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Title Ja sumla kaw na num sha (Girl from a golden picture) with English translation
Description Translation (Rita Seng Mai)
A long time ago, there were a granny and a grandpa in a village. They were very old, but they did not have any children. So, they always felt sad about that. They had to work very hard for their living. One day, a man with a big bag came to them. He requested, "Grandpa and grandma, I will be a guest at your house tonight. Can I?" The granny and grandpa allowed him to rest at their house. In the middle of the night, the man fell sick. They cured him as much as they could afford. Days by days, he recovered from the illness. Then, he prepared to continue his journey, although he was not fully recovered yet. He said, "Grandpa and grandma, you have done so much for me. I want to show my gratitude to you, but I don't have any valuable things to give you. I will leave my bag at your house. It will help you on behalf of me." And he put his bag somewhere inside the house and continued his journey. The old couple had fallen asleep after he had gone. There was saw a gold statue inside the bag which the boy left for them. Unbelievable, the gold statue became alive. It was a girl. She was lying under the granny and grandpa's bed. The next morning, the granny found a beautiful girl under their bed. She was thrilled and woke her husband up. And she said to him, "The gold statue inside the bag has turned into a beautiful girl! They treated her like their real daughter. Actually, the girl was a talented weaver. At that time, the king was searching for a woman who was talented in weaving. It was because he adored that kind of person. The king was finding the perfect consort for him. Then, he was searching for a woman who would be his life partner. At that time, he saw the gorgeous girl of the grandpa and grandmother. He found her talent in weaving. So, he chose the girl to be his queen. The king had got a second wife too. But she became the first wife in rank. One year later, she was pregnant. It was due to give birth. The queen prepared to give birth successfully. On the other hand, the second wife couldn't give birth to a baby for the king. She was jealous of the queen. So, she thought of an idea of how to deceive the king and the queen. She ordered her maids to lie the baby was just water. When the queen gave birth, the king asked the maids, "How is the baby? Is the baby healthy?" Then, the maids said, "Your Majesty, the queen gave birth to the water bag." After a year, the queen got pregnant again. At that time, the second wife felt anxious and searched for an idea to kill the baby. She ordered the maids to throw the baby under the floor and to show a water bag. When the queen gave birth, the king asked the maids, "Can the queen deliver the baby successfully?" Then, they told the same lie again. The king got mad at the queen. So, he punished the queen, "This woman gave birth only water for two times! She should not be a queen. She is no longer belong to my palace. Let her stay on the farm and work there!" In fact, the baby who was thrown fell right in the pigsty. The mother pig raised the baby. After some months, the maids threw the second baby in the pigsty again. The pig saved the baby and fed two babies well. Later, the second wife found out that the pig saved the children. So, she thought to kill the pig. The pig knew that the second queen was trying to kill her. So, she gave the babies to a goat. A few months later, the second wife found out that the goat was raising the babies. Then, she tried to kill her. When the goat knew that, she put the children in the basket and floated them along the stream. The goat got killed by the second wife. Meanwhile, the witch (Jahtung Nat) saw the children in the box were flowing through the