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Title Byeng-ya gat ai tara agyi a lam (The judge) with English translation
Description Translation (Gun Mai)
The title of the story is a judge who shared wisdom. Long long ago in a village, there was a rich man who was very rich. He was a full-grown man and had a lot of money. He had gold cups and silver cups. One day, he had to go on a journey so he worried to leave his gold cups and silver cups at the house. Thus, he was thinking that whom he should entrust. And, there was an old man and the rich man thought that he could trust the old man. So, the rich man went to the old man and said that "Please keep these cups for me. I will come back soon. I will take back my cups when I back. Can I entrust my cups to you?" "It is OK, no problem. I will keep it for you. Leave it. You just go where you need to go and come back," the old man said. Then, the rich man left his properties to the old man and left for his journey. His journey lasted about four and five months. When the rich man backed, he went to the old back and asked to take back his cup but the old man did not want to give it back to the rich man as it were the gold and silver cups. The old man just did not want to give back because he really wanted to have it. So, he refused the rich man that "No, I can't give you. I think you are asking the wrong person. You think well again and ask other people." "No, grandpa, I left my cups with you here. How could that be the wrong person," the rich man said. But, the old man kept refusing so the rich man thought and went to a judge and said that "The old man concealed the truth to take my gold and silver cups. Please resolve this problem for me." The judge then said that "So, don't tell anyone about you came and told me. You just still stay silently yourself." "Yes, OK," the rich man said and was staying himself. One day, the judge went to the old man and said that "Hi mate, you are a trustworthy person in this village. I just see you as a trustworthy person. I am worried that other people will lie to me. As we were friends for a long time ago, I trust you. Can I entrust you my two boxes of gold and silver? Would it be possible?" "Yes, it is OK," the old man said. The judge said that "If so, I will ask my men to send you the day after tomorrow." "Yes, OK. Send it," the old man said. The old man thought to himself at night that. "Hmm...I think gold and silver boxes are more valueable than gold cups and silver cups. If the rich man tells the judge about this, the judge won't come and entrust me. I should take more value things." Then, the rich man went again to the judge and said that "Judge, what should I do now?" The judge then said that "OK, now you go again to the old man and ask your gold and silver cups. Tell him that you would tell me if he doesn't give you back." So, the rich man went to the old man and said that "Grandpa, I left you my cups. Think again well this time. If you don't give me back this time, I will report to the judge." "Wait wait wait... Don't go and tell the judge. I was just kidding you to know how you will react to me," the old man said and gave back to the rich man the gold and silver cups. "Don't go and tell the judge anymore. I am just kidding as we are friendly," the old man said and gave it back to the rich man. Then, the old man was waiting for the judge to come and entrust the boxes of gold and silver but since the judge did not come to him, the old man went to the judge and said that "Hi judge, don't you need to travel anymore? You said that you will come to me and leave your gold and silver boxes. That's why I was waiting for you. Don't you come and entrust to me?" The judge then said that "Gentleman, I loathe your attitude. You just want to get other's properties for free and conceal them. You are the one who wants to breathe with another person's nose. I did not have a plan to travel. I just told you because you wanted to take the gold cups and silver cups of the rich man. This time we will forgive you as we are friendly. If you do again next time, you will be punished seriously." The old man was shied and returned home.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Maumwi gabaw gaw byeng ya gat ai tara ah gyi a lam nga re. Moi shawng e da mare langai mi kaw ndai sahti langai mi nga ai shi gaw grai lu su ai. Shi gaw asak aprat naw ram ai i. Shi gaw la wa ngan rai na hku nga gumhpraw grai lu ai dai langai mi nga ai da. Shi gaw gumhpraw shi kaw gaw ndai ja gawm gumhpraw gawm ni lu da ai dai yang shi gaw hkrun lam hkawm ra sai lani mi hta shi hkrun lam hkawm ra re majaw shi gaw dai ni hpe nta kaw tawn da na hpe gaw shi gaw myit ni nzim ai i, masha ni kajam kalam di kau ya na hpe tsang ai majaw shi gaw kadai hpe ap da na i nga myit taw nga reng she, Shi gaw ndai dingla langai mi hpe i shi kam gying ai mai kam na re nga shadu na dingla langai mi hpe shi gaw sa na she ngai hpe ndai chyeju hte naw zing da ya rit. Ngai kade nna yang bai wa na dai shaloi she bai la na, mai ap da na i nga yang shi gaw mai