
33701 search results (30 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (19)
Abadi (3)
Abanyom (2)
Abau (6)
Abkhaz (2)
Abu (3)
Abui (38)
Aceh (109)
Adabe (1)
Adang (5)
Adi (17)
Adi, Galo (18)
Adnyamathanha (2)
Adonara (27)
Adyghe (2)
Adzera (31)
Aekyom (11)
Agarabi (1)
Agob (855)
Agta, Casiguran Dumagat (1)
Agta, Central Cagayan (5)
Agta, Dupaninan (68)
Ahtena (79)
Ahwai (1)
Aiklep (1)
Aimele (1)
Aiome (2)
Aiton (8)
Ajië (3)
Ak (5)
Akei (6)
Akrukay (2)
Alamblak (1)
Alekano (3)
Alor (5)
Alta, Northern (1)
Alyawarr (17)
Amaimon (2)
Amanab (2)
Amarasi (206)
Amba (retired) (2)
Ambae, East (55)
Ambae, West (28)
Ambrym, North (13)
Ambrym, Southeast (16)
Ambulas (4)
Amele (4)
Amharic (2)
Ami (3)
Andra-Hus (4)
Aneityum (48)
Angal (2)
Angal Enen (2)
Angal Heneng (2)
Angor (2)
Angoram (11)
Anindilyakwa (138)
Anmatyerre (3)
Anor (2)
Ansus (2)
Ap Ma (5)
Apali (3)
Apma (67)
Arabana (270)
Arabic, Standard (2)
Araki (3)
Arammba (2)
Aranda, Lower Southern (63)
Arandai (3)
Arapesh, Bumbita (6)
Are (3)
Aribwatsa (10)
Aribwaung (9)
Arifama-Miniafia (2)
Arop-Sissano (2)
Arosi (25)
Arrarnta, Western (2)
Arrernte, Eastern (193)
Aruamu (2)
Askopan (2)
Asmat, Central (197)
Assamese (4)
Asumboa (2)
Atemble (33)
Au (2)
Aulua (39)
Auslan (78)
Austral (2)
Avatime (5)
Avava (14)
Awa (39)
Awyi (4)
Axamb (19)
Ayerrerenge (2)
Babatana (29)
Badui (69)
Baeggu (9)
Baelelea (11)
Baetora (47)
Bahinemo (400)
Bai, Southern (9)
Baikeno (7)
Bajau, Indonesian (7)
Baki (13)
Bali (228)
Baluan-Pam (106)
Banam Bay (7)
Banaro (3)
Banggai (2)
Bangka (2)
Banjar (12)
Bannoni (13)
Barai (8)
Bariai (2)
Baruga (2)
Bata (4)
Batak Karo (22)
Batak Simalungun (3)
Batak Toba (3)
Bau (4)
Bauro (7)
Bauwaki (3)
Bavarian (2)
Beami (9)
Bena (2)
Bengali (11)
Benyadu' (3)
Bete-Bendi (2)
Biak (10)
Bidyara (20)
Biem (2)
Bierebo (2)
Bieria (4)
Bilakura (4)
Bilba (16)
Bilua (30)
Bima (14)
Binahari (2)
Binandere (4)
Bine (10)
Binumarien (2)
Bislama (731)
Bisu (4)
Biwat (21)
Blablanga (22)
Blafe (12)
Bo-Ung (374)
Boikin (5)
Bola (3)
Bongu (34)
Borong (3)
Bosmun (3)
Brokpake (32)
Buang, Mangga (2)
Bugawac (5)
Bughotu (24)
Buhutu (2)
Bulgarian (3)
Buli (retired) (2)
Buna (2)
Bunak (10)
Bungain (2)
Burarra (107)
Burmese (155)
Buru (retired) (4)
Burum-Mindik (8)
Bwaidoka (2)
Bwanabwana (4)
Cakfem-Mushere (2)
Cebuano (30)
Cemuhî (2)
Chambri (3)
Chamorro (78)
Changriwa (3)
Cheke Holo (31)
Cheq Wong (16)
Chin, Lautu (6)
Chin, Mro (47)
Chinese (7)
Chinese, Hakka (3)
Chinese, Mandarin (536)
Chinese, Min Nan (26)
Chinese, Yue (161)
Chuvash (149)
Cinda-Regi-Tiyal (5)
Czech (2)
Daga (3)
Dakaka (45)
Dani, Western (7)
Danish (2)
Dano (2)
Darang Deng (7)
Dargwa (5)
Darling (2)
Dawawa (3)
Dedua (4)
Degexit'an (11)
Dehu (25)
Dela-Oenale (114)
Dengka (2)
Dera (10)
Desiya (21)
Dhangu (3)
Dhao (3)
Dhuwal (2)
Dima (2)
Dixon Reef (2)
Djambarrpuyngu (2)
Djeebbana (28)
Djinang (42)
Djinba (5)
Djingili (2)
Dobu (16)
Doga (2)
Dom (2)
Domu (2)
Doromu-Koki (2)
Duguri (2)
Duna (23)
Dusun Malang (5)
Dusun, Central (18)
Dutch (5)
Duwet (12)
Efate, North (87)
Efate, South (636)
Efik (3)
Efutop (2)
Ekajuk (3)
Ekari (26)
Emae (21)
Embaloh (10)
Enga (231)
English (6994)
Ese (4)
Eskayan (26)
Estonian (2)
Eton (57)
Ewage-Notu (3)
Faita (71)
Faiwol (2)
Fas (74)
Fataleka (4)
Fataluku (10)
Fijian (129)
Filipino (70)
Finnish (2)
Foi (81)
Fore (14)
French (123)
Frisian, Northern (2)
Futuna, East (3)
Futuna-Aniwa (27)
Gadaba, Bodo (23)
Gadsup (2)
Gaelic, Scottish (2)
Gal (15)
Galela (3)
Galoli (3)
Gamilaraay (2)
Ganda (2)
Ganggalida (3)
Ganglau (2)
Gangulu (2)
Gants (26)
Gao (8)
Gapapaiwa (2)
Garig-Ilgar (17)
Garrwa (20)
Garus (4)
Gata' (10)
Gayo (14)
Gedaged (3)
Gela (12)
Georgian (2)
German, Standard (10)
Ghale, Kutang (13)
Ghanongga (64)
Ghari (5)
Ghayavi (58)
Gobasi (3)
Gogodala (5)
Greek (3)
Greek, Ancient (2)
Gudanji (22)
Gugadj (10)
Gugubera (12)
Gungabula (29)
Guntai (84)
Gunwinggu (200)
Gunya (12)
Gupapuyngu (2)
Gurdjar (3)
Guriaso (60)
Gurindji Kriol (2045)
Gurinji (827)
Guwamu (4)
Gwak (3)
Habun (2)
Hakö (6)
Halia (8)
Hanga Hundi (2)
Hano (188)
Hatam (2)
Hausa (3)
Hawaiian (2)
Helambu Sherpa (207)
Helong (14)
Heyo (36)
Hindi (2)
Hindustani, Fijian (17)
Hmong Daw (3)
Hmong Njua (3)
Hoava (2)
Hula (12)
Huli (2)
Hungarian (3)
Hyam (2)
Iaai (4)
Iatmul (21)
Iban (83)
Ibatan (81)
Ibu (2)
Icelandic (3)
Idaté (7)
Idi (266)
Ifo (3)
Igbo (2)
Ilocano (136)
Indo-Portuguese (18)
Indonesian (675)
Ipili (3)
Isaka (2)
Italian (293)
Itawit (4)
Iwaidja (13)
Iwal (2)
Iwam, Sepik (7)
Iyo (4)
Japanese (185)
Jaru (2)
Javanese (27)
Jilim (291)
Jingpho (2895)
Juwal (2)
Kabardian (3)
Kadara (2)
Kafoa (7)
Kagate (147)
Kahua (6)
Kaiep (4)
Kairiru (4)
Kairui-Midiki (3)
Kaki Ae (10)
Kala Lagaw Ya (10)
Kalam (75)
Kalanga (2)
Kalasha (27)
Kamano (2)
Kambaata (125)
Kambera (2)
Kamu (67)
Kanasi (3)
Kanga (193)
Kanum, Bädi (6)
Kanum, Ngkâlmpw (23)
Kanum, Smärky (21)
Kanum, Sota (8)
Kap (7)
Kapingamarangi (3)
Karnai (4)
Karuwali (10)
Kaur (7)
Kayan, Baram (10)
Kaytetye (3)
Ke'o (13)
Keapara (4)
Kelon (18)
Kemak (16)
Kendayan (12)
Kerewo (3)
Kewa, East (3)
Kewa, West (2)
Khamti (33)
Khamyang (48)
Khehek (10)
Khmer, Central (2)
Khwe (2)
Kilivila (31)
Kilmeri (3)
Kimaragang (49)
Kinalakna (2)
Kiowa (3)
Kiribati (12)
Kis (2)
Kiwai, Northeast (79)
Kiwai, Southern (10)
Kodi (4)
Koiali, Mountain (7)
Koiari, Grass (16)
Koitabu (23)
Kok-Nar (6)
Kokota (28)
Komba (2)
Kopar (9)
Korean (4)
Koro (retired) (2)
Koromira (3)
Kosena (2)
Kosraean (2)
Kovai (2)
Kpasam (2)
Kriol (948)
Kua-nsi (4)
Kuanua (75)
Kube (5)
Kubo (2)
Kui (2)
Kukatja (7)
Kulon-Pazeh (12)
Kulung (2)
Kuman (15)
Kumukio (2)
Kunbarlang (28)
Kunggari (13)
Kungkari (6)
Kuni (5)
Kuni-Boazi (2)
Kunimaipa (2)
Kunjen (2)
Kuri (3)
Kurti (6)
Kusaghe (2)
Kuthant (7)
Kwaio (3)
Kwamera (46)
Kwanga (2)
Kwara'ae (21)
Kwoma (73)
Kyenele (3)
Kâte (11)
Labu (9)
Laghu (10)
Lakon (3)
Lala (3)
Lamaholot (7)
Lamenu (5)
Lamma (9)
Lamu-Lamu (4)
Langam (30)
Lanima (2)
Lao (4)
Laragia (43)
Larevat (5)
Latvian (4)
Lau (141)
Lauan (7)
Lavukaleve (8)
Lawunuia (4)
Lehali (2)
Leipon (5)
Lele (51)
Lelepa (146)
Lenakel (29)
Lengo (4)
Letemboi (29)
Lewo (35)
Li'o (32)
Lihir (3)
Likum (3)
Lithuanian (2)
Litzlitz (16)
Lo-Toga (8)
Lole (7)
Loloda (3)
Longgu (4)
Loniu (5)
Lonwolwol (10)
Lote (2)
Lou (7)
Loun (2)
Lovono (2)
Lungga (36)
Ma'anyan (7)
Macedonian (2)
Madngele (23)
Madura (4)
Mae (32)
Maewo, Central (42)
Mafea (70)
Magori (6)
Mah Meri (19)
Mai Brat (7)
Maia (6)
Maiani (4)
Mailu (9)
Maisin (7)
Maiwa (3)
Makasae (9)
Makasar (4)
Makian, West (35)
Maklew (12)
Makuv'a (7)
Mala (4)
Malagasy (2)
Malango (3)
Malas (6)
Malay (94)
Malay, Ambonese (2)
Malay, Central (159)
Malay, Kedah (2)
Malay, Kupang (36)
Malay, North Moluccan (48)
Malay, Papuan (31)
Malay, Standard (4)
Malayalam (2)
Maldivian (5)
Male (39)
Maleu-Kilenge (2)
Mali (131)
Malo (48)
Malol (6)
Malua Bay (12)
Mambae (30)
Manam (10)
Manambu (2)
Manangkari (19)
Manem (14)
Mangala (9)
Mangareva (5)
Mangerr (2)
Manggarai (5)
Manikion (5)
Manombai (5)
Maori (13)
Mape (3)
Maragus (10)
Marangis (2)
Maranunggu (40)
Marathi (2)
Margany (11)
Margu (12)
Mari (13)
Maria (2)
Maridjabin (8)
Marimanindji (5)
Marind (41)
Maring (38)
Maringarr (41)
Marino (32)
Marithiel (23)
Marovo (8)
Marquesan, North (28)
Marshallese (6)
Marti Ke (7)
Martu Wangka (33)
Maskelynes (12)
Matukar (198)
Maung (71)
Mawak (4)
Maya, Yucatec (5)
Mayaguduna (2)
Mayi-Kulan (2)
Mayi-Thakurti (2)
Mbula (3)
Mbula-Bwazza (9)
Meche (23)
Mekeo (16)
Mekmek (4)
Mele-Fila (16)
Melpa (19)
Mengen (4)
Mian (60)
Migabac (2)
Misima-Paneati (9)
Modang (7)
Modole (3)
Moi (retired) (9)
Mokerang (12)
Molima (3)
Momare (2)
Mondropolon (5)
Mongol (5)
Moni (4)
Mono (retired) (5)
Mor (retired) (2)
Morisyen (35)
Morori (70)
Moskona (2)
Mota (19)
Motu (145)
Motu, Hiri (107)
Mpotovoro (2)
Mpur (5)
Mudburra (56)
Muduapa (2)
Mullukmulluk (42)
Multiple languages (71)
Mum (8)
Muna (20)
Mundari (11)
Murik (5)
Murrinh-Patha (124)
Murupi (4)
Musak (64)
Musar (4)
Musom (13)
Mussau-Emira (3)
Mutu (2)
Mwaghavul (3)
Mwerlap (9)
Mwotlap (3)
Naasioi (14)
Nabak (3)
Nafi (11)
Nafri (2)
Naga, Makuri (3)
Naga, Sumi (262)
Naga, Tase (169)
Naga, Wancho (25)
Naha'ai (27)
Nahavaq (409)
Nakara (20)
Nali (7)
Nalögo (19)
Nama (70)
Namakura (129)
Namat (5)
Nambo (64)
Namia (2)
Nangikurrunggurr (29)
Nanubae (4)
Napoletano-Calabrese (7)
Nasal (28)
Nasarian (18)
Natügu (76)
Nauna (4)
Nauruan (5)
Navajo (3)
Nde-Nsele-Nta (4)
Nehan (4)
Neme (2)
Nen (106)
Nend (4)
Nengone (4)
Nepali (47)
Neve'ei (17)
Ngaanyatjarra (112)
Ngad'a (2)
Ngaing (4)
Ngala (3)
Ngalkbun (55)
Ngalum (2)
Ngamini (6)
Ngarinyin (2)
Ngarluma (2)
Ngawun (6)
Nias (2)
Nii (39)
Ninde (34)
Ningera (2)
Ninggerum (3)
Nisu, Southern (6)
Niue (3)
Nkem-Nkum (3)
No linguistic content (2021)
Nobonob (7)
Nokuku (7)
Nomu (2)
Norwegian (3)
Notsi (4)
Nukumanu (2)
Numbami (6)
Nupe-Nupe-Tako (2)
Nyangumarta (5)
Nyindrou (10)
Nyiyaparli (6)
Nyunga (8)
Obanliku (7)
Oirata (2)
Oksapmin (35)
Olkol (2)
Olo (3)
One, Molmo (12)
Onjob (3)
Ono (3)
Ontong Java (5)
Oriya (7)
Ormu (2)
Oroha (3)
Orokolo (13)
Otank (2)
Ouma (2)
Owa (4)
Paama (31)
Pagu (3)
Pak-Tong (6)
Paku (8)
Palauan (4)
Paluan (2)
Panim (6)
Panytyima (9)
Papapana (2)
Papua New Guinean Sign Language (PNGSL) (73)
Pare (13)
Pashto, Northern (2)
Pasi (4)
Pawaia (2)
Paynamar (49)
Penchal (7)
Petats (18)
Phake (4)
Phola (645)
Phuthi (2)
Pijin (650)
Pintiini (21)
Pintupi-Luritja (28)
Pirriya (5)
Pitjantjatjara (161)
Pitta Pitta (38)
Piu (10)
Pohnpeian (6)
Polish (2)
Pom (3)
Ponam (2)
Port Sandwich (9)
Puare (8)
Puinave (3)
Pukapuka (6)
Pulabu (9)
Pumi, Southern (6)
Punthamara (2)
Purari (13)
Putukwam (14)
Qaqet (2)
Rajbanshi (5)
Rakahanga-Manihiki (33)
Ramoaaina (8)
Rangpuri (9)
Rao (5)
Rapa (3)
Rapa Nui (25)
Rapoisi (3)
Rarotongan (181)
Rawa (4)
Rawo (7)
Rembarunga (8)
Rennell-Bellona (10)
Repanbitip (2)
Rerau (8)
Rerep (15)
Ringgou (9)
Ririo (12)
Romanian (3)
Romansch (2)
Roon (2)
Rotokas (8)
Rotuman (5)
Roviana (36)
Rumu (2)
Russian (150)
Sa (15)
Sa'a (4)
Sabu (147)
Saek (42)
Safaliba (13)
Sahu (9)
Sakao (15)
Saliba (14)
Sam (2)
Samo (10)
Samoan (129)
Sanskrit (5)
Saposa (3)
Sarasira (11)
Sasak (9)
Savosavo (5)
Saweru (5)
Sawi (2)
Seimat (2)
Seke (2)
Semai (5)
Sene (2)
Sepen (4)
Sera (2)
Serbian (2)
Sewa Bay (3)
She (3)
Sialum (3)
Siane (4)
Siar-Lak (4)
Sibe (4)
Sicilian (4)
Sie (40)
Sihan (4)
Sika (3)
Sikaiana (11)
Sileibi (28)
Siliput (8)
Simbo (7)
Sinasina (2)
Sinaugoro (16)
Singpho (15)
Sio (6)
Siwai (29)
Skou (2)
Sobei (3)
Solos (4)
Som (67)
Sora (7)
Sori-Harengan (9)
Sorsoganon, Southern (10)
Spanish (14)
Suau (10)
Sudest (6)
Suki (2)
Sukurum (14)
Sulka (5)
Sumbawa (2)
Sunda (12)
Surjapuri (2)
Sursurunga (3)
Swedish (2)
Tabaru (2)
Tabriak (3)
Tagalog (28)
Tahitian (16)
Taiap (84)
Taikat (3)
Tairora, North (3)
Talise (6)
Tami (38)
Tamil (3)
Tanahmerah (2)
Tangoa (17)
Tanna, North (12)
Tanna, Southwest (14)
Tapei (5)
Taroko (4)
Taupota (2)
Tawala (6)
Teiwa (3)
Telefol (7)
Telugu (2)
Teop (19)
Terei (29)
Termanu (51)
Ternate (3)
Tetun (60)
Thai (9)
Thai, Northern (3)
Tibetan (51)
Tidore (3)
Tii (4)
Tikopia (12)
Tinputz (2)
Titan (331)
Tiwi (20)
To'abaita (143)
Toaripi (9)
Tobati (3)
Tobelo (7)
Tobo (3)
Tok Pisin (2127)
Tolomako (6)
Tombulu (7)
Tomoip (2)
