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Translation (Rita Seng Mai & Keita Kurabe)
The story I am going to tell is about how useful and good a king quail's gall is for burns. In the past, when there was a wildfire in the forest, every small and big bird helped to put out the fires. At that time, a king quail turned its body and used its tail to put out the fire. Other birds used their wings to stop the fire. Some used their tails to extinguish the fire. At that time, the king quail stopped putting out the fire because its tail got burnt. When it was hurt, the other birds cured it. Then the king quail got better. Although it got better, the tail was not long anymore since its tail was burnt. So, it had only a short tail. Since then, the king quail had only a short tail. Later, when the fire was put out, the Mighty GOD asked and looked for animals which helped to put out the wildfire. Then the other birds asked, "Our Mighty GOD, the king quail got its tail burnt while it was trying to stop the wildfire. So, what could you give it back?" Then the Mighty GOD said, "Let the king quail's gall be the medicine which can cure burns!" So, if we have scalds or burns, we can apply the king quail's gall on the burns. Then the burns can be healed.
Transcription (Lu Awng)
Ya hkai na maumwi gaw u gam shagri wan nma tsi tai ai majun maumwi re. Moi mungkan masha ni nga pra ten hta, nhprang wan hkru nga ai shaloi mungkan ga e nga ai u amyu sumhpa, u numji numjoi ni mung wan sa sat lawm ma ai. Dai shaloi e u gam gaw kayin nna shi a mai tsan hte wan sat lawm ai. Kaga u ni mung singkaw hte yit nna wan sat lawm ai. Nkau mi gaw maitsan hte wan sat lawm ai. Dan rai nga yang e u gam gaw shi a maitsan wan hkru nna hkring mat ai. Shi machyi nga ai shaloi laga u ni tsi tsi ya nna bai mai wa ai. Bai mai wa ai rai ti mung, shi a maitsan gaw wan hkru ai kaw lawm mat ai majaw, bai n galu wa ai sha, tum tum byin mat ai. Dai kaw nna u gam mai tum byin mat ai. Hpang e, wan sat ngut ai shaloi, hpan madu gaw wan sat lawm ai ni hpe san sagawn ai shaloi ngam ai u ni gaw "Hpan madu e, u gam gaw wan sat lawm ai kaw shi a maitsan wan hkru lawm mat nna, shi a maitsan kadun mat ai." "Dai majaw shi hpe hpa shabrai jaw na?" ngu tsun yang Hpan madu gaw "U gam a shagri gaw wan nma tsi tai u ga," ngu tsun ai. Dai majaw ya dai ni du hkra wan hkru ai, hka hpunglum jaw ai shara kaw e ndai u gam a shagri chya yang mai ai. |