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Title Hkawhkam kasha sanit a lam (The princess and the seven princes) with English translation
Description Translation (Rita Seng Mai)
Once upon a time, there were a king and a queen in a country. They had got seven sons. One fine morning in winter, the queen said, "I really want a daughter. I want a daughter like this beautiful rose." She said like that while she and the king were walking in the middle of the beautiful rose farms. The king said, "Then, pray to GOD. Our Mighty GOD will definitely hear your prayer. It's great for me that we have got seven sons." And he truly loved his wife too. Suddenly, the queen had a nosebleed. Then, the blood dripped right on the rose. The rose became very beautiful after covering the snow and blood. At that moment, the queen said, "I will be satisfied if I get a daughter as pretty as this rose." That night, the king had a dream. In his dream, he was told, "If you want a daughter, kill your seven sons! Then, you will have a daughter." The next morning, the king told the queen about his dream. After hearing that, the queen said, "It's up to you. But I want a daughter!" Then, the king prepared food for his sons and sent them to the island in the sea. Not long after that, the queen was pregnant. Later, she gave birth to a baby girl. The baby was very beautiful and gorgeous. When she was at the age when she could speak well, she said to her parents, "Where are my brothers? I want to go to them." Everyday, she asked for that. On the other hand, the seven brothers needed to farm. They grew cotton plants or vegetables. There was a big lake near the place where they lived. They built a house near it and grew vegetables. They lived there peacefully. Then, the king let his daughter visit there. But, the princess didn't want to go back to the palace. She said, "I will just live with my brothers." There, she made vases and put some flowers for each of her brothers everyday. One day, she saw that there were beautiful waterlilies growing in the lake near the house. So, she picked the beautiful waterlilies up to put them in the vases. But, her brothers couldn't come back home as humans because she plucked those flowers. They turned into seven white egrets and came to their sister. They said, "Our little sister, we have turned into white egrets. You made mistakes. But it's okay since this incident happened unintentionally. If you are wise enough, we can be together again. Now, you go and collect the cotton from our farm. And make clothes with that. When you get seven sets of clothes for us, we can be together." Then, they flew away. The girl really did exactly as her brothers said. She went to the farm and got the cotton. After that, she made thread and sewed clothes for each of her brothers. While she was sewing the clothes, a young king who was hunting along with the officials saw her. The king fell in love immediately. He said, "There is a gorgeous young lady. We must escort her to my palace." Then, the officials went there to escort her to the palace. But she didn't say a word. It was because her brothers told her not to speak even a word. The officials thought that she might be a witch since she didn't say a word. She took all of her cotton and the materials she needed for sewing clothes with her. When they arrived the palace, the king threw a welcoming party for her. But, she still didn't say a word. The king married her because she was very pretty. The king's mother tormented her because she thought that the girl could be a witch. Later, she was pregnant. And she gave birth to a prince. But, the king's mother put that baby somewhere outside the palace. After that, she killed a goat and applied the goat's blood on the girl's clothes, mouth and hands. When the king saw her, he thought, "What my mother said is true! She is just a witch. Kill her alive in a fire!" The servants tied her with ropes and prepared to kill her. But, she took the clothes which she was sewing for her brothers and tried to finish them. When the servants dragged her and pulled her, she just tried to bear patiently and didn't say any words too. When she finished sewing all the clothes, she shouted, "Come, my brothers! I've sewed all." Then, the seven egrets flew down to her and wore the clothes. Surprisingly, those seven egrets changed into young princes. People were shocked and said, "The queen can speak! She can speak!" The king was surprised too. He quickly walked down from his throne and hugged his wife. Then, he escorted her carefully to the palace. And people killed the king's wicked mother at the place where they intended to kill the queen at first. So, a mother shouldn't be narrow-minded. In the end, the girl could live happily with her brothers and her family because she could keep her promise.