Tongan (16)
Tonsawang (14)
Tonsea (14)
Torau (28)
Torres Strait Creole (2)
Torricelli (19)
Touo (10)
Toura (2)
Triqui, Chicahuaxtla (2)
Triqui, Copala (2)
Triqui, San Martín Itunyoso (2)
Tsum (78)
Tuamotuan (6)
Tukudede (4)
Tulu-Bohuai (8)
Tumleo (7)
Turkish (2)
Turung (26)
Tutong (65)
Uab Meto (299)
Uare (4)
Ubir (6)
Ugong (52)
Uisai (5)
Ujir (6)
Ukrainian (2)
Ulau-Suain (5)
Ulithian (3)
Umanakaina (4)
Umbugarla (24)
Una (11)
Undetermined language (423)
Unserdeutsch (3)
Unua (19)
Ura (retired) (18)
Urat (3)
Urdu (4)
Uri (39)
Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin (43)
Uruava (7)
Usarufa (2)
Uvean, West (3)
V'ënen Taut (20)
Vaeakau-Taumako (12)
Valman (3)
Vanimo (8)
Vao (21)
Varisi (8)
Vietnamese (6)
Vurës (41)
Waboda (3)
Wadjiginy (4)
Wagaya (27)
Wahgi (6)
Waima (5)
Waioli (3)
Wala (2)
Wallisian (7)
Walmajarri (20)
Wambaya (68)
Wamin (15)
Wampar (76)
Wampur (11)
Wanambre (4)
Wandamen (98)
Wanggamala (12)
Wangkayutyuru (16)
Wanman (3)
Wantoat (4)
Wanyi (9)
Warapu (49)
Waris (3)
Warkay-Bipim (2)
Warlmanpa (115)
Warlpiri (166)
Warluwara (29)
Waropen (2)
Warumungu (7)
Warungu (146)
Warwar Feni (2)
Wasembo (233)
Waskia (7)
Watubela (2)
Watut, Middle (10)
Watut, South (14)
Wedau (12)
Wejewa (49)
Welsh (2)
Whitesands (52)
Wiarumus (2)
Wik-Mungkan (3)
Wiru (208)
Wogamusin (2)
Wogeo (2)
Woi (3)
Wolani (2)
Wom (3)
Wulna (42)
Wutung (32)
Wuvulu-Aua (17)
Wára (24)
Xaragure (4)
Xhosa (3)
Xârâcùù (6)
Yabem (6)
Yaben (4)
Yagaria (7)
Yagwoia (158)
Yanyuwa (7)
Yapese (6)
Yareba (2)
Yau (49)
Yaul (5)
Yawa (2)
Yei (11)
Yele (9)
Yelmek (187)
Yendang (3)
Yerakai (2)
Yimas (15)
Yindjilandji (16)
Yir Yoront (14)
Yonggom (10)
Yopno (2)
Yotti (2)
Yugur, West (5)
Yuracare (7)
Zabana (7)
Zazao (17)
Zhuang, Guibian (3)
Zimakani (2)
Zulu (3)
Äiwoo (70)
Ömie (25)
Afghanistan (2)
American Samoa (5)
Australia (6644)
Austria (2)
Azerbaijan (3)
Bangladesh (32)
Benin (1)
Bhutan (32)
Bolivia (7)
Botswana (2)
Brunei (65)
Bulgaria (3)
Cambodia (4)
Cameroon (19)
Chad (4)
Chile (25)
China (939)
Congo (2)
Cook Islands (173)
Czech Republic (2)
Côte d'Ivoire (1)
Denmark (2)
East Timor (118)
Egypt (1)
Estonia (2)
Ethiopia (142)
Fiji (705)
Finland (2)
France (2)
French Polynesia (58)
Georgia (3)
Germany (4)
Ghana (20)
Greece (3)
Greenland (1)
Guam (2)
Hong Kong (2)
Hungary (3)
Iceland (3)
India (622)
Indonesia (3452)
Iran (1)
Italy (303)
Japan (190)
Kenya (36)
Kiribati (15)
Korea, North (2)
Korea, South (3)
Laos (43)
Latvia (4)
Lebanon (2)
Libya (1)
Lithuania (2)
Macedonia (2)
Madagascar (2)
Malaysia (238)
Maldives (5)
Marshall Islands (9)
Mauritius (35)
Mexico (6)
Micronesia (24)
Myanmar (3241)
Nauru (5)
Nepal (530)
Netherlands (2)
New Caledonia (79)
New Zealand (77)
Niger (1)
Nigeria (121)
Niue (3)
Northern Mariana Islands (31)
Norway (3)
Pakistan (27)
Palau (5)
Palestinian West Bank and Gaza (1)
Papua New Guinea (9028)
Philippines (342)
Poland (2)
Romania (2)
Russian Federation (156)
Samoa (139)
Singapore (32)
Slovakia (2)
Solomon Islands (2031)
South Africa (7)
Spain (2)
Sri Lanka (18)
Sudan (195)
Sweden (2)
Switzerland (3)
Taiwan (36)
Thailand (71)
Togo (1)
Tonga (87)
Tuvalu (1)
Uganda (2)
United Kingdom (4)
United States (204)
Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
Embergah Te Abo (1)
Alexander Adelaar (33)
Raymond Agber (1)
Brigitte Agnew (4)
Barry Alpher (13)
Jing An (6)
Gregory Anderson (41)
I Wayan Arka (70)
Mary Ayres (20)
Louise Baird (39)
Keira Ballantyne (1)
Chris Ballard (3)
Russell Barlow (46)
Danielle Barth (209)
Wolfgang Barth (42)
Linda Barwick (322)
Prafulla Basumatary (23)
Bristone Bayeso (1)
Jill Beckman (69)
James Bednall (136)
Bettina Beer (1)
Neil Bell (38)
Roger Bell (1)
Andrea Berez (90)
Sandrine Bessis (51)
Rosey Billington (224)
Steven Bird (1)
Barry Blake (19)
Roger Blench (37)
Ian Blue (4)
Robert Blust (10)
Krishna Boro (15)
Claire Bowern (2)
David Bradley (55)
Joel Bradshaw (5)
Eva Brandl (10)
Gavan Breen (566)
Seino Van Breugel (1)
Tim Brickell (21)
Amanda Brotchie (12)
Reuben Brown (74)
Mitchell Browne (112)
Buba (1)
John Burton (46)
Henri Campagnolo (1)
Ian Campbell (3)
Lauren Campbell (14)
Amy Cao (157)
Arthur Capell (1275)
Margaret Carew (136)
Mae Carroll (265)
J. K. (Jack) Chambers (3)
Kate Charlwood (1)
Simon Christie (9)
Sandra Chung (65)
Claudia Cialone (14)
Ross Clark (5)
John M Clifton (8)
Adrian Clynes (65)
Susan Cochrane (73)
Antonio Comin (27)
Ann Cooreman (8)
Miriam Corris (36)
Fanny Cottet (3)
Peter Crowe (151)
Terry Crowley (58)
Melissa Crowther (12)
Kirsten Culhane (18)
Mary Dalrymple (1)
Damulak (1)
Don Daniels (1279)
Virginia Dawson (26)
Simon Devylder (70)
Thomas Diaz (36)
Greg Dickson (1)
Daniela Diedrich (8)
Laura Dimock (392)
Samantha Disbray (1342)
Rikker Dockum (32)
Christian Doehler (2)
Mark Donohue (5)
Tara Douglas (25)
Wilf Douglas (11)
Andrey Drinfeld (18)
Marie France Duhamel (134)
Ros Dunlop (63)
Mark Durie (98)
Tom Dutton (298)
Wayne Dye (395)
Domenyk Eades (9)
Robert Early (26)
Shiho Ebihara (4)
Owen Edwards (158)
Niall Edwards-FitzSimons (84)
Gertrude Elai (34)
A.P. Elkin (88)
George Elliott (1)
Thomas Ennever (147)
Joseph Errington (15)
DeAndre Espree-Conaway (8)
Bethwyn Evans (1)
Nicholas Evans (330)
Ellen Facey (17)
Cathy Falk (7)
Sebastian Fedden (32)
Rick Feinberg (3)
Hugh de Ferranti (159)
Hans Fischer (62)
Janet Fletcher (19)
William Foley (43)
Linda Ford (20)
Diana Forker (5)
Zygmunt Frajzyngier (65)
Ian Frazer (374)
Cameron Fruit (3)
Steven Gagau (4)
Kristina Gallego (150)
Paul Gardissart (13)
Don Gardner (27)
Emily Gasser (108)
Volker Gast (1)
Lauren Gawne (285)
Paul Geraghty (510)
John Giacon (1)
Benjamin Gimba (1)
Sonja Gipper (7)
Marie Bembie Girado (13)
David Goldsworthy (701)
Henry Goronwy (1)
George Grace (1)
Andrew Gray (1)
James Gray (8)
Ian Green (187)
Tina Gregor (200)
Murray Groves (36)
Valerie Guerin (143)
Brian Hadfield (20)
James Hafford (12)
Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway (51)
Jeremy Hammond (38)
Wei Han (39)
Marcus Hansley (2)
Anne-Marie Hari (20)
John Harris (78)
Salome Harris (5)
Mark Harvey (376)
Yasunori Hayashi (2)
Michael Heppell (83)
Luise Hercus (1)
Stephen Hill (6)
Anglican History (8)
Gabrielle Hodge (10)
Monika Hoehlig (10)
Darja Hoenigman (72)
David Holm (3)
Gary Holton (87)
Susanne Holzknecht (160)
Fiona Honeyman (43)
Tom Honeyman (39)
Brian Harvey Hodgson Hooker (2)
Christina Hornéy (47)
Rolf Hotz (7)
Huade Huang (4)
Joyce Hudson (15)
Grace Hull (2)
Celeste Humphris (41)
Qandeel Hussain (27)
Catherine 英倩蕾 Ingram (1)
Jackse (1)
Kari James (2)
Dorothy Jauncey (35)
Gerd Jendraschek (16)
John Jensen (2)
James Martin Johansson (1)
Wesley Kuhron Jones (260)
Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka (2)
Gray Kaltapau (21)
Eri Kashima (47)
Jodie Kell (68)
Piers Kelly (62)
Tim Kemp (1)
Kierien (1)
Yukinori Kimoto (3)
Stuart Kirsch (8)
Norikazu Kogura (1)
Markos Koumoulas (15)
Ana Krajinovic (166)
Inge Kral (123)
Daniel Krausse (76)
Paul Kroeger (48)
Nicole Kruspe (35)
Don Kulick (82)
Keita Kurabe (2895)
Randy LaPolla (1)
Wolfgang Laade (1)
Roderic Lacey (106)
Sebastien Lacrampe (53)
Renée Lambert-Brétière (75)
Mary Laughren (1)
Ralph Lawton (14)
Don Laycock (133)
Jerry Wayne Leach (1)
Jenny Lee (12)
E. Leroux (1)
Shubo Li (57)
Ying-che Li (12)
Ismael Lieberherr (1)
Piet Lincoln (3)
Kate L. Lindsey (1016)
Lamont Lindstrom (24)
Naijing Liu (101)
David Lloyd (181)
Robyn Loughnane (35)
Joseph Lovestrand (6)
David Luders (56)
Jonathon Lum (5)
John Lynch (1)
Bob MacLennan (2)
Neil Maclean (36)
Carol Magnusson (1)
Alex Maikarfi (1)
Catriona Malau (42)
John Mansfield (57)
Allan Marett (25)
Anna Margetts (31)
Alexandra Marley (89)
Doug Marmion (28)
Marieke Martin (3)
Graham McDonald (9)
Lynne McDonald (27)
Bradley McDonnell (192)
Debra McDougall (96)
Ken McElhanon (57)
James McElvenny (23)
Andrew McIntyre (15)
Bonnie McLean (11)
Felicity Meakins (2057)
Sabrina C. Meier (1)
Weijian Meng (42)
Julia Colleen Miller (2)
Jadran Mimica (158)
Emil Mittag (1)
Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi (36)
Kylie Moloney (28)
Kate E Mooney (38)
Megan Morais (150)
Stephen Morey (341)
Ulrike Mosel (46)
Claire Moyse-Faurie (12)
Mijke Mulder (60)
Keira Mullan (48)
John Muniru (4)
Solomons Museum (229)
Kate Naitoro (14)
David Nash (3)
Nazarudin Nazarudin (5)
Mother Tongue Centre Nepal (78)
John Newman (5)
Sally Akevai Nicholas (170)
Hiroki Nomoto (17)
Rachel Nordlinger (224)
Åshild Næss (6)
Kazuko Obata (12)
Aslak Vaag Olesen (36)
Bruno Olsson (38)
Catalina Torres Orjuela (9)
Adam Paliwala (40)
Bill Palmer (61)
Mary Patterson (5)
Andrew Pawley (86)
Elizabeth Pearce (8)
Dalan Mehuli Perangin-Angin (24)
Manuel David Gonzalez Perez (670)
Anthony Phillips (4)
Roslyn Poignant (10)
Mark Post (2)
Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi (12)
Colin Price (1)
Kilu von Prince (78)
Evelyn Ramsay (1)
Md Mostafa Rashel (18)
Marie Reay (58)
Lauren Reed (168)
Kenneth Rehg (1)
Nicholas Reid (24)
Sonja Riesberg (72)
Jean-Claude Rivierre (1)
Laura Robinson (80)
Calvin Roesler (136)
Marta Rohatynskyj (24)
Lila San Roque (31)
Malcolm Ross (99)
Mike Rueck (25)
Alan Rumsey (293)
Philipp Rönchen (60)
Leonard Sam (11)
Giordana Santosuosso (53)
Hannah Sarvasy (48)
Samuel Saul (1)
Yusuf Sawaki (3)
Catherine Scanlon (29)
Andrea C. Schalley (2)
Meinrad Scheller (29)
Anne van Schie (9)
Cindy Schneider (62)
Dineke Schokkin (339)
Theodore Schwartz (543)
Albert Schütz (73)
Ari Sherris (13)
Vong Tsuh Shi (44)
Aviva MPI Shimelman (243)
Richard Shing (42)
Asako Shiohara (9)
Aung Si (20)
Jeff Siegel (106)
Jane Simpson (62)
Ruth Singer (41)
Sixtus (1)
Hedvig Skirgård (74)
Rebekah Slade (4)
Rebekha Slade (31)
Olaf Smedal (2)
Geoff Smith (92)
Ian Russell Smith (18)
Nannah Soji (1)
Hilário de Sousa (8)
Wolfgang Sperlich (29)
Natasha Stacey (7)
Tonya Stebbins (130)
Chester Street (25)
Laurence Stubbs (14)
S.P. Symonds (1)
Thersia Tamelan (113)
Tamisha Tan (88)
Apay Tang (4)
Allen Tanko (1)
Ian Tedder (27)
Amos Teo (264)
Tote Tepano (22)
Nick Thieberger (575)
Martin Thomas (1)
Johnny Tjia (5)
Robert Tonkinson (58)
Matthew Toulmin (19)
Yvonne Treis (140)
Darrell Tryon (14)
Atsuko Utsumi (15)
VKS (140)
Various Various (17)
Tonjes Veenstra (35)
Eline Visser (1)
Radu Voica (610)
Bert Voorhoeve (205)
Israel Wade (1)
Omonor Wade (1)
Alan Walker (45)
Mary Walworth (4)
Xiyao Wang (4)
Pema Wangdi (32)
Michael Webb (110)
Tom Webb (39)
James Weiner (79)
Geoffrey White (26)
Made Wijaya (Michael White) (210)
Sasha Wilmoth (197)
Aidan Wilson (18)
Stephen (S.A.) Wurm (212)
Yanti (351)
Asako Shiohara, Yanti (5)
Zachariah Yoder (35)
Kamaludin Yusra (1)
Muhammad Zakaria (6)
John Zgraggen (377)
Yarjis Xueqing Zhong (5)
myfany turpin (216)
zacha (1)
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
