Item details
Item ID
Title Art of Basetweaving (book)
Description A book that takes the text of LG1-120309-01 and illustrates it with images of making baskets in Yolmo. Made by Bi Jingying as a student project at NTU Singapore. Copies printed for Lamjung Yolmo speakers.
Origination date 2016-08-07
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Lauren Gawne
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Region / village Lamjung
Originating university University of Melbourne
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DOI 10.4225/72/58e666097ab95
Cite as Lauren Gawne (collector), 2016. Art of Basetweaving (book). LG1-basketbook at
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Collection Information
Collection ID LG1
Collection title Yolmo (also known as Helambu Sherpa, Nepal)
Description Audio recordings of grammatical elicitation, words lists, texts, narratives and conversations. Also one video recording of conversation picture task. Sessions mainly conducted in Nepali and Yolmo. Accompanying Transcriber or ELAN files provided for most files. Also a small number of recordings with Kagate speakers (Ramechhap district), Melamchi Valley Yolmo speakers and Ilam Yolmo speakers.
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Access Information
Edit access Amanda Harris
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative Contact depositor. After 50 years (e.g., 2064) PARADISEC is given the right to release materials if the depositor is not contactable.
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