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Title Changau u tai mat ai ma (The child who became a great barbet) with English translation
Description Translation (Htoi San)
I am telling a story about a boy who turned into a barbet bird. Here is a story that everyone should listen to. We should listen to this story carefully and feel it from our hearts, then should follow the attitude and change our mindset. A long time ago, a man had a beautiful lady, and they married to become a family. They both loved each other so much as the wife was gorgeous, and the husband was fond of her dearly. The couple worked on a farm for their livelihood so that they to and fro happily to their farm. After that, they had a baby boy. They loved their son so much and brought him up well. They lived their lives and worked joyfully to become a happy family. The boy grew up steadily, and he reached the age that he could help his parents. When they went to and fro their farm, the boy helped them carry axes, knives, and small wood logs. He grew up at that kind of age. Unfortunately, when their family went for working to their farm, the mother was sick severely one day. They were at their farm while the mother was very unwell, so no neighbors were around them. They were only by themselves. There were no friends to ask around. When they were only three of them, the mother got sick shockingly. On that day, the wife, who was so beautiful and loved by her husband dearly, passed away. The mother who loved her son so much died that the father and the son sadly buried her at the head of their farm. The father and the son returned home. However, the father had an undone job on their farm, and it was where his wife was buried, and he went there every day whether he had a job to do or not. The father went up and down to the farm and his house daily. The man could not stand alone if he lost his wife. No one would cook, clean the kitchen, and do the house chores for him. His child was a boy, so they needed a woman to cook and prepare the dishes. So the father got a woman. He loved that woman so much and married her again. The father took his new wife to the farm where they used to work. They cleared the farm out and left it like that. They made straw and hay for their living and continued making those like before. The second wife also had a baby. That baby was a boy too. The baby boy also grew up gradually. Since the stepmother had her own son, she did not like the son from the first wife anymore. She did not dare to say that she did not like the first son of his father as she was afraid of him. Therefore, she took out her ideas. The child she was born with and the child from the first wife knew the way from their farm to their house. Yellow beans were the kind of plants that were easy to grow and fast to be raised when we planted them. One day, the stepmother asked them to plant yellow beans for both sons. The stepmother did dry fry for a pot full of beans. Afterwards, she fried the beans to make them cook and passed them to the first wife's son. Then, she gave her son raw beans and asked them, "You two brothers. Take these bags each." "You take your bag and plant them on your farm separately. You wait there, and you can only come back to me when your bean plants grow." The two brothers did as their mother told them. They went to their farm bringing their own portion of a lot of beans, and the young brother said, "Ah Ba, you take that half, and I take this half part." They divided the farm, and they planted the yellow bean seeds that their mother gave them. After they had planted them, they waited for the seeds to grow. The two brothers waited for when the yellow bean seeds would grow first. On day one, the plants did not come out yet. They thought the plants could almost come out on day two. They both thought the plants would come out soon. On day three, they hoped that the plants would nearly reach the surface to come out very soon. On day four, they thought, "Oh, now is the time for the plants to come out." They called each other, "Let's go and wait beside them." They sat and waited for whose one would come out first so he could go home first. At last, while they were expecting the plants to come out at their farms, they did not grow from the first son's farm. The yellow bean plants from the second son's farm started growing. The second brother, who was born by his stepmother, told him, "Ah Ba, my yellow bean plants were grown out. So I'll go back ahead." Then he went home. The younger brother went back home peacefully and stayed with his parents. His father asked him, "Where is your big brother?" He replied, "Ah Ba doesn't come home yet as his plants do not come out yet." "No need to worry about him. He will come back soon." The father knew his elder son was on the farm waiting for the plants to grow. After the young brother returned home, the big brother waited and waited for the plants to grow day after day, but they did not come out. On the second day, the plants did not come out. After passing the third day, the fourth day, and the fifth day, the plants did not grow. He waited and waited until he was starving.

The boy passed away on his farm due to hunger while he waited for the bean plants to grow out, and they never came out. Before he died, he missed his mother and was hungry, so he called out to his mother, "Mommy. Mommy." Then, he cried and passed away.

