Item details
Item ID
Title Images
Description SUY1-images-001 is a csv with the information that is also presented as text below.

Persistent Identifier,Name of the tape/item,Date: When the item finished being created (YYYY-MM-DD),"Notes, narrative information about the content of the datail - include location in notebooks", | item_pid,item_description,item_date_iso,item_note, | SUY1-images-5261,Ningmar working on the computer at the Mother Tongue Centre,2014-01-22,Firebird | SUY1-images-5273,Belauri - Closest shops to Phedi,2014-01-22,Firebird | SUY1-images-5278,Phedi - Downhill,2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5279,Phedi - Uphill,2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5284,Abandoned old house - Phedi,2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5289,Pasang Maya Lama and Sangmu Lama listening to an Aikuma recording,2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5290,Phedi School - classes 1-5,2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5300,Working with Karma Tsering Lama - Phedi,2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5303,"Carrying feed home for animals - Karma Tsering's house, Phedi",2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5305,Remembering the dead - Phedi,2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5310,Large mortar and pestle for crushing grains,2014-01-23,Firebird | SUY1-images-5311,Sharman healing - Jit Bahadur,2014-01-24,Firebird | SUY1-images-5312,Sharman healing - Jit Bahadur,2014-01-24,Firebird | SUY1-images-5314,BB and Sangmu Lama using Aikuma,2014-01-24,Firebird | SUY1-images-5327,Sewing corn and potatoes together in Phedi,2014-01-25,Firebird | SUY1-images-5342,Norpu and Saungbu Lama's old family house,2014-01-25,Firebird | SUY1-images-5353,Sabina and Sangbu using Aikuma,2014-01-25,Firebird | SUY1-images-5361,Pasang Maya Lama listening back to an Aikuma recording,2014-01-25,Firebird | SUY1-images-5365,Portioning out a slaughtered pig,2014-01-25,Firebird | SUY1-images-5377,Gathering at Norsang Lama's house for the 3rd anniversary of his mother's death,2014-01-26,Firebird | SUY1-images-5384,"Pasang Lama, local Buddhist Lama, divining the date that Nyima Lama should return to her husband's village after giving birth to her first child",2014-01-26,Firebird | SUY1-images-5394,Dhungare from above,2014-01-27,Firebird | SUY1-images-5397,Git Bahadur watching back his video recording,2014-01-27,Firebird | SUY1-images-5399,Tree used to make paper - in forest,2014-01-27,Firebird | SUY1-images-5400,Tree used to make paper - bark,2014-01-27,Firebird | SUY1-images-5403,Tree used to make paper - flower,2014-01-27,Firebird | SUY1-images-5404,Tree used to make paper - branch,2014-01-27,Firebird | SUY1-images-5421,Nobra,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5425,Nobra Gompa,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5426,Making paper in Nobra,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5427,Making paper in Nobra,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5428,Making paper in Nobra,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5429,Making paper in Nobra,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5430,Making paper in Nobra,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5446,Meme in Nobra listening to Aikuma,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5451,Preparing new fields for potato planting,2014-01-28,Firebird | SUY1-images-5465,Drinking water taps installed in Phedi,2014-01-29,Firebird | SUY1-images-5466,Drinking water taps installed in Phedi,2014-01-29,Firebird | SUY1-images-5489,Preparing for dancing recording,2014-01-29,Firebird | SUY1-images-5495,Women in traditional dress,2014-01-29,Firebird | SUY1-images-5529,Dhobi,2014-01-30,Firebird | SUY1-images-6090,Stack of corn for drying/storage - Phedi,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6091,Nakbele drying for sale,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6092,"corn stalks, after harvest, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6093,"ploughing potatos and sewing wheat, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6094,"ploughing potatos and sewing wheat, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6095,"Corn, before harvesting",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6096,"2nd round of corn planting, to be used for fodder",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6098,mane stones for the deceased,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6101,leaves of this plant used instead of soap,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6102,jungle medicine',2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6103,field of grass for goat and buffalo fodder,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6104,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6105,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6106,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6107,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6108,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6109,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6110,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6111,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6112,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6113,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6114,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6115,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6116,Nakbele plants,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6117,Nakbele plants,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6118,wild raspberries,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6119,wild mushroom,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6120,"Norpu's house, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6121,domestic beehive,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6126,cloud cover,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6127,domestic beehive,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6133,jungle medicine,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6134,Sangbu's family home,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6135,"machine for distilling plant oil, Phedi",2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6136,Remains of old houses in Phedi,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6137,animal sheds,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6138,animal sheds,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6139,animal sheds,2014-10-09,NTU | SUY1-images-6149,drying cooked corn for chang making,2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6150,animal hut,2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6152,Dungare looking up from lower house,2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6153,Larkel Syuba watching his own recording,2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6155,resting place,2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6157,Kabre,2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6158,praw,2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6160,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6161,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6162,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6163,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6164,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6165,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6166,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6167,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6168,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6169,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6171,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6172,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6173,"Phedi, dividing