water. She saved and raised them well. The children thought the witch was their birth mother. The witch took care of them and always searched for food for the children. While she was going out to find food, she left them in the cave. They were growing up days after days. They were bored staying in the cave whenever their mother went out to find food. Then, they started going outside of the cave. There was a magic mirror in the cave. In the mirror, they saw a woman working on the farm. They could also see their mother (Jahtung Nat), who was searching for food for them. They could see their appearances as well. Then, they found that they looked like the woman who was working on the farm. And they did not look like their mother at all. So, they were confused. They said to each other, "The woman who is working on the farm and we have similar appearances. She could be our birth mother." While they were talking about that, the witch came back to the cave and told them not to go out. But they did not tell her what they were thinking about. One day, they discussed, "It will be great if we go to the woman who is working on the farm. She could be our birth mother." One day, they ran away from the cave while the witch was finding food outside. They ran the whole day, but they didn't know the way to the farm. They were afraid of the witch if she could catch them. At that time, a goat was coming towards them. It asked, "Where are you going?" They said, "We are running away from the witch who raises us. She looks totally different from us. A woman who is working on the farm looks very similar to us. So we are heading to her." It said, "Then follow me." They kept walking and walking. On the way, they stopped under a tree. The children asked the goat about that tree. The goat said, "It is the tree which can create the storm and rain. Pick some leaves." They plucked some leaves and ran away. When they looked behind, they saw the witch chasing them. She shouted, "Don't leave me, my sons." The children said, "Mom, don't follow us. We are different from each other. We can't live together." But the witch kept chasing them. While the children and the goat were running, they hit a tree again. The children asked, "What kind of tree is this?" The goat said, "It is the snow tree. Pick some leaves from this tree too." After that, they kept running and the witch kept following. On their way, they ran into another tree again. The children asked the goat, "What about this tree?" It explained, "This is the cloud tree. Pick some leaves as well." When they plucked the leaves, it made a sound since it hurt. In fact, all the trees were living trees. They kept running and running away from the witch. She almost got them. Then, the children worried and said, "If she catches us, we can't be free. What should we do? Help us, please." The goat said, "Throw the leaves you have picked first." Amazingly, the storm had happened. The soil became slippery because of rain and storm. So, the witch couldn't run faster. But she kept following them. Then, the children were frightened and requested the goa to save them. The goat said, "Spread the leaves you have picked secondly." There was snow everywhere. The witch got stuck in the snow and could not move faster. She was under the snow. At that time, the children ran away. Then, the witch tried very hard to escape from the snow. When she got out of the snow, she chased the children. They were scared and asked the goat to help them. The goat told them, "Throw the leaves you have plucked the third time." As soon as they threw them, the huge clouds formed and fell right onto the witch. Then, the witch had died. After a few hours, they had arrived at the farm where the woman was working. When the woman saw them, she asked about them. They told everything about them. Then, she couldn't say a word. She was just surprised. Then, they went to the palace and stood in front of the gate. They asked the guards to open the gate. When the door was opened, the goat explained everything about the children to the king. It said, "They are the king and the queen's children. They were raised by a pig, a goat and a witch. Now, they ran away from the witch and came here to be with their family." Then, the king understood everything. He called the children and his wife back to the palace. They lived happily ever after.