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Ya ngai gaw moi shawng de hkawhkam 2 hkawhkam jan hte hkawhkam wa yen shan 2 gaw shadang sha hkrai 7 lu mat ai da. Shaloi gaw lahpawt mi na a hkying aten hta hkawhkam jan gaw shi grai shayi sha grai ra ai ngu na shi tsun ai da. Shan gaw n shung ta ndai hkawhkam wang shinggan de sa nna shanhte nampan sun kaw e grai grai tsawm ai nampan ni hkai shakya tawn ai de sa hkawm na, ndai nampan numri pan zawn re na tsawm ai shayi sha ra ai ngu na hkawhkam jan gaw dan ngu na tsun ai da. Dan ngu tsun yang she e karai kasang jaw yang gaw lu na rai nga ai, ngu na dan ngu tsun ai da. Shaloi jang gaw karai kasang kaw hpyi u ngu na tsun ai shaloi gaw hpan wa ning sang kaw hpyi u, chye wa ning chyang kaw hpyi u ngu na dan ngu tsun she, shadang sha 7 lu tim ram sai le mung ngu da, hkawhkam wa dan ngu she, hkawhkam wa gaw shadang sha 7 lu na grai myit pyaw taw ai da, retim mung madu jan e mung grai tsawra ai da. Madu jan e mung grai tsawra re jang gaw dan nna shi gaw hpan wa ning sang chye wa ning chyang kaw hpyi u ngu na sha tsun chye ai da. Hkawhkam wa dan ngu yang gaw ndai numri pan hta she shi gaw ladi sai ma gayun wa ai da, gayun wa jang she shi makau kaw tu ai numri pan hta she shi na ladi kaw na sai she dai kaw kahte bun yang wa she ndai jahpawt na numri hte nga jang gaw grai tsawm wa ai da, grai tsawm, ndai daram tsawm ai shayi sha lu yang ngai myit dik sai ngu na shi gaw dan ngu tsun ai da, hkawhkam jan dan re jang she gai nang hpa wa ningsang kaw hpyi u ngu dan ngu she yup mang mu ai shaloi gaw hkawhkam wa e yup mang sa jaw ai da. Nang shayi sha na hkawhkam jan dai zawn re ra ai nga jang gaw ndai na shayi sha ni aw shadang sha 7 hpe nang sat kau u, shaloi jang gaw nang lu na re ngu na tsun ai da. Dan ngu yup mang mu jang gaw, dan nga gaw mu ai law, gara hku di na kun e ngu jang, na myit sha re ngai gaw dan re sha ra ai ngu na sha tsun ai da, shaloi jang she hkawhkam jan she shan gaw bawng na oh dai hkawhkam shanhte hkawhkam wang kaw na tsawm ra tsan ai shara de e ndai nawng kaba re nawng kaba mung na ai zinglawng langai de e hka panglai kata kaw zinlawng nga ai dai de she ma dai ni e she malu masha mahkra, hkum hkra sang hpaw hta htaw na she ai zinlawng de sa sa tawn da ai da. Sa sa tawn da re yang she sa sa tawn da ai kade nna re yang gaw dai jan wa ma hkum rai mat wa da, hkawhkam jan gaw mahkum rai mat wa re yang gaw, kaja wa shayi sha shangai sai da. Shangai re yang she ma dai wa mi shi ra ai nga zawn zawn re na shi ah hpraw nsam grai tsawm ai wa she lu sai da. Dai hku rai kaba wa kaba re jang gaw, loi mi chye ga shaga wa ai hte she, ah ba ni gara kaw nga ta, ah ba ni hpang de sa na, nye kahpu ni hpang de sa na, nye kahpu ba ni hpang de sa na, na kahpu ba ni nnga ai nga tim, nga ai nye hpu ni kaw ngai chye ai, nye hpu ni kaw sa sa, sa sa ngu shani shana kanu yen kawa e dan ngu chyu tsun ai da. Re jang gaw kaning n chye di na she kahpu ni kayung ni nga ai de, kahpu kayung ni gaw nawng kaw she bungli galaw sha pasi yi ni galaw, yi ni hkyen sha re na, hkyen lu hkyen sha na nga ai da. Shanhte nga ai makau kaw gaw ndai nawng kaba langai ma nga ai da. Shanhte dai kaw e nawng kaba makau kaw e nta galaw na dai kaw nga na galaw lu galaw sha na nga na she dan re nga re kaw she, dai kaw she dai kanau e sa sa jang she nwa hkraw sai da. Nye kahpu ni hte nga na ngu na dai kaw nga taw ai hpang gaw dai aten hta gaw shanhte she shani shagu kahpu ni hpe gaw ndai (pan oo) langai hpra htu tawn da ya ai da. Shani makau yan hkan na ni daw na dai kaw (pan oo) htu tawn tawn re yang she 1 ni mi na ten hta dai nawng makau kaw gaw dai kayung ni a nsoi nsa wa nam pan tai na wa langu pan tai na wa grai tsawm na pu taw ai da. Dai shaloi she dai numsha dai she dai dango pan ni kahpu ni gaw yawng yi galaw sa mat ai hpang e she shi gaw dai nampan sa daw kau jang gaw kahpu ni wa le yi hkan e nga ai ni wa yawng nta de n du wa mat sai da. Nta de n du mat na si mat ma ai dan re jang she, dan re na nga nga yang, ndai hka u hpraw wa 7 ting wa she shi makau e wa dung nna wa she ga wa shaga ai da, shawng no 1 wa magam ngu na madaw dai wa she nye kanau e nang nchye ai majaw nang shut sai, retim nang sadi dung jang gaw an nau ni rau bai lu nga na re, ya an nau ni galaw tawn da ai pasi ni, sa shaw la na ri ri na labu hte palawng yep di na an nau ni 7 na yawng lu hkra ndai gaw ah ba, ndai