buffalo meat",2014-10-10,NTU | SUY1-images-6179,BB and Sangmu watching video of their recording,2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6185,Kalbu Lama's house,2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6187,building haybales with cut cornstalks,2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6188,building haybales with cut cornstalks,2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6189,building haybales with cut cornstalks,2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6198,"lagor, small hand mill",2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6199,"lagor, small hand mill",2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6200,"alum, steamed dumplings",2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6231,corn stalks when cut,2014-10-11,NTU | SUY1-images-6232,"Phedi from top of hill towards Ningale, this cloudcover very typical at this time of year",2014-10-15,NTU | SUY1-images-6236,"Ningale, Mul Karka and Phake from Benauti",2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6237,Funeral in Benauti,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6239,Funeral in Benauti,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6240,Funeral in Benauti,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6241,Funeral in Benauti,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6242,Funeral in Benauti,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6243,Funeral in Benauti,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6245,Funeral in Benauti,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6249,Benauti from Phake,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-6252,Sangbu on a river bridge,2014-10-16,NTU | SUY1-images-7593,"Art day at Sangbu's house in Thecho with local Syuba children and Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore",2016-02-27,ELDP | SUY1-images-7594,"Art day at Sangbu's house in Thecho with local Syuba children and Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore",2016-02-27,ELDP | SUY1-images-7595,"Art day at Sangbu's house in Thecho with local Syuba children and Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore",2016-02-27,ELDP | SUY1-images-7596,"Art day at Sangbu's house in Thecho with local Syuba children and Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore",2016-02-27,ELDP | SUY1-images-7601,"The newly cut road from Dungare to Kupende, as seen on the road from Belaure to Kupende",2016-02-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-7607,"Morning chat session between people from Dawa's house, Datshering's house and the house below theirs. Outside the remains of Datshering's earthquake-damaged house in Phedi.",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7609,"Dawa reading his story about a bear (SUY1-140129-02) illustrated by Xiao Yan in the Syuba songs and stories volume, with his daughter Dudhi",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7610,"Dawa reading his story about a bear (SUY1-140129-02) illustrated by Xiao Yan in the Syuba songs and stories volume, with his daughter Dudhi",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7611,"Damage done to Datshering's house by the April 2015 earthquake, Phedi",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7612,Dudhi and her younger sister reading the collected Syuba stories and songs,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7613,The Syuba commnity centre build on land just north of Dawa's house in the last few months,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7614,"A closeup of the sign on the Syuba community centre including information about funding and support partners including the Himalayan Light Foundation, The Nepal government and the Syuba Welfare Scoiety",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7615,"The water flitration system inside the Syuba community centre, donated by the Himalayan Light Foundation",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7618,"The Syuba community centre from the front, including the large solar array set up by the Himalayan Light Foundation",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7619,People sitting outside the Syuba community centre on the day of blanket distribution,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7621,"Blankets purchased with donated funds from a Singapore Anglican Parish waiting distribution for all residents (inc non-Syuba) of Duragaun VCD, organised by the Syuba Welfare Scoiety",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7622,"People lining up with their ID cards to register for a blanket, 1 blanket per adult ID card",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7624,"The southern face of Datshering's new house, build after the earthquake",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7626,The temporary room build between Datshering's old and new houses for Sange and his wife.,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7628,The new view from where the traditional song/dance filming occurred (SUY1-140129-03),2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7629,"View from Dathsering's water tap up towards the school, where 4 of the rooms have been dismantled after they were destroyed in the earthquake",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7630,The new tin roof on Datshering's house. People are choosing to bring tin up as it is less heavy than stone for rooving houses,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7631,"People leaving torwards Dungare, south of Phedi, with their new blankest distributed by the Syuba Welfare Society",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7632,The crowd outside the Syuba community centre on blanket distribution day,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7634,"The old school building, with its red sticker, is set for demolition, but is still being used as an office by the teachers",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7635,"Students in fifth class, Phedi School",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7637,"Students in third class, Phedi School with their teacher (right) and Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore drawing animals",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7638,"Students in fourth class, Phedi School",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7640,Two students from first class poke their head around the door into the second class room in Phedi,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7642,"Students in first class, Phedi School",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7648,Joan Kelly with students from third class at Phedi school,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7652,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7653,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7654,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7655,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7656,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7658,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7659,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7660,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7662,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7663,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7664,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7665,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7666,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7667,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7668,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7670,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7671,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7672,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7673,Student