Item details
Item ID
Title "Footloose in Papua" (Papua General Tape 3A) - interviews
Description Loose insert (1 info and script - 13 pages). Footloose in Papua: Music and Effects. THEME (1st Cut) Kerepuna Dance and drums. CUT 1: Motuan Dance. CUT 2: Mekeo dance. CUT 3: Rigo dance (Gaile Kitoro) CUT 4: Not available CUT 5: Not available CUT 6: Old men discussing bride price CUT 7: Mr Robert's talk CUT 8: Men discussing Hiri CUT 9: Men singing as they lash the hulls of the lakatois together. CUT 10: Lakatoi song accompanied by bamboo drum CUT 11 Village girls dancing on the Lakatoi CUT12: Feast for the distribution of the sago. CUT 13: Yam carriers' song - Trobriand Islands CUT 14: Garden music, first stage - Trobraind Islands CUT 15: Garden music, second stage -Trobriand Islands CUT 16: Pan Pipes fertility rite CUT 17: Talk by Mr. Williamson CUT 18: Interview with Father Bachelier CUT 19: Singing and conversation with Fuyuge sisters CUT 20: Jane Timlock - Ken Slater (ecologist) and the taipan CUT 21: St. Paul's choir THEME Kerepuna dance and drums. No copy of script in series 7 - only in box
Origination date 1966-01-01
Origination date free form 1949-1966
Archive link Item not owned by Paradisec
Susan Cochrane
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Originating university University of Wollongong
Data Categories historical text
instrumental music
Data Types Sound
Discourse type report
DOI 10.4225/72/56F00D2C9AC5A
Cite as Susan Cochrane (collector), 1966. "Footloose in Papua" (Papua General Tape 3A) - interviews. D160_5-057 at
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Collection Information
Collection ID D160_5
Collection title Audio and songs from Papua New Guinea and Samoa
Description Audio recordings from Papua New Guinea and Samoa. Areas and languages include Mekeo, Manus, Motu, Sepik, Mila Mila, Manam, Mambu also Pidgin and Samoan. Data includes songs, radio recordings, music, and interviews.
Files held in University of Wollongong Archives:
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Data access narrative "Access Conditions: Available for reference. Contact University of Wollongong Archives in advance to arrange access""Access Conditions: Available for reference. Contact University of Wollongong Archives in advance to arrange access"
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