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Title Sut gan garan ai lam (Apportioned Share of the Heritage) with English translation
Description Translation (Htoi San)
I am telling a story about an apportioned share of the heritage while we were in our ancient times. The creator then called all the Kachin people to share their heritage. We used animal skin for the invitation letter, and the creator first sent these to all the Kachin people. An ancestor made sure to carry the animal's skin letter, but the rain made it moist. When he toasted it, it changed its smell like it was ready to eat. He wanted to eat it due to its smell, so he just grilled it and ate it. Therefore, our ancestors did not know what was written on it. The next day, his travel-mates prepared their bags, so he asked, "Hey friends, why are you packing your bags?" His friends replied, "Didn't you read the letter which was given yesterday?" "It said to us, come and collect the wealth today." "If that is so, I will also go," said our ancestor. Then he put everything he saw into an open wicker basket and went. When he reached there, he just got some things left over after his friends chose. After he got there, he told the creator, "Our Creator! I have just arrived here." "Please give me whatever is left here." So the creator gathered all the reminder things from the feathers stuck on them and gave them to him. The things which he got were almost full in his basket. He carried his basket, which was nearly complete, and went home. His wicker basket had big holes, so the things dropped from his basket little by little on the way home. When he reached home, only a few were left in his basket. So he thought, "Oh dear, I dropped things like this today, so I have to prevent it for tomorrow." The creator asked him to come back the next day. Then he told his wife, as he needed to go the following day, "I will bring a gunny bag (made from jute) tomorrow." "Please prepare the biggest gunny bag for me." Thus his wife made ready the jute gunny bag which could fit three baskets, and she even patched it where it was torn. He carried it and went to the creator. "I was late yesterday, and I better not be late today," he thought. The next day, he woke up and left home early carrying the gunny bag. Therefore, he reached there first. "My creator, I reached here first today. So please give me the top of everything before every other take. Just for today," he requested the creator. The creator also agreed to pay him. Then he received things by opening his big gunny bag. The creator put things inside his big bag. He did not know what the creator put in his bag, but he accepted things until his bag was full. Then he carried his heavy bag and went home. As he put things inside the bag, nothing dropped from his bag. Therefore, he carried it heavily in a continuous manner on the way home. The more he carried, the heavier his bag was. So he rested at a gorge near the stream on his winding way home. While resting there, he thought, "Today's portion is quite heavy. It will be great if I can carry this until I get home." "What kind of treasures are they which make me carry heavy?" Then he opened it and saw it. He untied the gunny bag's knot and found full of eyes inside, which were spirits. "Oh my, I am just carrying the spirits. I'm afraid that's not right. I cannot bring these all to my home." So he took out a spirit and put it in the valley, "Here, you stay here." When he reached a big tree, he took another one, "Here, you stay here," and then left one on the big tree. After he got on a winding road, he left one spirit there, "Here, you stay here." Then he arrived at a mountain, he took out another soul and told it to stay there. He placed them one by one on his way home. He took and threw out the spirits on his way home so he could propel quite a lot of ghosts when he arrived home. But there were still many left. Thus he divided the places from his house and placed them at the rear, front, and everywhere of his home. As a result, we Kachin people have gold, jade, and even amber in our Wunpawng country. That was because one of our ancestors threw around the spirits and our country was full of precious resources and jewels. And then we heard and said there were spirits on a mountain, in a valley, on a steep hill, and on a big tree. People told this story that it was also because of our ancestor's scattering and placing them.

Transcription (La Ring)
Ya ngai hkai na maumwi gaw anhte moi shawng nnan nga pra hkrat wa ai shaloi Jinghpaw ni sutgan garan ai lam re. Dai ten hta e gaw anhte a Hpan wa Sagya ngu ai wa gaw anhte a Wunpawng Jinghpaw ni hpe e sutgan garan ya na matu shaga dat ai da. Dai shaloi shan hpyi hta e laika ka nna jaw dat ai dai shawng jaw dat ai da. Dai shaloi she anhte a kaji kawa gaw dai shan hpyi laika hpe e atsawm nyu ai sha e wora marang gun madit kau nna shi gaw kakang ai nga yang she ndai sangau gaw sha na zawn zawn nga na manam wa ai da. Sha na zawn nga manam wa na she shi gaw grai sha mayu na um jang ju sha kau ai da. Dai majaw dai shan hpyi laika kaw gara hku ka da ai re hpe shi nchye mat ai. Dai she hpang shani rai jang e gaw manang ni gaw aw rai gun nna grai rai na gun na wa wa re hpe shi mu ai majaw "E manang ni nanhte gaw hpabaw gun nga mata" ngu jang she E anhte kaji kawa aw shanhte manang ni gaw "Anhte hpe e mani jaw dat