from Phedi school showing their illustration from the drawing sessions with Joan Kelly and Xiao Yan of NTU Singapore,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7676,"Students show their drawings outside the Phedi school, with Xiao Yan and Joan Kelly of NTU Singapore",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7677,"Students show their drawings outside the Phedi school, with Xiao Yan and Joan Kelly of NTU Singapore",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7678,"Students show their drawings outside the Phedi school, with Xiao Yan and Joan Kelly of NTU Singapore",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7679,Students in the school show their illustrations,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7681,Students lined up outside Phedi school,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7682,"The view down torwards Dawa and Datshering's houses, with the roof times removed from Dawa's house, and the roof of the community centre clearly visible to the left",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7683,"Damage to Norsang's house, cracking at window",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7684,"Damage to Norsang's house, cracking along floor",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7686,"View from Norsang's house over to Sangbu's house, with roof tiles removed",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7688,"Sangbu Syuba outside his family home, damaged in the earthquake",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7689,Detail of damage to Sangbu Syuba's house,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7690,"Sangbu Syuba points out the foundation outlines of the older house that was situated just north of his house, his grandfather build both of them",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7691,"Sangbu Syuba with his house, facing back towards Phedi",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7692,"Large tree, Sangbu says this tree features in one of our stories that hasn't been translated yet",2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7703,Processing a slaughtered buffalo,2016-02-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-7715,"Sange and Nima's son Nisan, now 3 years old",2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7727,"The remains of Sangbu's grandfather's house, on the land just south of Phedi",2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7730,"These flowers have sweet nectar water at the base of the stamen, particularly a month or two ago when the flowers were fresher and whiter. Sangbu enjoys eating this sweet nectar.",2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7731,The tree that the flowers in image 7730 come from,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7732,Fruit from a tree that will be ripe and sweet in the next few months,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7733,The bark from the tree that fruit in image 7733 comes from,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7734,"This large tree has small fruit which make oil. This oil, when pressed, can be cooked into food like roti and eaten. It will cure sores according to Sangbu (seen in image)",2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7736,A flower with sweet fragrance,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7737,The bush for flower from 7736,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7738,Leaves from the bush for flower from 7736,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7739,Branch stem from the bush for flower from 7736,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7743,"Sheep, kept by Dawa out of sentimentality",2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7744,A dog and two of her puppies keeping watch over Dawa's animals,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7750,The school as seen from the north,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7751,Ripening wheat,2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7756,"This dog was attacked by a tiger 3-4 months ago, just about Datshering's house in Phedi",2016-03-01,ELDP | SUY1-images-7769,Sunrise looking east in Phedi from Datshering's house,2016-03-02,ELDP | SUY1-images-7771,"Wheat, fields in Phedi above Pasang Maya Lama's house",2016-03-02,ELDP | SUY1-images-7773,Norsang demonstrates the folding door inside the Syuba community centre,2016-03-02,ELDP | SUY1-images-7774,"Local cat outside Datshering's house, Phedi",2016-03-02,ELDP | SUY1-images-7776,The switchbanks on the in-construction Syuba road outside Dhungare,2016-03-02,ELDP | SUY1-images-7781,"The mountain stream on the road to Kupende, on the right of this is Sangbu's uncle's land, on the left the land belongs to local Hindu Brahmins",2016-03-02,ELDP | SUY1-images-7783,Landslide on the road between Dhobi and Belaure that has put the road out of use for anything but foot travel since the April 2015 earthquake,2016-03-02,ELDP | SUY1-images-8160,Ningmar Tamang stands in front of boulder on road between Dobi and Belauri on way up to Phedi,2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8162,"Jeep on road between Dobi and Belauri on way up to Phedi, section recently rebuilt after landslide caused by April 2015 earthquake",2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8169,"Start of berry season, closeup of fruits",2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8170,"Start of berry season, closeup of branch",2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8175,"This plant is called 'nyalo' people cook the leaves and eat them, purportedly a very healthy vegetable",2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8176,Closeup of nyalo flowers,2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8177,Closeup of nyalo leaf,2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8178,Sign commemorating the opening of the Syuba community centre in Phedi,2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8180,"Buckwheat, close to harvest time",2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8181,Closeup of ear of buckwheat,2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8182,Sangbu Syuba showing Dolma Tamang how to use ELAN to do transcription work,2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8184,Sangbu Syuba showing Dolma Tamang how to use ELAN to do transcription work,2016-04-18,ELDP | SUY1-images-8189,"Breakfast - fried wheat bread and boiled potatoes fried in butter, oil and seasoning",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8190,Potato plants,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8191,Field of potato and corn,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8192,Paintings made by Dolma and Dhudi on our last visit now covering the walls of Dolma's house in Phedi,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8193,Paintings made by Dolma and Dhudi on our last visit now covering the walls of Dolma's house in Phedi,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8195,"Morning conversation in the sun, Sangbu Syuba, Datshering Lama, Dhawa Lama and Norpu Lama, Phedi",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8197,Buckwheat drying in sun,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8200,Children waiting outside near the school in Phedi for class to start,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8202,"Potato flowers, Phedi",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8203,"Potato flowers, Phedi",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8216,Dolma and Dhudi recorded talking about the 2015 earthquakes in SUY1-160419-04,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8219,"Tobacco