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In November 2022, we launched two Matukar community materials books: a children's book with words and illustrations, and a longer book of texts translated into Tok Pisin. These materials had been ready for a while but COVID delayed the ability to bring them to community members. In order to properly give the materials to people, we also held a feast to thank people for participating in Matukar Panau language documentation. This was also an opportunity for people to share their concerns about larger issues facing the community and language endangerment, such as the lack of a seawall along the coast. | workingLanguages: tpi | location: Surumaran | access: O | accessDescription: The material is licensed under Creative Commons Licences with the licence CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs, which means that others may download the material and share them with others as long as they credit the creators. Others cannot change the materials in any way or use the materials commercially. | description: In November 2022, we launched two Matukar community materials books: a children's book with words and illustrations, and a longer book of texts translated into Tok Pisin. These materials had been ready for a while but COVID delayed the ability to bring them to community members. In order to properly give the materials to people, we also held a feast to thank people for participating in Matukar Panau language documentation. This was also an opportunity for people to share their concerns about larger issues facing the community and language endangerment, such as the lack of a seawall along the coast. | status: Incoming | involvement: unspecified | planningType: unspecified | socialContext: unspecified | keyword: Book, Gathering, Feast, Cooking | topic: Book launch |
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Danielle Barth (collector), Danielle Barth (participant), Kadagoi Rawad Forepiso (participant), Kira Davey (participant), Rosa Kibis Dikoi (participant), Wendy Pulu (participant), Tukanpain Francis (participant), John Bogg (participant), Mingku Agid (participant), Rebecca Willie (participant), Jillian Forepiso (participant), Judith Bogg (participant), Rowi Ropain (participant), Selpain Wadom (participant), Cathy Samun Wiliang (participant), Monika Malik Gim (participant), 2022. Book launch. JPEG/TIFF. DGB1-comm03 at |