Item details
Item ID
Title Ranongga Oral History, Tape 10: Stories and songs from John Kuero Kana, Titequla, and Zakea Lipaqeto (Lale)
Description ROHP1-8610-A
1) Kuero, lga. Continued from 8610-B
2) Mother and three children, lga
3) Lullaby, 'moko mua kikolo', lga
4) Another lullaby, lga
5) A long story of a giant and his human assistant, lga.
6) Story and song about five beautiful girls who were playing water drums (luba) and came ashore and sang a song, lga.

1) Zakea Lipaqeto, lga. Two custom dances. First is a war song, re-enacting a raid on Duke; second a lament of the death of Ida Aso.
2) Titequla, lga. A person was living alone in the high forest; he was caught and brought down to the shore but then committed suicide.
3) Making of bark cloth, lga.
4) Song about making bark cloth and looking down at Lale, lga
5) Another song, also focused on Lale, lga
6) John Kuero Kana, lga. Story of a family of five, where the parents get tired of feeding the children and planned to kill them.
7) Kuero, lga. Story of a woman who dreams an idea about how to conquer some dangerous being at a point along the shore. Luqa.

Elan files are segmented but not transcribed; contains time-aligned English summaries written by Debra McDougall.

Original description on cassette cover:
(A) 1. Custom dancing; 2. Making of kabilato; 3. Custom song;
4. Custom stories (Three brothers). (B) Stories. Note: Recorded in Lale, Ranongga Island, Western Province, Solomon Islands | workingLanguages: eng | location: Lale | access: O | accessDescription: The material is licensed under Creative Commons Licences with the licence CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). This means that others may download the materials, build on them and share derived materials with others as long as they credit the original creators and as long as they share their derived materials under the same terms. Others must not use the materials commercially | description: ROHP1-8610-A
1) Kuero, lga. Continued from 8610-B
2) Mother and three children, lga
3) Lullaby, 'moko mua kikolo', lga
4) Another lullaby, lga
5) A long story of a giant and his human assistant, lga.
6) Story and song about five beautiful girls who were playing water drums (luba) and came ashore and sang a song, lga.

1) Zakea Lipaqeto, lga. Two custom dances. First is a war song, re-enacting a raid on Duke; second a lament of the death of Ida Aso.
2) Titequla, lga. A person was living alone in the high forest; he was caught and brought down to the shore but then committed suicide.
3) Making of bark cloth, lga.
4) Song about making bark cloth and looking down at Lale, lga
5) Another song, also focused on Lale, lga
6) John Kuero Kana, lga. Story of a family of five, where the parents get tired of feeding the children and planned to kill them.
7) Kuero, lga. Story of a woman who dreams an idea about how to conquer some dangerous being at a point along the shore. Luqa.

Elan files are segmented but not transcribed; contains time-aligned English summaries written by Debra McDougall.

Original description on cassette cover:
(A) 1. Custom dancing; 2. Making of kabilato; 3. Custom song;
4. Custom stories (Three brothers). (B) Stories. Note: Recorded in Lale, Ranongga Island, Western Province, Solomon Islands | status: Incoming | involvement: unspecified | locationRegion: Ranongga Island, Western Province | locationCountry: Solomon Islands | locationContinent: Oceania | planningType: unspecified | socialContext: unspecified | keyword: lullaby, giant story, custom dance, bark cloth, stories of parents and children | topic: Ranongga Oral History
Origination date 1986-11-14
Origination date free form
Archive link
Debra McDougall
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given
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Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village Ranongga Island, Western Province
Map No map data given - please add.
Originating university University of Melbourne
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type singing
Roles Debra McDougall : annotator
Kenneth Roga : interviewer
Kenneth Roga : recorder
Kenneth Roga : researcher
John Kuero Kana : speaker
Titequla : speaker
Zakea Lipqeto : participant
DOI 10.26278/7721-ER96
Cite as Debra McDougall (collector), Debra McDougall (annotator), Kenneth Roga (interviewer, recorder, researcher), John Kuero Kana (speaker), Titequla (speaker), Zakea Lipqeto (participant), 1986. Ranongga Oral History, Tape 10: Stories and songs from John Kuero Kana, Titequla, and Zakea Lipaqeto (Lale). EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. ROHP1-8610 at
Content Files (6)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
ROHP1-8610-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 113 KB
ROHP1-8610-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 22.8 MB 00:24:50.789
ROHP1-8610-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 819 MB 00:24:50.769
ROHP1-8610-B.eaf application/eaf+xml 128 KB
ROHP1-8610-B.mp3 audio/mpeg 28.1 MB 00:30:40.859
ROHP1-8610-B.wav audio/vnd.wav 1010 MB 00:30:40.829
6 files -- 1.84 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 6

Collection Information
Collection ID ROHP1
Collection title Ranongga Oral History Project
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Debra McDougall
View/Download access Debra McDougall
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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