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Moi shawng e da dinggai yen dingla 2 nga ai da. Dai yen gaw grai dinggai dingla wa yang kashu kasha n lu na shan gaw grai re n myit n pyaw ai re hte galoi mung dai hku sha nga taw nga ai da. Galaw lu galaw sha taw ai da, dai wa she shan tsawm ra mi dinggai dingla mat sai da. Lani mi na aten gaw shan kaw gaw la langai mi ndai rai majaw langai mi hpai nna sa wa ai da. E e jidwi yen ah dwi e nan kaw e ngai manam na yaw ngu na sa wa ai da. Shaloi jang she e manam na she nga yang gaw manam rit ngu na sa wa ai shaloi gaw shana yup tung e gaw la ndai gaw n myit mada ai sha wa machyi mat wa ai da. Ndai la ndai wa machyi mat wa re na she shan gaw dangdi dang dep ai daram gaw tsi gawn lajang ai da. Tsi gawn lajang hkrai tsi gawn lajang tsawm ra na hkra shi hpe tsi tsi ai shaloi gaw ndai la wa gaw tsawmri sha re na mai wa sai da. Tsawm ri re na bai wa re shaloi gaw ndai la wa gaw dai kaw na bai pru wa hkawm na matu myit ai, ndai shaloi she shi gaw ndai dinggai yen dingla hpe e hpa kumhpa mung n chye jaw, gara hku chyeju n chye htang ai da e, dai majaw gumhpraw mung kaga nlu re jang e she lam hkawm timmung n gun ni mung grai naw n rawng rai re she e e jidwi yen ah dwi e ngai nan hpe hpa kumhpa n chye jaw ai machyi mung mai wa sai re majaw gaw nan hpe e ngai ndai ngai na rai majaw tawn da ya na ndai ngai na malai gaw ndai wa nan hpe garum u ga ngu na dai hku na tsun kau da ai da. Dai hku tsun kau da na she shi gaw dai hku na sa mat hkawm mat wa ai da. hkawm mat wa ai dai shaloi she shi na shanhte na shi na rai majaw dai hpe gaw shan gaw oh pinra langai mi kaw tawn da re na she dingla yen dinggai gaw dai hte maren yup ra shang wa sai da, yup ra shang re na yup ra shang re yang she jahpawt dinggai gaw jahpawt jau jau yup rawt ai. Shaloi jang she ndai hto ra kaw na rai majaw kaw na ja sumla re na hku re nga. Dai kaw wa she ja sumla kasha langai mi rawng taw ai hku re nga, dai majaw kaw gaw dai ja sumla dai kaw wa she asak rawng wa na she masha tai mat ai da. Masha tai mat na she shan a lagaw n hpang kaw yup nga la ai da. Numsha grai tsawm ai langai mi yup nga la re jang e gaw ndai num jan gaw grai kabu na she jasu na she mau hpa re sai, an gawn lajang dat ai la wa tawn da ya ai rai makai kaw na ja sumla hte dai wa ya numsha langai mi tai taw nga ai ngu da. Shingngu na she grai a kalung re na tsawm ai numsha wa tai taw ai da, dai majaw shan gaw dai hpe she a tsawm sha shayup la na kaja wa nan shan a kasha re mat sai da, shan a kasha re mat re shaloi she ndai numsha gaw mi da grai chye da ai num re da. Grai chye da re yang she ndai shanhte mung hta gaw ndai hkawhkam wa re jang she ndai lata hpaji grai chye ai shayi sha hpe e ra ai da. Shi gaw numla hkyen ai hkawhkam jan lata hkyen ai majaw dan re shayi sha ra ai da. Dan re shayi sha ra re yang she ndai gawan hkawm wa re shaloi gaw ndai numsha wa gaw da grai maka grai grai tsawm na chye da ai numsha re taw ai da. Dai majaw shi hpe e shi na hkawhkam jan shatai na ngu na dai de e woi da re na hkawhkam jan shatai taw nga sai da. Hkawhkam jan shatai taw da, hkawhkam jan gaw i hkawhkam jan kaji ngu langai naw nga ai da. Dai numsha ndai gaw hkawhkam jan kaba re ai da. Dai wa she dai hku nga taw nga she ndai ja sumla kaw na byin wa ai shayi sha ndai gaw hkawhkam jan tai nga ai ten hta ndai hkawhkam wa hte e ma