Item details
Item ID
Title Nawisien nig Nagmer Apostol
Description Translation of Apostles, Rev J.W.McKenzie (1880s?). Page images and OCR and corrected text.
Origination date 1880-12-31
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Nick Thieberger
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Originating university University of Melbourne
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Roles Nick Thieberger : data_inputter
DOI 10.26278/5f35662c1a355
Cite as Nick Thieberger (collector), Nick Thieberger (data_inputter), 1880. Nawisien nig Nagmer Apostol. PDF/XML. NT3-Apostols at
Content Files (2)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
NT3-Apostols-image.pdf application/pdf 1.49 GB
NT3-Apostols-text.xml application/xml 96.7 KB
2 files -- 1.49 GB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID NT3
Collection title South Efate documents, keyboarded versions of early texts written in South Efate.
Description South Efate documents, keyboarded versions of early texts written in South Efate. NT3-NadusIskei is the first book from Efate. NT3-catechism is the Efatese primer catechism and hymn book from 1911, text and images of the original.
NT3-kenesis is Keyboarded from Genesis translated by Rev. J.Cosh (1874)
NT3-scripturehistory, 1923,"Scripture History: Efate New Hebrides 1923. NT3-sope,Stories by Pastor Sope,
Handwritten manuscript kept by Shirley Macrae (not the same as NT3-storian).
NT3-storian. A rendering of the Sope stories into current usage, "Storian Blong Pastor Sope long lanwis blong Saot Efate we oli bin kamaot samples long yia 1950," Endis Kalsarap translated them into modern South Efate and into Bislama.
The Sesake (a north Efate variety) document is a transcription of Bishop Patteson's manuscript.
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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