baw ah bawk e nga na nang yawng gu hkra lu ai shani gaw an nau ni bai hkrum na re yaw ngu na tsun da na she bai dan re na bai pyen mat ai da. U ni gaw pyen mat wa ma ai da, dai hpang shi gaw kaja wa e kahpu ni galaw da ai de na yi de na sa ai pasi ni sa shaw re na, dai hku shaw la shaw la re na rin, dan re na she (zar) htu htu, ri ri la na (zar) htu htu na kahpu ni a bu hpun palawng ni she yawng gu hkra ( ta zone ta zone) di na yawng gu hkra re, htu na hku myit na shi galaw ai shaloi she hkawhkam shadang langai mi gaw dai muk hkyu hkyu sa ai shan gap sa ai ( amat ) salang ni hte re na dan re na mung gawan sa na dan re na shinggrup hkawm ai kaw she dai hku lai ang na dai numsha dai hpe sa mu ai da. Sa mu yang she ga nde de tsawm ai wa nga nga hka, ndai kaw, wa woi la ga, lu hkra woi la ga ngu yang she lu hkra woi la ga ngu na woi la yang she, kadai sa shaga tim hkum shaga ngu na kahpu ni dai hku htet da ai da, dan na shi gaw n shaga ai da. N shaga gaw oh ra ni gaw nat num, ( amat ) ni gaw nat num shadu ai da, retim shi gaw nat num nre majaw, retim shi e woi wa na maw jang shi gaw shi a arung arai ni mahkra dai ( zar ) htu htu shi htu tawn da ai ni pasi ni shi shaw tawn da ai ni yawng la na she wa na hkawhkam hkaw e du wa tim, poi ni mung gaw galaw ya tim shi ga n shaga ai da. Ga n shaga tim, hkungran gaw hkungran gai tsawm ai majaw, bai nna hkawhkam wa a kanu re jang aw nat num re, hpa n chye shaga ai nat nu re ngu dai hku na grai zingri ai da. Shi e gaw, re yang gaw hpang e gaw dan re tim hkawhkam wa nga jang gaw kasha 1 mi ba wa ai da. Hkawhkam shadang sha langai mi ba, ma hkum re na ma bai ba wa re jang she dai ma dai e gaw oh mare shinggan de na ginlawng hku langai dai makau kaw she sa tawn kau ai da. Sa tawn kau na she shi e gaw dai bainam sat na asai ni she hkum ting galwi n gup hkan myi man hkan, shi hpun palawng hkan di na dan di na galwi ya, dan di jang she aw ndai wa gaw teng ai she rai nga ngu na hkawhkam wa myit dawdan kau na dai wa e jahkrung nat sat kau na hku she mung masha ni e n dau na hpun dang ni dang di na she nat sat na hku hkyen wa sai da. Shaloi gaw dai shi htu ai labu palawng ni mung yawng gun mat wa sai da, gun wa retim shi hpa mi nga tim hpa mung ndi dai hku na sharang, hkam sharang ai hte sadi dung dung hte dai hku na rai nga she dai shani gaw shi dai gara de sa tim dai kahpu ni a labu palawng htu da ai gaw shi hkum na shi n tat ai da, galoi mung gara de sa tim shi ntat ai dai hku gun re yang gaw dai kaw mara tim dai ni la na she dai ntsa kaw mara, shi e mung dai ntsa kaw mara, dia hpun dang ntsa kaw mara na she shi gaw shi (zar) htu htu nga dai mung htu shangut dat na she yawng ngut re jang she dai shaloi she kalang ta nye kayung ni e wa marit lo, dai ni gaw ngut sai loh ngu na shaga dat jang she dai shi e mara tawn ai hpun dang grup re na hka u ni wa dung she ndai gaw ah ba na, ndai gaw ah bawk a na ngu na ah doi a na, ah lum a ngu na ah she jang, dai hpun dat ai hte hkawhkam shadang hkrai zeng, zeng rai mat na mahkra gaw hkawhkam shadang ni wa she yawng dan re na zeng re mat ma ai da. Dan re na she ga shaga wa ai da, e hkawhkam jan ga shaga wa sai lo, ngu na she dai kaw shaga wa jang she lak hkawhkam wa mung hkawhkam hkaw kaw na she chyip she chyap re na kagat sa wa, madu jan e she sa ah hpum sa dun la na dai shara kaw gaw dai n kaja la ai hkawhkam wa a kanu hpe e dai shi kanam e nat sat maw ai dai kaw dai kaw nan bai nat sat kau ai da. Dai re majaw anhte kanu ngu ai ni gaw kade wa mi tim dai zawn re na n kaja ai ngu ai lam hku gaw nmai ai, sadi dung ra ai, dai numsha gaw sadi dung ai majaw dan re na jahtum e kayung 7 hpe ding di lu hkye la na shanhte gaw ah pyaw a ngawn sha dai mungdan hta kabu gara rai nga ma lu ma ai da.
Origination date 2017-02-09
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
L. Nang Hpang : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/5989e1595756f
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), L. Nang Hpang (speaker), 2017. Hkawhkam kasha sanit a lam (The princess and the seven princes) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-0584 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-0584-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 32.1 KB
KK1-0584-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 10.7 MB 00:11:45.672
KK1-0584-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 388 MB 00:11:45.662
3 files -- 399 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,584 translations are currently available (March 19, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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