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Title Letter books
Description Letter books of Reverend Thomas Watt Leggatt. He was a Scottish missionary based on Malekula, Vanuatu (previously New Hebrides) representing the Presbyterian Church of Australia c.1895-1905. He was ordained in Melbourne in 1886 and became Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria in 1931.

The material is as follows:
Press-copy letter-book, May-Nov 1896, Ms., ff. 1-69, indexed. Written from Aulua Mission, Malekula, New Hebrides. Informative, detailed letters including, ethnographic observations on the people of Malekula, the number of their languages;
Report of the “Amy Gertrude Russel” Mission Station, Aulua, Malekula, New Hebrides, year ending August 13th 1896; cover note addressed to Rev Leggatt’s father for a cask of 192lbs of arrowroot together with a 50lb bag of raw coffee being shipped to Melbourne; and letters to TWL’s brother Andrew, Mr Watson, Mr Langridge, Mr Paton, Dr and Mrs Annand, Mrs Scott, Mr Rolland, Mr Baker and Mrs C.B. Anderson.
Press-copy letter-book, Sep 1897-Oct 1905, Ms., ff.1, 9-165, indexed. Also written from the Aulua Mission, Malekula, New Hebrides. Includes letters to Mr Hardie, Convenor, Foreign Mission Cmte, Presbyterian Church of Victoria; also correspondence with the Western Pacific High Commission requesting including request to register the birth of TWL’s daughter, Lillie Faith Leggatt; letters passing on mission news to Mr Langridge, Mrs Tomkins, Miss Sutton, Mr Johnstone, Dr Cook and others, including Dr Geo Smith of Edinburgh with news that the French on the South coast were not driving out Rev TWL’s teachers; and an order for supplies. This letter-book includes a list of teachers in the Aulua District, Malekula, stating their names, location, salary and supporters (1899), and reports on indigenous teachers supported by the Presbyterian Church of Victoria or by the John G. Paton Fund (Samuel, Semuku, Taripoa, Tarivaka, Samson, David, Solomon, Abel & Albam studying at the Teachers Training Institute, Santo (Apr 1900); detailed reports (Apr 1900) on the following teachers: Josua at Ambilbarap; Noa; Ambongluan and wife Mogur; Paul and his wife Letok-Surur who opened a new station on Koliviu in the Maskelyne Islands; Harry Martin at the village of Batinir (Bakineer); Nambogsia of Burambar teaching at Sakau, one of the Maskeleyne Islands with Moses; Luke at the village of Pandru-lemp (?); Ebram at village of Bobambu (?); Alek at the Institute; Japhet and his wife Letubunka who were students at the Training Institute, Santo; and Thomas Erskine. There are also letters to the teachers and scholars at Presbyterian Sabbath Schools in Melbourne (Kensington, Kew, Malvern, Toorak, South Yarra) including reports on teachers and students supported by the various Sabbath Schools, namely Samuel, Josiah; Japhet; Taripoa and his wife Lelang; Ambongbaita and his wife Letis. See also: Rev. T. Watt Leggatt’s diaries, 1901-1908, at PMB 86 and his newspaper clippings relating to the New Hebrides, c.1891-1905, at PMB 87.

The following material available at National Library Australia:
1. Leggatt, T. Watt, First printings in language of Aulua, Malekula [New Hebrides], 1890-1892.
2. Leggatt, T. Watt, Mission work in Malekula, New Hebrides, 1891.
3. Leggatt, T. Watt, Newspaper clippings relating to the New Hebrides, [ca.1891-ca.1905] [microfilm] Mfm PMB 87
4. Leggatt, T. Watt, Malekula, New Hebrides [1892].
5. Leggatt, T. Watt, Nembu sa atua : Pagkumu ca Aulua, Malekula, New Hebrides, 1893.
6. Leggatt, T. Watt and Watt, Agnes C. P. (Agnes Craig Paterson), 1846-1894. Agnes C.P. Watt : twenty-five years' mission life on Tanna, New Hebrides / biographical sketch and introduction by T. Watt Leggatt, 1896.
7. Leggatt, T. Watt, Morning rays on Malekula [1897?].
8. Leggatt, T. Watt, Numene ta Apostol Hera, 1897.
9. Leggatt, T. Watt, First book and hymnal : Pangkumu and Aulua, Malekula, New Hebrides, 1897.
10. Leggatt, T. Watt, Diaries 1901-1908 [microform] mfm PMB 86
11. Leggatt, T. Watt, Ensurua naho i tok rien nerambulet bembui tui: Aulua, Malekula, New Hebrides, 1902.
12. Leggatt, T. Watt, Nasuruan ivoi Marik i tos, 1906
13. Leggatt, T. Watt, John G. Paton, D.D., missionary to the New Hebrides : a memorial life for our children / by T. Watt Leggatt and W.M.M. Alexander. [1907?].
14. Leggatt, T. Watt, How rain came up through the earth on Aniwa [1924].
15. Leggatt, T. Watt, Mission to the Aborigines in South Australia : statement and appeal from the Board of Missions, by T. Watt Leggatt, H.C. Matthew, 1937.

PMB Identifier: AU PMB MS 1252
The digitisation of these microfilms was funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language.
Origination date 1896-05-01
Origination date free form 1896-1905
Archive link
Kylie Moloney
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Malekula languages, Aulua
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Region / village
Originating university Australian National University
Operator Kylie Moloney
Data Categories
Data Types Image
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Roles Rev. T. Watt Leggatt : author
DOI 10.4225/72/582c749f37241
Cite as Kylie Moloney (collector), Rev. T. Watt Leggatt (author), 1896. Letter books. PDF. PAMBU-DOC1252 at
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Collection Information
Collection ID PAMBU
Collection title Pacific Manuscripts Bureau
Description Digitised microfilm images from Pacific Manuscripts Bureau (PAMBU).

The digitisation of these microfilms was funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
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