Item details
Item ID
Title F048
Description pere yoanis john matawai on makasol, paliau side 2
Origination date 1985-07-11
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Theodore Schwartz
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Region / village Manus, PNG
Originating university University of California, San Diego
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
DOI 10.4225/72/5701430235AC3
Cite as Theodore Schwartz (collector), 1985. F048. TS1-F048 at
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Collection Information
Collection ID TS1
Collection title Theodore Schwartz collection
Description The bulk of the collection comprises recorded interviews with the people of Manus Province, Papua New Guinea, made from 1953 through the 1990s. These include interviews in which psychological data are being collected, interviews regarding historical events, and interviews with leaders and participants in contemporary events. There are also a number of recordings of public meetings and religious services. Most of the recordings are in the lingua franca of much of Papua New Guinea, Tok Pisin. Others are in the local languages of Manus people, and some provide Tok Pisin translation of local language material. Non-audio material includes photographs taken during field research in Papua New Guinea as well as original field notes.
This file will list and annotate the tapes processed as part of Project Manus Digital. In this project many of the tapes I made in Manus (the whole Admiralty Island Archipelago, now known as Manus Province of Papua New Guinea, will be played from the reel to reel and cassette audio recordings into the Creative Labs Sound Blaster Awe 64 value sound card of my computer. This will make an analogue to digital conversion and store the digital copy of these analogue/ audio tapes. The digital copies will be stored first on Iomega Jaz disks, later on CD or DVD disks. While the tapes are playing and being digitally copied I will list them and in many cases annotate them in this file on my MS Word 97 word processor. In some cases I will transcribe sections of a tape in a separate word processor file. When that happens it will be noted in this file TapeWork/ntapes”

The tapes are in several series. A—stands for AIE or Admiralty Island Expedition, 1953-54. Margaret Mead was in Manus with TS and Lenore Foerstel (then Lenora Shargo Schwartz). We were based first in Bunai village, then in Pere village on the South Coast of Manus at that time. All tapes were reel-to-reel, made with a Magnecorder tape recorder powered by a gasoline generator.
The “N—series stands for NGAI, New Guinea Admiralty Island Expedition from 1963-1966. TS was accompanied by Lola Romanucci Ross (then Lola Romanucci Schwartz) for the first two years; alone for the third year. We were based in various villages, mostly Pere but for six months each in Sori, Mokareng, and for a shorter time, in Lorengau. Work in Bunai (an amalgamated village of Manus and Usiai) near Pere. RAI refers to “Return to Admiralty Island” in 1967 by TS. The CA expedition (which I have just assigned these initials) was in 1973 and 75. CA stands for Cognitive Acculturation, a TS project funded by the National Institute of Education. In 1973 I was accompanied by 3 then graduate students, Edwin Hutchins, Geoffrey White, and Michael Smith. I returned myself in 1975. Various trips of from 1 to 3 months follow. The last of these was in 1993.

There are between 300 and 400 tapes.

Note: There are a number of empty items in this collection, a result of the metadata being supplied before the recordings were provided. The Tuzin Archive at the University of San Diego has also created a collection for this material, see

Under the N-series of NGAI Expedition, two Items TS1-N018 and TS1-N159 were recorded in the Sepik Region. (Steven Gagau, September 2017)
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Access Information
Edit access Tara Cobbs
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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