Item details
Item ID
Title Old Settlements and Migrations of the Blanga People (II)
Description Chief Nason Haidu discusses in more detail the movements of his people. This supplements recording 009A051207.
Origination date 2008-02-16
Origination date free form
Archive link
Radu Voica
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Blanga
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Northern Blanga
Region / village Popoheo, St Isabel
Map No map data given - please add.
Originating university
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Radu Voica : researcher
DOI 10.4225/72/56FAA157B1763
Cite as Radu Voica (collector), Radu Voica (researcher), 2008. Old Settlements and Migrations of the Blanga People (II). MPEG/VND.WAV. RV1-039A160208 at
Content Files (2)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
RV1-039A160208-a.mp3 audio/mpeg 5.46 MB 00:05:58.7
RV1-039A160208-a.wav audio/vnd.wav 60.5 MB 00:05:57.966
2 files -- 65.9 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID RV1
Collection title Blablanga (Solomon Islands)
Description Audio recordings of Blablanga (also known as Blanga) spoken in the Soloman Islands. Includes word lists, elicited sentences, discussion of culture, history (both personal and general), discussion of daily life and tasks, directions, colours, stories, poems, riddles, explanation of traditional dace, song and conversation. Also recorded are a range of elicitation tasks including the pear story, map tasks, Bowerman's topological relations pictures, frog story, Johnston's 1989 Austronesian elicitation questionnaire, MPI containment task, MPI caused positions clips, mouse story and MPI walnut game.
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Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative restricted, no access except with depositor's permission
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