plant, known as kong. Harvested in the Nepali month of Mangsir. Good for getting rid of flies. ",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8220,"Tobacco plant, flower bud detail",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8221,"Tobacco plant, flower detail",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8222,"Tobacco plant, leaf detail",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8223,"This plant is good for cuts, known as kalo jar in Nepali, and nakpu kari in Syuba",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8226,Nakpu kari leaf detail,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8227,"Tobacco plant, whole bush",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8228,The dead tree on the left is a 'Bhume' or local goddess tree where Sangbu's family used to worship,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8232,Ningmar Tamang watching as Dolma Tamang and Dhudi Tamang read through drafts of stories taken from recordings,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8233,"Plant known as Kamsang. Good for gastric upset, itching bites. Also used as incense",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8234,Kamsang bud detail,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8235,Kamsang leaf detail,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8236,Sifting buckwheat - Chyanshi Lama,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8238,Cleaning buckwheat - Chyanshi Lama,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8239,Young Buffalo at Datshering Lama's house,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8240,Oxen at Datshering Lama's house,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8241,Oxen at Datshering Lama's house,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8243,Scarecrows in the fields just south of Phedi,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8244,"The waterway, now dried up, that runs south of Phedi",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8245,"The waterway, now dried up, that runs south of Phedi, this is where the newly constructed track crosses it",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8247,Building materials for the impending rebuilding of the school in Phedi,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8248,"The end of the constructed roadway, in the middle of the village (note in top left of image you can see the very edge of Sangbu Syuba's house)",2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8249,This is an immature specimine of the tree that would have been used to make Tangma ad other musical instruments,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8250,A fuller view of the tree in 8284,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8251,An ear of wheat,2016-04-19,ELDP | SUY1-images-8252,wheat for harvest,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8257,"Morning conversation in the sun, Sangbu Syuba, Datshering Lama, Norpu Lama, and Bibi Lama, Phedi",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8260,"Earthquake damage inside Dhawa Lama's house, Phedi",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8261,"Breakfast - fried wheat bread and boiled beans fried in butter, oil and seasoning",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8263,"Drinking water tap outside Datshering's house, Phedi - school on far left, church building on right",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8266,Path down to Dhungare from Phedi,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8267,"plant called Kerpa in Syuba, known as chutro? in Nepali. People sell it for yellow pigment in bark. Detail of bark with cuts made by Sangbu syuba",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8268,"Kerpa plant, full view",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8271,Kerpa leaf detail,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8272,Kerpa leaf and thorn detail,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8273,Using bushes as fencing,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8274,road from Phedi down to Dhungare,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8275,Mane stones above Dhungare on path down from Phedi,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8277,"Mane stones detail, Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8279,"Mane stones detail, Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8280,"Mane stones detail, Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8281,"Mane stones detail, Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8282,"Mane stones detail, Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8283,"Mane stones detail, Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8287,Mane stones in Dhungare. Near Larkel's house. These are at least 50 years old according to Ningmar Tamang.,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8289,Mane stones in Dhungare. Near Larkel's house. These are at least 50 years old according to Ningmar Tamang. Detail.,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8290,Houses in Dhungare,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8291,Houses in Dhungare,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8292,Larkel's new house being built,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8294,"One of the newer houses in Dhungare, made with cement",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8296,Sangbu Syuba playing with one of the children in Dhungare while Larkel watches on,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8304,External front of Larkel's new house,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8305,Internal roof of Larkel's new house,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8306,"External wall of Larkel's new house, detail",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8307,"Internal roof of Larkel's new house, detail",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8309,Larkel Syuba sitting in the unfinished interior of his new house,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8310,"Internal view of Larkel's new house, detail",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8312,Sangge Tamang's youngest son,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8314,Ningmar Tamang recording Rima Lama for SUY1-160420-01,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8317,Sangbu and Larkel discuss local history for SUY1-160420-04,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8318,"Typical lunch meal of dhal, rice, fried egg",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8319,Traditional open cooking fire inside Larkel's old house,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8321,Mane detail in southern part of Dhungare,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8323,"Local wild strawberry flower, Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8325,Shop recently built on the southern edge of Dhungare,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8329,Som Maya Tamang and Lhamu Tamang being recorded for SUY1-160420-07,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8335,Ningmar and Durga Tamang reading stories in Syuba,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8336,Houses in lower Dhungare,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8340,Ningmar Dongba's house in Dhungare,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8341,"Peach tree with unripe fruit, Ningmar's house, Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8342,"People carrying firewood to wedding feast in Kosmere, photo taken in Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8348,Purpa Lamu Tamang and Pemdum Tamang being recorded by Ningmar Tamang for