Item details
Item ID
Title Edddie Gim and Nancy Nabog 50 German Pictures
Description Eddie Gim (eg) and Nancy Nabog (nn), who are father and daughter, describe 50 pictures of German people, buildings and locations. The pictures are from Terrell, Tschirner, and Nikolai, 2005, Picture File to accompany Kontakte: A Communicative Approach, 5th edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (ISBN: 9780072879759). This is a supplement to a German textbook. Some of the pictures have kinds of people and things that are familiar and relatable to the speakers, but many have things that are new, interesting or even confusing to the speakers. Audio tracks with _f indicate audio from frontal camera, tracks with _speaker initials indicate head mounted microphone tracks, video and audio captures with _oh indicate overhead camera.
Origination date 2023-09-12
Origination date free form
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Danielle Barth
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Language as given
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Region / village Oceania
Originating university Australian National University
Operator Julia Colleen Miller
Data Categories primary text
Data Types
Discourse type
Roles Eddie Gim : speaker
Nancy Nabog : speaker
DOI 10.26278/5ea1bdcbac95c
Cite as Danielle Barth (collector), Eddie Gim (speaker), Nancy Nabog (speaker), 2023. Edddie Gim and Nancy Nabog 50 German Pictures. MPEG/VND.WAV/MP4/MXF. DGB1-50pics22 at
Content Files (10)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn_eg.mp3 audio/mpeg 34 MB 00:37:10.739
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn_eg.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.2 GB 00:37:10.699
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn_nn.mp3 audio/mpeg 34 MB 00:37:10.739
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn_nn.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.2 GB 00:37:10.699
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn_o.mp4 video/mp4 516 MB 00:37:24.889
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn_o.mxf application/mxf 59.3 GB
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn.mp3 audio/mpeg 34 MB 00:37:10.739
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn.mp4 video/mp4 1.27 GB 00:37:10.760
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn.mxf application/mxf 83.1 GB
DGB1-50pics22-eg_nn.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.2 GB 00:37:10.699
10 files -- 148 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 10

Collection Information
Collection ID DGB1
Collection title Matukar Panau Language Documentation
Description Recordings collected during 2010-2020 for language documentation. Includes traditional stories, descriptions of traditional practices, family stories, songs, myths and procedural texts including narration of videos of typical village activities.
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