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Item ID
Title Audiovisual examples accompanying monograph 'The Gift of Song: Performing exchange in western Arnhem Land'
Description 32 Audiovisual examples of kun-borrk/manyardi and archival footage recorded at Gunbalanya in 1948 to accompany the monograph 'The Gift of Song: Performing exchange in western Arnhem Land' by Reuben Brown. Examples are from Reuben Brown's PARADISEC collection, the National Geographic film archives, and from 'Etched in Bone' directed by Martin Thomas and Beatrice Bijon. A list of the examples is provided below with a brief description and link to any unedited (and lossless/archival) versions of the files and corresponding items located elsewhere in RB2 collection.

- RB2-AVEx-0_1 (original name AVEx_0.1_20110903RB03-13-MR01)
Audio of Johnny Namayiwa clarifying didjeridu rhythms and practicing Milyarryarr song MR01. Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-2_1 (AVEx_2.1_20121103RBv09-05_20121103RB03-07-MP06)
Video of Reuben Brown, Brendan Marrgam, Maurice Gawayaku dancing to Mirrijpu song MP06 at Amartjitpalk, Goulburn Island.
Original file details Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-2_2 (AVEx_2.2_20121103RBv09-07-08_20121103RB03-09-MP26-10-MP26_excerpt)
Video of Reuben Brown, Brendan Marrgam, Maurice Gawayaku dancing to Mirrijpu item MP26 at Amartjitpalk, Goulburn Island.
Original file details Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-2_3 (AVEx_2.3_20121103RB01-03-MK01_MK02)
Audio of Harold Warrabin singing Marrwakara songs MK01 and MK02 together at Amartjitpalk, Goulburn Island.
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-2_4 (AVEx_2.4_20121103RBv09-03_20121103RB03-05-MP25)
Video of Solomon Nangamu singing Mirrijpu song MP25 and Harold Warrabin dancing comically. Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-3_1 (AVEx_3.1_GAMB0375_KB01_excerpt)
Video of Karrbarda dancers dancing the bones in to the gravesite to song KB01 for a reburial ceremony at Gunbalanya, 2011.
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-3_2 (AVEx_3.2_20121027RB07-01-KB14_excerpt)
Audio of Eric Mardday and SD performing Karrbarda ngalbadjan ‘mother’ song KB14.
Original file details Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-3_3 (AVEx_3.3_20110903RB01-06-MP18_MP04_bobo_excerpt)
Audio excerpt of Solomon Nangamu singing ‘bobo’ to complete a performance. Original file details (Mirrijpu songs MP18 and MP04 joined in one song item): Item details :

- RB2-AVEx-3_4 (AVEx_3.4_GAMB0405_01.mov_from_04 20110719RB01-04-IL_excerpt)
Video of James Gulamuwu dancing ‘farewell’ by the graveside.
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-3_5 (AVEx_3.5_GAMB0443_excerpt)
Video of Solomon Nangamu, Alfred Gawaraidji and Russell Agalara performing Mirrijpu songs MP06 and MP04 (‘mother song’) for a smoking ceremony. Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-4_1 (AVEx_4.1_20120810IB01-06-IL05_excerpt)
Audio of Inyjalarrku singing song IL05 for Mamurrng ceremony, Goulburn Island.
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-4_2 (AVEx_4.2_20120810IBv01-02-IL01)
Video of Inyjalarrku group performing song IL01 as part of opening warm up evening for Mamurrng ceremony, Goulburn Island.
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-4_3 (AVEx_4.3_20120810IB01-01-IL02)
Audio of Inyjalarrku singing song IL02
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-4_4 (AVEx_4.4_20120811IOv01-04_YJ03_excerpt)
Video of dancers revealing the mamurrng for the first time dancing to Yanajanak song YJ03. Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-4_5 (AVEx_4.5_GUS_VTS_01_IL06_IL07_Excerpt)
Edited video of Inyjalarrku handing over mamurrng with David Manmurulu dancing as yumparrparr (giant).
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-4_6 (AVEx_4.6_GUS_VTS_01_2_excerpt)
Allan Marett and Linda Barwick perform wangga as ‘thanks’ for the Mamurng.
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-5_1.mp3 (AVEx_5.1_20120628RB06-01-MP18)
Solomon Nangamu, Russell Agalara and Alfred Gawaraidji perform Mirrijpu song MP18 at a funeral ceremony for Nakodjok Nayinggul.
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-5_2 (AVEx_5.2_20120628RB07-02-MP21)
Solomon Nangamu, Russell Agalara and Alfred Gawaraidji perform Mirrijpu song MP21 at a funeral ceremony for Nakodjok Nayinggul.
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-6_1 (AVEx_6.1_R01R02-O-04_excerpt)
Archival video of Bininj/Arrarrkpi skinning buffalo in 1948
Original file details: Filmed by Howell Walker in 1948, National Geographic collection R01R02-O-04

- RB2-AVEx-6_2 (AVEx_6.2_R09R10-O-25_excerpt)
Archival video of women collecting red apple with Margaret McArthur.
Original file details: Filmed by Howell Walker in 1948, National Geographic collection R09R10-O-25.