SUY1-160420-09,2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8349,"Houses in Kosmere, looking down from the path from Dhungare",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8350,"The other houses in Dhungare, just above those in image 8349",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8351,"Entrance to the wedding, with goat",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8355,"Entrance to the wedding set up for the arrival of the groom's mother's family, where special blessings will be made before they enter",2016-04-20,ELDP | SUY1-images-8360,"Detail of the new house in Dhungare (image 8924), showing cement working",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8361,Sunrise at Dhungare looking towards Larkel's houses.,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8365,"Pasang Lama's house in Kosmere, where the wedding of his second son starts on this morning",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8366,"The alsohol preparation area, washing station and cooking area at Pasang Lama's house for the wedding",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8368,New prayer flags put in place for the wedding,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8370,Local Lama saying the prayers for the prayer flag,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8371,Family blessing the prayer flag ahead of the wedding,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8373,Prayer flag blessings ,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8375,Older woman smoking a handmade cigarette,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8376,Pansang Lama's wife ,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8377,"In the distance, Phake on the left and Benauti on the right show the curve of the valley",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8378,"The groom and family stand in front of the wedding gate, receiving blessings as they prepare to set out and retrieve the bride",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8379,The wedding party that will travel from Kosmere to Dil Kharka to retrieve the bride,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8380,The family stop along the way to receive blessings from family and well-wishers at these arranged stops. This one is just outside the house in Kosmere,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8381,Abandonded houses in old Kosmere,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8382,"Abandonded houses in old Kosmere, with wedding guests walking past",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8384,View back towards Kosmere and Dhungare from road between Ningale and Mul Kharka. The Blue roof of the Kosmere Gompa is visible near the centre of the image.,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8386,"The rocky cliff face above old Kosmere and below Phedi, with wedding guests walking below",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8387,Mul Kharka as seen on approach from the Ningale side,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8389,"Mul Kharka as seen on approach from the Ningale side, including view of school and path",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8390,Mul Kharka,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8391,Blessing station ,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8393,Demolished remains of the old school building that was damaged in the earthquakes of 2015,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8394,Damaged school building in Mul Kharka,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8395,Sign on the new school building that was build with support from the Himalayan Light Foundation,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8399,Potatos and corn in Phake showing signs of dryness,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8400,Benauti from the Phake side of the valley,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8401,Phake houses,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8402,Local strawberry,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8404,Earthquake damaged house in Benauti,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8405,Wedding guests arriving in Benauti,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8407,Blessing in Benauti,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8409,"House in Benauti where the 2014 funeral was hosted, now abandoned after earthquake",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8410,Wedding guests on path from Benauti to Mul Kharka,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8412,Tsorten stones in Dil Kharka,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8413,"Mane in Dil Kharka, near Gompa",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8414,"Wedding guests arrive in Dil Kharka, above is damaged Gompa",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8415,Earthquake damage to Dil Kharka Gompa,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8416,Interior of Dil Kharka Gompa,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8417,Mane stone from Dil Kharka Gompa,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8418,Interior of Dil Kharka Gompa,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8419,Mane stones from Dil Kharka Gompa,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8420,Guests arrive at the bride's house in Dil Kharka,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8421,"Guests waiting for the arrival of the groom, who will be carried to the entrance to receive blessings before crossing the threashold",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8422,"Gun used to salute throughout the day of the wedding, Dil Kharka",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8424,"Bride and Groom sit together to receive tikka, blessings, gifts and money from the bride's family, Dil Kharka",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8425,"Bride and Groom sit together to receive tikka, blessings, gifts and money from the bride's family, Dil Kharka",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8430,"New prayer flags put in place for the wedding, Dil Kharka",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8431,"Guests are fed at the wedding, Dil Kharka",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8437,People contribute to the cost of the wedding on a subscription basis,2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8438,"Houses in Dil Kharka, with the Dil Kharka church below",2016-04-21,ELDP | SUY1-images-8443,Very distant view of Phedi and Ningale from road just out of Dil Kharka,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8444,Very distant view of Dhungare from road just out of Dil Kharka,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8453,"Road to Dil Kharka, used as part of the walk down to Benauti",2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8454,Distant view of Mul Kharka from path between Benauti and Dil Kharka,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8455,View of Phake from road between Dil Kharka and Benauti,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8456,Bride and groom walking from the bride's village to the groom's village. Stopping in Benauti for blessings.,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8457,Revellers enjoying the party atmosphere of the walk,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8458,Phake from Benauti,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8459,"Bride and Groom returning to Kosmere, passing through Benauti",2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8461,"Woman dressed in boko, traditional Tibetan dresses worn by younger woman in particular at weddings",2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8462,Benauti