Item details
Item ID
Title Interview with Bubnuchan Rara about cultural topics
Description Six short texts recorded in Oringi, including cultural knowledge surrounding marriage, death, birth, cultivation, livelihood, and the Pusp festival.
Origination date 2012-03-01
Origination date free form
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Gregory Anderson
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Gta'
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Dialect Plains Gta'
Region / village South Asia
Originating university
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Bubnuchan Rara : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/58c2bf7aa542a
Cite as Gregory Anderson (collector), Bubnuchan Rara (speaker), 2012. Interview with Bubnuchan Rara about cultural topics. EAF+XML/MPEG/MP4/MXF/VND.WAV/WEBM. GA1-Bubnuchan1 at
Content Files (35)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
GA1-Bubnuchan1-01.eaf application/eaf+xml 200 KB
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GA1-Bubnuchan1-01.mxf application/mxf 3.16 GB
GA1-Bubnuchan1-01.wav audio/vnd.wav 102 MB 00:03:04.346
GA1-Bubnuchan1-01.webm video/webm 226 MB 00:03:06.300
GA1-Bubnuchan1-02.eaf application/eaf+xml 98.2 KB
GA1-Bubnuchan1-02.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.39 MB 00:01:30.957
GA1-Bubnuchan1-02.mp4 video/mp4 87.9 MB 00:01:20.900
GA1-Bubnuchan1-02.mxf application/mxf 1.37 GB
GA1-Bubnuchan1-02.wav audio/vnd.wav 50.2 MB 00:01:30.932
GA1-Bubnuchan1-02.webm video/webm 98.1 MB 00:01:20.868
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GA1-Bubnuchan1-04.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.14 MB 00:02:20.433
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GA1-Bubnuchan1-05.eaf application/eaf+xml 75.2 KB
25 files -- 8.37 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 35

Collection Information
Collection ID GA1
Collection title Gta' Language Recordings
Description Language documentation materials: audio and video files of words, phrases, and oral texts in Gta' (also known as Gata', Didey, Didayi, Didei, Dire, Gataq, Geta’, Getaq, Gta Asa) with accompanying ELAN annotations. Collected, annotated and transcribed by Gregory D. S. Anderson and Opino Gomango. Archived by Anna Luisa Daigneault for Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages, with digital assistance from Kristen Wenz, Keith Burgelin, Katie Li and Aliya Slayton. This project was in part made possible by Grant Award PD 50025-13 from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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