- RB2-AVEx-6_3 (AVEx_6.3_R01R02-O-05audio)
Archival video (spliced with matching archival audio from Simpson) of Larry Marawana explaining Kolobarr song to Colin Simpson and listening to playback of songs.
Original file details: Filmed by Howell Walker in 1948, National Geographic collection R01R02-O-05, audio recorded by Colin Simpson and Ray Giles ABC Radio archives Disc MA24. Cut 7

- RB2-AVEx-6_4 (AVEx_6.4_Simpson MA24 cut 1)
Archival recording of saltwater (Nganaru) song from North Goulburn Island sung by Billy Namunurr recorded in 1948
Original file details: recorded by Colin Simpson and Ray Giles. ABC Radio archives Disc MA24 Cut 1.

- RB2-AVEx-6_5 (AVEx_6.5_Simpson MA24 cut 12)
Archival recording of saltwater Marrwakara (goanna) song from Goulburn Island
Original file details: recorded by Colin Simpson and Ray Giles ABC Radio archives Disc MA24 Cut 12

- RB2-AVEx-6_6 (AVEx_6.6_Simpson MA24 cut 7_excerpt)
Archival recording of Kolobarr song sung by Larry Marawana
Original file details: recorded by Colin Simpson and Ray Giles ABC Radio archives Disc MA24 Cut 7

- RB2-AVEx-6_7 (AVEx_6.7_Simpson MA24 cut 3)
Archival recording of wangga song sung by or Billy Mandji
Original file details: recorded by Colin Simpson and Ray Giles ABC Radio archives Disc MA24 Cut 3

- RB2-AVEx-6_8 (AVEx_6.8_Simpson MA24 cut 2)
Archival recording of Stone country Itpyitpy song sung by Paddy Bull and Ilarri
Original file details: recorded by Colin Simpson and Ray Giles ABC Radio archives Disc MA24 Cut 2

- RB2-AVEx-6_9 (AVEx_6.9_Simpson MA24 cut 6)
Archival recording of Kunbarlang song sung by Balir Balir and Bilinyarra
Original file details: recorded by Colin Simpson and Ray Giles ABC Radio archives Disc MA24 Cut 6

- RB2-AVEx-6_10 (AVEx_6.10_Simpson MA24 cut 10)
Archival recording of Kurri song sung by Frank Djendjorr Namornkodj and Philip Nayuku
Original file details: recorded by Colin Simpson and Ray Giles ABC Radio archives Disc MA24 Cut 10

- RB2-AVEx-7_1 (AVEx_7.1_Kabbari_excerpt)
Audio excerpt of ‘Kabbari’ by Wildflower Band
Original file details:

- RB2-AVEx-7_2 (AVEx_7.2_20110827RB07-26-MR05_MR04_MR05)
Audio of Johnny Namayiwa singing Milyarryarr songs MR05_MR04_MR05 at Stone Country Festival 2011
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-7_3 (AVEx_7.3_DSC_4290)
Video of Toby Cooper dancing to Milyarryarr song MR05_MR04_MR05 at Stone Country Festival 2011
Original file details: Item details:

- RB2-AVEx-7_4 (AVEx_7.4_Mirrijpu_Long Grass Man_excerpt)
Harold Warrabin sings 'Long Grass Man'.
Original file details: From the album 'Best of Warruwi 2003'
Origination date 2011-07-01
Origination date free form 2011 and 2012
Archive link
Reuben Brown
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given
Subject language(s)
Content language(s)
Region / village Gunbalanya (Oenpelli), Northern Territory
Originating university University of Sydney
Operator Nick Ward
Data Categories
Data Types
Discourse type
DOI 10.26278/13WV-1T21
Cite as Reuben Brown (collector), 2011. Audiovisual examples accompanying monograph 'The Gift of Song: Performing exchange in western Arnhem Land'. MPEG/MP4. RB2-AVEx at
Content Files (32)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
RB2-AVEx-0_1.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.23 MB 00:01:04.549
RB2-AVEx-2_1.mp4 video/mp4 58.6 MB 00:01:54.40
RB2-AVEx-2_2.mp4 video/mp4 58.8 MB 00:01:18.272
RB2-AVEx-2_3.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.79 MB 00:01:33.983
RB2-AVEx-2_4.mp4 video/mp4 79.8 MB 00:01:45.920
RB2-AVEx-3_1.mp4 video/mp4 39 MB 00:00:31.743
RB2-AVEx-3_2.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.72 MB 00:01:32.304
RB2-AVEx-3_3.mp3 audio/mpeg 148 KB 00:00:07.511
RB2-AVEx-3_4.mp4 video/mp4 92.4 MB 00:01:15.328
RB2-AVEx-3_5.mp4 video/mp4 155 MB 00:02:05.909
RB2-AVEx-4_1.mp3 audio/mpeg 957 KB 00:01:15.546
RB2-AVEx-4_2.mp4 video/mp4 176 MB 00:01:37.236
RB2-AVEx-4_3.mp3 audio/mpeg 832 KB 00:01:05.176
RB2-AVEx-4_4.mp4 video/mp4 164 MB 00:02:13.290
RB2-AVEx-4_5.mp4 video/mp4 53.3 MB 00:03:12.788
RB2-AVEx-4_6.mp4 video/mp4 16.2 MB 00:00:58.560
RB2-AVEx-5_1.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.34 MB 00:02:05.567
RB2-AVEx-5_2.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.99 MB 00:02:42.623
RB2-AVEx-6_1.mp4 video/mp4 65.1 MB 00:02:44.564
RB2-AVEx-6_10.mp3 audio/mpeg 3.91 MB 00:04:30.314
RB2-AVEx-6_2.mp4 video/mp4 46.3 MB 00:01:57.781
RB2-AVEx-6_3.mp4 video/mp4 37.1 MB 00:01:39.33
RB2-AVEx-6_4.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.81 MB 00:01:56.688
RB2-AVEx-6_5.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.33 MB 00:01:13.143
RB2-AVEx-6_6.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.39 MB 00:01:24.846
25 files -- 1.04 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 32

Collection Information
Collection ID RB2
Collection title Kun-borrk/manyardi (song and dance from western Arnhem Land) and other performances, 2011-2019
Description Recordings of performances of kun-borrk/manyardi public ceremony from western Arnhem Land and interviews/discussion with singers/performers sharing their knowledge of public ceremony and archival recordings. Includes the following:

- Brown's PhD fieldwork recordings, 2011-2016 (see Reuben Brown, 'Following footsteps: The kun-borrk/manyardi song tradition and its role in western Arnhem Land society', [2016] PhD thesis, University of Syndey <>) including a mamurrng ceremony, funeral ceremony, local festivals and elicitation sessions recorded at various locations in western Arnhem Land and an academic conference in Canberra. Fieldwork funded by Australian Research Council funded project 'Intercultural inquiry in a trans-national context: Exploring the legacy of the 1948 American- Australian Scientific Expedition to Arnhem Land' (DP1096897)
- Recordings at a reburial ceremony at Gunbalanya, 2011, produced for 'Etched in Bone' by Martin Thomas and Béatrice Bijon
- Recordings of manyardi at Warruwi (2013) as part filming of 'Language Matters with Bob Holman' by Grubin Productions
- Recordings at Warruwi (2016-2017) with Ruth Singer for Faculty Research Grant investigating use of technology in maintenance of Mawng Language funded by University of Melbourne
- Recordings at the Wilin Centre, Melbourne (2017-2019) for the annual Research Unit for Indigenous Arts and Cultures workshops and symposia
- Recordings at Mowanjum, WA (2019) for the Mowanjum festival, funded by Early Career Research Grant 'Mobilising recordings of western Arnhem Land song to revitalise Exchange', University of Melbourne.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Reuben Brown
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative Images and sounds of deceased people, or pronouncing their names may cause distress to others. When auditioning media, it is a good idea to check first where possible with family or descendants whether it is OK, and where appropriate/known, refer to the deceased by their ‘skin name‘ (i.e. Nakodjok, Nawamud, etc.). This may include the following individuals who had passed away during the period between when the recordings were made and when they were archived:
Kodjok Jimmy Kalarriya
Wamud Jacob Nayinggul
Kodjok David Manmurulu
Balang Eric Mardday
Wamud James Gulamuwu
Kamarrang Isaiah Nagurrgurrba
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