LSNG08-SE_EE049 IPA Minimal Pair List - Paine Kurupel Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_EE054 Aspect Video Elicitation - Keith Mado Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_EF002 Announcements #1-4 (retelling) Take 2 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI001 Interview with Yenis Nixon Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI005 Interview with Tomato Mado Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI007 Interview with Manggeya Nama Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI008 Interview with Kalamato Joanang Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI014 Interview with Christina Soma Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI015 Interview with Mecklyn (Takeya) Dieb Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI021 Interview with Wagiba Geser Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI025 Interview with Yina Bewag Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI031 Interview with Donae Kurupel Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI041 Family Problems Picture Task 4.4 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI042 Family Problems Picture Task 5.1 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI046 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Christina Soma Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI053 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Paine Kurupel Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 10 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI068 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Catherine Duiya Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI069 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Linda Duiya Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI072 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Duiya Sobam Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI073 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Warani Pewe Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 12 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI077 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Kesa (Ivan) George Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI080 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Anna Duiya Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI092 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Kalamato Joanang Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI096 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Kaso Nama Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI097 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Namaya Karea Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI102 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Dukes (Dugal) Karea Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI104 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Tutuli (Kwalde) Jerry Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI115 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Amadu Manang Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI118 Sociolinguistic Questionnaire - Kwale Geser Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PI119 Informed Consent and Archive Protocol Discussion Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN001 How Cuscus got short ears (Baet bo llan a allame de tubutubu gogon) (retelling) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN007 Silly ska language story Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN008 Gämällang Komlla (retelling) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN013 Kottlam bo pallall ttoen (retelling) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN015 Ttongo mälla bäne ttoenttoen (retelling) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN018 Ngämo nag Pitepo Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN019 Mätta vs. galbe (comparison of yam species) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN027 Fishing Lobster Story (retelling) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_PN043 Ende Tän e Indrang - Mangkol Sobam Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF008 How to start a mat Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF009 How to make a water basket Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF015 Marriage then and now Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF017 Speech #1 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF019 Speech #3 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF020 Speech #4 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF021 Christmas Sermon Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF023 Baby Chris's Funeral Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF024 Baby Chris's Burial Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SF043 Mangkol Sobam bäne eka duwemduwem täräp me Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2019-06-18 View
LSNG08-SE_SI002 Conversation about traditional clothing Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SI003 Conversation about the day Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SI004 Conversation about Weaving - 1 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SI020 Conversation about cassowary song FIND OUT NAME Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SI025 Family Problems Picture Task 1.2 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SI026 Family Problems Picture Task 2.2 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN004 Mondre pallall ttoenttoen (Short gardening story) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN009 Bobzag tän bo mabun ibiatt ttoenttoen (The journey of the bobzag clan's crocodile totem) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN012 Pepeb Eka (Four girls and four boys) and song Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN013 Funeral traditions Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN018 Tatuma ibiatt (legend) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN019 How we went diving Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN020 Firstborn Tradition Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN031 Ause da llamda da (Goanna Story) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN041 Saly's Pig Story Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN046 Mätta dadel (Yam harvest) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN049 Story of the Limol/Malam coconut tree Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 8 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN052 Wendy's Coconut Tree Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN055 Gidu's Coconut Story Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN057 Para, an old-times challenge event Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN064 Uncle Sipiki's Celebration Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN065 Uncle Sipiki's Celebration Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN066 Llimollang aba giddoll ttoen Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN067 Matthew and the New Year's Fight Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN068 Al and the New Year's Fight Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN075 Yawin's story Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN076 Kakos' story - 3 Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN079 Ruriruri ttoen (Earthquake story) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SN081 Kaoga bäne kottllam ttoenttoen Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS002 Welcome ceremony 2015 songs (Limol) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS006 Welcome ceremony 2016 songs (Men) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS019 God bäne olle de ke (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS021 Yesu a obo kuddäll täräp me (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS025 Bobo ere ma (Dance song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS027 Borare (Bamboo flute, music only) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS028 Pa kälsre da (Children's song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS030 O Kukunda (Children's song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS033 Duku a bi mateas alle (Children's song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-21 View
LSNG08-SE_SS040 Topoll eka da kunglle kunglle (Children's song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS046 Lla da tämamae (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS050 Ngäna ibi allan (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS054 Ekaklle Ulle (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS056 Orapeb Bandra (Folk song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS061 Ibi Sisirae (Dance song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS077 Yesu a olle allan (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS079 Ddia Ibitri (Dance song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS081 Yesu mer dan a (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS085 Ibra otät ngänaeka ttoen a mɨnyi bongättägän a (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS087 Yesu Keriso adalla ngäna era ekaklle ulle indrang da (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS089 Buk a komllaebe (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS095 Yesu bom iba gagäll (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS102 Yesu ngattong (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS107 Tuk mi enjul (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS110 Baba God bäne llɨg (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS112 Yesu mɨnyi bongosän (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS115 Ddapall a ttängäm a (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS125 Yesu togolma dan (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS137 Wayaibo (Folk song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS141 Baba Godd a ttong ttoen (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 7 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS150 Lla mälla (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS151 Lla da tämamae (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS153 O nagnag wiyamom (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS157 Sisor ttängäm Zurusalem (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS160 Auri baba (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS168 Imomdae imomdae Yesu Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS170 Ddapall ma we (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS171 Ngämaele gwa (Folk song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS177 Yesu bom däbäddeyo (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS194 Arama ge (Children's song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SE_SS197 Yesu a obo kuddäll täräp me (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SI_EE001 Language Family Survey - Idi (Wasang Baiio) Kate L. Lindsey Idi Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SK_EE005 Yamfinder Survey (Kawam) Kate L. Lindsey Kawam Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SK_EE008 Yamfinder Survey (Kawam) - Mamena Agesa Kate L. Lindsey Kawam Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SK_SN001 Wama's Fishing Story (Kawam) Kate L. Lindsey Kawam Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SM_EE002 Em Liquid Survey Kate L. Lindsey Em Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SM_EE003 Proto PR Survey (Em) - Käral Munu Kate L. Lindsey Em Papua New Guinea 12 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SM_SN002 Uzabag's Marriage Story (Em) Kate L. Lindsey Em Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-ST_EE001 Language Family Survey - Tame (Musato Giwo) Kate L. Lindsey Täme Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-ST_EE005 Ende and Tame Liquid Survey Kate L. Lindsey Täme Papua New Guinea 6 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SX_SS001 Bonae bonae bonae Song (Samoa/Tonga) Kate L. Lindsey Samoa Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SX_SS003 Knowing you are great (English) Kate L. Lindsey English Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SX_SS013 Baima Yakioka (Kämag) Kate L. Lindsey Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SX_SS028 God is so good (Church song) Kate L. Lindsey English Papua New Guinea 5 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-SX_SS029 Nanu Pipi (Children's song) Kate L. Lindsey Papua New Guinea 4 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_ET003 Ngäna sɨmell mägda dan (I am a mother pig) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-28 View
