Item details
Item ID
Title Follow up: verbs; pt. 1
Description Notes in 2010 Book 1; pp. 43-51. Follow up on verbs; includes habitual; progressive; causation; desire and intention and honourifics. Recorded batteries died and LG1-100930-02 follows on. ; duration: 0:27:05; -02;Follow up: verbs; pt. 2;2010-09-30;Notes in 2010 Book 1; pp. 43-51. Follow up on verbs; includes habitual; progressive; causation; desire and intention and honourifics. As a follow on to LG1-100930-01; follows on after batteries replaced. ; duration: 0:41:20; All audio recordings created using Zoom H4n audio recorder with internal mic (.wav format 44.1 kHz, 16-bit stereo).
Origination date 2010-09-30
Origination date free form
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Lauren Gawne
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Lamjung Yolmo
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s)
Dialect Lamjung
Region / village Namgyu
Map No map data given - please add.
Originating university University of Melbourne
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Lauren Gawne : researcher
Asa Lama : consultant
DOI 10.4225/72/56F6A9F424347
Cite as Lauren Gawne (collector), Lauren Gawne (researcher), Asa Lama (consultant), 2010. Follow up: verbs; pt. 1. EAF+XML/MPEG/PFSX+XML/VND.WAV. LG1-100930 at
Content Files (8)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
LG1-100930-01.eaf application/eaf+xml 19.4 KB
LG1-100930-01.mp3 audio/mpeg 24.8 MB 00:27:04.920
LG1-100930-01.pfsx application/pfsx+xml 1.03 KB
LG1-100930-01.wav audio/vnd.wav 274 MB 00:27:04.880
LG1-100930-02.eaf application/eaf+xml 30.3 KB
LG1-100930-02.mp3 audio/mpeg 37.8 MB 00:41:19.800
LG1-100930-02.pfsx application/pfsx+xml 1.05 KB
LG1-100930-02.wav audio/vnd.wav 417 MB 00:41:19.750
8 files -- 754 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 8

Collection Information
Collection ID LG1
Collection title Yolmo (also known as Helambu Sherpa, Nepal)
Description Audio recordings of grammatical elicitation, words lists, texts, narratives and conversations. Also one video recording of conversation picture task. Sessions mainly conducted in Nepali and Yolmo. Accompanying Transcriber or ELAN files provided for most files. Also a small number of recordings with Kagate speakers (Ramechhap district), Melamchi Valley Yolmo speakers and Ilam Yolmo speakers.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
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Data access conditions Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Data access narrative Contact depositor.
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