Item details
Item ID
Title Vurës
Description Traditional story about a rat and a crab. One of the two has been stealing crops from the garden and to find out which it is the people burn the garden with coconut leaves. The crab dies and the rat lives. Transcribed, translated, time-aligned and glossed.
Origination date 2004-12-04
Origination date free form
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Catriona Malau
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Vurës
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village Kẽrẽbẽtia
Originating university La Trobe University
Operator Catriona Malau
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Catriona Hyslop : recorder
Amelton : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/56ED725409D88
Cite as Catriona Malau (collector), Catriona Hyslop (recorder), Amelton (speaker), 2004. Vurës. MPEG/XML/PLAIN/VND.WAV. CH1-200401AGG at
Content Files (4)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
CH1-200401AGG-01.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.79 MB 00:03:02.653
CH1-200401AGG-01.trs application/xml 3.23 KB
CH1-200401AGG-01.txt text/plain 18.9 KB
CH1-200401AGG-01.wav audio/vnd.wav 31 MB 00:03:03.7
4 files -- 33.8 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 4

Collection Information
Collection ID CH1
Collection title Mosina (Mosin) (Vanuatu)
Description Collection of 11 audio tapes and 4 MDs containing recordings of various Vurës speakers. Most of these recordings have a transcript, and many are also time-aligned in Transcriber and glossed in Toolbox with English and Bislama translations.
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Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Catriona Hyslop
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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RO-Crate Metadata

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