Item details
Item ID
Title Iatmul Dictionary
Description Part 1 is an alphabetically arranged Iatmul-English dictionary, with part of speech and, for nouns, the semantic domain indicated. Part 2 lists the nouns sorted by semantic domain. Total length is 43 pages.
Origination date
Origination date free form 31/12/2007
Archive link
Gerd Jendraschek
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Region / village Korogo
Originating university Universität Regensburg
Data Categories lexicon
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Discourse type
DOI 10.26278/5bc89ffd43a00
Cite as Gerd Jendraschek (collector). Iatmul Dictionary. PDF/RTF. GJ1-dictionary at
Content Files (2)
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GJ1-dictionary-01.pdf application/pdf 3.08 MB
GJ1-dictionary-01.rtf text/rtf 8.62 MB
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Collection Information
Collection ID GJ1
Collection title Iatmul recordings by Gerd Jendraschek
Description Stories recorded during fieldwork among Iatmul (Ndu,Papuan) in East Sepik Province, PNG, in 2008. The stories have been told by children and adolescents for whom Iatmul L2 and illustrate obsolescence phenomena.

Related publications:
• 2016. ‘The zero-marked switch-reference system of the Papuan language Iatmul’. Gijn, Rik van & Hammond, Jeremy (eds.), Switch Reference 2.0. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins (TSL 114); 231-252.
• 2015. ‘Iatmul’. Grandi, Nicola & Körtvélyessy, Lívia (eds.), Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 408-415.
• 2014. ‘Future tense, prospective aspect, and irrealis mood as part of the situation perspective: Insights from Basque, Turkish, and Papuan’. De Brabanter, Philippe & Kissine, Mikhail & Sharifzadeh, Saghie (eds.), Future times, future tenses. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Oxford Studies of Time in Language and Thought); 138-164.
• 2011. ‘Questions on transitivity: Iatmul and beyond’. Kratochvíl, František & Coupe, Alexander & LaPolla, Randy J. (eds.), Studies in transitivity. Insights from language documentation. Special issue of Studies in Language 35.3: 555-587.
• 2009. ‘Clause linkage in a language without coordination: the adjoined clause in Iatmul’. Helmbrecht, Johannes & Nishina, Yoko & Shin, Yong-Min & Skopeteas, Stavros & Verhoeven, Elisabeth (eds.), Form and Function in Language Research. Papers in Honour of Christian Lehmann. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 139-150.
• 2009. ‘Origin and development of the Iatmul focus construction: Subordination, desubordination, resubordination’. Folia Linguistica 43.2: 345-390.
• 2009. ‘Switch-reference constructions in Iatmul: Forms, functions, and development’. Lingua 119: 1316-1339.

Postdoctoral thesis (German: Habilitationsschrift):
• 2012. University of Regensburg (Germany): ‘A grammar of Iatmul’. Referees: Geoffrey Haig, Johannes Helmbrecht, Ulrike Mosel.

Funding (as part of):
• La Trobe University, Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Research Centre for Linguistic Diversity (now: Centre for Research on Language Diversity), 1 March 2005 – 28 February 2008
• Charles La Trobe Research Fellowship, 1 June 2008 – 25 September 2009

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Access Information
Edit access Ilenia Tonetti
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