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Item ID
Title Amanatun wordlist
Description A wordlist of 1228 items in the Amanatun variety/dialect of Uab Meto. The list was recorded with Alfred in three sessions: evening 04/07/2022, evening 05/07/2022, and afternoon 16/07/2022. Due the 20 minute limit of the recording device there are eight recordings in total

1. 1-220 (recorded 04/07/2022, by I Made Netra)
2. 221-233 (recorded 04/07/2022, by I Made Netra)
3. 234-394 (recorded 05/07/2022, by I Made Netra)
4. 395-439 (recorded 16/07/2022, by Owen Edwards)
5. 440-695 (recorded 16/07/2022, by Owen Edwards)
6. 696-884 (recorded 16/07/2022, by Owen Edwards)
7. 885-1076 (recorded 16/07/2022, by Owen Edwards)
8. 1077-1228 (recorded 16/07/2022, by Owen Edwards)

OCSEAN-AOZ_20220715-WORDLIST.wav contains all eight recordings concatenated together in a single file.

OCSEAN-AOZ_20220715-WORDLIST_TEXTGRID.txt contains a text-grid file made in Praat. This contains two tiers: the top tier with the number of the item, and the bottom tier with a broad phonetic transcription made by Owen Edwards. Different responses to the same prompt are differentiated alphabetically (e.g. 1a, 1b).

OCSEAN-AOZ_20220715-WORDLIST.txt is a text file which contains the cleaned up version of all the Uab Meto data collected with the orthographic transcriptions made by Alfred Snae and broad phonetic transcriptions made by Owen Edwards.

In Owen Edward’s transcriptions three phonetic heights are distinguished among the mid vowels: mid-low [ɛ] and [ɔ], mid-high [e] and [o], and slightly higher [ɪ] and [ʊ]. All these mid vowels are transcribed by Alfred Snae (the consultant) as <e> and <o>. In final syllables mid-high [e o] and slightly higher [ɪ ʊ] are historically high vowels which have lowered after a (historically) penultimate mid-low vowel. In penultimate syllables, mid-high [e o] are mid vowels which have raised before a (historically) high vowel; e.g.*okiʔ *[ʔɔkiʔ] ‘wave’ > [ʔokeʔ], *mepu *[mɛpu] > [mepo]. All vowel-initial words begin with a glottal stop. Long vowels analysable as sequences of two identical vowels are transcribed with two vowel symbols. Stress regularly falls on the penultimate vowel of a word.

OCSEAN-AOZ_20220715-WORDLIST.pdf contains the first 393 items as filled in by hand by I Made Netra in IPA.

OCSEAN-AOZ_20220715-WORDLIST_TYPED.pdf contains a typed up version of the wordlist, made by Alfred Snae in orthographic transcription. Meto items are given in brackets after the Indonesian prompt.
Origination date 2022-07-16
Origination date free form
Archive link
Owen Edwards
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Uab Meto
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Amanatun
Region / village desa (village): Oekiu, kecamatan (district): Amanatun Selatan, kabupaten (regency): Timor Tengah Selatan, provinsi (province): Nusa Tenggara Timur
Originating university
Data Categories lexicon
Data Types
Discourse type formulaic_discourse
Roles Owen Edwards : transcriber
Alfred Snae : consultant
Alfred Snae : transcriber
I Made Netra : interviewer
I Made Netra : transcriber
Mas Indrawati : transcriber
DOI 10.26278/PCZJ-RB24
Cite as Owen Edwards (collector), Owen Edwards (transcriber), Alfred Snae (consultant, transcriber), I Made Netra (interviewer, transcriber), Mas Indrawati (transcriber), 2022. Amanatun wordlist. MPEG/MP4/MXF/VND.WAV/EAF+XML/PDF/PLAIN. OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704 at
Content Files (42)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1077TO1228.mp3 audio/mpeg 12.8 MB 00:13:57.677
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1077TO1228.mp4 video/mp4 2.65 GB 00:13:57.600
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1077TO1228.mxf application/mxf 34 GB
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1077TO1228.wav audio/vnd.wav 460 MB 00:13:57.653
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1TO220.eaf application/eaf+xml 78 KB
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1TO220.mp3 audio/mpeg 19.2 MB 00:21:01.39
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1TO220.mp4 video/mp4 3.98 GB 00:21:00.960
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1TO220.mxf application/mxf 50.4 GB
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_1TO220.wav audio/vnd.wav 693 MB 00:21:01.9
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_221TO233.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.01 MB 00:01:05.837
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_221TO233.mp4 video/mp4 214 MB 00:01:05.760
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_221TO233.mxf application/mxf 2.61 GB
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_221TO233.wav audio/vnd.wav 36.4 MB 00:01:05.813
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_234TO394.mp3 audio/mpeg 14.5 MB 00:15:47.600
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_234TO394.mp4 video/mp4 2.99 GB 00:15:47.519
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_234TO394.mxf application/mxf 33.6 GB
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_234TO394.wav audio/vnd.wav 521 MB 00:15:47.562
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_395TO439.mp3 audio/mpeg 4.21 MB 00:04:35.600
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_395TO439.mp4 video/mp4 892 MB 00:04:35.519
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_395TO439.mxf application/mxf 10.5 GB
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_395TO439.wav audio/vnd.wav 152 MB 00:04:35.562
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_440TO695.mp3 audio/mpeg 19.2 MB 00:21:00.549
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_440TO695.mp4 video/mp4 3.98 GB 00:21:00.480
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_440TO695.mxf application/mxf 50.7 GB
OCSEAN-AOZ_20220704-WORDLIST_440TO695.wav audio/vnd.wav 693 MB 00:21:00.519
25 files -- 199 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 42

Collection Information
Collection ID OCSEAN
Collection title Wordlists of languages of Indonesia and the Philippines
Description Recordings and transcription of a large wordlist (c. 1,100 items) for many languages of Indonesia and the Philippines. Additional textual data was collected for a subset of languages.

Made as part of the OCSEAN (OCeanic and South East Asian Navigators; MSCA-RISE-2019, Project Number 873207) project. The initial workshop was held in Uppsala, Sweden from 20 June to 15 July 2022.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Nick Ward
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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