As he was starving and missed his mother so much, then died, and he cried out from his heart to his mom, "Mommy. Mommy," and passed away, he became a bird after he died. So we called a barbet bird as the bird sounded, "Changau! Changau!" That was the sound of the orphan boy's crying.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Ya ngai hkai na maumwi gaw changau u tai mat ai jahkrai ma a maumwi rai nga ai. Ndai ma na maumwi gaw anhte yawng hkra madat yang grai madat la na i tinang na myit kraw hta mung hkam sha re na grai hkan nan hkan sa mai ai myit malai la ma ai maumwi re. Moi shawng de e da ndai la langai mi gaw shi grai tsawra ai num langai mi hte e dinghku de nna nga ai da. Shan lahkawng gaw grai tsawra hkat ai shi madu jan mung grai tsawm ai re ai majaw shi mung grai tsawra re na nga ai re da. Ni re na galaw lu galaw sha i shan lahkawng gaw galaw lu galaw sha yi sa yi wa re na grai pyaw na nga ma ai da. Dai shaloi gaw shan lahkawng gaw kashu kasha mung lu re i shadang sha langai mi lu ai da. Ndai shadang sha hpe bai shaprat la re na mung mi na hta pi grau tsawra na shan galaw lu galaw sha let htinggaw de na nga ma ai da. Ni re shaloi da hpang ye gaw shi na kasha ndai mung kaba wa sai da i kanu yan kawa hpe garum lu re ai ten rai sai da. Yi wa yi sa rai yang shan lahkawng i hpai ya nwa ni nhtu ni hpai ya re hpun tawng kasha ni hpai ya re dan na daram re e ma rai sai da. Dai zawn re aten hta nmyit mada ai lani mi na ten hta e shan nu wa ni yi de bungli sa galaw ai shaloi da dai shaloi gaw ndai kanu wa she shani wa grai re na machyi wa ai da law shi gaw grai machyi kajaw sha machyi wa ten hta gaw yi kaw ra nga yang she htingbu htingpyen ma nnga nlu rai jang she manaw manang ni hpe e san lamang na mung kadai mung nnga shan nu wa ni hkrai dai kaw she madu wa gaw a kajaw sha re na machyi wa ai da. Dai majaw dai kaw e n nga mat ai nga e lam hpe mung anhte chye lu ai. Shing re na she ndai kanu n nga mat ai ndai madu jan i shi grai tsawra ai la wa grai tsawra ai madu jan ndai ma grai tsawra ai kanu ngu na ndai wa n nga mat re na she, Ndai yi baw kaw sha shan wa gaw grai yawn la ai hte i shan wa lahkawng re na ndai yi baw kaw e madu jan hpe kanu hpe lup kau da re na shan wa gaw nta de bai e bai wa ai da. Nta de bai wa re na wa nga taw shan wa gaw i ndai yi de mung moi na nyi ngam mung naw nga ai hte mareng shi madu jan hpe mung dai de lup da re rai jang ye gaw shani shagu bungli ra tim n ra tim dai de sa ai da. Bungli ra tim n ra tim dai de sa sa re na bungli galaw gahkran taw ai re da. E dang re na nga taw nga re she i ndai ya tsun ga i nga yang gaw la ni rai yang gaw num ni n nga yang nmai ai nga baw re ai majaw gaw i lu sha galaw jaw na shat gawk masawp na i nhku kata kaw bungli num bungli galaw na matu gaw num n nga kasha rai yang mung la kasha bai rai yang jang mung shadu lu shadu sha kaw na hkawt ra ai re ai majaw gaw da num langai mi bai la ai da. Dai shaloi she num dai hte mung shi gaw dai hpe mung grai tsawra ai hku na bai la da re na hku nga Shaloi she dai wa hte mung dai yi de shanhte gaw dai yi dai hpe gaw kalang mi hkyeng na tawn kau ai dai kaw nre i shanhte gaw galoi mung sung hku yi hku galaw sha taw nga ai shara re ai majaw gaw dai num dai hte rai tim mung dai hku na galaw sha ai da. Mi na hku sha galaw sha nga re she num dai hte mung ma langai bai lu sai da. Dai mung la kasha re ai da. Dai mung la kasha rai jang gaw ya hkring gaw la kasha dai mung kaba wa rai sai da e kaba wa re yang she shi gaw shi mung kasha bai lu yang she, Ndai shawng na num na kasha hpe gaw shi gaw nra mayu wa na hku nga dai majaw she dai wa hpe gaw shi gaw madu wa n ra ai ngu yang gaw madu wa hpe gaw hkrit re na i dai hku na nra ai ngu na madu wa hpe gaw hpa ntsun ai sha shi gaw bawnu hku na galaw sai da. Shi shangai ai kasha hte shawng num shangai ai kasha yi sa yi wa chye sai teng re ai majaw gaw shi gaw lani mi hta gaw da ndai shapye ngu ai gaw i hkai dat yang ya anhte hkai tim mung Grai tu ra ai grai tu lawang ai baw amyu rai na she shan lahkawng hpe ma shapye sa