LSNG08-WE_PN001 Baet bo llan a allame de tubutubu gogon Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_PN005 Ddia da wa kottlam a Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_PN009 Tatuma ibiatt pepeb Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_PN010 Garden Story (Pingam) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_PN017 Yu Ingong Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 1 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_PN021 Kui mamoeatt Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_PN028 Borale da endan Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_PN031 Gabma manman aba kongkomatt eka (Picking up the white women) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_SN002 Sana Buk Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 1 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_SN003 Lla Pauro Buk Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_SN015 Kwalde Bäne Däräng Kongkomatt Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 1 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_SN018 Maneya Bo Ttoen Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 1 2018-12-22 View
LSNG08-WE_SN022 Tudi Ma Ibiatt (Going Fishing) Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 1 2018-12-22 View
WDVA1-IPAD_20 Warakurna Inge Kral Ngaanyatjarra Australia 9 2020-09-24 View
WDVA1-MIR_29 Tjarlaku Inge Kral Ngaanyatjarra Australia 13 2020-09-24 View
WDVA1-TJILK_02 Mama Mama Ngunytju Ngunytju Inge Kral Ngaanyatjarra Australia 21 2020-09-24 View
RE1-001 Moriu Custom Stories Robert Early Vanuatu 5 2019-12-10 View
RE1-005 Iouano Tealo: Paki Robert Early Vanuatu 6 2019-06-21 View
BR1-073 The North Wind and the Sun Rosey Billington Vanuatu 2 2021-04-13 View
BR1-080 Phonological contrasts and processes Rosey Billington Vanuatu 2 2021-04-13 View
BR1-081 Plosives wordlist Rosey Billington Vanuatu 2 2021-04-13 View
BR1-082 The North Wind and the Sun Rosey Billington Vanuatu 2 2021-04-13 View
BR1-087 Plosives wordlist Rosey Billington Vanuatu 2 2021-04-13 View
NB1-002 Timmy Payungka singing Neil Bell Australia 5 2023-05-21 View
NB1-003 Electoral Visit to Kintore 27/10/1981 Neil Bell Australia 2 2023-05-21 View
AK1-150 Iamitive and nondum questionnaire Ana Krajinovic Nafsan Vanuatu 5 2024-03-01 View
AK1-153 Elicitation about conditionals Ana Krajinovic Nafsan Vanuatu 2 2024-03-01 View
AK1-154 Storyboard elicitation Ana Krajinovic Nafsan Vanuatu 29 2024-03-01 View
AK1-159 Negation questionnaire Ana Krajinovic Nafsan Vanuatu 13 2024-03-01 View
AK1-163 Elicitation about 'fe' (perfect irrealis) and 'fo' (prospective irrealis) Ana Krajinovic Nafsan Vanuatu 2 2024-03-01 View
LSNG08-SE_EE058 IPA Word list - Joshua Ben Danipa Kate L. Lindsey Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2018-12-22 View
DSN-201708 Word list Hiroki Nomoto Dusun Malaysia 2 2018-09-14 View
NB1-015 Election 87 Neil Bell Australia 5 2023-05-21 View
NB1-017 Joseph Donald/Jean Brumby Neil Bell Australia 5 2023-05-21 View
CHU01-LA_161121_01 Interview Celeste Humphris Lower Arrernte Australia 3 2018-11-30 View
CHU01-LA_161127_01 Interview Celeste Humphris Lower Arrernte Australia 3 2018-11-30 View
CHU01-LA_161211_03 Interview Celeste Humphris Lower Arrernte Australia 3 2018-11-30 View
CHU01-VID_LA_161214_02 Interview Celeste Humphris Lower Arrernte Australia 2 2018-11-30 View
CHU01-LA_161216_02 Interview Celeste Humphris Lower Arrernte Australia 2 2018-11-30 View
IF01-006 Collection Guide: Guide to Cassete Tapes from 1985 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 1 2020-03-19 View
IF01-123 MC7: Cassette series 1971-1972 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-141 MC25: Cassette series 1971-1972 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
NB1-037 Dinny Smith Neil Bell Australia 5 2023-05-21 View
CB4-dictionary Titan Dictionary Claire Bowern Papua New Guinea 3 2019-01-03 View
NB1-041 Voting A.L.P English/Aranda Neil Bell Australia 2 2023-05-21 View
IF01-146 C2: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-154 C10: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 6 2020-03-19 View
IF01-155 C11: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 12 2020-03-19 View
IF01-159 C15: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 12 2020-03-19 View
IF01-175 C32: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-185 C42: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 12 2020-03-19 View
CC01-2016NAV Navigation 2016 Claudia Cialone Australia 18 2018-11-03 View
KC1-aozFG20170922 John Tamoes traditional wedding Kirsten Culhane Uab Meto Indonesia 3 2018-10-27 View
KC1-aozFG20171001 Traditional Prayer Kirsten Culhane Uab Meto Indonesia 3 2018-10-27 View
DD1-701 Plant talk: Winggi and Yakar Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2019-03-21 View
DD1-702 Plant talk: Kambis Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-705 Plant talk: Sabor haru in Qyan Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2022-09-14 View
DD1-709 Plant talk: Buma Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-716 Plant talk: Kore Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-722 Plant talk: Bnggum Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2022-09-14 View
DD1-731 Plant talk: Yenggreng Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-734 Plant talk: Yaimbang Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-744 Plant talk: Bsanggu and Uqo uqo Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-749 Plant talk: Qamben Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-753 Plant talk: Songgon Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-754 Possum Story Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-763 Plant talk: Ginggeng Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-767 Ethnobotany Day 4 permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-769 Plant talk: Hunji Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-776 Plant talk: Kondi Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-778 Plant talk: Snjleng Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-779 Plant talk: Kam Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-781 They Pushed Mbolon Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2019-03-21 View
DD1-783 Plant talk: Gsegseng Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-790 Plant talk: Kuwi mbramu Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-791 Plant talk: Dinggin Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-804 Plant talk: Mnggul qam Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-805 Plant talk: Ringgi and Tlambu Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-806 Plant talk: Kubeng karang Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2019-03-21 View
DD1-808 Plant talk: Krab mul and Smbar Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-812 Plant talk: Kanyaru Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-816 Plant talk: Todu Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-818 Plant talk: Qri kumjeng and Mul udu Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-819 Plant talk: Krdu sreung Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2019-03-21 View
DD1-822 Plant talk: Mainggom Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-833 Ethnobotany Day 8 permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-834 JA Day 8 Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-837 Plant talk: Ggeli Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-850 Plant talk: Rumanying Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-852 Plant talk: Marem ringgi Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-862 Boys Dance Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-868 Making a Fence Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2019-03-21 View
DD1-877 Farewell Sermon Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-881 I Was Sick Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2019-03-21 View
DD1-883 MB TiT Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-886 My Father Married Two Women Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-891 My Uncles Raised Me Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2019-03-21 View
DD1-893 Sorcerers Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 7 2019-03-21 View
DD1-897 Provider Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-900 Darkness Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-903 RuY Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-904 A Snake Bit Me Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 12 2019-03-21 View
DD1-913 Singsing: Catching a Piglet Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 4 2019-03-21 View
DD1-914 Singsing: Stone Axe Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 4 2019-03-21 View
DD1-920 Don's Work Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-922 Farewell Speech Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-930 Farewell Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-939 Pig Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-944 Eagle and Bat Permission Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 2 2019-03-21 View
DD1-947 Lightning Woman Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 6 2019-03-21 View
DD1-952 Bara 5 notebook Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 1 2019-03-21 View
DD1-955 Nend A notebook Don Daniels Papua New Guinea 1 2019-03-21 View
DD1-956 Manat A notebook Don Daniels Manat Papua New Guinea 1 2019-03-21 View
DD1-960 Aisi A notebook Don Daniels Aisi Papua New Guinea 1 2019-03-21 View
