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Title Jinghpaw hpyi ja ai lam (Stronger and more dangerous spells) with English translation
Description Translation (Rita Seng Mai)
I am going to tell you about Kachin witches and wizards. Once upon a time, there was a rich couple in a village. But they didn't have any children. The husband wanted to have a child, but his wife didn't want to give birth. So, they argued over that very often. She always ordered her husband to work at the farm. He was upset that his wife didn't give birth to any child. One day, he met a woman on his way to the farm. That woman usually carried the black wood back to her house from the field. So, he thought, "She might be a hard-working person. She could give birth for me." Then, he got married to her. He took her to his field and lived there secretly. After a few weeks, his first wife knew that he had a second wife. Then, she came to him and asked, "I heard that you have a second wife." He answered, "Yes. She works really hard. I think she can give me a baby. But you don't work at all. All you do is stay at home and care for your beauty." Then, the first wife didn't complain about anything. The rich man took his second wife to his wife, and they all lived together. One morning, he took his two wives to the field. When they were there, the second wife worked really hard. But the first wife didn't work at all. Then, he told her, "Although you don't know how to work, stay here tonight. We will go back home tonight." In the evening, he and his second wife went back home without the first wife. His second wife cooked and prepared a delicious meal for him at home. She cared for him a lot. He felt happy and attached to her slowly. He loved her more and more. So, the first wife was jealous of the second wife. One day, the man travelled somewhere to work. He told them, "I will be away for a week." After he had travelled, the first wife ordered the second wife, "Our husband told us to work, so you go and work on the field. Cut all the grass and weed. If you don't finish cleaning, don't come back home!" The second wife didn't complain a bit and said, "Okay, I will clean it." And she went to the field alone. The first wife told her, "Don't come back if you don't finish cleaning." She said, "Okay, I will clean all." Since she was a witch, she could do cleaning easily. She dug a hole in the ground and said her spell, "Come, come, all the grass and weeds. I will put all of you in one place. Come." Then, all the grass and weeds moved towards her. She buried all of them in the hole and covered it with soil. And she put bamboos on the hole. At night, she went back home and said, "My sister-in-law, I have done the cleaning. There is no grass at all." The first wife was surprised to hear it. She said, "No way! How come you could finish cleaning the field in a day? Don't lie to me!" And she slapped her. The second wife bore patiently and said, "I don't dare lie to you. If you don't believe me, you can go and check." The next day, the first wife saw the field was cleaned when she went there to check. Coincidentally, the husband arrived there at that time. He asked them, "Who cleaned the field?" The second wife said, "I did. I cleaned it, my darling." He was pleased and said, "You are a hard-working lady. The first wife is just lazy." Then, the first wife was angry and jealous. She thought to herself, "There is no way that a lady like her cleaned the field only in one day. No way." She was suspicious. In the evening, she went to the shaman and said, "I am surprised that my sister-in-law has cleaned the whole field in one day. Can you please look at her background?" She gave him her sister-in-law's cloth and asked him about her life. Then, the shaman said, "She is a witch. She can do that kind of work easily with her spell." The next day, she told her husband, "I will go to the field today." Her husband was surprised and said, "What? You will go to the field? You never want to go there." She said, "No, I will go there." When she arrived there, she searched for a place where the second wife hid the grass. The second wife followed her and said, "My sister-in-law, don't remove the bamboos which I covered the hole in the middle of the field." Then, the first wife thought, "Something is up there." So, she removed all the bamboo. Surprisingly, the grass and weeds were coming out from the hole and grew again. The whole field was filled with grass and weeds. She thought, "She is lying to me. She made my husband dislike me." She told the second wife, "Don't pluck all the grass by using your spell. Clean it with your hands!" She was looking at the second wife cleaning the field. No matter how hard the second wife tried to pluck it, she couldn't clean it at all. The first wife told her, "Don't come back home until you finish cleaning the field." So, the second wife tried plucking all the grass the whole day. While she was plucking the grass, the first wife came there. She took the sharp knife and struck the second wife with it from the back. She fell into the hole which she dug at first. The first wife wiped the blood and buried her. She put the trees and leaves on the hole. At that time, the husband came there and asked, "Where is the second wife?" She answered, "Since you ordered her to work a lot, she ran away. I saw her running away with a man." Then, he was unhappy. He tried to find her. Then, the first wife was afraid because she killed her. At night, she dreamt about the second wife. The second wife told her, "You dislike witches. You killed me, although I didn't do any harm to you. You will be a witch too." She was awake at midnight because of a shocking dream. But she forgot that dream and spent her life normally. One day, a family from the village got a baby son. He was cute and lovely. When she saw the baby, she thought, "It will be great if I have that kind of baby." Shockingly, the baby's face turned red and died right there. She became a stronger and more dangerous witch. The second wife didn't do any harm to people and used her spell only in working. But the first wife killed her. So, the evil spirit had overwhelmed the first wife. Since then, Kachin people have had stronger and more dangerous spells.

