Item details
Item ID
Title Manus Style Sago Preparation
Description Videos of Francis Silih, showing Danielle Barth how to prepare sago, Manus style. Kadagoi Rawad Forepiso narrates the videos in several audio files. Funded by Living Tongues and National Geographic Enduring Voices.
Origination date 2011-08-13
Origination date free form
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Danielle Barth
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Language as given
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Region / village
Originating university University of Oregon
Operator Julia Colleen Miller
Data Categories
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
DOI 10.26278/5ea1bbfd5d9ac
Cite as Danielle Barth (collector), 2011. Manus Style Sago Preparation. MPEG/VND.WAV/MP4/MXF. DGB1-2011_012 at
Content Files (18)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago_narration1.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.88 MB 00:03:09.361
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago_narration1.wav audio/vnd.wav 104 MB 00:03:09.336
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago_narration2.mp3 audio/mpeg 7.38 MB 00:08:04.232
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago_narration2.wav audio/vnd.wav 266 MB 00:08:04.206
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago_narration3.mp3 audio/mpeg 626 KB 00:00:39.941
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago_narration3.wav audio/vnd.wav 22.2 MB 00:00:39.914
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago_narration4.mp3 audio/mpeg 426 KB 00:00:27.114
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago_narration4.wav audio/vnd.wav 15.1 MB 00:00:27.97
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago1.mp4 video/mp4 175 MB 00:02:59.435
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago1.mxf application/mxf 1.01 GB
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago2.mp4 video/mp4 465 MB 00:07:58.230
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago2.mxf application/mxf 2.61 GB
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago3.mp4 video/mp4 35.3 MB 00:00:36.331
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago3.mxf application/mxf 228 MB
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago4.mp4 video/mp4 23.6 MB 00:00:24.300
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago4.mxf application/mxf 145 MB
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago5conclusion.mp3 audio/mpeg 78.1 KB 00:00:04.833
DGB1-2011_012-manus_sago5conclusion.wav audio/vnd.wav 2.89 MB 00:00:04.807
18 files -- 5.08 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 18

Collection Information
Collection ID DGB1
Collection title Matukar Panau Language Documentation
Description Recordings collected during 2010-2020 for language documentation. Includes traditional stories, descriptions of traditional practices, family stories, songs, myths and procedural texts including narration of videos of typical village activities.
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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