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Viano (MS) 12/7/98 Maggio 'La guerra di Troia' by compagnia di Gorfigliano audio tape 1 of 2.
Side A: Stanzas 1-151.4 (Menelao's ottava, appearing at head of page 9 of the photocopied booklet). The ottava continues on AT9803B.
Side B: Stanzas 151.5 to 261.
See also AT9804 (stanzas 262-end), VT9804 (stanzas 1-185.1), VT9805 (stanzas 198.3-end), 98PIX02.
Text: based on "La Guerra di Troia di Mario Pellegrinotti, secondo il testo rielaborato e adottato dai maggianti di Gorfigliano (LU), a cura di Gastone Venturelli, (CTP Lucca, quaderno 2bis, 1979). A photocopy of the version used in this performance, entitled "La guerra di Troia - ridotta" was given to Linda Barwick by Amilcare Paladini (capomaggio). It was reduced from 268 stanzas to 116. Document was created by photocopying selected stanzas from the original booklet and pasting them into a new document (stanza numbers sometimes missing). Some stanzas (most of which also appear in the original booklet) have been copied in by hand.