yang dai kaw e moi na gumhpraw gaw grai wa law na rai sai lap lap bang dat ya ai lap lap bang dat ya ai shaloi gaw dai kanu tung yang kawa di gaw dai kumhpa hpe lu la ma ai da. Grai kabu ai da dai kanu tung yan kawa di mung e e an hpe malap kau sai kun ngu myit ai wa ndai an a an bau maka dai ai ma ndai an hpe an hpe grai she naw myit dum nga ai e an hpe grai she naw tsawra ai nga ya shi kaning rai mat sai ta kade wa kaba wa sata ngu tsun shi ya tsawm ra kaba wa sai shi nga ai nta kaw kadai ma n nga ai um ala langai hte dumgai langai sha nga ai dai kaw shi nta madu kasha tai na sa nga nga ai re nan hpe mung grai myit dum ai da ya le kaw dinggai yan dingla n hkraw ai majaw nwa re ai da ngu dai kumhpa sa jaw ai da. Kumhpa sa jaw yang she kumhpa dai mung lang na she dai gumhpaw lap mi shagun dat ai moi na lap mi gaw ya gaw tsawm ra mi rai sai dai gumhpraw lap mi ma shagun dat re e ma ndai shagun ai lap mi ma moi ya mung mu hkun kaw na shi mu mangai jaw kau tawn da ya lapmi bai jaw dat re grai wa rai sai ngu na dai kaw bang tawn da. Hpang ye she dai kaw nga nga nga nga re she shi gaw dai kaw bungli galaw rai jang she num kasha ni gaw tsawm htap wa jang gaw masha ni tsaw ai ra ai ni nga wa rai yang she num shi hpe sa san masai da. San jang she dai shangai dat ai kanu shangai dat ai kawa ra na rai nga dai gara re ngu na mung n chye tsun ai da e dai kanu kawa tai nga ni mung kaning ngu na mung n chye tsun re she shi gaw e nu yan wa e ya masha ni ngai hpe tsaw ai ra ai nga jang gaw ngai mung dinghku de masha ni ra ai kaw ngai wa sa na re dai re majaw nanhte nu wa ni marai mali nga ai re majaw gaw ndai hteng hpe e myit ya yu myit ngu na tsun ai da. Rai yang ya kadai kaning ngu na rai ngu na grai ya ngai hpe bau kaba dat ai nye wadi yan nu tung nga ai dai de nu yan wa mung lawm re na wa ga shing di na ndai ngai hpe sa hpyi ai ni gaw dai ni a lam hpe ma wa tsun dan ga ngu na tsun sai da. Dai ma she mai ai ngu na dai rai yang shang nu wa ni marai masum htaw kanu tung yan kawa di kaw wa re yang she kanu tung yan kawa di gaw hkap kabau ai da. Oh ra hpang e woi nga ai kanu yan kawa hpe mung grai hkap hkunga woi tsawra na dai hku woi shaga woi nga re yang she dai shana gaw lu lu sha sha re na she dai ma hpe sa hpyi ai masha nga ai lam hpe tsun dan ai da. Tsun dan yang she ya e shi a lam hpe tsun dat ai da. Dai kanu tung hte kawa di gaw shi a lam hpe tsun dat yang she ya ndai ma a lam gaw ndai hku re kanu kawa n lu mat sai re rai tim mung an mung kashu kasha n lu ai a majaw shi hpe bau maka tawn da ai re ya dai ni mung nan mung kashu kasha n lu ai kaw shi bai sa nga ang re ai re majaw dai ni anhte gaw shi na kanu ni rai nga ga ai shi a kawa ni rai nga ga ai dai rai majaw gaw ndai ma hpe masha ni a htung nga ai hte mareng tsawm htap ai hku anhte e sharawt sha shabawng sha na anhte a lit nga sai ngu na tsun ai da. Re she dai shanhte marai mali gaw dai ma a kanu kawa tai na she masha ni dauma ni sa jaw ai ahpu aja ni hpe she shanhte gaw n sha sai da. Jaw dat na mung dai dingla rai sai majaw gaw tinang hta ram kyen tawn da ai sutgan hpa n nga jang gaw dai shi hpe sa hpyi ai jagumhpraw dai hpe she shanhte kanu kawa ni marai mali hten gaw dai ma hpe satsawm sahtap dat na she um num sharaw sha ni galaw sharawt sha poi galaw rai na shi hpe tsawm tsawm htap htap sharawt sha poi galaw re na ya sha kau dat ai da. Ya sha kau dat re ai hpang ye gaw dai ma mung dai dauma nta kaw grai bai wa shakut re ai majaw gaw ndai dauma ni a kun dunghku hta mung mana maka ndai kanu kawa ni e akyu ara hpyi la lu re na kanu kawa ni a shamang ga hte ndai hkundung hku mana maka ngwi pyaw na e desha nga mat lu ai da. Mau mwi dai kaw htum sai. |