langai mi lu hkyen sai da. Dai ma langai mi lu hkyen re yang she ma shangai na ten du sai da, dai shaloi she ndai num ma shangai ngai ya re num ni hpe e ma shangai shangun ai shaloi she ndai hkawhkam jan kaji ngu na ndai wa she shi gaw ma nlu ai da. Ma nlu ai majaw manawn nna she ndai ma ndai hpe e sat kau ya na hku dai ni e hpaji jaw sai da. Hpaji jaw re yang she shi hpaji jaw ai gaw ndai hka majaw sha re ndai wa na kasha gaw ngu na tsun shangun ai da. Tsun shangun re yang she kaja wa nan shangai ngut ai hpang e she dai hku na sa san ai da, ya ma gaw ngu na hkawhkam gaw sa san jang she ndai wa shangai ai gaw ma nre ai hka majaw sha re ngu dai hku tsun ai da. Dai she dai hku na nga re yang she hpang e kalang mi bai dai hku na ma shangai na hkyen sai da, shangai na hkyen re yang she kaja wa nan dai shaloi mung ma bai shangai ngun yang she dai num hkawhkam jan kaji ngu na num kaji jan gaw hpaji bai daw sai da e. Ma hpe gaw n pu de jahkrat kau na she hkawhkam e hka majaw sha re ngu na hka majaw sha madun u ngu na dai hku bai tsun ai da. Dai shaloi she kaja wa nan dai shaloi mung hkawhkam wa bai sa san ai shaloi gaw ndai wa shangai ai gaw ma nre hka majaw sha re ngu dai hku bai hka majaw sha bai madun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw ndai hka majaw sha shangai ngai re num e gaw hkawhkam wang kaw nmai tawn da ai ngu na gawt kau na she hkawhkam wang hte loi mi tsan ai kaw sun wang langai mi nga ai dai kaw e shani shagu sun wang kaw e i tsing baw tsing magang bungli chyu galaw rai na matu hkawhkam jan kaba hpe e dai kaw sa sa kau ai da. Dai kaw sa sa kau re ahkying aten hta she kaja wa nan ndai npu de hkrat ai dai npu de jahkrat kau ai oh ra wa na kasha hpe she shawng na kasha shawng na hpe wa she ndai wa a kanu wa she bau da ai da. Dai wa a kanu bau da re na she dai wa kachyi mi kaba wa ai hte i oh ra kalang mi bai shangai ai re majaw gaw dai wa hpe mung dai hku na bai bau da re gaw kasha 2 re sai da. Kasha 2 lu jang she dai hpe wa she wa kanu bau da ai re hpe wa she num kaji ni jan chye mat wa re she ndai wa ndai hpe sat sha kau na hku na hkyen sai da. Sat sha kau na hku na hkyen ai hpe ndai wa kanu na ai majaw chye kau ai majaw she ndai wa ndai gaw bainam hpe bai ap kau ai da. Bainam hpe bai ap kau re yang she ndai bainam bai bau da sai da. Bainam bai bau da re jang e gaw ndai wa e mung sat sha kau sai, hpang e gaw bainam hpe bai dai hku na bai n dai num hkawhkam jan kaji wa she dai hku na bai chye mat wa ai majaw she ndai bainam hpe mung sat sha kau na hku bai tsun wa sai da, dai shaloi she ndai bainam kaji gaw aw ndai bainam kanu gaw n byin sai ngai hpe sat sha kau jang gaw ndai ma yen mung si na sha re, matsan mayen ngu na she shi gaw oh ndai hka kaw waw na matu i sadek kasha galaw da na she ma dai yen hpe sa bang na she dai hka kaw shayawng kau dat ai da. Shayawng kau dat re na she ma dai yen gaw dai kaw yawng mat wa ai da, ndai bainam hpe mung dai hku na sat kau ai da. Sat kau re yang she hpang jahtum i hpang e re jang gaw ndai ma yen yawng hkrat wa ai hpe ndai hpa baw ngu na ta, ndai jahtung nat kaba langai mi wa she dai yen hpe e hkap sai la na she nat num jahtung nat num kaba hkap sai la na she dai yen hpe e bau da sai da. Dai yen hpe bau da re yang gaw dai yen hpe mung jahtung kanu hpe she nu ngu na she nga wa ai da. Shani shagu kasha yen hpe bau na matu shani shagu lusha tam sa ai da. Lusha tam sa re jang she shani shagu shan 2 hpe gaw ndai lungpu hku kaw sha tawn da ai da. Lungpu kaw sha tawn da re yang she shan gaw loi mi kaba wa re yang nga jin wa sai da e nga jin wa re na she lungpu mahka hkan e mung hkawm rai sai da. Dai shaloi she oh pat langai mi nga ai da, pat dai kaw yu yang she oh dai sun langai mi kaw e masha i num langai mi hpe mung mu ai da. Re jang she oh shanhte lusha tam jaw taw nga ai ndai jahtung nat kanu hpe mung mu ai da. Re jang she shan 2 a hkrang