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Title Bainam hte gwi lagu ai la a lam (The goat and the dog that stole foods) with English translation
Description Translation(Rita Seng Mai)
Once upon a time, there were a goat and a dog in a house. The goat ate a lot of food even that was not the time for him to eat. He kept eating and eating. So, it was difficult for the owner to feed him. And the dog usually stole the bones and meat. Then their owner couldn't even work well. The master needed to watch them all the time. He couldn't do any work. Although the goat and the dog were tied, they always found a way to steal food. So, one person needed to look at them. Then they two couldn't eat anything since their owner kept watching them. When they met, they asked each other, "Have you eaten your food?" They replied, "No, the master is watching us." Then they discussed to do something. They could communicate since the animals could understand each other in the past. The dog said, "I didn't get a chance to eat any meat now. We should unite now. Do you agree with me?" The goat said "Yes, I do. Tell me your plan." Then the dog said, "You don't eat meat. Then you steal meat. And I don't eat plants and grass. So, I will steal those. We will meet here again and exchange our food. Okay?" They both were agreed on that. One day, they were pretending like they were spending their time as usual. The dog did not go to the place where the meat was kept, and the goat didn't go to the plants and grass. He thought that they were sick of stealing the food. So, the master wasn't aware of them. Then, the dog and the goat stole the food and changed their food. And they ate happily. Their owner didn't really know that they two were changing the food in that way. Then the dog could eat meat, and the goat could eat the grass without being caught.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Moi nta langai mi kaw e da bainam ma, gwi ma lu ai da. Rai yang she bainam u shat mung garai n jaw shi yang aten ntam ai sha chyu sha, sha chyu sha kau re na bainam u shat dan ai grai ba da. Shan ni hpa ni nga yang mung gwi chyu chyu lagu sha sha tsang na nta madu ni bungli galaw na aten nnga na maja hkrai maja ra, bainam hte gwi e chyu chyu maja na she,
Bungli n lu galaw ai da. Oh ra kade shangang da tim a shep na shang sha re da, dai majaw masha langai mi dingyang yu nga ra ai da. Dai nta madu ni dai hku ding yang yu ga jang bainam mung shat nmu sha, gwi mung shan nmu sha re na le shan hkrum ai shara kaw jawm bawng ai da, nang mi sha ai i, nmu sha ai law, nta madu ni gayet chyu gayet sa tsang na hpa nlu lagu sha ai da. Gwi mung ngai mung nta madu ni zawng chyu zawng na hpa shan mung n lagu sha ai, n lu lagu sha ai nga, dai dusat yam nga ni yawng ga hkrum ai moi gaw, e dai majaw shing ngu jang she e an gaw myit hkrum ra sai i nga da, an 2 myit hkrum ra sai, nang gaw gara hku mi, e ngai ma myit hkrum ai, tsun yu le ngu yang gwi gaw ning ngu ai da. Nang gaw shan nsha, ngai gaw namlaw nam lap tsing du nsha re majaw gaw ngai gaw u shat namlap u shat lagu hkrat wa na, nang gaw shan lagu e, shing rai na nang an hkrum hkrum re ndai shara kaw bai hkrum na bai galai sha ga nga da. Myit hkrum sai da, myit hkrum na she lani mi gaw hpa nra ai zawn re sha nga nga masu ai da. Gwi mung hpa nra ai zawn rai oh ra shawoi na shan tawn da ai de n nga jang gaw madu ni mung hpa (ayay ) nla mat sai le i, shan nga de gaw bainam sha kasung ai rai, u shat nga ai de gaw gwi sha kasung ai rai, hpa nra ai zawn re kasung ai re jang she nta madu ni gaw shanhte n zawng ra mat sai, bainam yen gwi gaw ya gaw lagu sha jin mat sai myit htum sai ngu na she ra ai bungli ni galaw re nga yang, shan gaw bainam gaw shan lagu hkrat wa, gwi gaw u shat lagu hkrat wa re na sa jawm na sha sha re ai da. Nta madu ni n dum ai da, nta madu ni ndum na shi gaw shan gaw dai hku na grai pyaw na gwi gaw shan lu sha, bainam gaw shat lu sha rai, shinggan de ntam sha ra ai sha, alu asu sha na nga ma ai da.
Origination date 2017-02-15
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
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Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
M. Lu Htoi : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/598b32b8cbca8
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), M. Lu Htoi (speaker), 2017. Bainam hte gwi lagu ai la a lam (The goat and the dog that stole foods) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-1097 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-1097-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 13.4 KB
KK1-1097-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 3.15 MB 00:03:26.524
KK1-1097-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 114 MB 00:03:26.504
3 files -- 117 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,584 translations are currently available (March 19, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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