Item details
Item ID
Title Taveuni
Description Side A -- Duration: 5 mins 23 secs. Title/First Line: Sogotio I Vale Ni Yaya. Genre: Vakamalolo. Voice: Mfgp. Instruments: Lali, Hand Clapping. Comments: None. -- Duration: 3 mins 38 secs. Title/First Line: Meke I Noa. Genre: Vakamalolo. Voice: Mfgp. Instruments: Lali, Hand Clapping. Comments: None. -- Duration: 4 mins 51 secs. Title/First Line: Kida Ni Mataka. Genre: Vakamalolo. Voice: Mfgp. Instruments: Lali, Hand Clapping. Comments: None. -- Duration: 1 min 47 secs. Title/First Line: Meke Ni Baravi. Genre: Vakalutuivoce. Voice: M2. Instruments: None. Comments: None. -- Duration: 3 mins 34 secs. Title/First Line: Au Davo Oto Ni Sana Yakavi. Genre: Vuvu. Voice: Mfgp. Instruments: Lali, Hand Clapping. Comments: No dance on this occasion, but probably intended for a vakamalolo. -- Duration: 3 mins 46 secs. Title/First Line: Au Davo Oto Ni Sana Yakavi. Genre: Polutu. Voice: Mfgp. Instruments: Spoons. Comments: None. -- Side B -- Duration: 2 mins 53 secs. Title/First Line: Tou Mai Laveta. Genre: Sere Ni Cumu. Voice: Mfgp. Instruments: Hand Clapping. Comments: False start. A guitarist strummed along with song also. -- Duration: 1 min 57 secs. Title/First Line: Meda Mai Taua Tale. Genre: Taralala. Voice: Mfgp. Instruments: 2 Guitar, Hand Clapping. Comments: None. -- Duration: 2 mins 24 secs. Title/First Line: Chulu Chulu. Genre: Taralala. Voice: Mgp. Instruments: 2 Guitar, Ukelele, Hand Clapping, Spoons. Comments: Couples in lines linked by arm to waist hold. -- Duration: 2 mins 24 secs. Title/First Line: Sili I Wai Na Me. Genre: Tuiboto. Voice: Mgp. Instruments: 2 Guitar, Ukelele, Hand Clapping, Spoons. Comments: Conga-style snake dance. -- Duration: 4 mins 1 sec. Title/First Line: Ni Rogoca Mada. Genre: Sere Ni Cumu. Voice: Mgp. Instruments: 2 Guitar, Ukelele. Comments: Items 5-8 sung by male group sitting on veranda drinkning grog (after dark). Some talking and guitar strumming between items 5 and 6. -- Duration: 2 mins 54 secs. Title/First Line: Au Bau Via Talanoata's. Genre: Sere Ni Cumu. Voice: Mgp. Instruments: 2 Guitars, Ukelele. Comments: None. -- Duration: 3 mins 17 sec. Title/First Line: Ni Rogoca Mada. Genre: Sere Ni Cumu. Voice: Mgp. Instruments: 2 Guitars, Ukelele. Comments: Same title as item 5 but different song (No. 5 is a love song; No. 7 is a song about Easter). -- Duration: 3 mins 21 secs. Title/First Line: Isalei Karua. Genre: Sere Ni Cumu. Voice: Mgp. Instruments: 2 Guitars, Ukelele. Comments: Tape ran out towards end of song.; Item contains instrumental music.
Origination date 1986-01-01
Origination date free form
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David Goldsworthy
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Fijian
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village Naselesele (Raikivi), Taveuni
Map No map data given - please add.
Originating university University of New England
Operator Frank Davey
Data Categories instrumental music
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles David Goldsworthy : researcher
DOI 10.4225/72/56F15E1F9180C
Cite as David Goldsworthy (collector), David Goldsworthy (researcher), 1986. Taveuni. MPEG/VND.WAV. DG4-F861314 at
Content Files (4)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
DG4-F861314-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 22.1 MB 00:24:07.720
DG4-F861314-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 797 MB 00:24:10.990
DG4-F861314-B.mp3 audio/mpeg 22.8 MB 00:24:51.640
DG4-F861314-B.wav audio/vnd.wav 821 MB 00:24:55.9
4 files -- 1.62 GB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID DG4
Collection title Fijian music (Taveuni and Kadavu)
Description Audio recordings of music and song in Fiji from a wide variety of genre. Some with descriptions and explanations. Ranges from traditional performance, to children's songs and modern Fijian pop. Languages recorded include English and Fijian (Fiji, Standard Fijian, Eastern Fijian, Nadroga, Naadronga).
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Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Marc Beaulieu
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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