kaning re hpe mung mu ai da, shaloi jang she pat dai kaw yu yang she dan re jang she shan 2 a hkumhkrang hpraw nsam ni wa she oh sun kaw e nga taw ai bungli galaw ai shani shagu bungli galaw taw ai num hte she bai bung taw ai da e. Re jang she ndai shan hpe lusha tam bau taw ai shan nu ngu ai jahtung dinggai hte gaw shan wa n bung taw re majaw she shan gaw myit sai da. E an nau gaw oh ra kaw bungli galaw taw nga ai hte she bung taw nga ai an gaw dai wa a kasha she mai byin na re, ndai an nu ngu ai wa gaw nre na re ngu na shan myit ai da. Dai majaw lani mi hta gaw shan 2 gaw dai hku myit re na nga taw nga kanu bai wa ai da. Kanu bai wa na shan hpe lusha bai wa tam jaw ai, nan 2 shinggan de hkum pru yaw ngu da. Shan a myit hta gara hku rawng ai re shan kanu hpe ntsun dan ai sha dai hku na nga taw nga she shan shinggan de n pru ai dai hku na sha nga taw nga ai retim mung shan gaw bai myit yu myit yu na she e an hte bung ai kanu kaw she oh ra sun wang kaw e bungli galaw nga ai dai wa kaw she an wa yang mai na re. Dai wa kaw she an wa yang dai wa she an a kanu n hten dai wa kaw wa ga ngu na shan 2 bawng la sai da. Shan 2 bawng la na she lani mi shan a kanu lusha tam jaw ai jahtung kanu gaw lusha tam sa mat wa ai hte shan 2 ngu gaw aw hprawng sai da. Hprawng she hprawng re yang she shan hkrai sha gara de n chye hprawng wa na she mau taw nga sai da law, jahtung kanu dep na gaw hkrit re na she gara de n chye hprawng wa na mau nga yang she ndai bainam langai mi she shan kaw sa wa ai da. E nan gara de sa hkyen ta ngu jang she an gaw ya an hpe bau ai wa gaw an hte n bung ai, oh anhte bung ai oh ra tsawm ra tsan ai kaw e sun wang nga ai dai kaw galaw wa ai kaw hprawng sa ga ngu na an gaw dai hku na myit taw nga ai ngu na tsun dat ai. Dai hku na tsun re yang she kaja wa nan dai wa kaw sa mayu yang gaw nye hpang kaw hkan mu ngu na she hkan sai da, hkan yang she hkawm hkawm hkawm gat hkrai gat re yang wa she hpun langai mi kaw bai la ai da, e ndai hpa baw hpun re kun ngu na, shing ngu jang ndai gaw lamu marang hpun ngu ai re ngu na dai hku tsun ai da. Dai kaw na lap mung di hpai mu ngu da, shaloi jang she dai di dat yang she a ka ngu ai da e dai kaw na namlap di hpai da, re jang she oh bai hkawm bai gat rai hpang e n htang yu yang wa she shan e bau ai jahtung dinggai wa mung she gat she gat nang ai da, ma yen e nu hpe hkum hprawng kau da loh, nu hkrai sha gara hku n nga ai ngu na she dai hku na gat nang ai da. Shaloi jang she shan gaw nu e an kaw hkum gat nang an gaw nang nu hte n bung ai, nang hte e nga na n mai byin ai hkum kagat nang ngu timmung gat she gat nang ai da. Bai hkawm bai hkawm re yang she ndai hpun langai mi kaw bai wa bai la sai da. Ndai hpa baw hpun re kun ngu na bai san she ndai gaw mi na gaw lamu marang re sai ndai gaw hkyen hpun ngu ai re ngu na tsun ai da. Dai lap mung di hpai mu ngu da, shaloi jang dai kaw na di hpai re na lata kaw latup hpai re na re sai da, shaloi jang she bai hkawm re na gat hkrai gat yang ndai jahtung dinggai mung lagat hkrai lagat nang shanhte mung hprawng hkrai hprawng re na hprawng hkrai hprawng ai da. Re jang she hpun langai mi kaw bai bai la ai da, ndai hpa baw hpun re kun ngu jang she dai bainam wa gaw tsun ai da, dai gaw summwi gumdin hpun ngu re nga ngu da, dai hpe mung di hpai mu, dai lap law law di hpai mu ngu shaloi di jang a ka loh ngu hkra re da, asak hkrung ai namlap hkrai di hpai ai da. Re na she dai hku na gat yang n htang yu jang she oh ra jahtung dinggai gaw dep she dep wa re majaw she ndai shan nau gaw aw an hpe dep wa nga ai law dep jang gaw an gaw lawt na nre sai gara hku di na naw hkye la rit ngu na bainam hpe tsun ai shaloi gaw ndai bainam gaw nan nau miyet di hpai ai dai shawng di hpai ai namlap dai hpe e a gat dat mu gang je gat dat mu ngu na tsun ai da. Shaloi jang dai latup hpai ai dai gang je gamawng dat jang she koi marang kaba ngu