from Phake,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8466,Section of the path between Mul Kharka and Ningale,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8467,Ningale from the path below on return from Mul Kharka,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8471,Guests assembling at the end of the walk to join the official arrival of the bride and groom at Kosmere,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8472,Bride and groom at gate as group of Lamas arrive to give blessings,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8473,Lama giving blessing with his colleages in the background,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8474,Groom and bride carried into Kosmere house,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8476,Bride and groom at the gift giving station while guests assemble and are fed,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8478,The final party at Kosmere,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8481,Doing the tone metaphor task with Pramila Lama in Kosmere 2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8482,Perception test experiment participants in Kosmere,2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8486,Doing the tone metaphor task with Pramila Lama in Kosmere 2016-04-22,ELDP | SUY1-images-8494,"Tea fields of Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8507,"Sonam Dongba Yolmo's house in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8508,"Prayer flags outside Sonam Dongba Yolmo's house in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8509,"Wooden and tin house next to stone house in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8512,"Grazing boxes for goats in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8514,"Immature cardamom crop in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8515,"Young cardamom plans in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8516,"House in Pandam, Ilam. There is a lot of pine cultuivation here, for wood and insence.",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8517,"Blacktop road in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8523,The school at the Yolmo Gompa in Ilam,2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8524,"A bin on the roadside in Tin Khutte, placed there by a local social group",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8525,"Main deity in interior of Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8526,"Painting on wall of the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8527,"Furniture in the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8528,"A mandala being repainted in the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8529,"Paint and materials being used to retouch the artwork in the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8531,"Closer image of the main statue in the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8532,"Ningmar and Sangbu pose for a photo in the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8533,"Exterior of the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8535,"Ningmar with a prayer wheel in the grounds of the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8536,"Gate of the Yolmo Gompa in Tin Khutte, Ilam - from the inside of the grounds",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8550,"Shop on the main street of Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8553,"Dairy cow owned by a Yolmo woman in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8560,"Cheeses maturing for sale to a distributor from Kathmandu, in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8563,"Gas hobs powered by manure gas in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8566,"Interior of a house in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8567,"The mixing tank for manure gas. Here the manure is mixed with water and then rotated using the handle. The mix is then piped underground where it ferments, and is used for cooking.",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8570,Recording session with Lakpa Yolmo for SUY1-160505-08,2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8571,"Purba Yolmo's house and surrounding plantations in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-05,ELDP | SUY1-images-8579,"Outside cooking fire at Sonam Dongba Yolmo's house, Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8581,"Interior wood stove at Sonam Dongba Yolmo's house, Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8582,"Houseplants kept in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8584,"Young boy in Yolmo vest and hat in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8586,Women putting on traditional dress to perform SUY1-160506-02,2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8588,Sonam Dongba Yolmo directing participants for SUY1-160506-02,2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8592,Ilam Yolmo singing group,2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8605,Recording SUY1-160506-02,2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8623,"Ilam Yolmo singing group with Lauren Gawne, Ningmar Tamang, Sangbu Tamang and Sonam Dongba Yolmo",2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8628,Ningmar Tamang in a staged interview with the Ilam Yolmo singers,2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8631,"Interior wall of house in Pandam, Ilam, painted by a local man",2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8632,Large bamboo frames erected to crow vegetables as a cash crop,2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8645,"Setting up interview with Dawa Dolma for SUY1-160506-06, Sonam Dongba Yolmo ",2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8657,"Making butter at Sonam Dongba's house in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-06,ELDP | SUY1-images-8658,Poster in Sonam Dongba's house showing Nepali ethnic groups and their traditional dress,2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8659,"Breakfast in Sonam Dongba's house, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8694,"Firewood stored in shed at Sonam Dongba's house, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8695,"Old mane stones that have recently been rennovated in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8696,"Detail of old mane stones that have recently been rennovated in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8697,"Detail of old mane stones that have recently been rennovated in Pandam, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8699,"Lucky Dairy sign in Tin Khutte, Ilam (see images 8553 and 8560)",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8700,Insence pyre burning near road for funeral in Tin Khutte,2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8701,"A funeral in Tin Khutte, the body is covered in incense",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8704,"A funeral in Tin Khutte, the body is covered in incense",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8706,"A funeral in Tin Khutte, circling the pyre with flame torches before it is set alight",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8710,"Lamas praying at a funeral in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8711,"Offerings made at a funeral in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8715,"Lamas praying at a funeral in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8716,"Offerings made at a funeral in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8717,"Lamas praying at a funeral in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8718,"Offerings made at a funeral in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8719,"The funeral