CHV01-RC006 RC006 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC007 RC007 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 8 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC017 RC017 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC022 RC022 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC024 RC024 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 9 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC028 RC028 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC034 RC034 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC035 RC035 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 9 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC039 RC039 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC040 RC040 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC058 RC058 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC060 RC060 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC062 RC062 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC065 RC065 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC066 RC066 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC072 RC072 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC075 RC075 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC076 RC076 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC078 RC078 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC084 RC084 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC085 RC085 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC088 RC088 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC092 RC092 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC093 RC093 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 9 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC104 RC104 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 9 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC113 RC113 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC118 RC118 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC121 RC121 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 6 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC127 RC127 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 4 2018-12-12 View
CHV01-RC146 RC146 Kate L. Lindsey Russian Federation 4 2018-12-12 View
MFD1-005_F07 Interview of a 29 y.o. woman Marie France Duhamel Raga Vanuatu 2 2021-04-07 View
MFD1-005_F08 Interview of a 41 y.o. woman Marie France Duhamel Raga Vanuatu 2 2021-04-07 View
MFD1-003_M20 Cyclone Pam Marie France Duhamel Raga Vanuatu 2 2021-04-07 View
CC01-2016NARR_ClosedAccess BKW narratives 2016 (Closed Access Files) Claudia Cialone Australia 5 2020-06-22 View
PC1-Tape_04 Torn and illegible label Peter Crowe Vanuatu 2023-06-09 View
PC1-Tape_06 LOLAM Peter Crowe Vanuatu 2 2023-06-09 View
PC1-Tape_07 BILL FISHER Peter Crowe Vanuatu 2 2023-06-09 View
PC1-Tape_12 LOLAM (2) Peter Crowe Vanuatu 2 2023-06-09 View
PC1-Tape_13 SELI HOO Peter Crowe Vanuatu 2 2023-06-09 View
PC1-Tape_15 Goons songs Peter Crowe Vanuatu 2023-06-09 View
PC1-Tape_17 Discussion of Tamtams (video) Peter Crowe Vanuatu 2 2023-06-23 View
LG1-Twentyquestions Twenty questions image set Lauren Gawne Nepal 8 2018-11-10 View
OE2-aazRO20141009_05 Ro'is Amarasi body part terms Owen Edwards Ro'is Amarasi Indonesia 3 2019-02-19 View
OE2-aazRO20141009_06 Notes on Ro'is Owen Edwards Ro'is Amarasi Indonesia 1 2019-02-19 View
OE2-aazRO20170820_03 Ro'is natural world and body parts terms Owen Edwards Ro'is Amarasi Indonesia 3 2019-02-19 View
OE2-aazRO20170821_02 Melki Buraen’s life story continued Owen Edwards Ro'is Amarasi Indonesia 2 2019-02-19 View
OE2-aazRO20170827_01 Old beliefs Owen Edwards Ro'is Amarasi Indonesia 3 2019-02-19 View
OE2-aazRO20170901_GatmelFamily My Village Owen Edwards Ro'is Amarasi Indonesia 7 2019-02-19 View
MW6-001 Pacific Gold Studios and Rabaul Music by Greg Seeto, Rabaul Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 2 2022-12-10 View
MW6-027 A Bot Songs by Pilemon ToKilang and Esly Tavil (Continued), Bitavavar Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-054 Interview and Performance of Stringband Songs by Team Nanuk, Nanuk Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-081 Tolai "Tubuan" Songs (Tapialai) at Matamatam, Vunamurmur, Kokopo Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 2 2022-12-10 View
MW6-086 Various Musical Performances, Rabaul, ENB Province Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 2 2023-11-15 View
MW6-017 Interview with Blasius ToUna, Nodup (Continued) Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-022 Interview with David Kepas, Rabaul Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-039 Interview with Resin ToLop, Vunairoto Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-046 Interview with Willie Seeto and Desmond Woo, Rabaul Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-048 Interview (Continued) with Julie Toliman, PGS Rabaul Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-060 Interview with ToJack Tonga of Duke of Yorks Is (Continued), Malay Town, Rabaul Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-062 Interview with Tuluet Lepan, Davapia, Rabuana Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-070 Interview with Chris Mandawali, PGS Studios, Rabaul Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
MW6-082 Stringband songs of John Wowono and Tabunatava Michael Webb Papua New Guinea 4 2022-12-10 View
TG1-ASKfor Elicitation about ASK for Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-CLIMB Elicitation about CLIMB Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-COUGH Elicitation about COUGH Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-Dudalim Dudalim Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-07-31 View
TG1-DudalimSong_2 Dudalim song 1 Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 4 2020-07-31 View
TG1-HUG Elicitation about HUG Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-KILL Elicitation about KILL Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-KNOW Elicitation about KNOW Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-LIKE Elicitation about LIKE Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-Possession Possession Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-SEARCHfor Elicitation about SEARCH for Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-SHOUTat Elicitation about SHOUT Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-Song_4 Traditional song 4 Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 4 2020-05-26 View
TG1-Song_5 Traditional song 5 Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 4 2020-05-26 View
TG1-TimeOfDay Time of day Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-TooMuch Elicitation about expressions for to much Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-05-26 View
TG1-Vocative Vocative Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 4 2020-05-26 View
TG1-WanamPlan Plans for Wanam Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 6 2020-07-31 View
TG1-InterviewAnna Interview with Anna Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 2 2020-07-31 View
TG1-InterviewMarselina Interview with Ibu Marselina Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 4 2020-07-31 View
TG1-Fishing_Marsel Fishing film described by Bp. Mars Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 6 2020-07-31 View
TG1-Fishing_Norberta Fishing film description by Norberta Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 6 2020-07-31 View
TG1-SagoCutting_Norberta Sago fim 1 by Ibu Norberta Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 6 2020-07-31 View
TG1-BirdBook Bird book Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 50 2020-05-26 View
TG1-RelativeClause Elicitation about relative clause Tina Gregor Yelmek 8 2020-05-26 View
HVN2018-CON001 Basic introductions Yanti Hawu Indonesia 5 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-CON005 Farming conversation Yanti Hawu Indonesia 5 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-CON006 Weaving Yanti Hawu Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-CON007 Fishing Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-CON008 Daily activities Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-ELIC012 Aspects of the grammar Yanti Hawu Indonesia 5 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-INS001 Chameleon storyboard Yanti Hawu Indonesia 5 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON004 Wolo Manu Yanti Hawu Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON009 Someone who comes and brings goodness than leaves Yanti Hawu Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON010 Don't forget where you belong Yanti Hawu Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON014 How to build a traditional Hawunese house Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON021 Daily activities Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON028 The story of Malulu Leo Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON032 How to plant watermelon Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON035 Life experiences Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON037 Older brother becomes a monkey Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON039 The story of stupid orphans Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON042 Christian song Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-MON051 Four types of Jingitiu funerals and the meaning of Led'o dance Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-WORDLIST002 First half Swadesh list Yanti Hawu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-WORDLIST007 Days and months of the year Yanti Hawu Indonesia 4 2019-03-27 View
HVN2018-WORDLIST008 Numbers Yanti Hawu Indonesia 4 2019-03-27 View
TWU2018-INS003 Gardening Yanti Termanu Indonesia 4 2019-03-27 View
TWU2018-MON007 Marriage Yanti Termanu Indonesia 4 2019-03-27 View
TWU2018-MON012 Oenitas Yanti Termanu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
TWU2018-ELIC002 Swadesh list part II Yanti Termanu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
TWU2018-MON031 Ana Pala and Ina Pala Yanti Termanu Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-CON003 conversation Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 4 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-CON005 conversation Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-CON008 explanation Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-ELIC001 elicitation Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON003 story Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 5 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON004 procedure Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 5 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON008 procedure Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 5 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON013 procedure Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 5 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON020 prayer Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON021 story Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON025 story Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON030 procedure Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