htu she htu rai wa ai da. Htu she htu na lamu ga ni mung manen she manen mat na shanhte gaw hprawng she hprawng gat she gat re yang she jahtung dinggai gaw nau n lu gat mat ai da. Nau n lu gat mat na she loi mi hpang hkrat mat ai da. Hpanghkrat mat ai da, retim mung bai hkan gat nang ai da, i bai dep wa sai naw hkye la rit, hpaji naw jaw la rit ngu na bainam hpe tsun dat jang she mi yet nan di hpai ai dai hkyen lap ngu ai dai bai gang je a gat dat mu ngu na tsun ai. Shaloi gaw dai shan nau latup hpai ai kaw na dai a gat dat ai shaloi gaw kei hkyen hkrat ai da, hkyen hkrat nna oh ra hkyen hkrat sumpum nna lu pyi n lu shamu mat, ma htat mat re da. Dai majaw she ndai shanhte gaw gat hkrai gat shanhte na hpang e byin ai le i, shanhte gat wa ai de gaw n byin ai, shanhte na hpang e byin ai dai jahtung dinggai gat wa na lam de dai hku byin na jahtung dinggai a hkum ting dai hku hkyen hkrai galup mat. Shingrai na shi mung tsawm ra na hkra dai hku na n lu shamu mat rai, dai mung tsawm ri re na oh ra wa mung lu shamu wa na bai gat ai da, bai gat mat re na she ndai bai hkan gat nang re na she i i dep wa na sha re sai, gara hku di na ta a naw hkye la rit ngu na bainam hpe bai tsun jang she dai nan latup hpai ai nan di hpai ai summwi gumdin lap hpe e gang je agat dat mu ngu na dai hku tsun jang she, Kaja wa nan dai hpe bai gang je agat kau dat jang kei summwi gumdin she n bung hte summwi ni hte re na manu mana ja nna bung wa, summwi ni mawng wa re da, summwi ngu gumdin mung n bung e shapoi re na summwi gumdin hte she dai jahtung dinggai hpe a htu galau re na she n bung marit nna n dai jahtung dinggai gaw dai kaw si mat ai da. Dai majaw ndai jahkrai yen nau hte e ndai bainam gaw dai sun kaw e bungli galaw nga ai num kaw bai du wa na she ndai num wa mung gara kaw na kaning re na du wa ai lam ni hpe e shi grai mau na san i, shaloi jang e she ndai num wa e tsun dan ai. Tsun dan ai retim mung ndai num wa gaw shi gaw sha mau taw mat ai i, gara hku kaning ngu n chye tsun mat ai, dai re majaw gaw ndai ni gaw hkawhkam wang de bai lai re na she chyinghka shinggan kaw sa tsap taw na chyinghka hpaw ya na matu sa tsun ai da. Chyinghka hpaw ya na matu sa tsun re shaloi gaw kaja wa nan chyinghka hpaw dat ai hte n dai bainam wa tsun ai ndai mi kaw na byin ai i ndai ma yen gaw kaning kaning re re, ndai kaw na num kaba a kasha, ya sun wang kaw e sha bungli galaw mat ai num kaba a kasha re. Dai hpe e wa bau na bainam bau ai dai kaw na jahtung dinggai a ta kaw re mat ai, ya jahtung dinggai kaw na lawt wa ai re, dai num a kasha re ngu na dai hku tsun dan re jang she hkawhkam wa mung aw dai hku nga yang gaw dai sun wang kaw bungli galaw shangun kau ai madu jan hte an 2 lu ai kasha nan nan re sai ngu na she ndai kasha yen hpe e a tsawm sha hkalum la na ndai num hpe mung bai shaga la re na she shanhte hkawhkam wang kaw e mi na hkawhkam dinghku raw re na grai pyaw na nga mat ma ai da.
Origination date 2017-03-13
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
Maji King Nang : speaker
DOI 10.26278/5fa170e246bee
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), Maji King Nang (speaker), 2017. Ja sumla kaw na num sha (Girl from a golden picture) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-1870 at
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KK1-1870-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 65.1 KB
KK1-1870-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 15.4 MB 00:16:45.720
KK1-1870-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 552 MB 00:16:45.690
3 files -- 568 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,584 translations are currently available (March 19, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Edit access Keita Kurabe
View/Download access Keita Kurabe
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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