Transcription (La Ring)
Ya ngai tsun dan na gaw moi anhte Jinghpaw ni hpyi lu ai re ai raitim mung grau na hpa na ya ten du hkra Jinghpaw hpyi gaw grau ja mat ai nga ai lam hpe e tsun dan na re ai. Moi shawng e da mare langai mi kaw da shan la langai mi nga ai da. Dai shan la gaw da ja gumhpraw grai lauban ai da. Dai hku grai lauban rai yang she kashu kasha mung kashu kasha gaw nchye shangai ai da num dai gaw. Ja gumhpraw sha grai lauban na dai hku na nga ai da. Nga re shaloi she da dai hku na nga re shaloi she madu wa gaw da kasha ra ai da. Kasha ra ai majaw shi madu jan hpe "Ma shangai ya rit" ngu tsun ma nmai shangai hkraw na shan lahkawng gaw jahkring hkring ga law hkat ai da. Ga law hkat rai madu wa hpe gaw bungli hkrai galaw shangun dai num kaba wa dai gaw num dai wa gaw shi madu jan wa gaw bungli hkrai galaw shangun yi de hkrai sa shangun yi de hkrai sa shangun na bungli hkrai galaw shangun ai da. Shi gaw ma gaw nlu ya rai na madu wa gaw grai pawt mayu ai da. Dai majaw ndai yi sa wa wa re shaloi she da ndai yi sa wa lam kaw num langai mi hte mu ai da. Num dai gaw da dai yi galaw sha na yi de na wa jang hpun achyang chyang re hpun achyang chyang re gun wa wa re da. Hpun achyang chyang re gun wa rai jang she "Num ndai gaw kyet ai rai na re shi na nsam hpe yu yang ma chye shangai na zawn san ai" ngu na shi gaw dai hku myit na she yi sa lam kaw shan hkawng hkrum hkat hkrum hkat hkrum hkat rai na la ndai wa gaw da dai num dai hpe bai la kau ai da. Dai num dai hpe la kau na shi galaw ai yi de woi nga ai da. Shi galaw ai yi kaw woi nga ai shaloi she da dai kaw woi nga ai kade nna yang gaw da num kaba wa gaw da chye mat ai da. "Nang num bai lagu la da ai nga" ngu yang she la dai gaw "Re ai nang gaw kashu kasha nchye shangai ya ai majaw ndai wa gaw bungli mung byin ai. Shi gaw kashu kasha nchye shangai ya tim pyi gaw shi gaw bungli byin ai. Nang gaw hpa mung ngalaw ai nta kaw sha shakya na sha nga ai majaw" ngu tsun ai da. Rai jang gaw dai num kaba jan mung hpa ntsun sai da. Rai na dai hku na nga rai she yi galaw sha na nga ai da. Yi galaw sha na nga rai yang she e lani mi na ahkying aten hta da num kaba wa hpe yi woi sa ai da. Num kaba hpe mung yi woi sa num kaji hpe mung yi woi sa re ai da. Yi woi sa re shaloi she num kaji wa gaw bungli grai galaw ai da num kaba wa gaw bungli ngalaw ai da. Bungli ngalaw rai jang she shi na madu wa gaw tsun ai da "Nang gaw hpa ma nchye galaw ai raitim mung nang gaw hpa nchye galaw tim mung ndai yi kaw naw nga u" ngu tsun ai da. "Ndai yi kaw daina nang yi sin na nga u an lahkawng gaw nta naw wa na" ngu tsun na num kaji hte shi hte nta wa mat ai da. Dai shaloi num kaji wa gaw nta kaw nga tim shi hpe shat ni mung atsawm tsawm shadu jaw ai da. Num kaba wa gaw dai hku nre da shat ni ma nau nshadu jaw rai jang she num kaji gaw shi hpe grai gawn ai da. Shi hpe grai gawn dai hku na gawn hkrai gawn na nga ai