Item details
Item ID
Title Drehu version of the North Wind and the Sun
Description Reading of the story
Origination date 2018-04-01
Origination date free form
Archive link
Catalina Torres Orjuela
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Drehu
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Drehu
Region / village Oceania
Originating university University of Melbourne
Operator Tina Gregor
Data Categories typological analysis
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Thoan Thomadra : translator
DOI 10.26278/D73Q-DJ34
Cite as Catalina Torres Orjuela (collector), Thoan Thomadra (translator), 2018. Drehu version of the North Wind and the Sun. MPEG/VND.WAV. CT1-LeuMeJo_Read at
Content Files (26)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-ALSA_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 652 KB 00:00:41.673
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-ALSA_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 23.1 MB 00:00:41.651
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-DOLA_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 888 KB 00:00:56.694
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-DOLA_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 31.4 MB 00:00:56.670
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-ELCO_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 662 KB 00:00:42.299
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-ELCO_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 23.5 MB 00:00:42.286
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-FIWA_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 954 KB 00:01:01.3
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-FIWA_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 33.7 MB 00:01:00.978
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-HEKA_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 936 KB 00:00:59.854
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-HEKA_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 33.1 MB 00:00:59.819
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-HMWE_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 842 KB 00:00:53.768
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-HMWE_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 29.8 MB 00:00:53.740
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-JEHA_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 738 KB 00:00:47.81
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-JEHA_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 26.1 MB 00:00:47.64
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-JETH_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 606 KB 00:00:38.643
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-JETH_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 21.5 MB 00:00:38.625
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-JOHN_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 942 KB 00:01:00.194
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-JOHN_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 33.3 MB 00:01:00.159
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-OLHU_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 750 KB 00:00:47.863
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-OLHU_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 26.5 MB 00:00:47.841
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-RATR_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 672 KB 00:00:42.901
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-RATR_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 23.8 MB 00:00:42.880
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-THHM_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 760 KB 00:00:48.570
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-THHM_Dr_LmJ.wav audio/vnd.wav 26.9 MB 00:00:48.539
CT1-LeuMeJo_Read-XEHN_Dr_LmJ.mp3 audio/mpeg 614 KB 00:00:39.192
25 files -- 343 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 26

Collection Information
Collection ID CT1
Collection title Recordings of Lifou French and Drehu
Description Recordings of bilingual speakers of Lifou French and Drehu. The recording sessions were in Wé in the offices of the aire cotumière and the Lycée polyvalent des îles Williama Haudra. Speakers from all three districts were recorded (Wetr, Gaica, Lösi).
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Catalina Torres Orjuela
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Data access conditions Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Data access narrative The items in this collection are closed until end of 2025. For more information, please contact the depositor.
RO-Crate Metadata

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