ai mai ai she tawn da ya na she yu da ya na nang sha ah tsawm re tawn da na nang sha nang ra ai magam bungli hpe ah tsawm re na galaw na sha bai wa rit nga tsun ai. Dai she dai ohra ohra ohra la wa gaw tawn kau da na shi gaw hkrun lam hkawm mat wa sai, hkrun lam hkawm re shata mali manga dang na mat ai. Re na hpang e she bai du wa na she bai wa tsun yang she dai wa gaw dai dingla gaw ja gawm gumhpraw gawm re nga yang gaw shi gaw njaw goi mat ai. Shi jaw na matu wa n gwi mat ai i . Shi grai ra mat ai le grai ra mat na jaw kau na ra mayu ai myit wa grai rawng mat ai. Shi gaw jang ndang kau ai, jang ndang na she njaw ai nang masha shut ai she rai na re, nang kaga ni hpe she san yu sanu nang ah tsawm she myit yu nga tsun ai. Ohra langai gaw nre law ah ji nang na nang bai nang ndai kaw jaw da ai re le, kaning hku na masha shut wa ai ma, dai hku tsun yang shi gaw dai hku sha ndang taw nga yang she deng nga dai dai la wa mung myit yu na she ndai hpang e gaw gara hku tim lu na nre shi gaw ndai tara ah gyi langai mi kaw sa wa na she tara ah gyi hpe sa tsun dan ai. Shi ngai na ja gawm gumhpraw gawm ni hpe shi ip la kau sai. Ngai hpe naw ndai naw hparan ya rit nga sa tsun yang she, dai dai tara ah gyi wa mung tsun ai dan nang gaw nang nang ngai hpe sa tsun ai lam kadai hpe ma hkum tsun dan. Nang na nang ah katsi sha ngu na wa nga taw yaw nga tsun ai, e mai sa nga na wa nga taw na she,Dai ohra dai tara ah gyi wa lani mi she bai sa wa na shi gaw dai dingla wa kaw sa tsun ai. E jinghku wa e nang gaw kam gying ai. Ndai mare kaw na kam gying ai gaw nang hpe sa mu ai law. Kaga ngam ai ni hpe gaw kajam kalam di kau ya na tsang ai. Nang hpe nga yang gaw moi kaw na anhte ni hkau ai re nga jang gaw nang hpe kam ai. Ngai hpe ndai ngai na gumhpraw ja sadek gumhpraw sadek ndai sadek lahkawng nang hpe sa jaw da na. Mai na kun nga, dai jang e e e mai ai le mai ai le, e dan jang ngai nang hpe hpawt din ni sa sa shangun ndai ya ngai na ma ni hpe sa sa shangun na yaw . E e mai ai mai ai sa sa u ngu shi gaw shana myi ai. Oi ndai ja gawm gumhpraw gawm hta nga yang gaw ohra ja sadek ohra gumhpraw sadek nga yang dai grau law nga deng yang dai wa i ohra lamana ohra la wa sa tsun kau yang gaw shi ngai hpe nkam na nsa tawn mat yang grau law ai hpe madaw she la na re nga na she hpang e dai ohra ohra shawng na sahti la wa gaw ndai tara ah gyi wa kaw bai sa sai. Tara ah gyi wa kaw sa na tara ah gyi wa ya gara hku di ra na rai nga, e rai sai ya nang sa u, ya nang shi kaw bai sa hpyi u, ngai na ja gawm gumhpraw gawm jaw rit ngu tsun nu. Nang njaw yang ngai tara ah gyi hpe tsun na ngu tsun u. Ohra gaw sa wa na she bai sa tsun e ngai na gumhpraw ah ji ah tsawm myit yu ngai nang hpe jaw tawn da ai nang ndai lang ngai hpe njaw yang gaw ngai tara ah gyi wa kaw sa tai sa tsun sa na nga tsun na she, E e e e e dai tara ah gyi wa hpe gaw hkum sa tsun ngai nang hpe majoi shatu chyai ai she re goi nang kade ram wa rai wa na kun ngu na she nga na shi gaw bai jaw ai i. Nang shi hpe ma hkum sa tsun sa nu ngai nang hpe majoi mi shatu chyai ai she re anhte shada da re na nga na bai shaw jaw dat ai da. Hpang shi gaw dai dingla dai gaw tara ah gyi wa ohra sa ap na hpe la taw nga la taw nga nsa jaw nsa jaw nsa jaw re yang hpang e she dai dingla dai gaw tara ah gyi wa kaw sa na she koi tara ah gyi wa nang gaw nang hkrun lam n hkawm sai i?Nang sa ap da na nga na ngai gaw la she la le. Nang gaw nsa tsawn sai i, nga tsun yang she hkau myitsu wa e nang gaw i ngai gaw i nang na myit hpe grai yu matsat ai nga tsun ai. Nang grai yu matsat ai nang gaw dan re masha ni na ah rung ah rai hpe nang gaw kaman lila kaw na dan re ip sha mayu ai. Masha ni na ladi hku hte nsa sa mayu ai gaw nang she rai nga ai. Ngai hkawm ma hkawm na ma nmyit ai. Hto ra sahti wa na nang ja gawm gumhpraw gawm hpe nang ip la hkyen ai nang gaw ndai kalang gaw nang hpe anhte shada da rai na chye na kau ya sa na. Hpang kalang nang bai galaw yang gaw nang nang na ah ri gaw nang nloi ai hkam la ra na re yaw nga na sadi jaw dat ai da. Dai na she ohra dingla wa mung gaya ai hte dingla masha kaba nsi si le i dan re gaya hkrum ai hte na bai wa mat ai da.
Origination date 2017-01-29
Origination date free form
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
N. Htu Bu : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/598892b84c975
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), N. Htu Bu (speaker), 2017. Byeng-ya gat ai tara agyi a lam (The judge) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-0266 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-0266-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 29.1 KB
KK1-0266-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 4.33 MB 00:04:44.500
KK1-0266-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 157 MB 00:04:44.483
3 files -- 161 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,584 translations are currently available (March 19, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Keita Kurabe
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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