shaloi da ding re ndai madu wa gaw num kaji wa hpe grau na tsawra wa ai da. Tsawra wa rai yang she e lani mi hta da ndai num kaba wa gaw num kaji wa hpe nju na she i "Nang gaw yi de sha nga u" madu wa gaw dai shaloi gumhpraw tam hkawm mat ai da. Gumhpraw tam hkawm mat "Bat mi gumhpraw tam hkawm mat na bai wa na" ngu tsun ai da. "Bat mi gumhpraw tam hkawm na bai wa na" ngu tsun jang she num kaba wa gaw da num kaji wa hpe "Ya an lahkawng hpe bungli galaw da shangun ai yi na bungli galaw da shangun ai majaw" num kaji hpe "Nang gaw yi sa u ya yi kaw tsing ni ma hkra hpring taw nga ai ndai tsing ni sha nmagang ngut yang nang nta de hkum wa" ngu tsun ai da. Rai jang gaw da num kaji wa gaw hpa ma ga ma nhtan ai da "E law mai ai" ngu na shat sha gun nna yi de sa mat wa ai da. Sa mat wa ai she lani mi sha she e num kaba wa tsun dat ai gaw nang ndai yi ting tsing grai hpring ai re da. Tsing grai hpring rai yang she "Nang ndai tsing sha nmagang ngut jang nta hkum wa" ngu jang she num kaji wa gaw "Mai ai" ngu na sa mat wa. Lani mi sha dai tsing ni ma hkra hpe magang kau ai da. Shi gaw gara hku magang ai ta nga jang she hpyi lu ai num re ai da. Hpyi lu ai num rai jang she dai kaw she shi gaw chyi mi wora hka htung zawn ga chyi mi htu ahkrawk la ai da. Yi ka-ang kaw htu ahkrawk la na she dai yi ka-ang kaw htu ahkrawk rai she tsing ni ma hkra hpe she kawa tawng kaw na she "Wa marit lo numru ni e ngai kaw wa mari wa marit nanhte ni yawng hpe majaw da na" ngu na she dai hku gang wo shingnawm de na mung gang yawng na gang ndai hku gang hkrai gang na she shi htu da ai nhkun dai kaw tsing dai ni dai kaw rau chyawm di na she dai hku di dat na she ga bai htu dagap kau ai da. Ga bai htu dagap na ga htu dagap ai ntsa kaw shi gaw dai hkan na shanhte hkran sawm da hkan na kawa tawng ni hte dagap da ai da. Dagap da yang she shana de nta bai wa ai da "Shawng ngai bungli galaw ngut sai ya yi ni ma magang ngut sai tsing ni ma langai mi pyi ntu sai" ngu jang she num kaba jan gaw grai mau mat ai da. "Hkum masu nang wa i dai hku lu rai. Nang ngai hpe nhpa ni sa masu taw nga ai" ngu na sabyi ni bye ya ai da. Raitim mung shi gaw hkam sharang ai da. "Nmasu ai law nkam yang sa yu u" nga jang shi gaw hpang shani nan dai shana yup na she hpang shani yi sa yu yang kaja wa sha yi ting akrin re da. Yi ting akrin rai jang she dai shaloi wa she madu wa bai wa da. Madu wa bai wa rai jang she "Ndai tsing gaw kadai magang kau ai rai" nga jang she num kaji wa gaw shi magang kau ai re ngu tsun dan jang she "Nang gaw grai byin ai num kaba jan gaw hpa nbyin ai" dai hku bai tsun jang she num kaba jan gaw grai nju wa ai da. "Ndai lani mi hte yi ting hpe tsing magang kau ai ngu gaw anhte tim nmai byin ai kadai tim nmai byin ai" ngu na shi gaw ntsen na she shana de mare de jau jau wa na she dai mare kaw na dumsa dingla hpe wa san ai da. Dumsa dingla hpe she "Anhte kaw na nye kanau ndai wa gaw