Item details
Item ID
Title Contents of Minidisc recorded in several Turung villages, February 2005
Description SDM07-20050703-001;5'46';Primary Text;31/1/05;Basapathar;Doga;Turung;Rice cultivation - from rice planting to cutting;; -- SDM07-20050703-002;2'51';Primary Text;1/2/05;Basapathar;Manik and Rekha;Turung;Rice cultivation - rice cutting;; -- SDM07-20050703-003;4'43';Primary Text;1/2/05;Basapathar;Ai Mya Seng;Turung;Names of trees;; -- SDM07-20050703-004;0'30';Primary Text;1/2/05;Basapathar;Ai Mya Seng;Turung;Preparing a type of rice sweet;; -- SDM07-20050703-005;3'14';Primary Text;1/2/05;Basapathar;Me Nang;Turung;Preparing a type of rice sweet;; -- SDM07-20050703-006;3'50';Primary Text;2/2/05;Basapathar;Manik;Turung;Fish catching;; -- SDM07-20050703-007;5'10';Primary Text;2/2/05;Basapathar;Sukhen, Doga and Ai Mya Seng;Turung;Basapathar history;; -- SDM07-20050703-008;3'09';Primary Text;2/2/05;Basapathar;Sukhen, Doga and Ai Mya Seng;Turung;Turung castes;; -- SDM07-20050703-009;4'30';Primary Text;2/2/05;Basapathar;Bogita;Turung;Daily chores;; -- SDM07-20050703-010;2'14';Primary Text;2/2/05;Basapathar;Binod;Turung;Differences between Singpho and Turung languages;; -- SDM07-20050703-011;1'16';Primary Text;2/2/05;Basapathar;Puspa;Turung;Earth mounds;; -- SDM07-20050703-012;4'00';Primary Text;4/2/05;Basapathar;Doga &c;Turung;Types of Rice;; -- SDM07-20050703-013;4'31';Primary Text;4/2/05;Basapathar;Doga;Turung;The story of Pitakat Khau Tong Cang;; -- SDM07-20050703-014;0'40';Primary Text;4/2/05;Basapathar;Doga;Turung;Holy books;; -- SDM07-20050703-015;4'47';Primary Text;4/2/05;Basapathar;Bogita;Turung;Food preparation;; -- SDM07-20050703-016;1'02';Primary Text;4/2/05;Basapathar;Bogita;Turung;Tea preparation;;Not yet digitised -- SDM07-20050703-017;7'30';Lexicon;4/2/05;Basapathar;Kon Kham;Turung;Word list - kitchen items;; -- SDM07-20050703-018;4'43';Primary Text;6/2/05;Barhula;La Haw, Mohudhar Master;Turung;History of Barhula;; -- SDM07-20050703-019;10'50';Primary Text;8/5/05;Tengani;Ai Thau, Jugoti, Nomal and others;Turung and Tai;Discussion about language;; -- SDM07-20050703-020;2'12';Primary Text;9/5/05;Tengani;Uk Cam;Turung;On her family;; --
Origination date 2005-02-01
Origination date free form February 2005
Archive link
Stephen Morey
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Turung, a Tibeto-Burman language, related to Jingpo or Jinghpaw.
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Turung
Region / village Basapathar, Barhula and Tengani villages, Golaghat District
Map No map data given - please add.
Originating university La Trobe University
Operator Stephen Morey
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Stephen Morey : researcher
DOI 10.4225/72/56FBF1B89D81E
Cite as Stephen Morey (collector), Stephen Morey (researcher), 2005. Contents of Minidisc recorded in several Turung villages, February 2005. MPEG/VND.WAV. SDM07-20050703 at
Content Files (38)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
SDM07-20050703-001.mp3 audio/mpeg 5.28 MB 00:05:45.718
SDM07-20050703-001.wav audio/vnd.wav 58.5 MB 00:05:46.464
SDM07-20050703-002.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.61 MB 00:02:50.918
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SDM07-20050703-003.mp3 audio/mpeg 4.32 MB 00:04:43.298
SDM07-20050703-003.wav audio/vnd.wav 48 MB 00:04:43.887
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SDM07-20050703-007.wav audio/vnd.wav 52.6 MB 00:05:10.995
SDM07-20050703-008.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.88 MB 00:03:08.848
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SDM07-20050703-009.mp3 audio/mpeg 4.12 MB 00:04:30.216
SDM07-20050703-009.wav audio/vnd.wav 45.8 MB 00:04:30.778
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SDM07-20050703-013.mp3 audio/mpeg 4.24 MB 00:04:38.112
25 files -- 462 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 38

Collection Information
Collection ID SDM07
Collection title Turung, a variety of Singpho (India)
Description Audio recordings of Turung, a Tibeto-Burman language, related to Jingpo or Jinghpaw, spoken in India. Includes stories, word lists song, and discussions about history, culture, agriculture, songs and grammar.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Stephen Morey
Maria Karidakis
View/Download access Maria Karidakis
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative
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