Item details
Item ID
Title About Lochang words
Description About the word for 'some' which is àbiv käq in India, perhaps influenced by Muishaung, but would be vàyex käq in Myanmar Louxchängx
Origination date 2019-01-17
Origination date free form
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Stephen Morey
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Louxchängx (Lochang / Langching)
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Louxchängx (Lochang / Langching)
Region / village Pyin Oo Lwin
Originating university Monash University
Operator Julia Colleen Miller
Data Categories primary text
Data Types
Discourse type
Roles Stephen Morey : researcher
Daniel Mawyio : consultant
DOI 10.26278/A1QS-WR04
Cite as Stephen Morey (collector), Stephen Morey (researcher), Daniel Mawyio (consultant), 2019. About Lochang words. MPEG/VND.WAV. SDM15-nstloc20190117_04SMH_Words at
Content Files (2)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
SDM15-nstloc20190117_04SMH_Words-01.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.23 MB 00:01:20.543
SDM15-nstloc20190117_04SMH_Words-01.wav audio/vnd.wav 44.2 MB 00:01:20.521
2 files -- 45.5 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID SDM15
Collection title Louchäng (Langching) variety, Tangsa/Tangshang (India/Myanmar)
Description Recordings in the Louchäng variety of Tangsa. The Louchäng are a community originally from Myanmar, many of whom are now in India. They belong to the Pangwa group of Tangsa
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Julia Colleen Miller
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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