ai laika kaw nang nhti yu ai i. Anhte hpe daini sutgan sa gun la mu le" nga ai ngu na dai hku ngu na tsun ai da. Rai jang she "Koi dai nga yang gaw ngai mung sa sana re" ngu na she shi gaw hkrup ai mi hta gun mat wa ai she shi gaw ndai ka ran htingga ngu ai ndai hta gun nna sa mat wa ai da. Shi gaw manang ni sa mat wa ai manang ni hpe e garan ya ai ngam sha rai sai kachyi kachyaw sha taw sai dai kaw e she sa du hkrup ai da. Dai shaloi bai shi e sa shaloi gaw "E Hpan wa Sagya e ngai gaw ya she du nngai lo. Ya ngam ai hte mi ngai hpe e naw jaw dat rit" ngu nna sa tsun ai shaloi gaw ndai Hpan wa Sagya gaw e mahkawng ai da wo jut shingnaw hkan na kachyi kachyaw rai na kap taw nga ai dai ni hpe e mahkawng la nna she shi hpe jaw dat ai da. Shi hpe jaw dat rai yang gaw e ka kanoi hpring hkra gaw rai sai da. Kanoi hpring hkra rai sai ngu na tsamra nyi rai na gun mat wa ai shaloi gaw shi gaw gun gun gun rai na e wa mat sai da. Nta de wa mat rai yang she e shi na htingga gaw htingga nga jang gaw hku kaba ai re majaw gaw kachyi mi kachyi mi kachyi mi rai na hkrat mat re da. Dai majaw nta kaw du wa yang gaw kachyi mi sha ngam taw nga ai da. dai majaw shi gaw "Koi ya ndai zawn rai na daini ning rai na gun jahkrat kau ai gaw hpawtni gaw n-gun jahkrat hkra" ngu ai da. Hpang shani mung bai sa na matu htet dat ai da. Dai re majaw hpawtni gaw nhkrat mat hkra ngu na she madu jan hpe "Hpawtni gaw buri she gun sana re" ngu na she dai hku na tsun ai da. "Ndai buri gun na re buri kaba dik ai wa hkyen da ya rit" ngu jang she e madu jan gaw ndai dang masum shang ai lachyit buri ngu ai ndai je ai hpe pyi naw shana tup kapa nna she e shi gun mat wa na hku rai nga. Gun nna bai rawt mat wa sai da. "Mani mung ngai hpang hkrat ai re ngu na daini gaw ngai hpang nhkrat hkra" ngu na shi gaw dai hku myit ai da. Shing rai na she jahpawt gaw jau jau dai buri dai gun na sa mat wa re shaloi gaw shi shawng du sai da. "Koi Hpan wa Sagya e daini gaw ngai shawng du ni ai lo ngai hpe daini gaw kadai hpe pyi rai njaw shi yang ngai hpe e grau nchyan ngu na dai gaw ngai hpe she jaw dat nit daini chyawm me gaw" ngu na dai hku sa tsun ai shaloi e Hpan wa Sagya mung jaw ai da. Shi mung buri kaba gun sa sai hte maren dai buri sa ja taw sai da. Buri ja la ai hte maren koi Hpan wa Sagya gaw bang ya sai da. Hpa gaw mi re she mi re bang she bang bang she bang rai na she e buri she hpring nga di na bang dat ya ai da. Shaloi she tsawm ra nyi nga hkra gun mat wa na hku rai nga dai shaloi mung. Koi dai shani gaw buri kaw re nga yang she hkaw mung nhkaw mat rai na gaw li ding yang rai sai da. Li she li gun magang li hkrai li hkrai li na she shi gaw htaw lam hkan e wa lam e wa hkring nna she e hkaraw hpunggaw hka shi mung nga re dai hpunggaw langai mi kaw e wa hkring ai da. Dai kaw wa hkring dat yang she wa hkring na "Ndai ram ram li ai gaw daini chyawm me gaw daini na sutgan chyawm me gaw e nta du hkra ndai hte lu gun wa yang gaw grai hkrak sai" ngu shi myit hta dai hku rawng nna she "Daini na ndai ram ram li ai gaw kaning nga re sutgan wa re kun" ngu na e shi gaw bai hpaw dat yu ai da. Buri shajup da ai hpaw dat yu yang wa she amyi hkrai hkrai re i dan re na nat ni wa she rai taw nga ai da. "Koi nat wa she gun she gun ai re nga yang gaw ga ya njaw sai ndai hte hte ting wa nta de du hkra gun wa yang gaw nbyin sai" ngu na she shi gaw dai hkaraw kaw mung "Maw nang ndai kaw nga u" ngu na mung shaw kabai da. Hpun kaba bai hkawm da hpun kaba langai mi kaw bai du yang mung "Maw nang ndai kaw nga u" ngu na dai hku na shaw kabai mat wa. Hpunggaw langai mi kaw bai du yang mung "Maw nang ndai kaw nga u" ngu bum langai mi kaw bai lai yang mung "Maw nang ndai kaw bai nga u" ngu na bai gun aw kabai shaw kabai shaw rai na wa mat ai da. Wa mat rai yang gaw lam ding yang kabai shaw mat wa ai re majaw nta kaw du wa yang gaw tsawmra mi gaw shaw kabai kau lu sai da. Raitim mung grai naw ngam taw ai da. Dai buri kaba re majaw tsawmra naw ngam taw nga dai hpe gaw shi nta kaw mung nbang de da npan de da e shara shagu di nna e dai hku na shaw garan nna shara jaw ai da. Dai majaw ya anhte Wunpawng sha ni na mungdan hta gaw ja rawng ai i lungseng rawng ai e ya payin rawng ai ngu ai manu dan ai nhprng sut rai ni grai grai rawng ai shara hkrai re ndai gaw anhte na kaji kawa wa gun ayai mat wa sutgan ni re nga. Shingrai na ya anhte bum shagawng hkan hkaraw nhkap hpun kaba ni hkan e mung i nat nga ai nat nga ai nga na tsun ai ndai ni mung anhte kaji kawa shaw kabai nna shara jaw mat wa ai ni re nga na hkai ma ai.
Origination date 2017-02-13
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
M. King Nang : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/5989e79732c35
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), M. King Nang (speaker), 2017. Sut gan garan ai lam (Apportioned Share of the Heritage) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-0970 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-0970-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 38.5 KB
KK1-0970-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 5.36 MB 00:05:52.130
KK1-0970-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 194 MB 00:05:52.108
3 files -- 199 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,548 translations are currently available (February 25, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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