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Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
KK1-1162 Myi kret kret ai hkan nu a lam (The son of a blear-eyed mother) with English translation Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2022-12-07 View
KK1-1164 Baw Tau a dinghku tsip tsip ai lam (The marriage of Bau Tau) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-22 View
KK1-1180 Jaugawng la hte woi (The hunter and the monkey) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-04 View
KK1-1189 Madu jan tsap hpe galun sat ai lam (The wife who killed the bear) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-23 View
KK1-1190 Ding ai hte magaw ai (The straight and the bent) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-23 View
KK1-1192 Mak Mak a majan (The war of Mak Mak) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-04 View
KK1-1198 Marip du wa Sam du wa hpe maidang kadawng jaw ai (The Marip chief and the Shan chief) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-04 View
KK1-1205 Miwa hte Jinghpaw (The Chinese and the Jinghpaw) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-04 View
KK1-1211 N-gaw Naw hte Lawhpwi Ja Dim (N-gaw Naw and Lawhpwi Ja Dim) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-04 View
KK1-1214 Sam la wa hte Jinghpaw la wa alawng dat hkat ai lam (The Shan and the Jinghpaw) Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2021-06-04 View
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