WEW2018-MON031 procedure Yanti Wewewa Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-SING001 Psalms Part One Yanti Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-CON005 History of Mollo Part Two Yanti Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-ELIC002 Description of Simple Videos Yanti Indonesia 4 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-ELIC003 Basic Scope Elicitation Yanti Indonesia 3 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-CON009 Traditional Wake Part One Yanti Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-CON011 Life growing up in Bijaepunu Yanti Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-MON013 Frog Story Yanti Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-MON016 Story of Sunbanu in early days of Bijaepunu - Part One Yanti Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
AOZ2018-CON014 Send off ceremony Yanti Indonesia 2 2019-03-27 View
TG1-MakingSep_Ambrosia Making Sep film described by Ambrosia Tina Gregor Yelmek Indonesia 12 2020-07-31 View
TG1-Scenery_2015 Scenery around Wanam Tina Gregor Indonesia 12 2020-05-26 View
LPF-Makmak013 Mak mak Mimosa Linda Ford Australia 2 2019-02-22 View
LPF-IMG_001 Group photograph Linda Ford Australia 2 2019-02-22 View
AM5-008 Jiang Kui Allan Marett China 2 2024-03-13 View
IF01-195 C52: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-199 C56: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-216 C73: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-219 C76: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-231 C88: Cassette series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-234 C105: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 18 2020-03-19 View
IF01-237 C109: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-251 C123: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 12 2020-03-19 View
IF01-262 C134: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-276 C148: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-280 C152: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-286 C158: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-289 C161: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-290 C162: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-291 C163: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-294 C166: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-295 C167: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-303 C175: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-304 C176: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-310 C182: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-311 C183: Cassette series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer To'abaita Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-313 S1: 3" Reel series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-322 S13: 3" Reel series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-327 B55: 5" Reel series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-342 B70: 5" Reel series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-343 B71: 5" Reel series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-345 B73: 5" Reel series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-346 B74: 5" Reel series 1973-1974 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 6 2020-03-19 View
IF01-350 B78: 5" Reel series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-354 B82: 5" Reel series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-355 B83: 5" Reel series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-356 B84: 5" Reel series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-358 B86: 5" Reel series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-361 B89: 5" Reel series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-366 B106: 5" Reel series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 9 2020-03-19 View
IF01-367 B111: 5" Reel series 1975-1976 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 10 2020-03-19 View
IF01-380 407: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-382 409: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-384 411: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-385 412: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 6 2020-03-19 View
IF01-390 417: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-401 428: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-403 430: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-404 431: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
IF01-405 432: Cassette Series 1985 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 8 2020-03-19 View
NT3-rivierrewordlist Lexique en langue d'Erakor: informateur: Maxime Carlo Nick Thieberger Vanuatu 1 2018-12-31 View
IRTE1-20180814_03 Culture List Thomas Ennever Sungwadaga Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180818_01 Participant interview Thomas Ennever Havai Vanuatu 6 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180822_03 Narrative + Song Thomas Ennever Sungwadia Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180822_05 Participant interview Thomas Ennever Leonda Vanuatu 6 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180826_01 Kinship paradigm Thomas Ennever Sasai, Sungwadia Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180827_02 ABVD Wordlist Thomas Ennever Sungwadia Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180828_04 Participant interview Thomas Ennever Sungwadia Vanuatu 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180828_05 Culture List Thomas Ennever Sungwadia Vanuatu 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180907_02 Oral History/Interview Thomas Ennever Sungwadaga Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180910_03 ABVD Wordlist Thomas Ennever Sungwaloge Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180918_02 Genealogical summary Thomas Ennever Sungwada Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180918_03 Genealogical summary Thomas Ennever Sungwada Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180920_04 Culture list (lengwasa 1/2) Thomas Ennever Sungwadaga Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180920_05 Songs Thomas Ennever Sungwadaga Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180921_01 Participant interview Thomas Ennever Sungwaloge Vanuatu 4 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180923_01 Participant interview Thomas Ennever Nondaleo (East Ambae) Vanuatu 4 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180923_03 Kinship paradigm Thomas Ennever Sana Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180925_06 ABVD Wordlist Thomas Ennever South Ambae (Lolovele) Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20180925_08 ABVD Wordlist Thomas Ennever South Ambae (Biribiri) Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20181010_05 Participant interview Thomas Ennever East Ambae (as spoken at Vuindondo) Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20181011_02 ABVD Wordlist Thomas Ennever West Ambae Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20181019_03 Participant interview Thomas Ennever West Ambae Vanuatu 4 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20181019_04 Kinship paradigm Thomas Ennever West Ambae Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20181020_04 ABVD Wordlist Thomas Ennever Raga Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IRTE1-20181022_01 ABVD Wordlist Thomas Ennever Sungagage Vanuatu 2 2019-11-12 View
IF01-023 Small Field Notebook 16 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 57 2020-03-19 View
IF01-030 Small Field Notebook 23 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 3 2020-03-19 View
IF01-035 Small Field Notebook 28 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 107 2020-03-19 View
IF01-041 Small Field Notebook 34 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 95 2020-03-19 View
IF01-047 Small Field Notebook 40 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 95 2020-03-19 View
IF01-051 Medium Field Notebook 03 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 397 2020-03-19 View
IF01-056 Medium Field Notebook 08 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 291 2020-03-19 View
IF01-058 Medium Field Notebook 10 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 135 2020-03-19 View
IF01-059 Medium Field Notebook 11 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 185 2020-03-19 View
IF01-062 Medium Field Notebook 14 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 403 2020-03-19 View
IF01-063 Medium Field Notebook 15 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 293 2020-03-19 View
IF01-069 FL3: Song in Toaba’ita (Malu’u) Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 275 2020-03-19 View
IF01-070 FL4: Large Exercise Book Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 233 2020-03-19 View
IF01-079 FL13: Large Exercise Book Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 79 2020-03-19 View
IF01-083 FL17: Large Exercise Book Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 211 2020-03-19 View
IF01-106 NBS8 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 63 2020-03-19 View
IF01-110 NBS12 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 65 2020-03-19 View
IF01-111 NBS13 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 109 2020-03-19 View
IF01-112 Small Expenses Notebook 01 Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 15 2020-03-19 View
IF01-115 Loose notes Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 23 2020-03-19 View
IF01-007 Notes_TapeTransfers_C_Series_to_5in_Reels Ian Frazer Solomon Islands 9 2020-03-19 View
DAL001-NBNE1993 Nick Evans' field notes from 1993 Nicholas Evans Dalabon Australia 305 2022-06-18 View
DAL001-NBNE2001 Nick Evans' field notes from 2001 Nicholas Evans Dalabon Australia 267 2022-06-18 View
OE6-aozKM20171031_02 Farming in Manulea Owen Edwards Meto, Kusa-Manea Indonesia 3 2019-02-26 View
OE6-aozKM20171102_02 Various Topics Owen Edwards Meto, Kusa-Manea Indonesia 2 2019-02-26 View
RF1-NUKUMANU Nukumanu dictionary Rick Feinberg Papua New Guinea 3 2019-04-09 View
RF1-TAUMAKO Taumako dictionary Rick Feinberg Solomon Islands 3 2019-04-09 View
JZ2-493 Unknown item John Zgraggen Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-25 View
JZ2-522 Ikundun (1971) John Zgraggen Switzerland 2 2019-05-07 View
HH1-YKN002 Word list Huade Huang Kua-nsi China 108 2023-11-01 View
EKG1-20140130_1 Recordings on Mansinam island (1) Nicholas Evans Mee Indonesia 48 2021-04-06 View
EKG1-20140201 Talking about the Parade Nicholas Evans Mee Indonesia 16 2021-04-06 View
JM4-20111015FJ 20111015 Frank Jinjair John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 23 2019-12-11 View
EKG1-20140127_class Class activities 27/01/2014 Nicholas Evans Mee Indonesia 36 2021-04-06 View
EKG1-20140204_class Class activities 04/02/2014 Nicholas Evans Mee Indonesia 16 2021-04-06 View
AD1-002 Traditional narrative Andrey Drinfeld Aro Papua New Guinea 3 2024-03-13 View
AD1-003 Procedural Andrey Drinfeld Aro Papua New Guinea 3 2024-03-13 View
