Collection details
Collection ID HF01
Title Hans Fischer recordings
Description Hans Fischer was formerly Director of the Museum für Völkerkunde and Professor of Socio-cultural anthropology (Ethnologie), University of Hamburg. He began fieldwork in New Guinea in 1958 in villages the lower Watut River and among the Anga-speaking Jeghuje on the Banir River. After brief initial visits to the Wampar area, he conducted longer fieldwork in Gabmadzung in 1965, then again in 1971/72, 1976, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997, 1999/2000, 2003/04 and 2009. The recordings in the collection were made in 1958, 1965 and 1971/72. His research covered various topics: settlement and household organization, kinship, language and oral traditions, and material culture including, for example, string figures.
Some of the recorded texts have been used in the following publications:
1959 Ethnographica von den Kukukuku (Ost-Neuguinea). In: Baessler-Archiv, N.F. 7: 99-122.
1960 Fadenspiele vom unteren Watut und Banir River (Ost-Neuguinea). In: Baessler-Archiv, N.F. 8: 171-213.
1961 Das Tonbandgerät in der völkerkundlichen Feldforschung. In: Tribus 10: 107-114.
1961 Spiele der Watut (Ost-Neuguinea). In: Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig 11: 141-152.
1962 Oberflächenfunde und rezente Töpferei am unteren Watut River (Ost-Neuguinea). In: Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Dresden 21: 23-33.
1962 Einige linguistische Indizien des Kulturwandels in Nordost-Neuguinea. In: Sociologus, N.F. 12: 18-36.
1963 Watut. Notizen zur Kultur eines Melanesierstammes in Nordost-Neuguinea. (Kulturgeschichtliche Forschungen, 10. Band). Braunschweig: Albert Limbach. (290 S., 54 Fig., 31 Abb.).
1964 Cargo-Kulte und die "Amerikaner". In: Sociologus, N.F. 14: 17-30.
1965 Studien über Seelenvorstellungen in Ozeanien. München: Klaus Renner. (432 S.).
1966 Cargo-Ideen. In: Anthropos 61: 49-97.
1966 Wampet, Mumeng und Labu: Drei kurze Wörterlisten. In: Anthropos 61: 878-883.
1968 Negwa. Eine Papua-Gruppe im Wandel. München: Klaus Renner. (493 S., 123 Fig., 35 Tab., Fotos, Karten).
1968 Archäologische Funde und Beobachtungen vom Tauri-Oberlauf Neuguineas. In: Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Dresden 28: 73-81.
1975 Gabsongkeg 71. Verwandtschaft, Siedlung und Landbesitz in einem Dorf in Neuguinea. (Hamburger Reihe zur Kultur- und Sprachwissenschaft, Band 10). München: Kommissionsverlag Klaus Renner. (485 S.).
1975 Namen als ethnographische Daten. In: Siegfried Wolf zum 65. Geburtstag. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Dresden 34: 629-654.
1987 Heilserwartung. Geister, Medien und Träumer in Neuguinea. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus. (194 S., 21 Abb., 2 Karten).
1992 (Hg) Materialien zur Kultur der Wampar, Papua New Guinea. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. Ab Band 1.
1992 Weisse und Wilde. Erste Kontakte und Anfänge der Mission (Materialien zur Kultur der Wampar, Papua New Guinea, 1). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. (230 S.).
1994 Geister und Menschen. Mythen, Märchen und neue Geschichten. (Materialien zur Kultur der Wampar, Papua New Guinea, 2). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. (374 S.).
1996 Der Haushalt des Darius. Über die Ethnographie von Haushalten. (Materialien zur Kultur der Wampar, Papua New Guinea, 3). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. (263 S., 17 Fig., 3 Karten, 4 Tabellen, 41 Fotos auf 17 Tafeln).
2000 Wörter und Wandel. Ethnographische Zugänge über die Sprache. (Materialien zur Kultur der Wampar, Papua New Guinea, 7). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. (313 S.).

NOTE: Tapes were kindly digitised by the Endangered Languages Archive, thanks to Mandana Seyfeddinipur.
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Hans Fischer
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DOI 10.4225/72/5ae88f0bca1fa
Cite as Hans Fischer (collector), 1958. Hans Fischer recordings. Collection HF01 at [Open Access].
Access information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Bettina Beer
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access details
Items in Collection (62)

Item Title Actions
001a Seventeen songs View
001b Recordings at Gabmadzung, twentyone stories in the style of myths and stories of spirits (dzob mamafe), true stories (dzob nidzin) and of stories about people (garagab a dzob)Structure: 0. "Name/theme of the story" - Translated name/theme of the story View
001c Recordings at Gabsonkeg, fifteen songs in the style of laments (med a dzon), songs and dances after a fight (med a gom) and songs and dances after a fight, day or night, with drums, conch shell and spears, men and women (med a tir). View
002a Two recordings Structure: 0. Theme and style of the recording - Narrator View
002b Sixteen songs, melodies and dances in the style of laments (med a dzon), songs and dances after a fight (med a tir, med a gom) and after the killing of a man (med maga) Structure: 0. "Name of the song" - Translated name/theme of the song - Style of the View
002c Recordings at Gabsonkeg, nineteen songs and stories. Structure: 0. "Name/theme of the story/song" - Translated name/theme of the story/song - Narrator View
003a Twelve songs and recordings Structure: 0. Theme and style of the song/recording View
003b Recordings at Gabmadzung, twenty stories of myths and stories of spirits (dzob mamafe) Structure: 0. "Name/theme of the story" - Translated name/theme of the story - Narrator - Language of origin [W]=Wampar and [P]=Tok Pisin View
003c Recordings at Gabsonkeg, twenty-four songs and stories in the style of songs and stories about fights and wars (dzob a tir) Structure: 0. "Name"/Translated name/theme of the story/song - Narrator View
004a Four recordings Structure: 0. Theme and style of the recording View

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