lani mi hte sha wa yi ting hpe tsing lu magang kau na ka-up kau ai ngu gaw ndai gaw ngai grai mau nga ai ndai wa shingdu labau hpabaw nga ai kun naw wawt ya rit" ngu na she dai num jan na palawng la sa kanau na palawng la sa na shaba wawt shangun ai da. Shaba wawt rai yang she dai wa gaw ning hku wawt mu ai da dai dingla dai gaw dumsa dingla dai gaw "Shi ndai wa gaw nding re ngu gaw labau nga ai shi kaw gaw hpyi lu ai" ngu da. "Hpyi lu ai ni gaw nding rai lu galaw ai shanhte na hpyi hte lu ka-up ai re" ngu na tsun ai da. Rai jang she shi gaw grai nju ai da nju na wa na she hpang shani gaw shi yi sa sai da. Madu wa hpe she "Daini gaw ngai yi sa na" ngu jang she "Yi nang yi galoi pyi nsa ga ai wa" ngu yang "Sa na" ngu na she sa ai da. Sa jang yi kaw du ai shaloi she yi kaw du ai hte she shi gaw kalang ta she shii gaw hkan tam ai da "Ndai wa gara kaw tsing magang da kun" ngu she dai num dai mung num kaji wa mung hkan sa wa na she "Shawng e ngai tsing magang da ai shara nga ai raitim mung nang ndai yi ka-ang kaw na ngai htu da ai nhkun dai hpe gaw kawa tawng ni hte dagap da ai dai hpe gaw nang hkum sa hpaw dat yaw dai sha nmai hpaw ai nang yi kaw kam ai mai galaw ai dai sha nmai hpaw ai" ngu na tsun jang she da dai wa gaw "Ndai wa gaw lama ma rai sai" ngu na she kawa tawng ni yawng bai sa la kau na ga ni yawng hpe bai ahpre dat ai shaloi she tsing ni wa she mi na nan nan wa ning hku rai rawt wa na she yawng hkram na she yi ting mi na hta pyi tsing htam mi bai jat na she tsing grai lim mat ai da. Grai lim mat jang she dai hpyi num dai wa gaw "Yi ngai hpe i grai roi sha ai ndai hku rai madu wa sha ra madu jan nra rai yang gaw nmai wa sai" ngu na shi gaw dai hku myit ai da. Myit ai tim mung bai galaw shangun sai da "Gai nang ya nang na ta hte e nang na hpyi hte ngalaw ai sha nang na lata hte nan nan galaw yu u, nang magang yu u nang daini nang lu magang ai i" ngu na num kaba wa gaw yu dung taw ai da. Yu dung taw yang she shi gaw ta hte gaw nlu magang ai da. Shi gaw magang gaw magang ai da raitim mung nngut ai da. Shaloi gaw "Nang hpyi lu na she re gaw" ngu dai hku tsun jang she hpang shani gaw shi hpe nta nwa shangun sai da. "Ya gaw nang lata hte sha galaw sanu nang lata hte ndai hpe sha nlu magang ngut yang gaw galo nta de nlu wa ai" ngu tsun ai da. Dai hku tsun ai majaw da shi gaw da dai majaw shi gaw yi kaw tsing magang dung taw ai da. Tsing magang mi shi magang tawn da ai nhkrun dai yang kaw shi dung nna tsing bai magang taw ai da. Lata hte tsing magang taw ai shaloi she num kaba wa gaw sa wa na she nhtu garang da ai ding re nhtu la sa wa na she hpang hku na dai num kaji wa nmu ai hpang hku na ndai hku kahtam sat kau dat ai da. Kahtam sat kau dat yang shi gaw wo kadang na sai ni mya she rai na si dai shi htu da ai tsing bang ai nhkun dai de shi gaw si mat ai da. Si mat jang she dai wa kaput kau ai da dai num kaba wa gaw kaput hkrai kaput