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ROHP-8611-A 1) Maqipuke. A husband and wife go to the forest; she is killed by spirit (tomate) masquerading as a young pig; the husband is saved by a lizard (raqiraqi). ROHP-8611-B 1) Lopeti Aruparanga. Viviru & Taqiri. The story of how Taqiri makes a good war canoe, and Viviru makes a poor one. The story is about how Viviru tries to abandon Taqiri, but Taqiri wins out in the end. Luqa. 2) Steven Livai. Custom light. 3) Steven Livai. Nut tree climbing. 3) Opiti Buka. Story how an old man kills off a village until a father and son are rescued by a parrot.
Original description on cassette cover: (A) (Interview by Coileen Jacob ) 1. Lopeti Aruparanga Viviru/ Tagiri; 2. Livai Steven. Custom Light; 3. Livai Steven Nut Climbing; 4. Opiti Buka Parrot. (B) Magipuke: Question nut tree. Note: Recorded in Keara village, Ranongga Island, Western Province, Solomon Islands. | workingLanguages: eng | location: Keara village | access: O | accessDescription: The material is licensed under Creative Commons Licences with the licence CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). This means that others may download the materials, build on them and share derived materials with others as long as they credit the original creators and as long as they share their derived materials under the same terms. Others must not use the materials commercially | description: ROHP-8611-A 1) Maqipuke. A husband and wife go to the forest; she is killed by spirit (tomate) masquerading as a young pig; the husband is saved by a lizard (raqiraqi). ROHP-8611-B 1) Lopeti Aruparanga. Viviru & Taqiri. The story of how Taqiri makes a good war canoe, and Viviru makes a poor one. The story is about how Viviru tries to abandon Taqiri, but Taqiri wins out in the end. Luqa. 2) Steven Livai. Custom light. 3) Steven Livai. Nut tree climbing. 3) Opiti Buka. Story how an old man kills off a village until a father and son are rescued by a parrot.
Original description on cassette cover: (A) (Interview by Coileen Jacob ) 1. Lopeti Aruparanga Viviru/ Tagiri; 2. Livai Steven. Custom Light; 3. Livai Steven Nut Climbing; 4. Opiti Buka Parrot. (B) Magipuke: Question nut tree. Note: Recorded in Keara village, Ranongga Island, Western Province, Solomon Islands. | status: Incoming | involvement: unspecified | locationRegion: Ranongga Island, Western Province | locationCountry: Solomon Islands | locationContinent: Oceania | planningType: unspecified | socialContext: unspecified | keyword: animal story, sibling story, nut trees, obsolete practices | topic: Ranongga Oral History |
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Debra McDougall (collector), Kenneth Roga (recorder, researcher), Coileen Jacob (interviewer), Lopeti Aruparanga (speaker), Livai Steven (speaker), Opiti Buka (speaker), Jekop Kolin (speaker), Maqipuke (alt Magipuke) (speaker), Maqipuke (participant), 1986. Ranongga Oral History, Tape 11: Stories from Maqipuke, Lopeti Aruparanga, Steven Livai, Opeti Buka (Keara). EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. ROHP1-8611 at |