pyre at Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8721,"At the reception, after the funeral, down the road in Tin Khutte",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8724,"Household prayer room in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8725,"Larger modern house on the main road in Tin Khutte, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8726,View from Tin Khutte in Ilam,2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8727,"Sonam Yolmo's taxi car with ""Yolmoo's"" decal on front window in Tin Khutte, Ilam.",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8767,"Prayer room at Sonam Dongba's house in Panda, Ilam",2016-05-07,ELDP | SUY1-images-8916,Ningmar Tamang talking to Dongba men in Toljung about Dongba clan history for recording SUY1-160516-02,2016-05-16,ELDP | SUY1-images-8911,Ningmar Tamang talking to Dongba men in Toljung about Dongba clan history for recording SUY1-160516-02,2016-05-16,ELDP | ,, | ,, | SUY1-images-90000,The sign on the rest stop between Phedi and Ningale,2016-04-23,ELDP | SUY1-images-90003,First birthday party in Ningale,2016-04-23,ELDP | SUY1-images-90004,First birthday party in Ningale,2016-04-23,ELDP | SUY1-images-90005,Houses in Ningale,2016-04-23,ELDP | SUY1-images-90006,Phedi from road to Ningale,2016-04-23,ELDP | SUY1-images-90007,Husking buckwheat,2016-04-23,ELDP | SUY1-images-90008,Local strawberries,2016-04-23,ELDP | SUY1-images-90009,"Typical way of carrying children, Nima carrying Nirmal in Phedi",2016-04-24,ELDP | SUY1-images-90010,"Temporary accomodation at Norsang's in Phedi, behind is the damaged house with the stone roof removed so a tin roof can be installed",2016-04-24,ELDP | SUY1-images-90011,Nima and Sangita talking about the earthquakes in SUY1-160424-03,2016-04-24,ELDP | SUY1-images-90012,Tsampa and tea for afternoon snack,2016-04-24,ELDP | SUY1-images-90013,Damage to potato crops from Hedgehogs,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90014,Dhuragaun from Ningmar Tamang's house,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90015,"Traditional locally-made woolen blanket at Norpu Tamang's house, Dhungare",2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90016,Norpu Tamang setting up his Sharman tools for SUY1-160425-06,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90017,One of the oldest houses in Dhungare,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90018,Setting up recording with Nirmaya Tamang for SUY1-160425-11,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90019,Harvesting buckwheat in Dhungare,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90020,View of Larkel's house with the roof added,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90021,Setting up recording with Durga and Nirmala for SUY1-160425-13 and SUY1-160425-14 in Dhungare,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90022,Setting up recording with Durga and Nirmala for SUY1-160425-13 and SUY1-160425-14 in Dhungare,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90023,Harvesting wheat in Dhungare,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90024,House in the northern area of Dhungare,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90025,crops growing amongst the large boulders of Dhungare,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90026,Earthquake damaged house in Dhungare,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90027,"A mill just north of Dhungare, which is unused as there is no water at the moment",2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90028,A large rocky area just below Kosmere,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90029,In this photo you can see all the way to the bottom of the valley from some parts of Dhungare and Kosmere. The villages down there are mostly Chetri,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90030,Inside the Kosmere Gompa,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90031,External image of Kosmere Gompa,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90032,The old school building in Phedi now demolished to build new building,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90033,The old school building in Phedi now demolished to build new building,2016-04-25,ELDP | SUY1-images-90034,Waiting for the start of Devi Puja in Dhungare,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90035,Waiting for the start of Devi Puja in Dhungare,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90036,Waiting for the start of Devi Puja in Dhungare,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90037,Waiting for the start of Devi Puja in Dhungare,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90038,Waiting for the start of Devi Puja in Dhungare,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90039,Waiting for the start of Devi Puja in Dhungare,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90040,Waiting for the start of Devi Puja in Dhungare,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90041,"Blessing the goats for Devi Puja, Dhungare",2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90042,"Blessing the goats for Devi Puja, Dhungare",2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90043,Kabire Tamang at the end of the Puja,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90044,Ningmar Tamang filming SUY1-160426-04,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90045,The picnic after Devi Puja,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90046,Kirtaman Tamang doing the tone perception test,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90047,A parge bambook basket used to pen chickens,2016-04-26,ELDP | SUY1-images-90048,Construction of the new school building in Phedi,2016-04-27,ELDP | SUY1-images-90049,Construction of the new school building in Phedi,2016-04-27,ELDP | SUY1-images-90050,Crushing plant matter for medicine,2016-04-27,ELDP | SUY1-images-90051,Young child in house at top of Phedi,2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90052,Path between Phedi and Nobra,2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90053,"Nobra Gompa, damaged in earthquakes ",2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90054,Earthquake damage to Nobra Gompa,2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90055,Nobra Gompa sign,2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90056,"Main statue in Nobra Gompa, temporary building",2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90057,Earthquake damage to Nobra Gompa,2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90058,"Earthquake damage to Nobra Gompa, interior",2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90059,Construction of the new school building in Phedi,2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90060,Construction of the new school building in Phedi,2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90061,"Yalo, root vegetable",2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90062,"Detail of Bhume tree, Phedi",2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90063,"Detail of Bhume tree, Phedi",2016-04-28,ELDP | SUY1-images-90064,Houses in Ningale,2016-04-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-90065,Construction of the new school building in Phedi,2016-04-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-90066,Construction of the new school building in Phedi,2016-04-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-90067,Construction of the new school building in Phedi,2016-04-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-90068,Construction of the new school building in Phedi,2016-04-29,ELDP | SUY1-images-90071,Doing the tone metaphor test with Kirtaman Tamang,2016-04-26, ELDP | SUY1-images-90069,Doing the tone metaphor test with Kirtaman Tamang,2016-04-26,ELDP |