hpa nnga mat hkra kaput na she dai wora hpun ni hte bai mara da na she madu wa gaw "Ya num kaji wa gaw taw" ngu jang she "Shi hpe nang bungli nau galaw shangun ai majaw shi hprawng mat sai wo kaga de ngai daini mu dat ai la langai mi kaw rai lang na hkan nang mat wa sai. Shi hprawng mat sai nang bungli nau galaw da shangun na shi ndang hkam sai da" ngu dai hku tsun kau ai da. Dai hku tsun kau na she shi gaw yi i kaja ja mung madu wa gaw shi hpe bungli grai galaw shangun ai madu wa mung myit grai npyaw sai da. Shi gaw hkan tam na ngu rai mat wa ai da. Rai mat wa jang she dai wa mung shi gaw hkrit hkrit gaw nga sai da shi gaw sat da sai re majaw. Rai yang she shana nsin du rai yang she shi na yup mang kaw wa she shi na yup mang kaw wa she "Nang gaw hpyi lu ai ni hpe nju ai hpyi lu ai ni hpe sat ai ngai na hpyi nang hpe kalang mi pyi nkawa yu ai ya gaw nang gaw ngai na hta htam mi jat na nang gaw ja wa na re" ngu dai hku yup mang kaw dai hku sa tsun ai kaw na wa she da shi gaw myit grai npyaw ai da. Myit grai npyaw na she raitim shi gaw dai hku na naw nga ai da. Dai hku na naw nga yang she e shi lani mi i shi gaw ma nlu ai re nga yang she dai mare kaw na htinggaw langai mi gaw la kasha grai tsawm ai lu da ai da. Grai tsawm ai abawng alang re lu da yang she dai ma hpe yu na shi na myit hta she "Yi i ngai mung wora zawn re ma atsawm grai atsawm rai na abawng alang re lu yang grai hkrak na re wa" ngu na dai hku tsun dat dai hku tsun dat ai da. Dai hku tsun dat shi myit dat ai hte wa ma dai wa dai kaw myi man ni ahkyeng rai na si mat wa ai da. Dai majaw shi na hpyi wa grai ja mat wa ai da. Dai kaw na dai mi gaw i dai num kaji wa gaw hpyi dai ram nja ai masha ni hpe mung ngawa ai. Shi gaw shi na shi bungli galaw ai kaw sha lang ai she ndai wa shi hpe sat kau ai majaw hpyi wa lahkawng lang rai na shi kaw nan grau n-gun ja mat wa ai. Dai kaw na Jiinghpaw ni na Jinghpaw ni na hpyi gawa yang kalang ta si si re majaw Jinghpaw ni na hpyi ngu grai ja mat ai ngu gaw dai kaw na re ai da.
Origination date 2017-02-10
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
W. Hkawn Nan : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/5989e3788892d
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), W. Hkawn Nan (speaker), 2017. Jinghpaw hpyi ja ai lam (Stronger and more dangerous spells) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-0716 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-0716-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 57.6 KB
KK1-0716-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 7.66 MB 00:08:23.91
KK1-0716-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 277 MB 00:08:23.76
3 files -- 284 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,548 translations are currently available (February 25, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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