JM4-20150706LP 20150706 Luke Parmbuk John Mansfield Murrinh-Patha Australia 2 2019-12-11 View
AD1-010 Traditional narrative Andrey Drinfeld Aro Papua New Guinea 3 2019-03-29 View
AD1-011 Local history Andrey Drinfeld Aro Papua New Guinea 3 2019-03-29 View
AD1-012 Traditional narrative Andrey Drinfeld Aro Papua New Guinea 3 2019-03-29 View
AD1-016 Traditional narrative Andrey Drinfeld Aro Papua New Guinea 3 2019-03-29 View
AD1-018 Traditional narrative Andrey Drinfeld Aro Papua New Guinea 3 2019-03-29 View
MLC2-20140527_JD The Lúrra Story Margaret Carew Australia 4 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-20171113_DJW Djinang and Wurlaki recordings from workshop in Darwin, November 2017 Margaret Carew Australia 16 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-CE_DJ_06 Craig Elliot recordings, tape 6 Margaret Carew Australia 7 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-CE_DJ_07 Craig Elliot recordings, tape 7 Margaret Carew Australia 7 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-CE_DJ_08 Craig Elliot recordings, tape 8 Margaret Carew Australia 7 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-CE_DJ_11 Craig Elliot recordings, tape 11 Margaret Carew Australia 9 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-20171123_warrawarra_manikay Warrawarra Manikay Margaret Carew Australia 20 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-20171127_warrawarra Warrawarra and Balkarranga ghost spirit beings Warraburnburn and Galabarrbarr Margaret Carew Australia 4 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-20171130_wurlaki Wurlaki lexicon Margaret Carew Australia 27 2022-06-18 View
MLC2-20180626_wurlaki Wurlaki recordings from Darwin June 2018 Margaret Carew Australia 8 2022-06-18 View
IVB1-20180806_01 Playing a board game Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 3 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180810_03 Frog Story Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
WIU1-Event0003 Children in Canberra Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 6 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0005 Wordlist - Pronouns, misc Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0019 Permission for March 15 Recordings Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0039 Verb elicitation continued Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
IVB1-20180811_01 Family Problems picture task Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180819_02 Personal history Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180823_03 Class session Kristina Gallego English, Filipino Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180823_07 Frog Story Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 6 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180830_02 Pear Story Kristina Gallego Ibatan, Ilokano Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180830_04 Personal history Kristina Gallego Ibatan, Ilokano Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180830_05 Pear Story Kristina Gallego Ibatan, Ilokano Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
WIU1-Event0052 Trascribing "Dog and Cuscus story" Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 8 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0055 Clause chains Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0071 Dictionary Words Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0072 Word definitions Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 8 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0074 Transcribing "Tom's Retelling" 4 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0081 Sit Stand, Relative Clauses Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0085 Transcribing "Dog and Cuscus" 8 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
MMT1-20171104KW Kathleen Kemarre Wallace myfany turpin English and Arrernte Australia 7 2022-06-18 View
WIU1-Event0094 Transcribing "Home for the Holidays" 4 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0107 Transcribing "Home for the Holidays" 6 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0108 Transcribing "Home for the Holidays" 7 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0110 Transcribing "Sorting" 1 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0115 Verb adjuncts 3 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0116 Transcribing "Susan's Retelling" 3 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0129 Causation 2 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0130 Transcribing "Susan's Retelling" 4 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
YPG1-20181206_01 Informed consent & sentences 1.1 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181207_03 Informed consent YYH & Elicitation setences 1.4 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181208_03 Pear story 4 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181209_01 Dog story Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181210_01 Sentences 1.6 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181211_01 Transcription 1.1 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 2 2022-10-05 View
SocCog-cmn02 Social Cognition Picture Task Recording - Mandarin Chinese, Sendai (2) Danielle Barth Japan 24 2022-10-27 View
SocCog-ban01 Balinese, Badung 1 Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi Indonesia 12 2023-09-21 View
SocCog-ban07 Balinese, Gianyar 4 Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi Indonesia 10 2023-09-27 View
SocCog-ban09 Balinese, Nusa Penida 1 Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi Indonesia 9 2023-09-27 View
SocCog-ban10 Balinese, Nusa Penida 2 Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi Indonesia 9 2023-09-27 View
SocCog-kac03 Social Cognition Picture Task Recording - Jinghpaw, Myitkyina Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-09-21 View
SocCog-sjo01 Social Cognition Picture Task Recording - Sibe (SJO), Sydney Norikazu Kogura Sibe Australia 5 2023-09-20 View
AC3-1003 word stress Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1007 a group discussion Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 4 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1009 a group discussion Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1016 a casual chat Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1030 a casual chat Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1042 Personal narratives Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 8 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1045 Personal narratives Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2 2019-05-07 View
MEU1-C_20180620_2 Swadesh list Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 8 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-C_20180625_2 Motu words Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 20 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-C_20180702_1 Elicitation of past and future verbal paradigm Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 19 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-C_20180703_1 Elicitation of aspect Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 17 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-T3_20180626_1 Transcription of text and elicitation of verbal paradigm Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 18 2020-02-18 View
WIU1-Event0138 Transcribing "Susan's Retelling" 5 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0140 Transcribing "Susan's Retelling" 6 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0143 Causatives 3 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0146 Transcribing "Susan's Retelling" 8 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
AC3-1051 Personal narratives Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 4 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1052 Personal narratives Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1069 a casual chat Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 10 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1073 local knowledge Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1085 personal experience Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1090 exclamation Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1092 Local plants Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1093 words explained Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1105 Describing directions Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1107 foot ailment explained Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2019-05-07 View
AC3-1108 phrase explained Amy Cao Southern Pinghua China 2019-05-07 View
YPG1-20181211_05 Man tree game 1 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181211_07 Man tree game 2 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181212_03 Sentences 1.11 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181214_05 Transcription 1.10 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181215_04 Personal Story Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 6 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181215_07 Luodie Story Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 6 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181216_03 House story Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 6 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181217_04 Sentences 1.15 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 6 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181218_05 Numbers 20-30 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 6 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20181220_09 Informed consent (LJF) Manuel David Gonzalez Perez phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
WIU1-Event0158 Transcribing "Susan's Retelling" 10 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0160 Transcribing Family Problems. Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0170 Mele "able" Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0176 suffix -de, dubitative Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0181 FLEx question marks 2 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0193 Transcribing "Sorting" 12 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0196 Miscellaneous verbs, demonstratives, GNMCCs Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
WIU1-Event0198 suffix '-nea' 3 Don Daniels Wiru Papua New Guinea 4 2021-04-14 View
IVB1-20180902_02 Religious service Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180904_04 Family Problems picture task Kristina Gallego Ibatan, Ilokano Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180904_05 Pear Story Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180905_01 How to make a badodang 'traditional Ibatan basket' Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 6 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180909_01 Personal history Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180909_05 Language experience questionnaire Kristina Gallego Ibatan, Ilokano Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180917_02 Frog Story Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180919_05 Mapping Babuyan Claro Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180920_01 Bible study Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180920_04 Language experience questionnaire Kristina Gallego Ibatan, Ilokano Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