hkai shangun ai da. Shapye sa hkai shangun re ai wa she ndai di mi hpe gaw shi ga ngau kau re da. Ga ngau jahkut kau na majaw ya re na she dai hpe gaw oh shawng num kasha hpe jaw da. Ngut na she hpang na shi na kasha hpe gaw ndai nhkut ai sha i gatsin dai hpe majaw re na shan lahkawng hpe e nan nau ndai nan nau hpe ndai nan nau hpe majaw ya dat ai ndai majaw hpe e kadai mung kadai na majaw hpe hkai mu yi ngam ma laga ga di na hkai mung hkai re na dai kaw e sa la nga mu ngu ai da. Sa la nga na she tinang hkai ai shapye tu jang yi she nan nau nu kaw bai wa marit yaw ngu na htek ai da. Rai na shan nau gaw dai hku na kanu yi shara ni kadai mung kadai hkai na matu le i oh tum mung tsawm ra ra law jang gaw ah ba nang oh ra chyen yaw ngai ndai chyen yaw ngu na garan la shing re na she shan nau gaw chyek la re na she tinang shan hpe e kanu jaw dat ai ndai Shapye tum hpe bai hkai re sai da. Ndai hpe hkai ngut re na mung dai shaloi gaw la nga sai da. Shan nau lahkawng gaw la nga kadai mung kadai e shapye tu wa na hpe la nga taw nga sai da. Lani mi rai yang gaw ya dai ni sha gaw ntu shi na re lahkawng ya nga jang ya gaw tu hkyen wa na sai ngu na myit ai da. Shan nau lahkawng yi an nau hkai ai shapye tu hkyen na sai i ngu myit ai da. Masum ya ngu na teng hta mung i ya gaw ndai ga ntsa de e pru na teng ni na sai ngu na dai hku sha shan nau gaw dai hku sha myit ai da. Shing re na she mali ya ngu na aten hta mung i, Yi ya gaw pru wa na daram rai sai ngu na e dai hku myit re na she gaw dai makau kaw na la dung taw nga sa ga ngu ai da. Kadai shawng kadai hkai shawng tu yang kadai nta de lu wa na hku rai nga, Dai majaw la dung nga re yang she, Hpang jahtum re gaw shan nau gaw shan nau lahkawng kadai mung kadai na yi kaw la dung taw nga ai shaloi she ndai shawng na shangai ai num wa na ma na shapye wa rai jang ye gaw Ntu hkraw da. Dai wa na ntu kra shi yang she oh ra hpang na num shangai ai ma hkai ai shapye gaw tu pru wa sai da. Dai rai jang she ndai shi na kanau ngu na nga hpang shangai ai kasha dai la kasha wa gaw ah ba ngai na shapye tu mat sai ngai wa magan na sa na yaw ngu na shi gaw nta de wa mat re ai da. Shing na shi nta de wa mat kanu yan kawa hte apyaw sha wa nga shi du wa na kawa gaw de ya ah ba gaw taw ngu hkap san yang ah ba ya shi hkai ai shapye garai ntu ai majaw nwa ai re, Ah ba ya wa na ra ai hpang ntsa ra ai ngu na dai hku tsun ai da. Rai jang she kaja wa kahpu kaba gaw la taw nga la taw nga kanau wa mat ai hpang lani mi din yang lani mi lai yang mung ntu hkraw lahkawng ya rai yang mung ntu masum ya lai yang mung ntu mali ya lai yang mung ntu manga ya lai yang mung ntu re na la hkrai la na gaw hpang jahtum ye gaw shat nau kawsi.

Ndai ma gaw shing rai na shi hkai ai shapye ntu hkraw na la hkrai la re na shat grai kawsi lai mat na shi gaw dai kaw si mat ai da. Shing re na shi gaw shi kanu hpe myit dum let kawsi let si wa re ai majaw shi gaw nu e nu e nga na hkrap let si mat wa ai da.

Shi grai kawsi na kanu hpe ma dum re na si mat wa re ai majaw gaw, Shi nu e nu e nga nna shi myit kraw hta e dai hku na kanu hpe shaga let si mat wa re ai majaw gaw shi si ai hpang rai tim mung dai u tai mat wa ai da. Shing re na ya anhte changau u ngu changau changau na shaga ai u dai gaw dai kaw na jahkrai ma a hkrap ai nsen re da.
Origination date 2017-02-09
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
M. King Nang : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/5989e1d2b6491
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), M. King Nang (speaker), 2017. Changau u tai mat ai ma (The child who became a great barbet) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-0612 at
Content Files (9)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
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KK1-0612-C.eaf application/eaf+xml 5.39 KB
9 files -- 322 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,564 translations are currently available (March 6, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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