Item details
Item ID
Title Vurës
Description 4A DHN 05:35 10.07.02 Kathy Doris Vētuboso Traditional story about a pigeon and a hawk. The two decide to race from Gaua, a neighbouring island, to a hill on Vanua Lava. Whoever wins will have the hill named after them. The hawk flies up high and has to battle against strong winds. The pigeon flies near the surface of the sea where there is no wind, and so wins the race. The hill is now called Tōw gere qon (qon 'pigeon'). -- 4A ESP 14:21 08.07.02 Eli Field Malau Vutvut Vētuboso Traditional history explaining where pigs on Vanua Lava came from. They were originally rats, but a poor orphan was shown by a spirit how he could feed them, so that they would grow and he could then gain status. -- 4A JWM 02:09 08.07.02 Joana Rōsōrōr Söm Malau Vētuboso Procedural text describing how to weave a pandanas mat. -- 4A KBN 03:51 10.07.02 Kali Rēgōrlē Malau Vētuboso (Laln̄evut) Procedural text describing how to weave a basket used as a trap for catching freshwater prawns. -- 4B CAA 15:16 13.07.02 Doran Rörösōq, Joana Rōsōrōr Söm Malau, Noris Meneg Qiat, Emely Rēlin̄veg Qiat Vētuboso Conversation about Angelina who goes to Mota. -- 4B DDP 07:45 11.07.02 Doran Rörösōq Vētuboso Narrative about using dogs for hunting. Describes the procedure for training dogs. -- All transcribed, time-aligned, translated and glossed. (Except CAA not glossed.)
Origination date 2002-07-13
Origination date free form 2002-07-08 - 13
Archive link
Catriona Malau
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Vurës
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village Vētuboso
Originating university La Trobe University
Operator Catriona Malau
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Catriona Hyslop : recorder
Noris Meneg Qiat : speaker
Doran Rörösōq : speaker
Kathy Doris : speaker
Eli Field Malau Vutvut : speaker
Kali Regorle Malau : speaker
Joana Rōsōrōr Söm Malau : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/56ED7214E7C94
Cite as Catriona Malau (collector), Catriona Hyslop (recorder), Noris Meneg Qiat (speaker), Doran Rörösōq (speaker), Kathy Doris (speaker), Eli Field Malau Vutvut (speaker), Kali Regorle Malau (speaker), Joana Rōsōrōr Söm Malau (speaker), 2002. Vurës. MPEG/XML/VND.WAV/PLAIN. CH1-200204 at
Content Files (12)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
CH1-200204-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 24.6 MB 00:26:49.339
CH1-200204-A.trs application/xml 27.2 KB
CH1-200204-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 886 MB 00:26:52.990
CH1-200204-ADHN.txt text/plain 27.2 KB
CH1-200204-AESP.txt text/plain 122 KB
CH1-200204-AJWM.txt text/plain 12.2 KB
CH1-200204-AKBN.txt text/plain 18.7 KB
CH1-200204-B.mp3 audio/mpeg 21.9 MB 00:23:54.720
CH1-200204-B.trs application/xml 28.1 KB
CH1-200204-B.wav audio/vnd.wav 790 MB 00:23:57.970
CH1-200204-BCAA.txt text/plain 29 KB
CH1-200204-BDDP.txt text/plain 50.2 KB
12 files -- 1.68 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 12

Collection Information
Collection ID CH1
Collection title Mosina (Mosin) (Vanuatu)
Description Collection of 11 audio tapes and 4 MDs containing recordings of various Vurës speakers. Most of these recordings have a transcript, and many are also time-aligned in Transcriber and glossed in Toolbox with English and Bislama translations.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Catriona Hyslop
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative
RO-Crate Metadata

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