MLC2-20151006_walkibimirri Wurrkigandjarr song performance at Walkibimirri outstation - first session Margaret Carew Australia 13 2022-06-18 View
IVB1-20180921_02 Frog Story Kristina Gallego Ilokano Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180921_04 Exploring Ibakano Kristina Gallego Ibatan, Ilokano Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180923_08 Frog Story Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180925_05 Mapping Babuyan Claro Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20180930_08 Frog Story Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20181004_02 Exploring linguistic dominance Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20181007_01 Personal history Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20181007_02 Exploring Ibakano and linguistic dominance Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 2 2022-11-30 View
IVB1-20181008_04 Personal history Kristina Gallego Ibatan Philippines 4 2022-11-30 View
ABT3-TA1_pearstory01 Pear Story Amos Teo Sümi India 5 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-TA3_pearstory01 Pear Story Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-NA1_transitivity01 Transitivity Pictures (Part 1) Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-MA1_transitivity01 Transitivity Pictures (Part 1) Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-MA1_transitivity04 Transitivity Pictures (Part 4) Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-KZ1_TZ1_interview03 Interview about 2015 Dimapur mob lynching Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-AC1_IC1_interview01 Interview about earthquake Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-AC1_IC1_pearstory01 Pear Story Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-HC1_AZ2_pearstory01 Pear Story Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-AA1_RZ1_interview02 Interview about earthquake Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-MZ1_JZ1_interview05_soft Interview about use of Nagamese Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
ABT3-MZ1_JZ1_pearstory01 Pear Story Amos Teo Sümi India 3 2019-12-12 View
MEU1-T1_20180706_5 Transcription and translation of Pear Story with ES Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 2 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-T1_20180706_6 Phonetic experiment with ES (Monolingual Motu) Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 2 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-T2_20180702_1 The Frog Story elicitation Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 16 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-T3_20180713_2 Elicitation of nominal and verbal modifiers Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 10 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-T4_20180711_4 Elicitation of Reduplication Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 2 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-T5_20180706_3 Story about a man stranded on an island (using a video) Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 6 2020-02-18 View
MEU1-T3_20180704_4 Elicitation of verbal morphology and adjective morphology Sonja Riesberg Papua New Guinea 11 2020-02-18 View
TANI-GL04_Migration Migration from Daarɨɨ to Silɨɨ Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi Galo India 6 2022-02-25 View
TANI-GL05_FrogStoryTR Frog Story Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi Galo India 4 2022-02-25 View
TANI-GL05_MenWomen Galo men and women Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi Galo India 4 2022-02-25 View
YPG1-20190422_00 presession Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 2 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190422_01 Informed consent Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 16 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190422_07 Reasoning task 4 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 12 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190422_11 Family talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 6 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190423_03 Coso videos 3 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 16 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190423_07 Extentive videoclips 1.1 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 28 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190424_01 Informed consent (MSN & PYNE) Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 10 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190424_09 Extentive videoclips 1.3 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 24 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190424_10 Leg story Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 8 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190425_01 Elder talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 2 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190426_10 Neighbour talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 2 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190427_01 Neghbour talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 2 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190427_06 Downhill hike Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190427_07 Presession dialogues Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 8 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190427_09 Informant-organised session Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 14 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190428_03 Food Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 8 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190429_01 IPA instruction session 1 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 8 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190429_05 Life story Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 10 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190429_06 Dinner stories Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 12 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190430_02 Neighbour talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 6 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190501_06 Granny talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 8 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190503_02 Postsession recording Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 2 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190504_02 IPA instruction session 9 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 18 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190504_04 Nisu village story Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 12 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190511_02 Brother talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190512_01 School rooftop 2 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 18 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190512_07 Granny talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 12 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190513_02 Grandpas talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 10 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190514_03 Extentive paradigm 1 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 14 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190515_02 Extentive paradigm 2 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 12 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190516_03 Neighbour talk Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 4 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190521_01 Yuanjiag transcription 5 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 16 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190603_02 Yuanjiag transcription 12 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 8 2022-10-05 View
YPG1-20190604_02 Yuanjiag transcription 14 Manuel David Gonzalez Perez Phola China 2 2022-10-05 View
JKC1-analyses Koita analysis materials J. K. (Jack) Chambers Papua New Guinea 2 2019-06-23 View
BMK1-20190618CL1 Consent Mae Carroll Ghayavi Papua New Guinea 6 2024-03-01 View
CS3-20180828_WELCOME Welcome song Catherine Scanlon Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180829_ROOSTER Wallaby and rooster (friends) Catherine Scanlon Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180829_REALLIFE Real life Catherine Scanlon Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180830_ANYKEANYKE Anykeanyke (telling stories to the children) Catherine Scanlon Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180901_HANDRAIL Building a handrail Catherine Scanlon Ende Papua New Guinea 3 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180901_POISONGAME “Poison” game Catherine Scanlon Ende Papua New Guinea 4 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180903_NIGHTSOUNDS Nighttime sounds Catherine Scanlon Papua New Guinea 2 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180911_DEERHUNT Hunting a deer last night Catherine Scanlon Ende Papua New Guinea 2 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180918_SAGOBASKET Singing and weaving a sago basket Catherine Scanlon Tok Pisin Papua New Guinea 2 2019-09-04 View
CS3-20180919_MORNING Morning sounds (6am) Catherine Scanlon Papua New Guinea 2 2019-09-04 View
RUIL-50WORDS_D8_Mathi_Mathi RUIL 50 Words Elicitation in Mutti Mutti / Muthi Muthi Nick Thieberger Mathi Mathi Australia 4 2023-09-21 View
RUIL-50WORDS_L3_Kaurna RUIL 50 Words Elicitation in Kaurna Nick Thieberger Kaurna Australia 4 2023-09-21 View
RUIL-50WORDS_N36_Bilinarra RUIL 50 Words Elicitation in Bilinarra Nick Thieberger Bilinarra Australia 4 2023-09-21 View
RUIL-50WORDS_N94_1_Djinang RUIL 50 Words Elicitation in Djinang Nick Thieberger Djinang Australia 4 2023-09-21 View
AM4-006_Frogstory_Lau Frog Story Anna Margetts Lau Solomon Islands 5 2019-11-01 View
AM4-008_Housebuilding_Lau House Builidng Anna Margetts Lau Solomon Islands 7 2019-11-01 View
RN3-Production_MP05 Experimental results Rachel Nordlinger Australia 3 2023-06-01 View
RN3-Production_MP11 Experimental results Rachel Nordlinger Australia 3 2023-06-01 View
RN3-Production_MP17 Experimental results Rachel Nordlinger Australia 2 2023-06-01 View
RN3-Production_MP20 Experimental results Rachel Nordlinger Australia 3 2023-06-01 View
RN3-Production_MP21 Experimental results Rachel Nordlinger Australia 3 2023-06-01 View
RN3-Production_MP22 Experimental results Rachel Nordlinger Australia 3 2023-06-01 View
RN3-Production_MP24 Experimental results Rachel Nordlinger Australia 3 2023-06-01 View
Show 10 Show 50 Show 100 Show 1000