
141 search results (7 ms)

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Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
RN4-LLU20210901 Grammatical information and recipe text checking Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 16 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20210909 'A visit to grannies' text and 'A journey to Honiara' text and lexicon clarification Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20210910 Translation of 'Madamadahone' session 1 and the song of fiskale Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20210915 The lexicon 'e' and 'gi', word classes and sickness Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20210930 'A journey to Honiara' translation session 2 Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20211006 Sound checking (session 3) and grammar checking including negation, the use of 'ba' and 'tali fi' Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 5 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20211021 Word classes session 4 (verb) and the translation session of the text 'A journey to Honiara' Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20211029A SVC checking session 3 Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20211104 Negation session 4 in Fourau and Nancy's description of their village session 2 Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
GS02-IslandBuilding Building artificial islands narrated by MK Giordana Santosuosso Solomon Islands 2 2017-10-31 View
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