SUY1-images-90070,Doing the tone metaphor test with Pradip Lama,2016-04-26 ,ELDP | SUY1-images-99900,Wedding sign outside Norpu's house in Phedi on the day of his wedding. Image from Sangbu Syuba.,2014-11-29,Other | SUY1-images-99901,Men dancing outside Norpu's new wife's house in Nobra on the night of his wedding. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2014-11-29,Other | SUY1-images-99902,Preparing to do prayers outside Norpu's wife's house in Nobra. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2014-11-30,Other | SUY1-images-99903,Norpu receiving blessings during the wedding ceremony. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2014-11-30,Other | SUY1-images-99904,Norpu and his new wife receiving offerings. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2014-11-30,Other | SUY1-images-99905,Norpu and his new wife receiving offerings. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2014-11-30,Other | SUY1-images-99906,Guests congregating outside Norpu's wife's house in Nobra for the journey to Phedi. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2014-11-30,Other | SUY1-images-99907,Guests congregating outside Norpu's wife's house in Nobra for the journey to Phedi. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2014-11-30,Other | SUY1-images-99908,Guests outside Norpu's house in Phedi with temporary tables set up to serve guests. Photo from Sangbu Syuba.,2014-11-30,Other | SUY1-images-99909,Earthquake damage in Dungare. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2015-06-11,Other | SUY1-images-99910,Earthquake damage in Dungare. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2015-06-11,Other | SUY1-images-99911,Earthquake damage in Dungare. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2015-06-11,Other | SUY1-images-99912,Chyanshi and Sangbu outside Chyanshi's temporary shelter in Phedi after the earthquake. Image from Sangbu Syuba.,2015-09-17,Other | SUY1-images-99913,Children playing on roof stones salvaged from Sanbu Syuba's house in Phedi. Image from Sangbu Syuba,2015-09-17,Other | SUY1-images-99914,"View of Sangbu Syuba's family home in Phedi, damaged in earthquake",2015-09-17,Other | SUY1-images-99915,Damage to Larkhel Syuba's house in Dungare. Image from Sangbu Syuba.,2015-09-17,Other | SUY1-images-99916,"Interior of Chyanshi's shelter in Phedi after the earthquake, image from Sangbu Syuba",2015-09-17,Other | SUY1-images-99917,Meeting in Base to distribute sheets of tin - 12 sheets per house. Money for tin raised by an Anglican Church charity in Singapore. Norsang Syuba managing event in role as President of the Syuba Welfare Society. Image from Norsang Syuba.,2016-01-03,Other | SUY1-images-99918,Meeting in Base to distribute sheets of tin - 12 sheets per house. Money for tin raised by an Anglican Church charity in Singapore. Norsang Syuba managing event in role as President of the Syuba Welfare Society. Image from Norsang Syuba.,2016-01-03,Other | SUY1-images-99919,Meeting in Base to distribute sheets of tin - 12 sheets per house. Money for tin raised by an Anglican Church charity in Singapore. Norsang Syuba managing event in role as President of the Syuba Welfare Society. Image from Norsang Syuba.,2016-01-03,Other | SUY1-images-99920,Sheep horns decorated at Dhawa and Bibi's house. Image from Ningmar Syuba.,2016-03-27,Other | SUY1-images-99921,"Detail of Nobra Gompa interior, damaged in quake. Image from Ningmar Syuba.",2016-03-28,Other | SUY1-images-99922,"Detail of Nobra Gompa interior, damaged in quake. Image from Ningmar Syuba.",2016-03-28,Other |
Origination date 2013-02-04
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Lauren Gawne
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Originating university University of Melbourne
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DOI 10.4225/72/57029534B5E4A
Cite as Lauren Gawne (collector), 2013. Images. CSV/JPEG/TIFF. SUY1-images at
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Collection Information
Collection ID SUY1
Collection title Kagate (Nepal)
Description This collection includes audio-video recordings of Syuba, spoken in the Ramechhap district of Nepal. It also contains a smaller collection of audio-video recordings of Ilam Yolmo, a mutually intelligible variety spoken in a different district of Nepal. These collections have been archived together because of their similarities and because they were recorded as part of the same research project. Many of the recordings are monologues, interviews or conversations. ELAN transcriptions are available for a subset of the collection, and will continue to be added as work on the collection progresses. There are also some experimental and elicited data, as well as supplementary materials including scanned notes, FLEx files, GPS data and publications about the language. This project is still in active development until June 2017.This collection includes audio-video recordings of Syuba, spoken in the Ramechhap district of Nepal. It also contains a smaller collection of audio-video recordings of Ilam Yolmo, a mutually intelligible variety spoken in a different district of Nepal. These collections have been archived together because of their similarities and because they were recorded as part of the same research project. Many of the recordings are monologues, interviews or conversations. ELAN transcriptions are available for a subset of the collection, and will continue to be added as work on the collection progresses. There are also some experimental and elicited data, as well as supplementary materials including scanned notes, FLEx files, GPS data and publications about the language. This project is still in active development until June 2017.

The language is listed in the ISO codes as Kagate, but speakers in Ramechhap are increasingly using the name Syuba (Kagate is a Nepal word, while Syuba is the same name in their own language). The Yolmo variety spoken in Ilam is very similar to Syuba in Ramechhap, but the speaker have a history of referring to themselves and their language as Yolmo, which means it is categorised under a different ISO code.

Deposit contents
The majority of bundles in this collection are audio-video recordings. There are 8 and a half hours of narrative, conversations and interviews which can be broken down further by genre:

3 hours of data about the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal
2 hours of personal narratives other than earthquake
2 hours of historical narrative
1.5 hours of fiction narrative and two

There are also:

1 hour of descriptive texts
1.5 hours of song
3 hours of conversation
1.5 hours of stimuli tasks
7 hours of elicitation, which mostly covers tone, evidentiality and verb use
1 hour of video of people performing culturally important activities

There are also over 4.5 hours of recordings of people giving their consent for their recordings to be shared. While this is almost entirely in Nepali, and not Syuba, it contains a wealth of ethnographic information.

Approximately 3 hours of this data are in Ilam Yolmo, and the remainder are in Syuba. As of June 2016 there are interlinearised and translated ELAN transcriptions for 2 hours of Syuba data, and another 1 hours of transcriptions with Nepali translations. ELAN transcriptions and interlinearisations will continue to be added as they are processed.

Funding for the creation of this collection came from ELDP, Firebird Foundation, NTU's Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Stack Exchange and The Awesome Foundation (Ottawa).
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Access Information
Edit access Amanda Harris
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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