Description |
Handwritten fieldwork notebook with photocopied articles. pp1-13 paradigm, wordlists and notes. pp14-19 a scan of Harry S. Ladd's "Fijians and their sailing". pp20-40 scan contains the texts "Seasea: Meke Ni Veibuli Vua Na Tui Lau", "Lewe Ni Meke", and "Kinisimere Lewaravu", and what looks like word lists. pp41-47 scan has the title "Vosavosa" and contains a hand-drawn map, notes, a paradigm, and word lists. pp48-51 pages in bad condition, scan contains a hand-drawn tree diagram and notes (mostly crossed out). pp52-61 scan contains a hand-drawn tree diagrams and notes. pp62-88 scan has the title "Veiqaravi" and contains word lists and notes. pp89-95 scan has the title "Vuravura" and contains word lists. pp96-107 scan has the title "Kacu" and contains notes, paradigms, and word lists. pp108-123 scan has the title "Manumanuvuka" and contains a word list. pp124-171 scan has the title "Ika" and contains several tables, word lists, and notes. pp172-185 scan has the title "Qoli" and contains word lists. pp186-191 scan has the title "Teitei" and contains mostly notes. pp192-201 scan has the title "Uvi" and contains several word lists. pp202-206 scan has the title "Kumala" and contains a word list. p207 scan contains a photo of two pages out of a notebook. The notes are illegible. p208 scan contains a photo of two pages out of a notebook (reverse of previous page. The notes are illegible. pp209-232 scan has the title "Caka" and contains word lists and notes, many of which are crossed out. pp233-344 Alphabetised word list. |